
use 5.006002;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Astro::SpaceTrack;
use IO::File;
use Tk;
use Tk::Pane;

our $VERSION = '0.076';

my @pad = qw{ -padx 5 -pady 5 };	# Standard cell padding

# Instantiate the Space Track accesor class.
my $st = Astro::SpaceTrack->new( @ARGV );

# Display the banner text if desired.

# Log in.

# Display the main window.

# Display the banner text if desired, and wait for the user to dismiss
# it.
sub banner {

    $st->getv( 'banner' ) or return;

    my $mw = MainWindow->new( -title => 'Front Matter' );
    my $text = "SpaceTrackTk $VERSION" . $st->banner->content();
    $text =~ s/ \A \s+ //smx;
    $text =~ s/ \s+ \z //smx;
    $mw->Label( -text => $text )->pack( -side => 'top', @pad );
    $mw->Button( -text => 'OK', -command => sub { $mw->destroy() } )->
	pack( -side => 'bottom', @pad );


    return 1;

sub grid_args {
    my ( $hash, %arg ) = @_;
    my %merged = %{ $hash };
    foreach my $key ( keys %arg ) {
	$merged{$key} = $arg{$key};
    my @rslt;
    while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each %merged ) {
	push @rslt, "-$key", $val;
    exists $hash->{column}
	and $hash->{column} += ( $merged{columnspan} || 1 );
    return @rslt;

sub grid_new {
    my ( $row ) = @_;
    defined $row or $row = 0;
    return { row => $row, column => 0, padx => 5, pady => 5 };

sub grid_next_row {
    my ( $hash, $row ) = @_;
    if ( defined $row ) {
	$hash->{row} = $row;
    } else {
    $hash->{column} = 0;

# Return true if a login is needed.
sub login_needed {
    $st->getv( 'direct' ) and return;
    my $rslt = $st->login() or return 1;
    $rslt->is_success() and return;
    return 1;

# Log in
sub login {

    login_needed() or return;

    my ( $user, $passwd ) = ( '', '' );

    my $mw = MainWindow->new( -title => 'Log in to Space Track' );

    my $grid = grid_new();

    $mw->Label( -text => 'Username:' )
	->grid( grid_args( $grid, sticky => 'e' ) );
    $mw->Entry( -relief => 'sunken', -textvariable => \$user )
	->grid( grid_args( $grid, sticky => 'w' ) );

    grid_next_row( $grid );

    $mw->Label( -text => 'Password:' )
	->grid( grid_args( $grid, sticky => 'e' ) );
    $mw->Entry( -relief => 'sunken', -textvariable => \$passwd,
	-show => '*' )
	->grid( grid_args( $grid, sticky => 'w' ) );

    grid_next_row( $grid );

    my $bf = $mw->Frame->grid(
	grid_args( $grid, columnspan => 2, sticky => 'ew' ) );

    my $bg = grid_new();

    $bf->Button( -text => 'Log in', -command => sub {
	    my $rslt = $st->login( direct => 0, username => $user,
		password => $passwd );
	    $rslt and $rslt->is_success and do {
		-icon => 'error', -type => 'RetryCancel',
		-title => 'Login failure',
		-message => ( $rslt ? $rslt->status_line() :
		    'Unknown error' )
	    ) eq 'Cancel' and do {
	    $passwd = '';
	} )->grid( grid_args( $bg ) );

    $bf->Button( -text => 'Skip login', -command => sub {
	    $st->set( direct => 1 );
	} )->grid( grid_args( $bg ) );

    my %data;
    $bf->Button( -text => 'Settings ...',
	-command => sub{ settings( { main_window => $mw }, \%data ); },
    )->grid( grid_args( $bg ) );




# Main window
sub main_window {

    my %data;	# Data
    my %widget;	# Widget references

    $widget{main_window} = MainWindow->new(
	-title => 'Retrieve satellite orbital data' );

    # Set up the data frame.
    my $df = $widget{data_frame} = $widget{main_window}->Frame->pack(
	-side => 'top', @pad );

    # Create the data source label and widget, but don't put them in the
    # data frame yet.
    $widget{data_source_label} = $df->Label( -text => 'Data source:' );
    $widget{data_source_widget} = $df->Optionmenu(
	-variable => \$data{data_source},
	-command => sub { load_data_frame( \%widget, \%data ) },
    load_data_source_widget( \%widget );

