=== Empty double-quote
--- yaml
- ""
--- perl
[ [ "" ] ]

# Simple single quote
=== single_quote1
--- yaml
- 'foo'

--- perl
[ [ 'foo' ] ]

=== single_spaces
--- yaml
- '  '
--- perl
[ [ '  ' ] ]

=== single_null
--- yaml
- ''

--- perl
[ [ '' ] ]

# Double quotes
=== only_spaces
--- noyamlpm
--- yaml
--- "  "

--- perl
[ '  ' ]

=== leading_trailing_spaces
--- noyamlpm
--- yaml
--- "  foo"
--- "bar  "

--- perl
[ "  foo", "bar  " ]

=== single quotes in double quotes
--- yaml
\--- "'foo'"
--- perl
[ "'foo'" ]

=== double quotes in single quotes
--- yaml
\--- '"foo"'
--- perl
[ '"foo"' ]

# Quote vs Hash

=== hash-like quote
--- yaml
  - 'mst: Matt S. Trout <mst@shadowcatsystems.co.uk>'
--- perl
[ { author => [ 'mst: Matt S. Trout <mst@shadowcatsystems.co.uk>' ] } ]

# Quote and Escaping Idiosyncracies

=== single quote subtleties
--- yaml
name1: 'O''Reilly'
name2: 'O''Reilly O''Tool'
name3: 'Double '''' Quote'
--- perl
[ {
    name1 => "O'Reilly",
    name2 => "O'Reilly O'Tool",
    name3 => "Double '' Quote",
} ]

=== single quote subtleties
--- yaml
slash1: '\\'
slash2: '\\foo'
slash3: '\\foo\\\\'
--- perl
[ {
    slash1 => "\\\\",
    slash2 => "\\\\foo",
    slash3 => "\\\\foo\\\\\\\\",
} ]

# Check Multiple-Escaping

# RT #42119: write of two single quotes
=== Multiple escaping of quote ok
--- yaml
--- "A'B'C"
--- perl
[ "A'B'C" ]

# Escapes without whitespace
=== Multiple escaping of escape ok
--- yaml
\--- A\B\C
--- perl
[ "A\\B\\C" ]

# Escapes with whitespace
=== Multiple escaping of escape with whitespace ok
--- yaml
--- 'A\B \C'
--- perl
[ "A\\B \\C" ]

=== Single Dash
--- yaml
foo: '-'
--- perl
[ { foo => '-' } ]