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package Games::Framework::RCP::Setup;

use warnings;
use strict;

use Sub::Exporter -setup => { exports => [ qw(login get_schema load_defaults load_custom) ] };

use Games::Framework::RCP::Database;

our $VERSION = '0.12';

my $schema;

sub login {
    $schema = Games::Framework::RCP::Database->connect( shift, shift, shift, shift, shift );
    return $schema;

sub get_schema {
    return $schema;

sub load_defaults {
    $schema->populate('VarBool', [
        [qw/name value/],
        ['colors_on', 1],
        ['join_time', 0],
        ['opposite_status_allowed', 1],
        ['poison_undead_hurts', 1],
        ['regen_undead_heals', 0],
        ['ct_decays_past_zero', 0],
        ['stop_stops_status', 1],
        ['frozen_stops_status', 0],
        ['ko_removes_effects', 1],
        ['seizure_undead_heals', 0],
        ['poison_every_x_ticks', 1],
        ['variable_haste', 1],
        ['variable_slow', 1],
        ['variable_regen', 1],
        ['variable_poison', 1],
        ['in_battle', 0],
        ['turnorder_shows_status', 0],
    $schema->populate('VarInt', [
        [qw/name value/],
        ['fight_length', 0],
        ['poison_tick_checkpoint', 5],
        ['crit_rule', 1],
        ['ct_while_dead', 0],
        ['turn_at_ct', 500],
    $schema->populate('VarReal', [
        [qw/name value/],
        ['old_crit_threshold', 20],
        ['haste_boost_percent', 20],
        ['slow_penalty_percent', 20],
        ['haste_boost_flex_percent', 5],
        ['slow_penalty_flex_percent', 5],
        ['regen_boost_percent', 10],
        ['poison_penalty_percent', 10],
        ['regen_boost_flex_percent', 2.5],
        ['poison_penalty_flex_percent', 2.5],
        ['crit_save_hp', 0.01],
        ['safeguard_protection', 80],
        ['adeath_protection', 80],
    my %basic = (
        name => 'Basic',
        description => 'Nothing fancy, this class represents what just about everyone can do.',
        kind => {name => 'Unlocked', description => 'Everyone can play this class upon joining the battle.'},
        hp => 50,
        mp => 50,
        pp => 50,
        spd => 50,
        patk => 50,
        matk => 50,
        pdef => 50,
        mdef => 50,
        pacc => 50,
        macc => 50,
        pevd => 50,
        mevd => 50,
    my $job_id = $schema->resultset('Class')->single({ name => 'Basic' })->id_class;
    $schema->populate('MoveCost', [
        [qw/name description/],
        ['mp', 'This move costs a certain amount of mp.'],
        ['pp', 'This move costs a certain amount of pp.'],
        ['hp', 'This move costs a certain amount of hp.'],
        ['exp', 'This move costs a certain amount of exp.  Usually from primary job.'],
    my $cost_id = $schema->resultset('MoveCost')->single({name => 'mp'})->id_move_cost;
    $schema->populate('MoveType', [
        [qw/name description/],
        ['Action', 'A normal type of move.'],
        ['Support', 'A skill that activates automatically at certain points.  Can be turned off when required.'],
        ['Reaction', 'A skill that must be called in reaction to an event.'],
    my $type_id = $schema->resultset('MoveType')->single({name => 'Action'})->id_move_type;
    my @moves = (
            name => 'Fight',
            fkey_move_type => $type_id,
            power => 10,
            description => 'A basic physical attack on the opponent.',
            name => 'Chi Burst',
            fkey_move_type => $type_id,
            power => 10,
            description => 'A basic magical attack on the opponent.',
            name => 'Pick Up',
            fkey_move_type => $type_id,
            description => 'Pick up an item off the arena floor.',
            name => 'Wait',
            fkey_move_type => $type_id,
            description => 'Do nothing this turn.  Advantages?  Well, there are a few...',
    foreach my $type_id (@moves)
        my $move_id = $schema->resultset('Move')->single({name => $type_id->{name}})->id_move;
            fkey_class => $job_id,
            fkey_move => $move_id,
        if ($type_id->{name} eq 'Chi Burst')
                fkey_move => $move_id,
                fkey_move_cost => $cost_id,
                value => 5,
    my @usages = (
            name => 'Immediate Use',
            abbr => '[IU]',
            description => 'Upon touching/taking this item, it is immediately used on the carrier.',
            name => 'Immediate Use OK',
            abbr => '[IU OK]',
            description => 'Upon touching/taking this item, it can be immediately used by the carrier.',
            name => 'Full Turn',
            description => 'Using this item requires taking the full turn.',
            name => 'Reaction',
            abbr => '[React]',
            description => 'This item is only used as a reaction to an event.',
    foreach my $u_id (@usages)
    return 'Defaults loaded.';

sub load_custom
    my $custom = shift;
    foreach my $tablename (keys %{$custom} )
        my $table = $custom->{$tablename};
        foreach my $row (@{$table})
    return 'Customs loaded.';



=head1 NAME

Games::Framework::RCP::Setup - Get a connection and load quick defaults.

=head1 VERSION



 use Games::Framework::RCP::Setup qw/login load_defaults/;
 my $schema = login($data_source, $username, $password, $options, $on_connect);
 # Do whatever you want with the schema.


The Setup file contains the basics needed to connect and setup the
database.  It does not abstract away all of the functionality
such as deploy(): it is up to the Game Master to actually deploy
the database.


=head2 login

This function accepts the same parameters as the traditional
DBI->connect.  The advantage of using login over DBI->connect
is that the schema object is returned right away.

=head2 get_schema

This function returns the current schema object.

=head2 load_defaults

This function loads the database with some initial data
to help get a Game Master started on hosting.

=head2 load_custom

This function allows others to load table data quickly
into the database without requiring access to other

This may be removed in the future.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jason Felds, C<< <wolfman.ncsu2000 at> >>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-Games-Framework-RCP at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Games::Framework::RCP::Setup

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




See L<Games::Framework::RCP|Games::Framework::RCP/ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS>
for all acknowledgements.


Copyright 2009 Jason Felds, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.