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use strict;
use warnings;

use Test2::IPC;
use Test2::Tools::Tiny;
use Test2::API qw/context test2_ipc_drivers/;

    package My::Formatter;

    sub new { bless [], shift };

    my $check = 1;
    sub write {
        my $self = shift;
        my ($e, $count) = @_;
        push @$self => $e;

    package My::Event;

    use base 'Test2::Event';
    use Test2::Util::HashBase qw{msg};

tests basic => sub {
    my $hub = Test2::Hub->new(
        formatter => My::Formatter->new,

    my $send_event = sub {
        my ($msg) = @_;
        my $e = My::Event->new(msg => $msg, trace => 'fake');

    ok(my $e1 = $send_event->('foo'), "Created event");
    ok(my $e2 = $send_event->('bar'), "Created event");
    ok(my $e3 = $send_event->('baz'), "Created event");

    my $old = $hub->format(My::Formatter->new);

    ok($old->isa('My::Formatter'), "old formatter");
        [$e1, $e2, $e3],
        "Formatter got all events"

tests follow_ups => sub {
    my $hub = Test2::Hub->new;

    my $trace = Test2::Util::Trace->new(
        frame => [__PACKAGE__, __FILE__, __LINE__],

    my $ran = 0;
    $hub->follow_up(sub {
        my ($d, $h) = @_;
        is_deeply($d, $trace, "Got trace");
        is_deeply($h, $hub, "Got hub");
        ok(!$hub->ended, "Hub state has not ended yet");

        exception { $hub->follow_up('xxx') },
        qr/follow_up only takes coderefs for arguments, got 'xxx'/,
        "follow_up takes a coderef"


    is($ran, 1, "ran once");

        "Ended at the expected place."

    eval { $hub->finalize($trace) };

    is($ran, 1, "ran once");

    $hub = undef;

tests IPC => sub {
    my ($driver) = test2_ipc_drivers();
    is($driver, 'Test2::IPC::Driver::Files', "Default Driver");
    my $ipc = $driver->new;
    my $hub = Test2::Hub->new(
        formatter => My::Formatter->new,
        ipc => $ipc,

    my $build_event = sub {
        my ($msg) = @_;
        return My::Event->new(msg => $msg, trace => 'fake');

    my $e1 = $build_event->('foo');
    my $e2 = $build_event->('bar');
    my $e3 = $build_event->('baz');

    my $do_send = sub {

    my $do_check = sub {
        my $name = shift;

        my $old = $hub->format(My::Formatter->new);

        ok($old->isa('My::Formatter'), "old formatter");
            [$e1, $e2, $e3],
            "Formatter got all events ($name)"

    if (CAN_REALLY_FORK) {
        my $pid = fork();
        die "Could not fork!" unless defined $pid;

        if ($pid) {
            is(waitpid($pid, 0), $pid, "waited properly");
            ok(!$?, "child exited with success");
        else {
            exit 0;

    if (CAN_THREAD && $] ge '5.010') {
        require threads;
        my $thr = threads->new(sub { $do_send->() });

    $do_check->('no IPC');

tests listen => sub {
    my $hub = Test2::Hub->new();

    my @events;
    my @counts;
    my $it = $hub->listen(sub {
        my ($h, $e, $count) = @_;
        is_deeply($h, $hub, "got hub");
        push @events => $e;
        push @counts => $count;

    my $second;
    my $it2 = $hub->listen(sub { $second++ });

    my $ok1 = Test2::Event::Ok->new(
        pass => 1,
        name => 'foo',
        trace => Test2::Util::Trace->new(
            frame => [ __PACKAGE__, __FILE__, __LINE__ ],

    my $ok2 = Test2::Event::Ok->new(
        pass => 0,
        name => 'bar',
        trace => Test2::Util::Trace->new(
            frame => [ __PACKAGE__, __FILE__, __LINE__ ],

    my $ok3 = Test2::Event::Ok->new(
        pass => 1,
        name => 'baz',
        trace => Test2::Util::Trace->new(
            frame => [ __PACKAGE__, __FILE__, __LINE__ ],




    is_deeply(\@counts, [1, 2], "Got counts");
    is_deeply(\@events, [$ok1, $ok2], "got events");
    is($second, 3, "got all events in listener that was not removed");

        exception { $hub->listen('xxx') },
        qr/listen only takes coderefs for arguments, got 'xxx'/,
        "listen takes a coderef"

tests metadata => sub {
    my $hub = Test2::Hub->new();

    my $default = { foo => 1 };
    my $meta = $hub->meta('Foo', $default);
    is_deeply($meta, $default, "Set Meta");

    $meta = $hub->meta('Foo', {});
    is_deeply($meta, $default, "Same Meta");

    is($hub->meta('Foo'), undef, "No Meta");

