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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# See copyright, etc in below POD section.

require 5.005;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::File;
use Pod::Usage;
use strict;
use vars qw ($Debug %Depend %Checked $VERSION);

$VERSION = '1.341';

# main

use vars qw ($Opt_Unlink $Opt_Mtime $Opt_Show $Opt_Verbose);
$Debug = 0;
$Opt_Unlink = 1;
$Opt_Mtime = 0;
$Opt_Show = 0;
my @dfiles;
if (! GetOptions (
		  "help"	=> \&usage,
		  "mtime!"	=> \$Opt_Mtime,
		  "show!"	=> \$Opt_Show,
		  "version"	=> sub { print "Version $VERSION\n"; exit(0); },
		  # Debugging
		  "debug"	=> \&debug,
		  "verbose!"	=> \$Opt_Verbose,
		  "unlink!"	=> \$Opt_Unlink,	# Debugging, suppress unlinks
		  # Everything else
		  "<>"		=> \&parameter,
		  )) {
    die "%Error: Bad usage, try 'sp_makecheck --help'\n";

foreach my $file (@dfiles) {
    if (!-e $file && $file =~ /[\?\*]/) {
	# If you "sp_makecheck *.d" and there's no .d files, don't die.
	print "-Note: Ignoring empty wildcard expression: $file\n" if $Opt_Verbose;
    Dependency::dfile_read ($file);
Dependency::dump() if $Opt_Show;


sub usage {
    print "Version $VERSION\n";
    pod2usage(-verbose=>2, -exitval=>2, -output=>\*STDOUT, -noperldoc=>1);
    exit (1);

sub debug {
    $Debug = 1;
    $Opt_Verbose = 1;

sub parameter {
    my $param = shift;
    if ($param =~ /\.d$/) {
	push @dfiles, $param;
    } else {
	die "%Error: Unknown parameter: $param\n";

package Dependency;
use strict;
use vars qw (%Depend);

sub dfile_read {
    my $filename = shift;
    # Static: Read a .d file, and add it to the %Depend hash.
    my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename\n";
    my $line = "";
    while (defined (my $thisline = $fh->getline())) {
	chomp $thisline;
	$line .= $thisline;
	next if ($line =~ s/\\s*$/ /);
	next if ($line =~ /^\s*$/);
	if ($line =~ /^([^:]+):([^:]*)$/) {
	    my $tgtl = $1;  my $depl = $2;
	    my @tgts = ($filename);
	    foreach my $tgt (split /\s+/,"$tgtl ") {
		next if $tgt eq "";
		push @tgts, $tgt;
	    foreach my $dep (split /\s+/,"$depl ") {
		next if $dep eq "";
		foreach my $tgt (@tgts) {
		    $Depend{$tgt}{depends}{$dep} = 1;
		    $Depend{$dep}{targets}{$tgt} = 1;
		    print "DEP $tgt $dep\n" if $::Debug;
	} else {
	    die "%Error: $filename:$.: Strange dependency line: $line\n";
	$line = "";

sub compute {
    # Static: Compute levels and other information on the structure
    foreach my $dep (keys %Depend) {
	$Depend{$dep}{name} = $dep;
	$Depend{$dep}{level} = 0;
	$Depend{$dep}{mtime} = (stat($dep))[9] || 0;
    foreach my $depref (values %Depend) {
    # Bottom up loop
    foreach my $tgtref (sort {$b->{level} <=> $a->{level}}
			(values %Depend)) {
	foreach my $dep (keys %{$tgtref->{depends}}) {
	    my $depref = $Depend{$dep};
	    if ($depref->{out_of_date}) {
		$tgtref->{out_of_date} = "Child Out-of-date $depref->{name}";
	    elsif (!$depref->{mtime}) {
		$tgtref->{out_of_date} = "Missing $depref->{name}";
	    elsif ($depref->{mtime}
		&& ($::Opt_Mtime && ($depref->{mtime} > $tgtref->{mtime}))) {
		$tgtref->{out_of_date} = "Younger $depref->{name}";

sub _depend_levels_recurse {
    my $depref = shift;
    my $level = shift;
    $depref->{level} = $level if ($level>$depref->{level});
    ($level<100) or die "%Error: Recursive dependency chain involving: ",$depref->{name},"\n";
    foreach my $tgt (keys %{$depref->{depends}}) {

sub dump {
    # Static: Dump the dependency information
    foreach my $depref (values %Depend) {
	if ($depref->{level}==0) {
	    print "-"x70,"\n";

sub _dump_recurse {
    my $depref = shift;
    printf +("\t%-10s %-4s %s%s\n"
	     ,"| "x$depref->{level}
    foreach my $tgt (sort (keys %{$depref->{depends}})) {

sub _time_format {
    my $time = shift;
    return "gone" if !$time;
    my $now = time();
    $time = $now - $time;
    if ($time<3600) { return sprintf("%02d:%02ds ago",int($time/60),int($time%60)); }
    return sprintf("%5.1fd ago",($time/(60*60*24)));

sub unlink_out_of_date {
    # Static: Remove all out of date files
    my %param = @_;
    foreach my $depref (values %Depend) {
	if ($depref->{out_of_date} && $depref->{mtime}) {
	    print "$0: rm $depref->{name} : $depref->{out_of_date}\n" if $::Debug || $::Opt_Verbose;
	    unlink $depref->{name} if $::Opt_Unlink;



=head1 NAME

sp_makecheck - Read dependency files and check for missing dependencies


  sp_makecheck *.d


A common technique with make is to use GCC to generate .d dependency files
using the -MMD switch.  This creates a files similar to foo.d:

    foo.o foo.d: foo.h

The problem is if a header file is removed, then make will complain that
there is no rule to build foo.h.  Adding a fake target is one way around
this, but that requires additional .d's, and leaves old objects around.

sp_makecheck reads the specified dependency files, and checks for the
existence of all dependencies in the file.  If a file does not exist, it
simply removes all of the targets.


=over 4

=item --help

Displays this message and program version and exits.

=item --mtime

Consider the modification time, removing any out of date files.

=item --show

Show each target and the tree of required dependencies.

=item --version

Displays program version and exits.



SystemPerl is part of the L<> free SystemC software
tool suite.  The latest version is available from CPAN and from

Copyright 2001-2013 by Wilson Snyder.  This package is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.

=head1 AUTHORS

Wilson Snyder <>

=head1 SEE ALSO




### Local Variables:
### compile-command: "./sp_makecheck "
### End: