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    SNMP::Util - Snmp modules to perform snmp set,get,walk,next,walk_hash etc.

    `use SNMP::Util;'

    ## Documentation (POD) =head1 NAME

     Perl SNMP utilities - SNMP::Util - Version 1.8

    This Perl library is a set of utilities for configuring and monitoring SNMP based devices. This library requires
    the UCD port of SNMP and the module writted by Joe Marzot.

    1.0 Initial Release
    1.1 Fixed Manifest File
    1.2 Added get_hash / walk_hash now calls walk / Modified output in poll_value
    1.3 Added use strict to library and fixed some bugs with my vars
    1.4 Fixed code to elminate perl warning
    1.5 Changed all mapInt functions to mapEnum - (support for mapInt not in 
        Joe Marzot's version 1.8).
    1.6 Updated docs html and text
    1.7 Includes patches from Charles Anderson
    1.8 Includes patches from tyoshida
Software requirements
    The following applications need to be built and installed before running the SNMP::Util application.

        ucd-snmp-3.5 - ftp:://
        SNMP-1.8 -

Summary of functions
     get - snmpget and return formatted array
     get_hash - snmpget and return hash
     get_set_restore - get value, set new range of values and restore value
     next - snmpnext and return formatted array
     ping_check - get uptime and return 1 if reachable
     ping_check_exit - get uptime and exit if not reachable
     poll_device - poll a device until it becomes reachable
     poll_devices - poll several devices until they becomes reachable
     poll_value - snmpget in a loop until variable reaches desired state
     set - snmpset and return
     set_get - snmpset followed by get and check 
     walk - snmpwalk and return formatted array
     walk_hash - snmpwalk and return hash ($hash->{mibname}{index} = value)

Creation on the SNMP::Util object
    You must first do a use statement to pull in the library. Then the snmp object can be created.

     use lib "put lib path here" 
     use SNMP::Util;

     The SNMP::Util object is created as follows:

     $snmp = new SNMP::Util(-device => $IP,
                           -community => $community, 
                           -timeout => 5,             
                           -retry => 0,             
                           -poll => 'on',            
                           -poll_timeout => 5,        
                           -verbose => 'off',         
                           -errmode => 'return',    
                           -delimiter => ' ', 
     community = snmp community string
     timeout = snmp timeout in seconds (You may also use sub second values ie 0.5)
     retry = number of snmp retries on timeouts
     poll = poll the unreachable device after number of retries reached and then retry again
     poll timeout = poll timeout in minutes default = 5 minutes
     verbose = controls the output of the snmp low level library
     errmode = error mode ('return' on error or 'die' on error) default = return
     delimeter = specifies the character to use between octets when getting octet-strings
     Note: Delimiter can also be set by using the setting the Global variable as follows:
           $SNMP::Util::Delimiter = '-'

  Creating and using multiple objects

    First populate an array of IP addresses:

     @IP_array = ('','','','')
     foreach $IP (@IP_array){

        $snmp->{$IP} = new SNMP::Util(-device => $IP,
                          -community => $community, 
                          -timeout => 5,             
                          -retry => 0,               
                          -poll => 'on',          
                          -delimiter => ' ', 

     #Now get the uptime for each switch
     foreach $IP (@IP_array){
         $uptime = $snmp->{$IP}->get('v','sysUpTime.0')
         print "Uptime for $IP = $uptime\n"

How to use the object for a simple snmpget
       $uptime = $snmp->get('v','sysUpTime.0')
                 where 'v', is the format of the output (v = value)
                 and $uptime contains the system uptime in 10ths of seconds

MIB Loading
    The SNMP::Util module loads the mib using the module by using the following statements.

     use SNMP::Util_env
     # Initialize mib
     You must update the file or simply set up these environment
     variables and the file will not override them.
     The environment variables are as follows:

     $ENV{'MIBDIRS'} = '/usr/local/lib/snmp/mibs' 
     $ENV{'MIBFILES'} = '/ats/data/mibs/rfc1850.mib:
     You can specify whatever MIBS you would like to load.