    $hub->meta('Foo', {})->{xxx} = 1;
    is($hub->meta('Foo')->{xxx}, 1, "Vivified meta and set it");

        exception { $hub->meta(undef) },
        qr/Invalid META key: undef, keys must be true, and may not be references/,
        "Cannot use undef as a meta key"

        exception { $hub->meta(0) },
        qr/Invalid META key: '0', keys must be true, and may not be references/,
        "Cannot use 0 as a meta key"

        exception { $hub->delete_meta(undef) },
        qr/Invalid META key: undef, keys must be true, and may not be references/,
        "Cannot use undef as a meta key"

        exception { $hub->delete_meta(0) },
        qr/Invalid META key: '0', keys must be true, and may not be references/,
        "Cannot use 0 as a meta key"

tests filter => sub {
    my $hub = Test2::Hub->new();

    my @events;
    my $it = $hub->filter(sub {
        my ($h, $e) = @_;
        is($h, $hub, "got hub");
        push @events => $e;
        return $e;

    my $count;
    my $it2 = $hub->filter(sub { $count++; $_[1] });

    my $ok1 = Test2::Event::Ok->new(
        pass => 1,
        name => 'foo',
        trace => Test2::Util::Trace->new(
            frame => [ __PACKAGE__, __FILE__, __LINE__ ],

    my $ok2 = Test2::Event::Ok->new(
        pass => 0,
        name => 'bar',
        trace => Test2::Util::Trace->new(
            frame => [ __PACKAGE__, __FILE__, __LINE__ ],

    my $ok3 = Test2::Event::Ok->new(
        pass => 1,
        name => 'baz',
        trace => Test2::Util::Trace->new(
            frame => [ __PACKAGE__, __FILE__, __LINE__ ],




    is_deeply(\@events, [$ok1, $ok2], "got events");
    is($count, 3, "got all events, even after other filter was removed");

    $hub = Test2::Hub->new();
    @events = ();

    $hub->filter(sub { undef });
    $hub->listen(sub {
        my ($hub, $e) = @_;
        push @events => $e;


    ok(!@events, "Blocked events");

        exception { $hub->filter('xxx') },
        qr/filter only takes coderefs for arguments, got 'xxx'/,
        "filter takes a coderef"

tests pre_filter => sub {
    my $hub = Test2::Hub->new();

    my @events;
    my $it = $hub->pre_filter(sub {
        my ($h, $e) = @_;
        is($h, $hub, "got hub");
        push @events => $e;
        return $e;

    my $count;
    my $it2 = $hub->pre_filter(sub { $count++; $_[1] });

    my $ok1 = Test2::Event::Ok->new(
        pass => 1,
        name => 'foo',
        trace => Test2::Util::Trace->new(
            frame => [ __PACKAGE__, __FILE__, __LINE__ ],

    my $ok2 = Test2::Event::Ok->new(
        pass => 0,
        name => 'bar',
        trace => Test2::Util::Trace->new(
            frame => [ __PACKAGE__, __FILE__, __LINE__ ],

    my $ok3 = Test2::Event::Ok->new(
        pass => 1,
        name => 'baz',
        trace => Test2::Util::Trace->new(
            frame => [ __PACKAGE__, __FILE__, __LINE__ ],




    is_deeply(\@events, [$ok1, $ok2], "got events");
    is($count, 3, "got all events, even after other pre_filter was removed");

    $hub = Test2::Hub->new();
    @events = ();

    $hub->pre_filter(sub { undef });
    $hub->listen(sub {
        my ($hub, $e) = @_;
        push @events => $e;


    ok(!@events, "Blocked events");

        exception { $hub->pre_filter('xxx') },
        qr/pre_filter only takes coderefs for arguments, got 'xxx'/,
        "pre_filter takes a coderef"

tests state => sub {
    my $hub = Test2::Hub->new;

    is($hub->count,      0,     "count starts at 0");
    is($hub->failed,     0,     "failed starts at 0");
    is($hub->is_passing, 1,     "start off passing");
    is($hub->plan,       undef, "no plan yet");

    is($hub->is_passing, 0, "Can Fail");

    is($hub->is_passing, 1, "Passes again");

    is($hub->count,      1, "Added a passing result");
    is($hub->failed,     0, "still no fails");
    is($hub->is_passing, 1, "Still passing");

    is($hub->count,      2, "Added a result");
    is($hub->failed,     1, "new failure");
    is($hub->is_passing, 0, "Not passing");

    is($hub->is_passing, 0, "is_passing always false after a failure");

    is($hub->is_passing, 1, "Passes again");

    is($hub->count,      2, "No new result");
    is($hub->failed,     1, "new failure");
    is($hub->is_passing, 0, "Not passing");

    ok(!eval { $hub->plan('foo'); 1 }, "Could not set plan to 'foo'");
    like($@, qr/'foo' is not a valid plan! Plan must be an integer greater than 0, 'NO PLAN', or 'SKIP'/, "Got expected error");

    ok($hub->plan(5), "Can set plan to integer");
    is($hub->plan, 5, "Set the plan to an integer");

    ok($hub->plan('NO PLAN'), "Can set plan to 'NO PLAN'");
    is($hub->plan, 'NO PLAN', "Set the plan to 'NO PLAN'");

    ok($hub->plan('SKIP'), "Can set plan to 'SKIP'");
    is($hub->plan, 'SKIP', "Set the plan to 'SKIP'");

    ok(!eval { $hub->plan(5); 1 }, "Cannot change plan");
    like($@, qr/You cannot change the plan/, "Got error");

    my $trace = Test2::Util::Trace->new(frame => ['Foo::Bar', 'foo.t', 42, 'blah']);
    my $ok = eval { $hub->finalize($trace) };
    my $err = $@;
    ok(!$ok, "died");

    is($err, <<"    EOT", "Got expected error");
Test already ended!
First End:  foo.t line 42
Second End: foo.t line 42

    $hub = Test2::Hub->new;

    ok(!$hub->is_passing, "not passing");


    ok(!$hub->plan, "no plan");
    is($hub->count, 0, "count reset to 0");
    is($hub->failed, 0, "reset failures");
    ok(!$hub->ended, "not ended");
    ok(!$hub->bailed_out, "did not bail out");
    ok(!$hub->skip_reason, "no skip reason");
