The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# See copyright, etc in below POD section.

require 5.005;
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use lib "$RealBin/blib/arch";
use lib "$RealBin/blib/lib";
use lib "$RealBin";

use File::Copy;
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::Dir;
use IO::File;
use POSIX qw();
use Pod::Usage;
use strict "vars";

use Verilog::Parser;
use Verilog::Getopt;

use vars qw ($VERSION $Debug $Opt %Vpassert_Conversions
	     %Files %Files_Read
$VERSION = '3.422';

# configuration

# Hash with key of macro to convert and value of the function to call when it occurs
# Avoid having a token that is a substring of a standard function, for example
#     $wr would be bad (beginning of $write).  That would slow down the parsing.
    = (## U versions, to avoid conflicts with SystemVerilog
       '$uassert' =>		\&ins_uassert,
       '$uassert_amone' =>	sub {shift; uassert_hot(0,@_); },   # atmost one hot
       '$uassert_onehot' =>	sub {shift; uassert_hot(1,@_); },
       '$uassert_req_ack' =>	\&ins_uassert_req_ack,
       '$uassert_info' =>	\&ins_uassert_info,
       '$ucheck_ilevel' =>	\&ins_ucheck_ilevel,
       '$uerror' =>		\&ins_uerror,
       #'$ui' =>		# Used inside ucover_foreach_clk
       '$uinfo' =>		\&ins_uinfo,
       '$uwarn' =>		\&ins_uwarn,
       #'$uassert_clk' =>	sub {shift; my $clk=shift; my $cond=shift; umessage_clk('%%E', $cond,$clk,@_); }, # May be confusing, try without
       '$uerror_clk' =>		sub {shift; umessage_clk('%%E', 0, @_); },
       '$uwarn_clk' =>		sub {shift; umessage_clk('%%W', 0, @_); },
       '$ucover_clk' =>		sub {shift; ucover_clk(@_); },
       '$ucover_foreach_clk' =>	sub {shift; ucover_foreach_clk(@_); },

# main

$Debug = 0;
my $output_dirname = ".vpassert/";
my $Opt_Quiet = 0;	# Don't blab about what files are being worked on
my $Opt_Axiom;		# Athdl
my $Opt_AllFiles = 0;	# Preprocess all files
my $Opt_Call_Error;
my $Opt_Call_Info;
my $Opt_Call_Warn;
my $Opt_Date = 0;	# Check dates
my $Opt_NoPli = 0;	# Delete all pli calls
$Opt_Vericov = 0;	# Add vericov on/off comments (messes up line # counts)
my $Opt_RealIntent;	# RealIntent
my $Opt_Stop = 1;	# Put $stop in error messages
my $Opt_Verilator;	# Verilator
my $Opt_Vcs;		# Vcs
my $Last_ArgsDiffer;	# Last run's Opt_* mismatch
my $Opt_Minimum;	# Include `__message_minimum
my @Opt_Exclude;
my $Opt_Timeformat_Units = undef;
my $Opt_Timeformat_Precision = 0;
my $Opt_Line;

my $Total_Files = 0;
my @files = ();
my @instance_tests_list = ();

my $Prog_Mtime = 0;	# Time program last changed, so we bag cache on change
(-r "$RealBin/vpassert") or die "%Error: Where'd the vpassert source code go?";
$Prog_Mtime = (stat("$RealBin/vpassert"))[9];

autoflush STDOUT 1;

Getopt::Long::config ("no_auto_abbrev","pass_through");
GetOptions ("debug" => \&debug);  # Snarf --debug ASAP, before parse -f files

$Opt = new Verilog::Getopt();
@ARGV = $Opt->parameter(@ARGV);	# Strip -y, +incdir+, etc
Getopt::Long::config ("no_auto_abbrev","no_pass_through");
if (! GetOptions (
		  # When add flags, update _switch_line also as appropriate
		  "-o=s"	=> \$output_dirname,
		  "allfiles!"	=> \$Opt_AllFiles,
		  "axiom!"	=> \$Opt_Axiom,
		  "call-error=s" => \$Opt_Call_Error,
		  "call-info=s" => \$Opt_Call_Info,
		  "call-warn=s" => \$Opt_Call_Warn,
		  "date!"	=> \$Opt_Date,
		  "debug"	=> \&debug,
		  "exclude=s"	=> sub {shift; push @Opt_Exclude, shift;},
		  "help"	=> \&usage,
		  "language=s"	=> sub { shift; Verilog::Language::language_standard(shift); },
	  	  "line!"	=> \$Opt_Line,
		  "minimum!"	=> \$Opt_Minimum,
		  "nopli!"	=> \$Opt_NoPli,
		  "realintent!"	=> \$Opt_RealIntent,
		  "quiet!"	=> \$Opt_Quiet,
		  "stop!"	=> \$Opt_Stop,
		  "synthcov!"	=> \$Opt_Synthcov,
		  "timeformat-precision=s" => \$Opt_Timeformat_Precision,
		  "timeformat-units=s"	=> \$Opt_Timeformat_Units,
		  "vericov!"	=> \$Opt_Vericov,
		  "verilator!"	=> \$Opt_Verilator,
		  "version"	=> sub { print "Version $VERSION\n"; exit(0); },
		  "vcs!"	=> \$Opt_Vcs,
		  "<>"		=> \&parameter,
		  )) {
    die "%Error: Bad usage, try 'vpassert --help'\n";
sub _switch_line {
    # If any of these flags change, we must regenerate output
    my $sw = "";
    $sw .= " --axiom" if $Opt_Axiom;
    $sw .= " --call-error=$Opt_Call_Error" if $Opt_Call_Error;
    $sw .= " --call-info=$Opt_Call_Info" if $Opt_Call_Info;
    $sw .= " --call-warn=$Opt_Call_Warn" if $Opt_Call_Warn;
    $sw .= " --line" if $Opt_Line;
    $sw .= " --minimum=$Opt_Minimum" if defined $Opt_Minimum;
    $sw .= " --nopli" if $Opt_NoPli;
    $sw .= " --realintent" if $Opt_RealIntent;
    $sw .= " --stop" if $Opt_Stop;
    $sw .= " --synthcov" if $Opt_Synthcov;
    $sw .= " --timeformat-precision=$Opt_Timeformat_Precision" if $Opt_Timeformat_Precision;
    $sw .= " --timeformat-units=$Opt_Timeformat_Units" if $Opt_Timeformat_Units;
    $sw .= " --vericov" if $Opt_Vericov;
    $sw .= " --verilator" if $Opt_Verilator;
    $sw .= " --vcs" if $Opt_Vcs;
    return $sw;

if (!defined $Opt_Line) {
    $Opt_Line = $Opt_Verilator || Verilog::Language::is_compdirect("`line"); # uses language_standard()

push @files, ($Opt->incdir(), $Opt->library(), $Opt->module_dir());

@files = $Opt->remove_duplicates(@files);
(@files) or die "%Error: No directories or files specified for processing, try --help\n";

if ($#files >= 0) {
    (!-f $output_dirname) or die "%Error: $output_dirname already exists as a file, should be a directory.\n";
    foreach my $file (@files) {
	next if $file eq $output_dirname;
	foreach my $exclude (@Opt_Exclude) {
	    next file if $file =~ /^$exclude/;
	vpassert_recursive ($file, $output_dirname);

print "\tVPASSERT generated $Total_Files new file(s)\n";
exit (0);


sub usage {
    print "Version $VERSION\n";
    print "\nThe following tokens are converted:\n";
    foreach my $tok (sort keys %Vpassert_Conversions ) {
	print "\tToken $tok\n";
    print "\n";
    pod2usage(-verbose=>2, -exitval=>2, -output=>\*STDOUT, -noperldoc=>1);
    exit (1);

sub debug {
    $Debug = 1;
    $Verilog::Parser::Debug = 1;
    $Opt_Quiet = 0;

sub parameter {
    my $param = shift;
    (-r $param) or die "%Error: Can't open $param";
    push @files, "$param"; # Must quote to convert Getopt to string, bug298

# Functions that transform the tokens

# Note -I is specially detected below
sub ins_uinfo   { shift; sendout( message (get_lineinfo(), 1, '-I',  1, "", @_)); }
sub ins_uwarn   { shift; sendout( message (get_lineinfo(), 1, '%%W', 1, "", @_)); }
sub ins_uerror  { shift; sendout( message (get_lineinfo(), 1, '%%E', 1, "", @_)); }

sub ins_uassert {
    my $cond = shift;
    my @params = @_;
    sendout( message (get_lineinfo(), 1, '%%E', $cond, "", 0, @params));

sub ins_uassert_info {
    my $cond = shift;
    my @params = @_;
    # Lower case -i indicates it's a assert vs. a info
    sendout( message (get_lineinfo(), 1, "-i", $cond, "", 0, @params));

sub check_signame {
    my $sig = shift;
    return undef if !$sig;
    return $1 if ($sig =~ /^\s*([a-zA-Z_\$][a-z0-9A-Z_\$]*)\s*$/);
    return undef;

sub ins_uassert_req_ack {
    my @params = @_;

    # Check parameters
    my $req = check_signame(shift @params);
    my $ack = check_signame(shift @params);
    ($req && $ack) or die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": Format of \$uassert_req_ack boggled.\n";
    @params = map {
	my $ipar = $_;
	$ipar = check_signame($ipar);
	($ipar) or die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": Parameter $ipar isn't a signal\n";
    } @params;

    # Form new variables
    $ReqAck_Num or die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": \$uassert_req_ack can't find module statement\n";
    my $busy = "_assertreqack${ReqAck_Num}_busy_r";
    $Insure_Symbols{$Last_Module}{$busy} = ['reg', 0];	# Make this symbol exist if doesn't

    # We make a parity across all data signals, as we don't have the width
    # of the original signal, and I'm too lazy to add code to find it out.
    my @dholds = ();
    for (my $n=0; $n<=$#params; $n++) {
	my $dhold = "_assertreqack${ReqAck_Num}_data${n}_r";
	push @dholds, $dhold;
	$Insure_Symbols{$Last_Module}{$dhold} = ['reg', 0];

    # Output it
    push @Sendout, [$Last_Parser->lineno, ""];  # Make sure message_header newlines leave us in right place
    sendout("if (`__message_on) begin ");  # Need to wait till after reset, so FSM doesn't start
    sendout("casez({($busy),($req),($ack)}) ");
    sendout(" 3'b000: ;");
    sendout(" 3'b010: $busy<=1'b1;");
    sendout(" 3'b011: "); ins_uerror(0,"\"Unexpected $req coincident with $ack\\n\"");
    sendout(" 3'b001: "); ins_uerror(0,"\"Unexpected $ack with no request pending\\n\"");
    sendout(" 3'b100: ;");
    sendout(" 3'b11?: "); ins_uerror(0,"\"Unexpected $req with request already pending\\n\"");
    sendout(" 3'b101: $busy<=1'b0;");
    sendout("endcase ");

    if ($#params>=0) {
	sendout(" if (($req)||($busy)) begin");
	sendout(" if (($busy)) begin");
	for (my $n=0; $n<=$#params; $n++) {
	    sendout(" if ($dholds[$n] != ^($params[$n])) ");
	    ins_uerror(0,"\"Unexpected transition of $params[$n] during transaction\\n\"");
	sendout(" end");
	# Save state of signals
	for (my $n=0; $n<=$#params; $n++) {
	    sendout(" $dholds[$n] <= ^($params[$n]);");
	sendout(" end ");
    sendout(" end ");


sub ins_ucheck_ilevel {
    shift; # $ucheck_ilevel
    my $level = shift;
    my $chk = "/*vpassert*/if ((`__message_on) && ";
    $chk .= ' && (`__message_minimum >= (' . $level . '))' if $Opt_Minimum;
    $chk = $chk . '(__message >= (' . $level . ')))';
    sendout ($chk);

sub uassert_hot {
    my $check_nohot = shift;
    my @params = @_;

    my $text = "";
    my ($elem,$i,$ptemp,$plist,$pnone);

    my $len = 0;
    my @cl = ();
    while ($elem = shift @params){
	$elem =~ s/^\s*//;
	if ($elem =~ /^\"/){   # beginning quote
	    $elem =~ s/\"//g;
	    $text .= $elem;
	    foreach my $subel (split ',', $elem) {
		$len = $len + bitwidth($subel);
	    push @cl, $elem;

    # We use === so that x's will properly cause error messages
    my $vec = "({".join(",",@cl)."})";
    sendout("if (($vec & ($vec - ${len}'b1)) !== ${len}'b0 && `__message_on) ");
    ins_uerror(0,"\"MULTIPLE ACTIVE %b --> $text\\n\"",$vec);

    if ($check_nohot==1){
	sendout("if ($vec === ${len}'b0 && `__message_on) ");
	ins_uerror(0,"\"NONE ACTIVE %b --> $text\\n\"",$vec);

sub umessage_clk {
    my $char = shift;
    my $cond = shift;
    my $clk = shift;
    my @params = @_;

    $params[0] = convert_concat_string($params[0]);
    ($params[0] =~ /^\s*\"/)
	or die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": Non-string \$message second argument: $params[0]\n";

    $ReqAck_Num or die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": \$uassert_req_ack can't find module statement\n";
    my $sig = "_umessageclk${ReqAck_Num}";
    $Insure_Symbols{$Last_Module}{$sig} = ['reg', 0];	# Make this symbol exist if doesn't

    if ($cond eq '0') {
    } else {

    _insert_always_begin('assert', "/*vpassert*/ $sig=1'b0; /*vpassert*/");

    my $bot = (" always @ (posedge $clk) if ($sig) "
	       .message (get_lineinfo(), 1, $char, 1, "", @_)
	       ." ");
    push @Endmodule_Inserts, [0, $bot];

sub ucover_foreach_clk {
    my $clk = shift;
    my $label = shift;
    my $range = shift;
    my $expr = shift;
	or die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": Extra arguments to \$ucover_foreach_clk: $_[0]\n";

    # We require quotes around the label so synthesis tools won't gripe if not wrapping in vpassert
    # (Otherwise it would look like a system call with a variable of the name of the label.)
    ($label =~ s/^\s*\"([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\"\s*$/$1/)
	or die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": Non-string label \$ucover_clk second argument: $label\n";

    ($range =~ s/^\s*\"\s*(\d[0-9,:]+)\s*\"\s*$/$1/)
	or die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": Can't parse msb:lsb in \$ucover_foreach_clk: $range\n";

    my @values = _convert_foreach_comma($range);
    foreach my $i (@values) {
	my $nexpr = $expr;
	$nexpr =~ s/\$ui\b/($i)/g
	    or die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": No \$ui in \$ucover_foreach_clk expression: $expr\n";
	_ucover_clk_guts($clk, $label."__".$i, "(${nexpr})");

sub ucover_clk {
    my $clk = shift;
    my $label = shift;
	or die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": Extra arguments to \$ucover_clk: $_[0]\n";

    # We require quotes around the label so synthesis tools won't gripe if not wrapping in vpassert
    # (Otherwise it would look like a system call with a variable of the name of the label.)
    ($label =~ s/^\s*\"([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\"\s*$/$1/)
	or die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": Non-string label \$ucover_clk second argument: $label\n";

    _ucover_clk_guts($clk,$label, "1'b1");

sub _ucover_clk_guts {
    my $clk = shift;
    my $label = shift;
    my $expr = shift;

    $ReqAck_Num or die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": \$ucover_clk can't find module statement\n";
    my $sig = "_ucoverclk${ReqAck_Num}";
    $Insure_Symbols{$Last_Module}{$sig} = ['reg', 0];	# Make this symbol exist if doesn't


    _insert_always_begin('cover', "/*vpassert*/ $sig=1'b0; /*vpassert*/");

    # Note correct `line is required to see correct cover point
    push @Endmodule_Inserts, [$Last_Parser->lineno," $label: cover property (@(posedge $clk) ($sig));\n"];

sub _insert_always_begin {
    my $for_assert = shift;
    my $text = shift;
    my $beginl;
    for (my $l = $#Sendout; $l>=0; $l--) {
	my $tok = $Sendout[$l][1];
	#print "HUNT $l: ".($beginl||"").": $tok\n";
	# Fortunately all comments must be a single array entry
	$tok =~ s!//.*?\n!!go;
	$tok =~ s!/\*.*?\*/$!!go;
	if ($tok =~ /\bbegin\b/) {
	    $beginl = $l;
	if ($tok =~ /\b(if|initial|final)\b/) {
	    $beginl = undef;
	if ($tok =~ /\bposedge\b/) {
	    if ($for_assert ne 'cover') {
		die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": \$uerror_clk is under a posedge clk, use \$uerror instead\n";
	if ($tok =~ /\balways\b/) {
	    last if !defined $beginl;  # And die below
	    my $insert = $text;
	    $Sendout[$beginl][1] =~ s/(\bbegin\b)/$1$insert/;
    die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": \$uerror_clk is not somewhere under an 'always begin' block\n";

sub get_lineinfo {
    # Align the lineinfo so that right hand sides are aligned
    my $message_filename = $Last_Parser->filename;
    $message_filename =~ s/^.*\///g;
    my $lineinfo = substr ($message_filename, 0, 17); # Don't make too long
    $lineinfo = $lineinfo . sprintf(":%04d:", $Last_Parser->lineno );
    $lineinfo = sprintf ("%-21s", $lineinfo);

use vars qw($Msg_Header_Level);
sub coverage_off {
    my $subcall = shift;
    my $out = "";
    if (!$Msg_Header_Level) {
	$out .= "/*summit modcovoff -bpen*/\n" if $Vericov_Enabled;
	$out .= "/*ri userpass BE on*/\n" if $Opt_RealIntent;
	$out .= "/*VCS coverage off*/\n" if $Opt_Vcs;
	$out .= "/*ax_line_coverage_off*/\n" if $Opt_Axiom;
	$out .= "/*verilator coverage_off*/\n" if $Opt_Verilator && !$subcall;
	$out = "\n".$out if $out;
	$out .= "/*vpassert*/";
	$Got_Change = 1;
    return $out;

sub coverage_on {
    my $subcall = shift;
    my $out = "";
    if ((--$Msg_Header_Level)==0) {
	$out .= "/*verilator coverage_on*/\n" if $Opt_Verilator && !$subcall;
	$out .= "/*VCS coverage on*/\n" if $Opt_Vcs;
	$out .= "/*ax_line_coverage_on*/\n" if $Opt_Axiom;
	$out .= "/*ri userpass BE off*/\n" if $Opt_RealIntent;
	$out .= "/*summit modcovon -bpen*/\n" if $Vericov_Enabled;
	$out = "\n".$out if $out;
	$out = '/*vpassert*/'.$out;
    return $out;

sub message_header {
    my $off = coverage_off(1);
    my $out = $off;
    $out .= "begin ";
    $out .= "/*verilator coverage_block_off*/" if ($Opt_Verilator && $off);
    return $out;

sub message_trailer {
    my $out = 'end ';
    $out .= coverage_on(1);
    return $out;

sub message {
    my $lineinfo = shift;
    my $show_id = shift;
    my $char = shift;
    my $cond = shift;
    my $otherargs = shift;
    my @params = @_;	# Level, printf string, args

    if ($params[0] =~ /^\s*\"/) {
	# No digit in first parameter
	# Push new parameter [0] as a 0.
	unshift @params, '0';

    $params[1] = convert_concat_string($params[1]);
    unless ($char =~ /^-I/i) {
	if ($params[1] =~ s/\s*\"\s*$//) {
	    # For a well-formed message, $params[1] now ends in "\\n".
	    $params[1] .= "\\n" if $params[1] !~ /\\n$/;
	    $params[1] = $params[1]."${char}: In %m\\n\"";

    ($params[0] =~ /^\s*[0-9]/)
	or die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": Non-numeric \$message first argument: $params[0]\n";
    ($params[1] =~ /^\s*\"/)
	or die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": Non-string \$message second argument: $params[1]\n";

    my $out = message_header();

