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use strict;
use warnings;

use Astro::SIMBAD::Client;
use Data::Dumper;
use Term::ReadLine;
use Text::ParseWords;

local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;

my $VERSION = '0.018';

my $class = 'Astro::SIMBAD::Client';
my $simbad = $class->new ();
my $object;

my $rl;
    and $rl = Term::ReadLine->new ('Fetch data from SIMBAD 4');
my $fh = *STDIN;

print <<eod if $rl;

simbadc version $VERSION
based on $class version @{[$class->VERSION]}

Query the SIMBAD 4 database.

For copyright and terms of use, see the 'help' command. If this does
not work on your installation, read the POD.


#	Main program loop

while (defined (my $buffer = _readline ())) {

    # Conway's objection to this is relevant to autoflushing. Perl::
    # critic extends this, but offers no alternative when changing
    # stdout.
    select STDOUT;	## no critic (ProhibitOneArgSelect)

    chomp $buffer;
    $buffer =~ s/^\s+//;
    $buffer =~ s/\s+$//;

    next unless $buffer;
    next if $buffer =~ m/^#/;

    my @args = eval {map {m/^<</ ? _heredoc ($_) :
	m/^<(.*)/ ? do {
	    open (my $fh, '<', $1) or die "Failed to open $1: $!\n";
	    local $/ = undef;
	    scalar <$fh>;
	    close $fh;
	} :
	m/^(>{1,2})(.+)/ ? do {
	    # We intend to use this handle as standard out, so it needs
	    # to hang around for a while.
	    open (my $fh, $1, $2) or die <<eod;	## no critic (RequireBriefOpen)
Error - Failed to open $2
	    # Conway's book discourages this for setting autoflush.
	    # Perl::Critic extends this to all uses of the single
	    # argument select. But I'm using it to designate the
	    # handle for standard output, which Perl::Critic's docs
	    # ignore.
	    select $fh;	## no critic (ProhibitOneArgSelect)
	} : $_ }
	parse_line ('\s+', 0, $buffer)
    $@ and do {warn $@; next};
    my $verb = shift @args;
    if ($verb eq 'static') {
	$object = $class;
	next unless @args;
	$verb = shift @args;
    } else {
	$object = $simbad;

    my $rslt = eval {
	if ($verb =~ m/\W/ || $verb =~ m/^_/) {
	    die "Error - Syntactically invalid verb '$verb'\n";
	} elsif (my $code = __PACKAGE__->can ('_cmd_' . $verb)) {
	} elsif ($simbad->can ($verb)) {
	    $object->$verb (@args);
	} else {
	    die "Error - Unrecognized verb '$verb'\n";
    if ($@) {
	warn $@
    } elsif (defined $rslt &&
	    !eval {$rslt->isa('Astro::SIMBAD::Client')}) {
	print ref $rslt ? Dumper ($rslt) : "$rslt\n";

=head1 NAME

simbadc - Access the SIMBAD 4 astronomical database.


 $ simbadc
 simbadc> # Queries should default to returning text data.
 simbadc> set type txt
 simbadc> # Get the standard data on Arcturus, capturing
 simbadc> # the output in
 simbadc> queryObjectById Arcturus >
 simbadc> # Queries should default to returning VO data.
 simbadc> set type vo
 simbadc> # Do a url query, capturing its results.
 simbadc> url_query id Ident 3c273 >
 simbadc> # Execute a script file, capturing its results.
 simbadc> script_file m31.simbad4 >
 simbadc> # We are done.
 simbadc> exit

The intent here is to be able to collect data from the SIMBAD database
on an ad-hoc basis. Most commands map directly to
L<Astro::SIMBAD::Client> methods.

=head1 DETAILS

This script uses L<Term::ReadLine> for user interaction, though it can
also be used as a traditional Unix filter. Command parsing is fairly
simple. L<Text::ParseWords> is used to split the line into tokens, with
the first token being the command/method name.

If a token begins with '>' or '>>', the rest of the token represents
the name of a file to which the output of that command is redirected.
The '>' overwrites an existing file, while '>>' appends to it. There
can be no space between the '>' or '>>' and the file name.

A token beginning with '<<' introduces a 'here document', which appears
on subsequent lines of input. The rest of the token represents the text
which marks the end of the 'here document'. If the script is being run
interactively, the end text will also be used as the prompt. For

 simbadc> set format <<eod
 eod>name: %idlist(NAME|1)\n
 eod>ra: %coord(d;A)\n
 eod>dec: %coord(d;D)\n

specifies a format to be used for a 'txt' mode query. Note that

 simbadc> set format txt=<<eod

is B<not> equivalent; the '<<eod' must be a token all by itself.

If a token begins with '<', the rest of the token is taken as a file
name, and the contents of the file are substituted for the token. Note
that this does B<not> give a mechanism for feeding commands from a file,
since the contents of the input file are not parsed. It does, however,
give a less painful way to test tweaks of complex formats.

The following commands are implemented by this script, in addition to
(or in lieu of) the commands documented in L<Astro::SIMBAD::Client>:


=item default (attribute_name ...)