Error Handling method
    All error handling is done through the error handling method (error). The error message can be obtained by using
    the method (errmsg) The detailed error message can be obtained by using the method (errmsg_detail) This error
    method returns a boolean result to indicate if an error ocurred


        if ($snmp->error){
            $error = $snmp->errmsg;
            $error_detail = $snmp->errmsg_detail;
            print "snmp error = $error\n";
            print "snmp error detail = $error_detail\n";

Print Output Logging
    The printing of output is controlled by the logging routine. the amount of output is configured by setting the
    MAX_LOG_LEVEL environment variable. There are four levels of output logging: (none,status,fail,debug). You may
    also set the logging using the global variable Max_log_level.

     none = print  no output (use errmsg only for errors)
     status = print general status information
     fail = print general status and failures
     debug = print general status, failures, and debug information
     You can set the environment variable in your environment or inside the 
     program using the following format:
        $env{'MAX_LOG_LEVEL'} = 'debug'

        or using the global 
        $SNMP::Util::Max_log_level = 'debug'

     Example Output from Logging:

        get (noSuchName) There is no such variable name in this MIB.
        snmpget public
        snmpget public ifIndex.1 ifAdminStatus.1
        snmp error index = 1
        Note: error index = the index of the var bind that failed

Formatting SNMP output (get, next, walk)
    The SNMP utilities have a formatting function which will format the return values which are most cases an array.

     The format options are specified as strings as follows:
     print " format string = oOnNtvei\n"
     print " o = oid with index\n"
     print " O = oid without index\n"
     print " n = name with index\n"
     print " N = name without index\n"
     print " t = type\n"
     print " v = value\n" 
     print " e = enumeration\n"
     print " i = instance of the mib variable\n\n"
     Note: enumerations apply to integers and timeticks.  It will convert integer values
     to enumerations and it will convert timeticks to days,hours,minutes,seconds.
     example usage:
     @result = $snmp->get('nve','sysUptime.0')
     $result[0] = sysUptime.0
     $result[1] = 13392330
     $result[2] = 1 days, 13:12:03
     Note: Any format can be used for the (get,walk,next routines)
           Only 'e' or 'v' is needed in the walk_hash routine.

    This formatting was designed to allow the user to format the output in whatever format they need for there
    application. You may want to use the 'v' option when comparing timetick values, but you may want to use the 'e'
    option for the human readable display.

    The snmpget routine may be equated to an array if the formatting has more than one value or it may be equated to a
    scalar value if the formatting has only one value. It must be equated to an array if the snmpget is a multi var

Input Formatting
    The input supplied to the SNMP functions is designed to be very flexible and allows the user to use shortcuts to
    apply instances to variables.

  Input formatting options for the get,next,walk

    Simple format name.instance or oid.instance


    Shortcut format instance up front (no instance in mib name or oid


    Long format name,instance,name,instance etc of oid,instance,oid,instance etc


    You may also set up an array for any of the above formats and pass the array into the get function as follows:

     @oids = ('ifIndex.1','ifAdminStatus.1','ifOperStatus.1')

    Hash like format name => instance or oid => instance

     $interface = 1
               ifIndex => $interface,
               ifAdminStatus => $interface,
               ifOperStatus => $interface,
               ifSpeed => $interface,

               index => $interface,

    Calling get with dashed options

     @result = $snmp->get(
                         -format => 'ne',
                         -oids => [
                                   ifIndex => $interface,
                                   ifAdminStatus => $interface,
                                   ifOperStatus => $interface,
                                   ifSpeed => $interface,
     @oids = ('ifIndex.1','ifAdminStatus.1','ifOperStatus.1')
     @result = $snmp->get(
                         -format => 'ne',
                         -oids => \@oids,
    Note: When using the dashed option format, you must pass the array by reference as shown 
    =head2 Input formats for the set routine

    Simple format name.instance,value or oid.instance,value


    Shortcut format instance up front (no instance in mib name or oid


    Long format name,instance,value or oid,instance,value

    You may also set up an array for any of the above formats and pass the array into the
    get method as follows:
     @oids = ('ifAdminStatus.1','up')

    Hash like format

               "ifAdminStatus.$interface" => 'up',

               index => $interface,
               "ifAdminStatus" => 'up',

    =head1 SNMP Method summary


    The get will do a snmpget and return an array specified by the format statement.