    # These long lines without breaks are intentional; I want to preserve line numbers
    my $is_warn = (($char eq '%%E') || ($char eq '%%W') || ($char eq "-i"));

    if ($cond ne "1") {
	# Conditional code, for $uassert
	# Note this will only work in RTL code!
	$out .= "if (!($cond) && (`__message_on)) ";
    } elsif ($params[0] =~ /^\s*0\s*$/) {
	# Always enabled
	if ($is_warn) {
	    $out .= "if (`__message_on) ";
    } else {
	# Complex test
	$Insure_Symbols{$Last_Module}{__message} = ['integer',5];	# Make this symbol exist if doesn't
	my $chk = 'if ((__message >= (' . $params[0] . '))';
	$chk .= ' && (`__message_minimum >= (' . $params[0] . '))' if $Opt_Minimum;
	$chk .= " && (`__message_on) " if $is_warn;
	$chk .= ') ';
	$out .= $chk;

    my $task;
    my $call;
    if (($char eq '-I') || ($char eq '-i')) {
	if ($Opt_Call_Info) {
	    $call = $Opt_Call_Info;
    elsif ($char eq '%%E') {
	if ($Opt_Call_Error) {
	    $call = $Opt_Call_Error;
	} else {
	    $task = ($Opt_Stop ? '$stop;' : "`pli.errors = `pli.errors+1;");
    elsif ($char eq '%%W') {
	if ($Opt_Call_Error) {
	    $call = $Opt_Call_Warn;
	} else {
	    $task = ($Opt_Stop ? '$stop;' : "`pli.warnings = `pli.warnings+1;");
    else { die "%Error: Unknown message character class '$char'\n"; }

    {	# if's body
	$out .= "begin";
	$out .= " \$timeformat($Opt_Timeformat_Units, $Opt_Timeformat_Precision,\"\",20);"
	    if defined $Opt_Timeformat_Units;
	$out .= " \$write (\"[%0t] ${char}:${lineinfo} "
	    if !$call;
	$out .= " ${call} (\"" if $call;

	my $par = $params[1];
	$par =~ s/^\s*\"//;

	$out .= "$par";
	$out .= ",\$time" if !$call;
	$out .= $otherargs;
	for my $parn (2 .. $#params) {
	    my $p = $params[$parn];
	    $out .= ", $p";
	    print "MESSAGE $char, Parameter $p\n" if ($Debug);
	$out .= ');';
	$out .= $task    if $task;
	$out .= ' end ';

    $out .= message_trailer();

    return $out;


sub _convert_foreach_comma {
    my $in = shift;
    # Similar to Verilog::Language::split_bus
    my @out;
    $in =~ s/\s+//g;
    while ($in =~ s!,?(((\d+):(\d+))|(\d+))!!) {
	if (defined $3 && defined $4) {
	    if ($3<$4) {
		foreach (my $i=$3; $i<=$4; $i++) {
		    push @out, $i;
	    } else {
		foreach (my $i=$3; $i>=$4; $i--) {
		    push @out, $i;
	} elsif (defined $5) {
	    push @out, $5;
    $in eq ""
	or die "%Error: ".$Last_Parser->fileline.": Strange range expression: $in\n";
    return @out;

sub convert_concat_string {
    my $string = shift;
    # Convert {"string"} or {"str","in","g"} to just "string"
    # Beware embedded quotes "\""
    return $string if ($string !~ /^\s*\{\s*(\".*)\s*\}\s*$/);
    my $in = $1;
    my $out = "";
    my $quote; my $slash;
    for (my $i=0; $i<length($in); $i++) {
	my $c = substr($in,$i,1);
	if ($quote && $c eq '"' && !$slash) {
	    $quote = 0;
	    $out .= $c;
	} elsif ($quote) {
	    $out .= $c;
	} elsif ($c eq '"') {
	    $quote = 1;
	    $out .= $c;
	    $out =~ s/\"\"$//;	# Join "" strings
	} elsif ($c =~ /\s/) {
	} elsif ($c eq ',') {
	} else {
	    # Something strange, just don't convert it
	    return $string;
	$slash = ($c eq "\\");
    return $out;


sub sendout {
    # Send out the string to the output file, consider this a change.
    my $string = shift;
    push @Sendout, [$Last_Parser->lineno, $string];
    $Got_Change = 1;


sub form_conversions_regexp {
    # Create $Vpassert_Conversions_Regexp, a regexp that matches any of the conversions
    # This regexp will allow us to quickly look at the file and ignore it if no matches
    my $re = '';
    my $last_tok = "\$ignore";
    foreach my $tok (sort (keys %Vpassert_Conversions)) {
	($tok =~ s/^\$//) or die "%Error: Vpassert_Conversion $tok doesn't have leading \$\n";
	if (substr ($tok, 0, length($last_tok)) eq $last_tok) {
	    #print "Suppress $tok   $last_tok\n" if $Debug;
	} else {
	    $re .= "|" if $re;
	    $re .= '\$'.$tok;
	    $last_tok = $tok;

    if ($Opt_NoPli) {
	$re .= "|" if $re;
	$re .= '\$';
    if ($Opt_Synthcov) {
	$re .= "|" if $re;
	$re .= 'SYNTHESIS';

    $re = "(".$re.")";
    $re = "\$NEVER_MATCH_ANYTHING" if $re eq '\$()';
    #print "CV REGEXP $re\n" if $Debug;

    $Vpassert_Conversions_Regexp = qr/$re/;

sub vpassert_process {
    # Read all signals in this filename
    # Return TRUE if the file changed
    my $filename = shift;
    my $outname = shift;
    $Got_Change = shift;	# True if should always write output, not only if have change

    if ($outname =~ /[\/\\]$/) {
	# Directory, not file, so append filename
	my $basename = $filename;
	$basename =~ s/.*[\/\\]//g;
	$outname .= $basename;

    print "vpassert_process ($filename, $outname, $Got_Change)\n"	if ($Debug);

    ($filename ne $outname) or die "%Error: $filename: Would overwrite self.";

    @Sendout = ();
    $Msg_Header_Level = 0;
    @instance_tests_list = ();

    # Set up parsing
    my $parser = new Verilog::Vpassert::Parser;
    $Last_Parser = $parser;

    # Open file for reading and parse it
    my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename.";
    if (!$Got_Change) {
	while (<$fh>) {
	    goto diff if (/$Vpassert_Conversions_Regexp/);
	print "$filename: No dollars, not processing\n" if ($Debug);
	$. = 1;

    while (my $line = $fh->getline() ) {
	$parser->parse ($line);
    push @Sendout, [$Last_Parser->lineno, $parser->unreadback()];    $parser->unreadback('');

