
    chdir 't' if -d 't';
    @INC = '../lib';
    require './test.pl'; require './charset_tools.pl';

use strict;
plan( tests => 121 );

run_tests() unless caller;

sub run_tests {

my $foo = 'Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.';

my $first = substr($foo,0,index($foo,'the'));
is($first, "Now is ");

my $last = substr($foo,rindex($foo,'the'),100);
is($last, "their country.");

$last = substr($foo,index($foo,'Now'),2);
is($last, "No");

$last = substr($foo,rindex($foo,'Now'),2);
is($last, "No");

$last = substr($foo,index($foo,'.'),100);
is($last, ".");

$last = substr($foo,rindex($foo,'.'),100);
is($last, ".");

is(index("ababa","a",-1), 0);
is(index("ababa","a",0), 0);
is(index("ababa","a",1), 2);
is(index("ababa","a",2), 2);
is(index("ababa","a",3), 4);
is(index("ababa","a",4), 4);
is(index("ababa","a",5), -1);

is(rindex("ababa","a",-1), -1);
is(rindex("ababa","a",0), 0);
is(rindex("ababa","a",1), 0);
is(rindex("ababa","a",2), 2);
is(rindex("ababa","a",3), 2);
is(rindex("ababa","a",4), 4);
is(rindex("ababa","a",5), 4);

# tests for empty search string
is(index("abc", "", -1), 0);
is(index("abc", "", 0), 0);
is(index("abc", "", 1), 1);
is(index("abc", "", 2), 2);
is(index("abc", "", 3), 3);
is(index("abc", "", 4), 3);
is(rindex("abc", "", -1), 0);
is(rindex("abc", "", 0), 0);
is(rindex("abc", "", 1), 1);
is(rindex("abc", "", 2), 2);
is(rindex("abc", "", 3), 3);
is(rindex("abc", "", 4), 3);

$a = "foo \x{1234}bar";

is(index($a, "\x{1234}"), 4);
is(index($a, "bar",    ), 5);

is(rindex($a, "\x{1234}"), 4);
is(rindex($a, "foo",    ), 0);

    my $needle = "\x{1230}\x{1270}";
    my @needles = split ( //, $needle );
    my $haystack = "\x{1228}\x{1228}\x{1230}\x{1270}";
    foreach ( @needles ) {
	my $a = index ( "\x{1228}\x{1228}\x{1230}\x{1270}", $_ );
	my $b = index ( $haystack, $_ );
	is($a, $b, q{[perl #22375] 'split'/'index' problem for utf8});
    $needle = "\x{1270}\x{1230}"; # Transpose them.
    @needles = split ( //, $needle );
    foreach ( @needles ) {
	my $a = index ( "\x{1228}\x{1228}\x{1230}\x{1270}", $_ );
	my $b = index ( $haystack, $_ );
	is($a, $b, q{[perl #22375] 'split'/'index' problem for utf8});

    my $search;
    my $text;
    $search = latin1_to_native("foo \xc9 bar");
    $text = latin1_to_native("a\xa3\xa3a $search    $search quux");

    my $text_utf8 = $text;
    my $search_utf8 = $search;

    is (index($text, $search), 5);
    is (rindex($text, $search), 18);
    is (index($text, $search_utf8), 5);
    is (rindex($text, $search_utf8), 18);
    is (index($text_utf8, $search), 5);
    is (rindex($text_utf8, $search), 18);
    is (index($text_utf8, $search_utf8), 5);
    is (rindex($text_utf8, $search_utf8), 18);

    my $text_octets = $text_utf8;
    utf8::encode ($text_octets);
    my $search_octets = $search_utf8;
    utf8::encode ($search_octets);

    is (index($text_octets, $search_octets), 7, "index octets, octets")
	or _diag ($text_octets, $search_octets);
    is (rindex($text_octets, $search_octets), 21, "rindex octets, octets");
    is (index($text_octets, $search_utf8), -1);
    is (rindex($text_octets, $search_utf8), -1);
    is (index($text_utf8, $search_octets), -1);
    is (rindex($text_utf8, $search_octets), -1);

    is (index($text_octets, $search), -1);
    is (rindex($text_octets, $search), -1);
    is (index($text, $search_octets), -1);
    is (rindex($text, $search_octets), -1);

    skip "UTF-EBCDIC is limited to 0x7fffffff", 3 if ord("A") == 193;

    my $a = "\x{80000000}";
    my $s = $a.'defxyz';
    is(index($s, 'def'), 1, "0x80000000 is a single character");

    my $b = "\x{fffffffd}";
    my $t = $b.'pqrxyz';
    is(index($t, 'pqr'), 1, "0xfffffffd is a single character");

    local ${^UTF8CACHE} = -1;
    is(index($t, 'xyz'), 4, "0xfffffffd and utf8cache");

# Tests for NUL characters.
    my @tests = (
        ["",            -1, -1, -1],
        ["foo",         -1, -1, -1],
        ["\0",           0, -1, -1],
        ["\0\0",         0,  0, -1],
        ["\0\0\0",       0,  0,  0],
        ["foo\0",        3, -1, -1],
        ["foo\0foo\0\0", 3,  7, -1],
    foreach my $l (1 .. 3) {
        my $q = "\0" x $l;
        my $i = 0;
        foreach my $test (@tests) {
            $i ++;
            my $str = $$test [0];
            my $res = $$test [$l];

                is (index ($str, $q), $res, "Find NUL character(s)");

            # Bug #53746 shows a difference between variables and literals,
            # so test literals as well.
            my $test_str = qq {is (index ("$str", "$q"), $res, } .
                           qq {"Find NUL character(s)")};
               $test_str =~ s/\0/\\0/g;

            eval $test_str;
            die $@ if $@;

    # RT#75898
    is(eval { utf8::upgrade($_ = " "); index $_, " ", 72 }, -1,
       'UTF-8 cache handles offset beyond the end of the string');
    $_ = "\x{100}BC";
    is(index($_, "C", 4), -1,
       'UTF-8 cache handles offset beyond the end of the string');

# RT #89218
use constant {PVBM => 'galumphing', PVBM2 => 'bang'};

sub index_it {
    is(index('galumphing', PVBM), 0,
       "index isn't confused by format compilation");
is($^A, '', '$^A is empty');
formline PVBM;
is($^A, 'galumphing', "formline isn't confused by index compilation");

$^A = '';
# must not do index here before formline.
is($^A, '', '$^A is empty');
formline PVBM2;
is($^A, 'bang', "formline isn't confused by index compilation");
is(index('bang', PVBM2), 0, "index isn't confused by format compilation");

    use constant perl => "rules";
    is(index("perl rules", perl), 5, 'first index of a constant works');
    is(index("rules 1 & 2", perl), 0, 'second index of the same constant works');

# PVBM compilation should not flatten ref constants
use constant riffraff => \our $referent;
index "foo", riffraff;
is ref riffraff, 'SCALAR', 'index does not flatten ref constants';

package o { use overload '""' => sub { "foo" } }
bless \our $referent, o::;
is index("foo", riffraff), 0,
    'index respects changes in ref stringification';

use constant quire => ${qr/(?{})/}; # A REGEXP, not a reference to one
index "foo", quire;
eval ' "" =~ quire ';
is $@, "", 'regexp constants containing code blocks are not flattened';

use constant bang => $! = 8;
index "foo", bang;
cmp_ok bang, '==', 8, 'dualvar constants are not flattened';

use constant u => undef;
    my $w;
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $w .= shift };
    eval '
        use warnings;
        sub { () = index "foo", u; }
    is $w, undef, 'no warnings from compiling index($foo, undef_constant)';
is u, undef, 'undef constant is still undef';

is index('the main road', __PACKAGE__), 4,
    '[perl #119169] __PACKAGE__ as 2nd argument';

} # end of sub run_tests