    # Set up the pushbuttons

    my @buttons;
    $widget{main_buttons} = \@buttons;

    my $bf = $widget{main_window}->Frame->pack(
	-side => 'bottom', @pad );
    my $bg = grid_new();

    push @buttons, $bf->Button(
	-text => 'Exit',
	-command => sub {
    )->grid( grid_args( $bg ) );

    push @buttons, $bf->Button(
	-text => 'View data ...',
	-command => sub {
	    my @args = retrieve( \%widget, \%data )
		or return;
	    my $content = shift @args;
	    view_window( \%widget, "@args", $content );
    )->grid( grid_args( $bg ) );

    push @buttons, $bf->Button(
	-text => 'Save data ...',
	-command => sub {
	    my $source = $data{data_source};
	    exists $data{save_file}{$source}
		or $data{save_file}{$source} = (
		ref $data{$source} || ! exists $data{$source} ) ?
		"$source.tle" : "$data{$source}.tle";
	    my $file = $widget{main_window}->getSaveFile(
		-filetypes => [
		    [ 'TLE files', '.tle', 'TEXT' ],
		    [ 'All files', '*' ],
		-initialfile => $data{save_file}{$source},
		-defaultextension => '.txt',
		-title => 'Save TLE data',
	    defined $file and $file ne '' or return;
	    $data{save_file}{$source} = $file;
	    my @args = retrieve( \%widget, \%data )
		or return;
	    my $fh;
	    $fh = IO::File->new( $file, '>' )
		and print { $fh } $args[0]
		or $widget{main_window}->messageBox(
		-icon => 'error',
		-type => 'OK',
		-title => 'File open error',
		-message => $!,
    )->grid( grid_args( $bg ) );

    push @buttons, $bf->Button(
	-text => 'Settings ...',
	-command => sub{ settings( \%widget, \%data ); },
    )->grid( grid_args( $bg ) );

    # OK, now load the data frame with whatever is appropriate to the
    # default data source.
    load_data_frame( \%widget, \%data );




    my %authen;
    my %info;

    BEGIN {

	%authen = map { $_ => 1 } qw{ direct password username };

	%info = (
	    Checkbutton => {
		default => {
		    -relief => 'flat',
		variable => '-variable',
	    Entry => {
		default => {
		    -relief => 'sunken',

    my $settings;

    sub settings {
	my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;

	$settings and Exists( $settings ) and do {

	my %current = map { $_ => $st->getv( $_ ) } qw{ direct
	    max_range password username verbose verify_hostname webcmd };
	my %old = %current;

	$settings = $widget->{main_window}->Toplevel(
	    -title => 'Settings' );

	my $sg = grid_new();

	foreach (
	    [ direct => 'Direct-fetch (no login):', 'Checkbutton' ],
	    [ username => 'User Name:' ],
	    [ password => 'Password:', Entry => -show => '*' ],
	    [ max_range => 'Maximum range:' ],
	    [ verbose => 'Verbose Errors:', 'Checkbutton' ],
	    [ verify_hostname => 'Verify Host Name:', 'Checkbutton' ],
	    [ webcmd => 'Web Command:' ],
	) {
	    if ( 'ARRAY' eq ref $_ ) {
		my ( $name, $label, $entry, %args ) = @{ $_ };
		defined $entry or $entry = 'Entry';
		if ( $info{$entry}{default} ) {
		    while(  my ( $key, $val ) = each %{
			    $info{$entry}{default} } ) {
			exists $args{$key}
			    or $args{$key} = $val;
		my $variable = $info{$entry}{variable} || '-textvariable';
		$settings->Label( -text => $label )->grid(
		    grid_args( $sg, sticky => 'e' ));
		$settings->$entry( %args, $variable => \$current{$name} )->grid(
		    grid_args( $sg, sticky => 'w' ) );
	    } else {
		$settings->Label( -text => $_ )->grid(
		    grid_args( $sg, columnspan => 2, sticky => 'ew' ) );

	    grid_next_row( $sg );

	my $bf = $settings->Frame()->grid(
	    grid_args( $sg, columnspan => 2, sticky => 'ew' ) );
	my $bg = grid_new();

	$bf->Button( -text => 'Save', -command => sub {
		my $re_login;
		foreach my $key ( keys %current ) {
		    no warnings qw{ uninitialized };
		    $current{$key} eq $old{$key} and next;
		    $re_login ||= $authen{$key};
		    $st->set( $key => $current{$key} );
		if ( $re_login ) {
		    if ( ! $current{direct} ) {
			my $rslt = $st->login();
			$rslt->is_success() or do {
				-icon => 'error', -type => 'OK',
				-title => 'Login failure',
				-message => $rslt->status_line
		    load_data_source_widget( $widget );
		    load_data_frame( $widget, $data );
	    } )->grid( grid_args( $bg ) );