    # Hack the output text to add in the messages variable
    foreach my $mod (sort keys %Insure_Symbols) {
	my $insert="";
	my $n=0;  # Some compilers choke if lines get too long;
	foreach my $sym (sort keys %{$Insure_Symbols{$mod}}) {
	    #if ! $module_symbols{$sym} 	# For now always put it in
	    my $type = $Insure_Symbols{$mod}{$sym}[0];
	    my $value = $Insure_Symbols{$mod}{$sym}[1];
	    $insert .= "$type $sym; initial $sym = $value;";
	    if (++$n > 10) {
		$insert .= "\n";
	if ($insert) {
	    my $hit;
	    for (my $l = $#Sendout; $l>=0; $l--) {
		my $tok = $Sendout[$l][1];
		if ($tok =~ m%/\*vpassert beginmodule $mod\*/%) {
		    my $lineno = $Sendout[$l][0];
		    if ($Opt_Line) {
			$insert .= "\n`line ".$lineno." \"".$Last_Parser->filename."\" 0\n";
		    $tok =~ s%/\*vpassert beginmodule $mod\*/%/*vpassert*/$insert%g or die;  # Must exist, found above!
		    $Sendout[$l][1] = $tok;
		    $hit = 1;
		    # Don't exit the loop, keep looking for more.
		    # It's possible there's a `ifdef with multiple "module x" headers
	    $hit or die "vpassert %Error: $filename: Couldn't find symbol insertion point in $mod\n";

    $#Endmodule_Inserts < 0
	or die "vpassert %Error: $filename: Couldn't find endmodule\n";

    # Put out the processed file
    print "Got_Change? $Got_Change  $outname\n"	if ($Debug);
    if ($Got_Change) {
	my $date = localtime;
	$fh->open(">$outname") or die "%Error: Can't write $outname.";
	my $curline = -1;
	my $needline = 1;
	# No newline so line counts not affected
	print $fh "/* Generated by vpassert; File:\"$filename\" */";
	my @out;
	foreach my $outref (@Sendout) {
	    #print "CL $curline  WL $outref->[0]  TT $outref->[1]\n";
	    if ($outref->[0]) {
		$needline = $outref->[0];
	    if ($curline != $needline) {
		push @out, "\n`line $needline \"$filename\" 0\n" if $Opt_Line;
		$curline = $needline;
	    push @out, $outref->[1];
	    $curline++ while ($outref->[1] =~ /\n/g);
	my $out = join('',@out);
	# Simplify redundant `lines to save space
	$out =~ s%(\`line[^\n]*)\n[ \t\n]*(\`line[^\n]*\n)%$2%mg;
	$out =~ s%\n+(\n\`line[^\n]*)%$1%mg;
	print $fh $out;
	if (defined $Files{$filename}{mtime}) {
	    utime $Files{$filename}{mtime}, $Files{$filename}{mtime}, $outname;

    return $Got_Change;


sub bitwidth {
    # Take a string like "{foo[5:0],bar} and return bit width (7 in this case)
    my $statement = shift;
    my $bits = 0;
    foreach my $sig (split /,\{\]/, $statement) {
	if ($sig =~ /[a-z].* \[ (-?[0-9]+) : (-?[0-9]+) \]/x) {
	    $bits += ($1 - $2) + 1;
	} elsif ($sig =~ /[a-z]/) {
	    $bits ++;
    return $bits;


sub vpassert_db_read_file {
    # Read when the unprocessed files were last known to not need processing
    my $filename = shift;
    my $fh = IO::File->new("<$filename") or return;  # no error if fails
    while (my $line = $fh->getline) {
	chomp $line;
	if ($line =~ /^switch\s*(.*$)/) {
	    my $old = $1;
	    my $now = _switch_line();
	    $old =~ s/\s+//g;
	    $now =~ s/\s+//g;
	    $Last_ArgsDiffer = ($old ne $now);
	} else {
	    my ($tt_cmd, $tt_file, $tt_mtime, $tt_size) = split(/\t/,$line);
	    $tt_cmd .= "";	# Warning removal
	    $Files_Read{$tt_file}{mtime} = $tt_mtime;
	    $Files_Read{$tt_file}{size} = $tt_size;

sub vpassert_db_write_file {
    # Save which unprocessed files did not need processing
    my $filename = shift;
    my $fh = IO::File->new(">$filename") or die "%Error: $! $filename.\n";
    $fh->print ("switch\t"._switch_line()."\n");
    foreach my $file (sort (keys %Files)) {
	next if !$Files{$file}{mtime};
	$fh->print ("unproc\t$file\t$Files{$file}{mtime}\t$Files{$file}{size}\n");


sub vpassert_recursive_prelude {
    # What to do before processing any files
    my $destdir = shift;

    $destdir .= "/"		if ($destdir !~ /[\\\/]$/);

    %Files = ();
    %Files_Read = ();
    vpassert_db_read_file ("${destdir}/.vpassert_skipped_times");

    if (! -d $destdir) {
	mkdir ($destdir,0777) or die "%Error: Can't mkdir $destdir\n";

    # Don't include directory in time saving, as path may change dep how run
    my $dest_mtime = $Files_Read{"vpassert"}{mtime} || 0;
    if (!$Opt_Date
	|| ($Prog_Mtime > $dest_mtime)
	|| $Last_ArgsDiffer) {
	# Flush the whole read cache
	%Files_Read = ();
	print "\t    VPASSERT (or overall flags) changed... Two minutes...\n";
	print "\t    Mtime = $Prog_Mtime\n" if $Debug;
    #print "FF $Opt_Date, $Prog_Mtime, $dest_mtime, $Opt_Vericov, $Last_Vericov\n";
    $Files{"vpassert"}{mtime} = $Prog_Mtime;
    $Files{"vpassert"}{size} = 1;

sub vpassert_recursive_postlude {
    my $destdir = shift;
    $destdir .= "/"		if ($destdir !~ /[\\\/]$/);
    # What to do after processing all files

    # Check for deletions
    foreach my $srcfile (sort keys %Files_Read) {
	if ($Files_Read{$srcfile}{mtime}
	    && !$Files{$srcfile}{mtime}) {
	    (my $basefile = $srcfile) =~ s/.*\///;
	    my $destfile = "$destdir$basefile";
	    # A file with the same basename may now be in a different dir,
	    # and already processed, so don't delete it.
	    if (!$File_Dest{$destfile}) {
		print "\t    vpassert: Deleted? $srcfile\n" if !$Opt_Quiet;
		unlink $destfile;

    vpassert_db_write_file ("${destdir}/.vpassert_skipped_times");

sub vpassert_recursive {
    # Recursively process this directory or file argument
    my $srcdir = shift;
    my $destdir = shift;

    print "Recursing $srcdir $destdir\n" if ($Debug);

    if (-d $srcdir) {
	$srcdir .= "/"		if ($srcdir !~ /[\\\/]$/);
	$destdir .= "/"		if ($destdir !~ /[\\\/]$/);
	my $dh = new IO::Dir $srcdir or die "%Error: Could not directory $srcdir.\n";
	while (defined (my $basefile = $dh->read)) {
	    my $srcfile = $srcdir . $basefile;
	    if ($Opt->libext_matches($srcfile)) {
		next if -d $srcfile;
		vpassert_process_one($srcfile, $destdir);
    } else {
	# Plain file
	vpassert_process_one ($srcdir, $destdir, 1);

use vars (qw(%file_directory));

sub vpassert_process_one {
    # Process one file, keeping cache consistent
    my $srcfile = shift;
    my $destdir = shift;

