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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# DESCRIPTION: Perl ExtUtils: Type 'make test' to test this package
# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl'
# Copyright 1999-2017 by Wilson Snyder.  This program is free software;
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.

use lib "./blib/lib";
use Test::More;
use strict;
use vars qw (%SLArgs $Serv_Pid);

BEGIN { plan tests => 23 }
BEGIN { require "t/"; }

END { kill 'TERM', $Serv_Pid; }

# Constructor

use IPC::Locker;
print "IPC::Locker VERSION $IPC::Locker::VERSION\n";

# Server Constructor

use IPC::Locker::Server;
%SLArgs = (port=>socket_find_free(12345),
	   connect_sleep => 3, );

if ($Serv_Pid = fork()) {
} else {
    IPC::Locker::Server->new(%SLArgs)->start_server ();
ok (1, "fork");
sleep(1); #Let server get established

# User Constructor

my $lock = new IPC::Locker(%SLArgs,
			   print_down=>sub { die "\n%Error: Can't locate lock server\n"
						 . "\tServer must have not started in previous step\n";
ok ($lock, "new");

# Lock obtain
ok ($lock->lock(), "lock");

# Lock state
ok ($lock->locked(), "locked");

# Lock owner
ok ($lock->owner(), "owner");

# Lock obtain again, should still be locked
ok ($lock->lock(), "lock");
ok ($lock->locked(), "locked");

# Lock list
my @list = $lock->lock_list();
ok ($#list==1 && $list[0] eq 'lock' && $list[1], "lock list");

# Lock name
is ($lock->lock_name(), 'lock', "lock_name");

# Lock obtain and fail
ok (!defined( IPC::Locker->lock(%SLArgs, block=>0, user=>'alternate') ), "lock alt");

# Get lock by another name
my $lock2 = new IPC::Locker(%SLArgs,
			    lock=>[qw(lock lock2)],
ok ($lock2, "lock2");

ok (($lock2 && $lock2->locked()
     && $lock2->lock_name() eq "lock2"), "got lock2");

# Yet another dual lock obtain and fail
ok (!defined( IPC::Locker->lock(%SLArgs, block=>0, user=>'alt3',
				lock=>[qw(lock lock2)]) ), "dual lock");

# Get the lock under same owner, should "inherit" lock2's lock
my $lock3 =  new IPC::Locker(%SLArgs,
			     lock=>[qw(lock lock2)],
ok ($lock3->lock(), "lock3 lock");

# Lock release
ok ($lock->unlock(), "lock3 unlock");
ok (!$lock->locked(), "lock3 !locked");

# Lock release again, still unlocked
ok ($lock->unlock(), "lock3 unlock");
ok (!$lock->locked(), "lock3 !locked");

# Ping
ok ($lock->ping(), "ping");

# Ping unknown host
# Some systems hang on this test due to have DNS resolvers that resolve unknown hostnames to "buy this domain"
#ok (!(IPC::Locker->ping(host=>['no_such_host_as_this'])), "ping unknown");
ok(1, "ping unknown");

# Destructor
undef $lock;
ok (1, "destroy");

    # Check errors get passed thru
    my $ret = eval {
	my $lock = IPC::Locker->lock (%SLArgs,
				      lock => "locker_subdie_test_$$");
        die "EXPECTED_DIE_in_EVAL";
    my $eval_err = $@;
    like ($eval_err, qr/EXPECTED_DIE_in_EVAL/, "errors pass");