This command resets the values of the named attributes to their static


sub _cmd_default {
    my @args = @_;
    @args or @args = $simbad->attributes();
    foreach my $name (@args) {
	my $val = $class->get ($name);
	$val->{clear} = 1 if ref $val eq 'HASH';
	$simbad->set ($name, $val);
    return $simbad;

###sub _cmd_dump {
###    Dumper ($simbad);

=item exit

This command terminates the script. It is simply a wrapper for
CORE::exit. End-of-file also works.


sub _cmd_exit {
    return;	# Should never get here.

=item help

This command displays the documentation for this script. If you use

 simbadc> help client

You get L<Astro::SIMBAD::Client>.


{	# Begin local symbol block.

    my $problem;

    BEGIN {
	if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
	    $problem = <<eod
The help command is not available under MacPerl (Mac OS 9 and below)
because of the way Perl executable scripts are constructed.
	} else {
	    eval {
		require Pod::Usage;
	    } or $problem = <<eod;
The help command is not available because Pod::Usage could not be

    my $client_file;

    sub _cmd_help {
	my ($what) = @_;
	if ($problem) {
	    print $problem
	} else {
	    my @args = (-verbose => 2, -exitval => 'NOEXIT');
	    if (defined $what && $what eq 'client') {
		push @args, -input => ($client_file ||=
		    do {(my $x = 'Astro::SIMBAD::Client') =~ s|::|/|g;
			$x .= '.pm';
	    Pod::Usage::pod2usage (@args);


}	# End of local symbol block.

=begin comment

#	The following routines were useful in development:

#	'loaded' lists the modules that have been loaded.

sub loaded {
    foreach (sort keys %INC) {
	print "$_ => $INC{$_}\n";

#	'parse' submits a file to Parse_VO_Table, displaying the
#	results.

sub parse {
    my $fn = shift;
    -e $fn or die "Error - File $fn does not exist.\n";
    open (my $fh, '<', $fn) or die <<eod;
Error - Failed to open $fn
    local $/ = undef;
    my $data = <$fh>;
    [Astro::SIMBAD::Client::Parse_VO_Table ($data)];

=end comment


=item show (attribute ...)

This command is a slightly more command-friendly wrapper for the
get() method. If given no arguments, all are displayed. The output
is formatted as 'set' commands.


sub _cmd_show {
    my @args = @_;
    @args or @args = $object->attributes();
    my @verb = ('set');
    unshift @verb, 'static' unless ref $object;
    my @rslt;
    foreach my $name (@args) {
	my $val = $object->get ($name);
	if (ref $val eq 'HASH') {
	    foreach my $key (sort keys %$val) {
		push @rslt, _quote (@verb, $name,
		    defined $val->{$key} ? "$key=$val->{$key}" : "$key=");
	} else {
	    push @rslt, _quote (@verb, $name, defined $val ? $val : ());
    my $rslt = join '', @rslt;
    chomp $rslt;
    return $rslt;

=item static

This is not really a command, but when prefixed to a method name causes
that method to be called as a static method. For example,

 simbadc> static set type vo

Causes the default query type to be 'vo'.


#	Utility subroutines

#	$doc = _heredoc ($label)
#	This subroutine reads input until it hits the given label, and
#	returns the input. If input is interactive, the $label is also
#	used as the prompt.

sub _heredoc {
    my $lbl = shift;
    $lbl =~ s/^<+//;
    my @inf;
    while (defined (my $buffer = _readline ($lbl))) {
	chomp $buffer;
	last if $buffer eq $lbl;
	push @inf, $buffer . "\n";
    return join '', @inf;

#	$output = _quote (@input)
#	This subroutine applies token quoting rules to the input, and
#	concatenates the result into a string. The rules are that any
#	token containing a newline becomes a here document, and any
#	token containing space or quote becomes quoted, with the quote
#	escaped. Anything else is left alone.

sub _quote {
    my @args = @_;
    my @rslt;
    my @append;
    foreach (@args) {
	if (m/\n/m) {
	    push @append, "$_\neod\n";
	    $_ = '<<eod';
	} elsif (m/['\s]/m) {
	    $_ = "'" . $_ . "'";
	push @rslt, $_;
    return "@rslt\n@append";

#	$input = _readline ($prompt)

#	This subroutine Does the Right Thing depending on whether input
#	is from the keyboard. The $prompt defaults to 'Simbadc', and
#	'> ' is appended to the prompt before use.

sub _readline {
    my $prompt = (shift || 'Simbadc') . '> ';
    return $rl ? $rl->readline ($prompt) : <$fh>



Any command not named above is assumed to be an Astro::SIMBAD::Client
method, and called. Whatever the method returns is displayed,
unless the return is an Astro::SIMBAD::Client object.

See L<Astro::SIMBAD::Client> for the details.

=head1 AUTHOR

Thomas R. Wyant, III (F<wyant at cpan dot org>)


Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Thomas R. Wyant, III

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For more details, see the full text
of the licenses in the directory LICENSES.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


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