    (my $basefile = $srcfile) =~ s!.*[/\\]!!;
    my $destfile = "$destdir$basefile";
    $File_Dest{$destfile} = 1;

    my @stat = (stat($srcfile));
    my $src_mtime = $stat[9] || 0;
    my $src_size = $stat[7] || 0;
    my $dest_mtime = $Files_Read{$srcfile}{mtime} || 0;

    # Mark times
    #print "BCK $basefile $src_mtime, $dest_mtime\n";
    $Files{$srcfile}{mtime} = $src_mtime;
    $Files{$srcfile}{size} = $src_size;

    if ($src_mtime != $dest_mtime
	|| $src_size != $Files_Read{$srcfile}{size}) {
	my $no_output = 0;
	unlink $destfile;
	if (! vpassert_process ($srcfile, $destfile, $Opt_AllFiles)) {
	    # Didn't need to do processing
	    $no_output = 1;
	    print "nooutput: vpassert_process ($srcfile, $destfile,0 )\n" if ($Debug);
	} else {
	    # Make sure didn't clobber another directory's file
	    print "madenew:  vpassert_process ($srcfile, $destfile,0 )\n" if ($Debug);
	    if ($file_directory{$destfile}) {
		my $old = $file_directory{$destfile};
		die "%Error: Two files with same basename: $srcfile, $old\n";
		# This warning is to prevent search order dependence in the
		# verilog search path.  It also makes sure we don't clobber
		# one file with another by the same name in the .vpassert directory
	if (!$Opt_Quiet) {
	    print "  VPASSERT'ing file ($Total_Files) $srcfile ",
	    ($dest_mtime ? "(Changed)":"(New)"), ($no_output ? " (no-output)" : ""),"\n";
    $file_directory{$destfile} = $srcfile;

sub nochange_copy {
    my $srcfile = shift;
    my $dstfile = shift;
    my $fhw = IO::File->new(">$dstfile");
    my $fhr = IO::File->new("<$srcfile");
    if (!$fhr) { warn "%Warning: $! $srcfile\n"; return; }
    $fhw->print("`line 1 \"$srcfile\" 0\n") if $Opt_Line;
    # Unfortunately File::Copy::copy overwrites our line statement.
    my $eof;
    my $chunk = POSIX::BUFSIZ;  # On 5.8.8 this isn't a number but text
    $chunk = 8*1024 if $chunk !~ /^\d+$/;
    while (!$eof) {
	my $data = '';
	my $rv = $fhr->sysread($data, $chunk, 0);
	#print "RRV=$rv b=$!\n" if $Debug;
	$eof = 1 if !$rv || (!$fhr || ($! && $! != POSIX::EWOULDBLOCK));

# Parser functions called by Verilog::Parser

package Verilog::Vpassert::Parser; ## no critic
require Exporter;
use Verilog::Parser;
use base qw(Verilog::Parser);

    # Symbols to alias to global scope
    use vars qw(@GLOBALS);
    @GLOBALS = qw
    foreach (@GLOBALS) {
	my ($type,$sym) = /^(.)(.*)$/;
	*{"$sym"} = \${"::$sym"} if ($type eq "\$");
	*{"$sym"} = \%{"::$sym"} if ($type eq "%");
	*{"$sym"} = \@{"::$sym"} if ($type eq "@");

use strict;
use vars (@GLOBALS,
	  qw ( $Last_Keyword
use Verilog::Parser;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
    bless $self, $class;

    # State of the parser
    # These could be put under the class, but this is faster and we only parse
    # one file at a time
    @Endmodule_Inserts = ();
    $Last_Keyword = "";
    $Last_Lineno = 0;
    $Last_Prekwd = 0;
    @Last_Symbols = ();
    @Last_Number_Ops = ();
    $Last_Task = "";
    $Last_Module = "";
    $Vericov_Enabled = $Opt_Vericov;
    $Need_Vpassert_Symbols = 0;
    $Param_Num = 0;
    $Parens = 0;
    $PreLevel = 0;
    @PreCovOff = ();
    $In_Message = 0;
    #%module_symbols = ();
    %Insure_Symbols = ();
    @Params = ();

    return $self;

sub keyword {
    # Callback from parser when a keyword occurs
    my ($parser, $token) = @_;
    my $since = $parser->unreadback(); $parser->unreadback('');

    $Last_Keyword = $token;
    @Last_Symbols = ();
    @Last_Number_Ops = ();

    if ($Opt_Vericov && (($token eq "case") || ($token eq "casex") || ($token eq "casez"))) {
	push @Sendout, [$Last_Lineno, $since];
	push @Sendout, [$Last_Lineno, "\n/*summit implicit off*/\n"] if $Vericov_Enabled;
	push @Sendout, [$Last_Lineno, $token];
    elsif ($Opt_Vericov && ($token eq "endcase")) {
	push @Sendout, [$Last_Lineno, $since . $token];
	push @Sendout, [$Last_Lineno, "\n/*summit implicit on*/\n"] if $Vericov_Enabled;
    elsif ($token eq "endmodule") {
	if ($#Endmodule_Inserts >= 0) {
	    push @Sendout, @Endmodule_Inserts;
	    @Endmodule_Inserts = ();
	push @Sendout, [$Last_Lineno, $since . $token];
    else {
	push @Sendout, [$Last_Lineno, $since . $token];
    $Last_Lineno = $parser->lineno;

sub symbol {
    # Callback from parser when a symbol occurs
    my ($parser, $token) = @_;
    my $since = $parser->unreadback(); $parser->unreadback('');

    if ($In_Message) {
	$Params[$Param_Num] .= $since . $token;
    } else {
	if ($Vpassert_Conversions {$token}
		 || ($Opt_NoPli && $token =~ /^\$/ && $Parens==0)) {
	    push @Sendout, [$Last_Lineno, $since];
	    print "Callback SYMBOL $token\n"    if ($Debug);
	    $In_Message = 1;
	    $Param_Num = 1;
	    @Params = ();
	    $Params[0] = $token;
	} else {
	    # Actually a keyword; we check for that too
	    push @Sendout, [$Last_Lineno, $since . $token];

    if ($Last_Keyword eq "task") {
	$Last_Task = $token;
	$Last_Keyword = "";
	$Parens = 0;
    if ($Last_Keyword eq "module") {
	$Last_Module = $token;
	$Last_Keyword = "";
	$Need_Vpassert_Symbols = 1;
	$ReqAck_Num = 1;
	$Parens = 0;
    if ($Last_Prekwd) {
	if ($Last_Prekwd eq "`ifdef" || $Last_Prekwd eq "`elsif" || $Last_Prekwd eq "`ifndef") {
	    if ($token eq "SYNTHESIS") {
		my $ndef = ($Last_Prekwd eq "`ifndef");
		$PreCovOff[$PreLevel] = $ndef;
		if ($PreCovOff[$PreLevel] && $Opt_Synthcov) {
		    push @Sendout, [0, ::coverage_off(0)];
	    } else {
		$PreCovOff[$PreLevel] = 0;
	$Last_Prekwd = 0;