	$bf->Button( -text => 'Cancel', -command => sub {
	    } )->grid( grid_args( $bg ) );


sub amsat_panel {
    my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;

    my $dg = grid_new( 1 );

    include_common_names( $widget, $data, $dg );


sub box_score_panel {
    my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;


# Adjust the data panel to request Celestrak data.
sub celestrak_panel {
    my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;

    $widget->{celestrak} ||= {
	label => $widget->{data_frame}->Label( -text => 'Catalog name:'
	selector => $widget->{data_frame}->Optionmenu(
	    -options => ( $st->names( 'celestrak' ) )[1],
	    -variable => \$data->{celestrak},

    my $dg = grid_new( 1 );
    $widget->{celestrak}{label}->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
    $widget->{celestrak}{selector}->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w')

    include_common_names( $widget, $data, $dg );


# Adjust the data panel to retrieve data specified in a local file.
sub file_panel {
    my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;

    $widget->{file} ||= {
	button => $widget->{data_frame}->Button(
	    -text => 'Find file ...',
	    -command => sub {
		my $file = $widget->{main_window}->getOpenFile(
		    -filetypes => [
			[ 'Text files' => '.txt', 'TEXT' ],
			[ 'All files', '*' ],
		    -initialfile => $data->{file},
		    -defaultextension => '.txt',
		$file and $data->{file} = $file;
	value => $widget->{data_frame}->Entry(
	    -relief => 'sunken',
	    -state => 'readonly',
	    -width => 40,
	    -textvariable => \$data->{file},

    my $dg = grid_new( 1 );
    $widget->{file}{button}->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' )
    $widget->{file}{value}->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' )

    include_common_names( $widget, $data, $dg );


# Adjust the data panel to retrieve Iridium status.
sub iridium_status_panel {
    my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;

    if ( ! $widget->{iridium_status} ) {
	$widget->{iridium_status} = {
	    label => $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
		-text => 'Data format:' ),
	    value => $widget->{data_frame}->Optionmenu(
		-options => ( $st->names( 'iridium_status' ) )[1],
		-variable => \$data->{iridium_status},

    my $dg = grid_new( 1 );
    $widget->{iridium_status}{label}->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
    $widget->{iridium_status}{value}->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' )



# Adjust the data panel to retrieve data from Space Track by OID.
sub retrieve_panel {
    my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;

    $widget->{retrieve} ||= {
	label => $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
	    -text => 'Satellite OIDs:'
	value => $widget->{data_frame}->Entry(
	    -relief => 'sunken',
	    -textvariable => \$data->{retrieve}{value},

    my $dg = grid_new( 1 );
    $widget->{retrieve}{label}->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
    $widget->{retrieve}{value}->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' )

    retrieve_options_widgets( $widget, retrieve => $data, $dg );


# Adjust the data panel to add widgets to specify the standard Space
# Track retrieval arguments.
sub retrieve_args {
    my ( $data ) = @_;
    my $val = $data->{retrieve}{value};
    $val =~ s/ ( \d ) [^-\d]* - [^-\d]* ( \d ) /$1-$2/smxg;
    return (
	retrieve_options_args( retrieve => $data ),
	split qr{ [^\d-]+ }smx, $val

sub retrieve_options_widgets {
    my ( $widget, $source, $data, $dg ) = @_;

    $widget->{$source}{last5_label} ||= $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
	-text => 'Return last 5 data sets:' );
    $widget->{$source}{last5_value} ||= $widget->{data_frame}->Checkbutton(
	-relief => 'flat',
	-variable => \$data->{$source}{last5},
	-command => sub {
	    $widget->{$source}{start_value}->configure( -state =>
		$data->{$source}{last5} ? 'disable' : 'normal' );
	    $widget->{$source}{end_value}->configure( -state =>
		$data->{$source}{last5} ? 'disable' : 'normal' );

    $widget->{$source}{start_label} ||= $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
	-text => 'Start epoch (year-month-day):' );
    $widget->{$source}{start_value} ||= $widget->{data_frame}->Entry(
	-relief => 'sunken',
	-textvariable => \$data->{$source}{start_epoch},