     Usage: @result = $snmp->get('ne','ifAdminStatus.1')
            $result[0] = ifAdminStatus.1
            $result[1] = 'up'

            $result = $snmp->get('e','ifAdminStatus.1')
            Note: As shown above, the result is a scalar if only one value is returned


    This method will do an snmpget and return a hash. The format for the hash is (value = $hash->{mibname}{index}).

     example: $hash = $snmp->get_hash('ne','ifIndex.1','ifIndex.2',

     $hash->{ifIndex}{1} = 1
     $hash->{ifIndex}{2} = 2
     $hash->{ifOperStatus}{1} = up
     $hash->{ifOperStatus}{2} = up

     Note: Valid format statements for get_hash are 'ne' or 'nv'
    =head2 get_set_restore

    The get_set_restore will get the variable, set it to a range and restore the value

     Usage:  @result = $snmp->get_set_restore('1..10','ifAdminStatus.1');
             where the value '1..10' is the range of values

     Note: The range is specified using .. for ranges and , for individual values. 


    The next will do a snmpnext and return an array specified by the format statement.

     Usage:  @result = $snmp->next('ne','ifAdminStatus.1')
            $result[0] = ifAdminStatus.2
            $result[1] = 'up'

            $result = $snmp->next('e','ifAdminStatus.1')
            Note: As shown above, the result is a scalar if only one value is returned
    =head2 ping_check

    The ping_check will do a snmpget of uptime and return 1 if device is alive


    The ping_check will do a snmpget of uptime and exit if not alive


    The poll_device will loop on the snmpget of uptime command until the device is reachable. The loop will exit once
    the poll_timeout time is reached (default = 5 minutes).


    The poll_devices will do a snmpget of uptime on several devices until the device are reachable. The loop will exit
    once the poll_timeout time is reached (default = 5 minutes).

     where @IP_array = array of IP addresses


    The poll value method will poll a mib variable until it reaches that state and returns the amount of time it took
    to reach that state

     Usage: $snmp->poll_value(-oid => "ifAdminStatus.$interface",
                             -state => 'up',
                             -timeout => 120,
                             -montime => 5,
                             -delay   => 1)

     $snmp->poll_value(-oid     => "",
                      -instance => $interface,
                      -state => 'up',
                      -timeout => 120,
                      -montime => 5,
                      -delay   => 1)


     use a array ref if you want the polling to stop when the result 
     matches more than one value

     $snmp->poll_value(-oid     => "",
                      -instance => $interface,
                      -state => ['up','down']
                      -timeout => 120,
                      -montime => 5,
                      -delay   => 1)

     Note: You must use the instance when using oids.


    The set will set a group of variables and return 1 if passed

     Usage:  @result = $snmp->set(
                                 index => 1,
                                 ifAdminStatus => 'up',


    The set_get will set a group of variables,get,check and return 1 if passed

     Usage:  @result = $snmp->set(
                                 index => 1,
                                 ifAdminStatus => 'up',


    The walk will do a snmpwalk and return an array specified by the format statement. It also has a special print
    option to print out each loop in the walk. This method is capable of doing multivarbind walks.

     Usage: @result = $snmp->walk(-format => 'ne',
                                   -oids =>['ifAdminStatus'],
                                   -print => 'on');
                      where print = 'on' or 'off'

            or use the shortcut format (Note: print will be disabled by default
            @result = $snmp->walk('ne','ifAdminStatus');                          

            $result[0] = ifAdminStatus.1
            $result[1] = 'up'
            $result[2] = ifAdminStatus.2
            $result[3] = 'up'


    The walk_hash will do a snmpwalk and return a hash with the value specified by the format. This method is capable
    of doing multivarbind walks.

     Usage: $result = $snmp->walk_hash('e','ifIndex','ifAdminStatus','ifOperStatus')
            $result->{ifIndex}{1} = 1
            $result->{ifAdminStatus}{1} = 'up'
            $result->{ifOperStatus}{1} = 'up'
            $result->{ifIndex}{2} = 2
            $result->{ifAdminStatus}{2} = 'up'
            $result->{ifOperStatus}{2} = 'up'

     Usage: $result = $snmp->walk_hash('v','ifIndex','ifAdminStatus','ifOperStatus')
            $result->{ifIndex}{1} = 1
            $result->{ifAdminStatus}{1} = 1
            $result->{ifOperStatus}{1} = 1
            $result->{ifIndex}{2} = 2
            $result->{ifAdminStatus}{2} = 1
            $result->{ifOperStatus}{2} = 1