    push @Last_Symbols, $token;
    $Last_Lineno = $parser->lineno;

sub number {
    # Callback from parser when a number occurs
    my ($parser, $token) = @_;
    my $since = $parser->unreadback(); $parser->unreadback('');

    if ($In_Message) {
	print "Callback NUMBER $token\n"    if ($Debug);
	$Params[$Param_Num] .= $since . $token;
    } else {
	push @Sendout, [$Last_Lineno, $since . $token];
    push @Last_Number_Ops, $token;
    $Last_Lineno = $parser->lineno;

sub operator {
    # Callback from parser when a operator occurs
    my ($parser, $token) = @_;
    my $since = $parser->unreadback(); $parser->unreadback('');

    if ($In_Message) {
	print "Callback OPERATOR $token  ($Parens, $Param_Num)\n"    if ($Debug);
	if (($token eq ',') && ($Parens==1)) {
	    # Top level comma
	    $Params[$Param_Num] .= $since;
	    $Param_Num ++;
	elsif (($token eq ';' && ($Parens==0))) {
	    # Final statement close
	    if ($In_Message) {
		if ($Opt_NoPli) {
		    # ""  doesn't work, as need semi for "if (1) $x()"
		    # ";" doesn't work, as need empty for "begin $x() end"
		    ::sendout ("begin end ");
		    for (my $p=0; $p<=$#Params; $p++) {
			while ($Params[$p]=~/\n/g) { ::sendout("\n"); }
		} elsif (defined $Vpassert_Conversions {$Params[0]}) {
		    #print " CALLPRE ",join(':',@Params),"\n" if $Debug;
		    my $nl = "";
		    for (my $p=0; $p<=$#Params; $p++) {
			while ($Params[$p]=~/\n/g) { $nl .= "\n"; }
			$Params[$p] = Verilog::Language::strip_comments($Params[$p]);
			$Params[$p]=~ s/\n//g;
		    my $func = $Vpassert_Conversions {$Params[0]};
		    print " CALL ",join(':',@Params),"\n" if $Debug;
		    &$func (@Params);
		    ::sendout ($nl) if $nl; # Adjust for \n's in params
		} else {
		    ::sendout ("");
	elsif (($token eq ')' || $token eq '}') && ($Parens==1)) {
	    # Final paren
	    $Params[$Param_Num] .= $since;
	elsif ($token eq ')' || $token eq '}') {
	    # Other paren
	    $Params[$Param_Num] .= $since . $token;
	elsif ($token eq '(' || $token eq '{') {
	    if ($Parens!=0) {
		$Params[$Param_Num] .= $since . $token;
	else {
	    $Params[$Param_Num] .= $since . $token;
    elsif ($Need_Vpassert_Symbols && ($token eq ';')) {
	$Need_Vpassert_Symbols = 0;
	# Squeeze it after module (..);
	push @Sendout, [$Last_Lineno, $since . $token . '/*vpassert beginmodule '.$Last_Module.'*/'];
    else {
	push @Sendout, [$Last_Lineno, $since . $token];

    # Track parens
    if ($token eq '(' || $token eq '{') {
    } elsif ($token eq ')' || $token eq '}') {

    push @Last_Number_Ops, $token;
    $Last_Lineno = $parser->lineno;

sub string {
    # Callback from parser when a string occurs
    my ($parser, $token) = @_;

    my $since = $parser->unreadback(); $parser->unreadback('');

    if ($In_Message) {
	print "Callback STRING $token\n"    if ($Debug);
	$Params[$Param_Num] .= $since . $token;
    } else {
	push @Sendout, [$Last_Lineno, $since . $token];
	if (($Last_Keyword eq "`include")
	    && ($token =~ /\//)) {
	    print STDERR "%Warning: ".$parser->fileline.": `include has directory,"
		. " remove and add +incdir+ to\n";
    $Last_Lineno = $parser->lineno;

sub comment {
    # Callback from parser when a comment
    # *** To speed things up, this is only invoked when doing vericov
    my ($parser, $token) = @_;
    if (!$Opt_Vericov && $token !~ /_coverage_/) {
	$parser->unreadback($parser->unreadback() . $token);

    my $since = $parser->unreadback(); $parser->unreadback('');

    if ($Opt_Vericov) {
	if ($token =~ /summit\s+modcovon/
	    || $token =~ /simtech\s+modcovon/) {
	    $Vericov_Enabled = 1;
	} elsif ($token =~ /summit\s+modcovoff/
		|| $token =~ /simtech\s+modcovoff/) {
	    $Vericov_Enabled = 0;

    push @Sendout, [$Last_Lineno, $since . $token];
    if ($token =~ /\b(cn|vp)_coverage_(off|on)/) {
	if ($2 eq 'off') {
	    push @Sendout, [0, ::coverage_off(0)];
	} else {
	    push @Sendout, [0, ::coverage_on(0)];
    $Last_Lineno = $parser->lineno;

sub preproc {
    my ($self, $token) = @_;
    if (Verilog::Language::is_compdirect($token)) {
	my $since = $self->unreadback(); $self->unreadback('');
	# Close previous endif
	if ($Opt_Synthcov) {  # Else accelerate
	    if ($token eq "`elsif"
		|| $token eq "`else"
		|| $token eq "`endif") {
		if ($PreCovOff[$PreLevel] && $Opt_Synthcov) {
		    push @Sendout, [0, ::coverage_on(0)];
	# Current token
	push @Sendout, [$Last_Lineno, $since . $token];
	# Begin new endif
	if ($Opt_Synthcov) {  # Else accelerate
	    if ($token eq "`ifdef"
		|| $token eq "`ifndef"
		|| $token eq "`elsif") {
		$Last_Prekwd = $token;
	    elsif ($token eq "`else") {
		$PreCovOff[$PreLevel] = !$PreCovOff[$PreLevel];
		if ($PreCovOff[$PreLevel] && $Opt_Synthcov) {
		    push @Sendout, [0, ::coverage_off(0)];
	$Last_Lineno = $self->lineno;
    } else {

package main;



=head1 NAME

vpassert - Preprocess Verilog code assertions


[ B<--help> ]
[ B<--date> ]
[ B<--quiet> ]
[ -y B<directories...> ]
[ B<files...> ]


Vpassert will read the specified Verilog files and preprocess special PLI
assertions.  The files are written to the directory named .vpassert unless
another name is given with B<-o>.  If a directory is passed, all files in
that directory will be preprocessed.