    $widget->{$source}{end_label} ||= $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
	-text => 'End epoch (year-month-day):' );
    $widget->{$source}{end_value} ||= $widget->{data_frame}->Entry(
	-relief => 'sunken',
	-textvariable => \$data->{$source}{end_epoch},

    $widget->{$source}{sort_label} ||= $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
	-text => 'Sort order:' );
    $widget->{$source}{sort_value} ||= $widget->{data_frame}->Optionmenu(
	-options => [
	    [ 'Sort by OID number' => 'catnum' ],
	    [ 'Sort by epoch' => 'epoch' ],
	-variable => \$data->{$source}{sort_type},

    $widget->{$source}{desc_label} ||= $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
	-text => 'Sort in descending order:' );
    $widget->{$source}{desc_value} ||= $widget->{data_frame}->Checkbutton(
	-relief => 'flat',
	-variable => \$data->{$source}{descending},

    grid_next_row( $dg );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e') );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w') )->raise();

    grid_next_row( $dg );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e') );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w') )->raise();

    grid_next_row( $dg );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e') );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w') )->raise();

    grid_next_row( $dg );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e') );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w') )->raise();

    grid_next_row( $dg );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e') );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w') )->raise();

    include_common_names( $widget, $data, $dg );


# Adjust the state of the standard Space Track retrieval widgets.
sub retrieve_options_widgets_state {
    my ( $widget, $source, $data ) = @_;

    my $state = ( exists $data->{$source}{retrieve_tle}
	&& ! $data->{$source}{retrieve_tle} ) ? 'disable' : 'normal';

    foreach my $name ( qw{ last5_value sort_value desc_value
	retrieve_rcs_value } ) {
	exists $widget->{$source}{$name} or next;
	$widget->{$source}{$name}->configure( -state => $state );

    $data->{$source}{last5} and $state = 'disable';

    foreach my $name ( qw{ start_value end_value } ) {
	exists $widget->{$source}{$name} or next;
	$widget->{$source}{$name}->configure( -state => $state );


# Return the standard Space Track retrieval arguments.
sub retrieve_options_args {
    my ( $source, $data ) = @_;
    my @rslt;

    exists $data->{$source}{retrieve_tle}
	and not $data->{$source}{retrieve_tle}
	and return @rslt;

    if ( $data->{$source}{last5} ) {
	push @rslt, '-last5';
    } else {
	    and push @rslt, '-start_epoch', $data->{$source}{start_epoch};
	    and push @rslt, '-end_epoch', $data->{$source}{end_epoch};
	and push @rslt, '-sort', $data->{$source}{sort_type};
    $data->{$source}{descending} and push @rslt, '-descending';

    return @rslt;


# Adjust the data panel to search for a date.
sub search_generic_date_panel {
    my ( $widget, $data, $source, $label ) = @_;

    $widget->{$source} ||= {
	year_label => $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
	    -text => "$label year:"
	year => $widget->{data_frame}->Optionmenu(
	    -options => [ reverse 1959 .. ( localtime )[5] + 1900 ],
	    -variable => \$data->{$source}{year},
	month_label => $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
	    -text => "$label month:"
	month => $widget->{data_frame}->Optionmenu(
	    -options => [ '', 1 .. 12 ],
	    -variable => \$data->{$source}{month},
	day_label => $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
	    -text => "$label day:"
	day => $widget->{data_frame}->Optionmenu(
	    -options => [ '', 1 .. 31 ],
	    -variable => \$data->{$source}{day},

    my $dg = grid_new( 1 );
    $widget->{$source}{year_label}->grid( grid_args(
	    $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
    $widget->{$source}{year}->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' )

    grid_next_row( $dg );
    $widget->{$source}{month_label}->grid( grid_args(
	    $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
    $widget->{$source}{month}->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' )

    grid_next_row( $dg );
    $widget->{$source}{day_label}->grid( grid_args(
	    $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
    $widget->{$source}{day}->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' )

    search_options_widgets( $widget, $source => $data, $dg );


# Return the arguments for a generic Space Track date search.
sub search_generic_date_args {
    my ( $data ) = @_;
    my $source = $data->{data_source};
    my @date;
    foreach my $unit ( qw{ year month day } ) {
	defined( my $val = $data->{$source}{$unit} ) or last;
	$val eq '' and last;
	push @date, $val;
    return (
	search_options_args( $source => $data ),
	retrieve_options_args( $source => $data ),
	join '-', @date

# Adjust the data panel for a generic Space Track search.
sub search_generic_panel {
    my ( $widget, $data, $source, $label, $opt ) = @_;

    $widget->{$source} ||= {
	label => $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
	    -text => $label
	value => $widget->{data_frame}->Entry(
	    -relief => 'sunken',
	    -textvariable => \$data->{$source}{value},

    my $dg = grid_new( 1 );
    $widget->{$source}{label}->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
    $widget->{$source}{value}->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' )

    search_options_widgets( $widget, $source => $data, $dg, $opt );


# Return the arguments for a generic Space Track search.
sub search_generic_args {
    my ( $data ) = @_;
    my $source = $data->{data_source};
    return (
	search_options_args( $source => $data ),
	retrieve_options_args( $source => $data ),
	split qr{ [\s,;]+ }smx, $data->{$source}{value}

# Adjust the data panel to search Space Track for satellites by launch
# date.
sub search_date_panel {
    my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;

    search_generic_date_panel( $widget, $data,
	search_date => 'Launch' );


# Return the arguments for the search_date() method.
sub search_date_args {
    goto &search_generic_date_args;

# Adjust the data panel to search Space Track for satellites by decay
# date.
sub search_decay_panel {
    my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;

    search_generic_date_panel( $widget, $data,
	search_decay => 'Decay' );


# Return the arguments for the search_decay() method.
sub search_decay_args {
    goto &search_generic_date_args;

# Adjust the data panel to search Space Track for satellites by
# international launch designator.
sub search_id_panel {
    my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;

    search_generic_panel( $widget, $data,
	search_id => 'International launch ID to search for:' );


# Return the arguments for the search_id() method.
sub search_id_args {
    goto &search_generic_args;

# Adjust the data panel to search Space Track for satellites by common
# name.
sub search_name_panel {
    my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;

    search_generic_panel( $widget, $data,
	search_name => 'Names to search for:' );


# Return the arguments for the search_name method.
sub search_name_args {
    goto &search_generic_args;

# Adjust the data panel to search Space Track for satellites by OID.
sub search_oid_panel {
    my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;

    search_generic_panel( $widget, $data,
	search_oid => 'OID(s) to search for:', { status => 0 } );



# Return the arguments for the search_oid method.
sub search_oid_args {
    goto &search_generic_args;

# Adjust the data panel to add widgets for the standard search
# arguments.
sub search_options_widgets {
    my ( $widget, $source, $data, $dg, $opt ) = @_;

    ref $opt eq 'HASH' or $opt = {};
    defined $opt->{status} or $opt->{status} = 1;

    if ( $data->{option}{status} = $opt->{status} ) {

	$widget->{$source}{search_status_label} ||=
	    $widget->{data_frame}->Label( -text => 'Desired status:' );
	$widget->{$source}{search_status_value} ||=
		-options => [
		    [ 'All'		=> 'all' ],
		    [ 'On orbit'	=> 'onorbit' ],
		    [ 'Decayed'		=> 'decayed' ],
		-variable => \$data->{$source}{search_status},

	$widget->{$source}{exclude_debris_label} ||=
	$widget->{data_frame}->Label( -text => 'Exclude debris:' );
	$widget->{$source}{exclude_debris_value} ||=
		-relief => 'flat',
		-variable => \$data->{$source}{exclude_debris},

	$widget->{$source}{exclude_rocket_label} ||=
	$widget->{data_frame}->Label( -text => 'Exclude rocket bodies:' );
	$widget->{$source}{exclude_rocket_value} ||=
		-relief => 'flat',
		-variable => \$data->{$source}{exclude_rocket},


    exists $data->{$source}{retrieve_tle}
	or $data->{$source}{retrieve_tle} = 1;
    $widget->{$source}{retrieve_tle_label} ||=
    $widget->{data_frame}->Label( -text => 'Retrieve TLEs:' );
    $widget->{$source}{retrieve_tle_value} ||=
	-relief => 'flat',
	-variable => \$data->{$source}{retrieve_tle},
	-command => sub {
	    retrieve_options_widgets_state( $widget, $source, $data );

    $widget->{$source}{retrieve_rcs_label} ||=
    $widget->{data_frame}->Label( -text => 'Retrieve radar cross section:' );
    $widget->{$source}{retrieve_rcs_value} ||=
	-relief => 'flat',
	-variable => \$data->{$source}{retrieve_rcs},

    if ( $data->{option}{status} ) {

	grid_next_row( $dg );
	    grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
	    grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' ) )->raise();

	grid_next_row( $dg );
	    grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
	    grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' ) )->raise();

	grid_next_row( $dg );
	    grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
	    grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' ) )->raise();


    grid_next_row( $dg );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' ) )->raise();

    grid_next_row( $dg );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' ) )->raise();

    retrieve_options_widgets( $widget, $source => $data, $dg );