Standard VCS and GCC-like parameters are used to specify the files to be

    +libext+I<ext>+I<ext>...	Specify extensions to be processed
    -f I<file>		Parse parameters in file
    -v I<file>		Parse the library file (I<file>)
    -y I<dir>		Parse all files in the directory (I<dir>)
    -II<dir>		Parse all files in the directory (I<dir>)
    +incdir+I<dir>	Parse all files in the directory (I<dir>)

To prevent recursion and allow reuse of the being passed to the
simulator, if the output directory is requested to be preprocessed, that
directory is simply ignored.

=over 4

=item --allfiles

Preprocess and write out files that do not have any macros that need
expanding.  By default, files that do not need processing are not written

This option may speed up simulator compile times; the file will always be
found in the preprocessed directory, saving the compiler from having to
search a large number of -v directories to find it.

=item --axiom

Special Axiom ATHDL enables/disables added around unreachable code.

=item --call-error <function>

When $uerror (or $uassert etc.) wants to display a message, call the
specified function instead of $display and $stop.

=item --call-info <function>

When $uinfo wants to display a message, call the specified function instead
of $display.

=item --call-warn <function>

When $uwarn (or $uwarn_clk etc.) wants to display a message, call the
specified function instead of $display and $stop.

=item --date

Check file dates and sizes versus the last run of vpassert and don't
process if the given source file has not changed.

=item --exclude

Exclude processing any files which begin with the specified prefix.

=item --help

Displays this message and program version and exits.

=item --language <1364-1995|1364-2001|1364-2005|1800-2005|1800-2009|1800-2012>

Set the language standard for the files.  This determines which tokens are
signals versus keywords, such as the ever-common "do" (data-out signal,
versus a do-while loop keyword).

=item --minimum

Include `__message_minimum in the $uinfo test, so that by defining
__message_minimum=1 some uinfos may be optimized away at compile time.

=item --noline

Do not emit `line directives.  If not specified they will be used under
--language 1364-2001 and later.

=item --nopli

Delete all 'simple' PLI calls.  PLI function calls inside parenthesis will
not be changed, and thus may still need to be manually ifdef'ed out.
Useful for reducing the amount of `ifdef's required to feed non-PLI
competent synthesis programs.

=item --nostop

By default, $error and $warn insert a $stop statement.  With --nostop, this
is replaced by incrementing a variable, which may then be used to
conditionally halt simulation.

=item --o I<file>

Use the given filename for output instead of the input name .vpassert.  If
the name ends in a / it is used as a output directory with the default

=item --quiet

Suppress messages about what files are being preprocessed.

=item --realintent

Special RealIntent enable/disables added around unreachable code.

=item --synthcov

When "ifdef SYNTHESIS" is seen, disable coverage.  Resume on the `else or
`endif.  This does NOT follow child defines, for example:

  `ifdef SYNTHSIS
    `define MYSYNTH
  `ifdef MYSYNTH   // This will not be coveraged-off

=item --timeformat-units I<units>

If specified, include Verilog $timeformat calls before all messages.  Use
the provided argument as the units.  Units is in powers of 10, so -9
indicates to use nanoseconds.

=item --timeformat-precision I<prec>

When using --timeformat-units, use this as the precision value, the number
of digits after the decimal point.  Defaults to zero.

=item --vericov

Special Vericov enable/disables added around unreachable code.

=item --verilator

Special Verilator translations enabled.

=item --version

Displays program version and exits.

=item --vcs

Special Synopsys VCS enables/disables added around unreachable code.



These Verilog pseudo-pli calls are expanded:

=over 4

=item /*vp_coverage_off*/

Disable coverage for all tools starting at this point.  Does not need to be
on a unique line.

=item /*vp_coverage_on*/

Re-enable coverage after a vp_coverage_off.  Does not need to be on a
unique line.

=item $uassert (I<case>, "message", [I<vars>...] )

Report a $uerror if the given case is FALSE.  (Like assert() in C.)

=item $uassert_amone (I<sig>, [I<sig>...], "message", [I<vars>...] )

Report a $uerror if more than one signal is asserted, or any are X.  (None
asserted is ok.)  The error message will include a binary display of the
signal values.

=item $uassert_info (I<case>, "message", [I<vars>...] )

Report a $uinfo if the given case is FALSE.  (Like assert() in C.)

=item $uassert_onehot (I<sig>, [I<sig>...], "message", [I<vars>...] )

Report a $uerror if other than one signal is asserted, or any are X.  The
error message will include a binary display of the signal values.

=item $uassert_req_ack (I<req_sig>, I<ack_sig>, [I<data_sig>,...] )

Check for a single cycle request pulse, followed by a single cycle
acknowledgment pulse.  Do not allow any of the data signals to change
between the request and acknowledgement.

=item $ucheck_ilevel (I<level> )

Return true if the __message level is greater or equal to the given
level, and that global messages are turned on.

=item $ucover_clk (I<clock>, I<label>)

Similar to $uerror_clk, add a SystemVerilog assertion at the next specified
clock's edge, with the label specified. This allows cover properties to be
specified "inline" with normal RTL code.

=item $ucover_foreach_clk (I<clock>, I<label>, "I<msb>:I<lsb>", (... $ui ...))

Similar to $ucover_clk, however cover a range where $ui in the expression
is replaced with the range index.

Range is "I<msb>:I<lsb>" to indicate from I<msb> downto I<lsb> inclusive,
and/or a comma separated list of values.

Similar to:

   for ($ui=msb; $ui>=lsb; $ui=$ui-1) begin
        if (expression with $ui)
            $ucover_clk(clock, label ## "_" ## bit)

However there's no way to form a label from a for loop (as psudocoded with
## above), thus this macro.

=item $ui

Loop index used inside $ucover_foreach_clk.

=item $uinfo (I<level>, "message", [I<vars>...] )

Report a informational message in standard form.  End test if warning
limit exceeded.

=item $uerror ("message", [I<vars>...] )

Report a error message in standard form.  End test if error limit exceeded.

=item $uerror_clk (I<clock>, "message", [I<vars>...] )

Report a error message in standard form at the next clock edge.  If you
place a $uerror etc in a combo logic block (always @*), event based
simulators may misfire the assertion due to glitches.  $uerror_clk fixes
this by instead creating a temporary signal and then moving the assert
itself to a new clocked block at the specified edge.  Note any variables
printed will be the values at the time of the next clock edge, which may
differ from the value where the $uerror_clk is assigned.

=item $uwarn ("message", [I<vars>...] )

Report a warning message in standard form.

=item $uwarn_clk (I<clock> "message", [I<vars>...] )

Report a warning message in standard form at the next clock edge.  See



Verilog-Perl is part of the L<> free Verilog EDA
software tool suite.  The latest version is available from CPAN and from

Copyright 2000-2016 by Wilson Snyder.  This package is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.

=head1 AUTHORS

Wilson Snyder <>,
Duane Galbi <>

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Verilog::Parser>, L<Verilog::Pli>