# Generate standard search method arguments corresponding to the widget
# settings.
sub search_options_args {
    my ( $source, $data ) = @_;
    my @rslt;

    if ( $data->{option}{status} ) {

	    and push @rslt, '-status', $data->{$source}{search_status};
	my @exclude = grep { $data->{$source}{"exclude_$_"} } qw{ debris
	    rocket };
	@exclude and push @rslt, '-exclude', join ',', @exclude;


    if ( $data->{$source}{retrieve_tle} ) {
	    and push @rslt, '-rcs';
    } else {
	push @rslt, '-notle';

    return @rslt;

# Adjust the data panel to retrieve Human Space Flight data.
sub spaceflight_panel {
    my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;

    if ( ! $widget->{spaceflight} ) {
	$data->{spaceflight}{iss} = $data->{spaceflight}{shuttle} = 1;
	$widget->{spaceflight} = {
	    all_label => $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
		-text => 'Retrieve all elements:' ),
	    all_value => $widget->{data_frame}->Checkbutton(
		-relief => 'flat',
		-variable => \$data->{spaceflight}{all},
	    eff_label => $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
		-text => 'Retrieve effective date:' ),
	    eff_value => $widget->{data_frame}->Checkbutton(
		-relief => 'flat',
		-variable => \$data->{spaceflight}{effective},
	    iss_label => $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
		-text => 'Retrieve International Space Station data:' ),
	    iss_value => $widget->{data_frame}->Checkbutton(
		-relief => 'flat',
		-variable => \$data->{spaceflight}{iss},
##	    sts_label => $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
##		-text => 'Retrieve Space Shuttle data:' ),
##	    sts_value => $widget->{data_frame}->Checkbutton(
##		-relief => 'flat',
##		-variable => \$data->{spaceflight}{shuttle},
##	    ),

    my $dg = grid_new( 1 );
	->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
	->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' ) )->raise();

##  grid_next_row( $dg );
##  $widget->{spaceflight}{sts_label}
##	->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
##  $widget->{spaceflight}{sts_value}
##	->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' ) )->raise();

    grid_next_row( $dg );
	->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
	->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' ) )->raise();

    grid_next_row( $dg );
	->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
	->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' ) )->raise();

    include_common_names( $widget, $data, $dg );


# Build the argument list for the spaceflight() method.
sub spaceflight_args {
    my ( $data ) = @_;
    my @args;
    $data->{spaceflight}{all} and push @args, '-all';
    $data->{spaceflight}{effective} and push @args, '-effective';
    $data->{spaceflight}{iss} and push @args, 'iss';
    $data->{spaceflight}{shuttle} and push @args, 'shuttle';
    return @args;

# Adjust the data panel to retrieve Space Track catalogs.
sub spacetrack_panel {
    my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;

    $widget->{spacetrack} ||= {
	label => $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
	    -text => 'Catalog name:' ),
	value => $widget->{data_frame}->Optionmenu(
	    -options => ( $st->names( 'spacetrack' ) )[1],
	    -variable => \$data->{spacetrack},

    my $dg = grid_new( 1 );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
	grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' ) )->raise();

    include_common_names( $widget, $data, $dg );


# Add to the data panel the widget to include common names in the data.
    sub include_common_names {
	my ( $widget, $data, $grid ) = @_;

	defined $data->{with_name}
	    or $data->{with_name} = $st->getv( 'with_name' );

	if ( $st->getv( 'direct' ) ) {
	    if ( $widget->{common_names} ) {
	} else {
	    grid_next_row( $grid );

	    $widget->{common_names} ||= {
		label => $widget->{data_frame}->Label(
		    -text => 'Include common names:' ),
		value => $widget->{data_frame}->Checkbutton(
		    -variable => \$data->{with_name},
		    -relief => 'flat',
		    -command => sub {
			$st->set( with_name => $data->{with_name} );

		->grid( grid_args( $grid, sticky => 'e' ) );
		->grid( grid_args( $grid, sticky => 'w' ) )->raise();

# Load the data frame for the selected data source.
sub load_data_frame {
    my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;

    foreach my $kid ( $widget->{data_frame}->children() ) {

    my $dg = grid_new();

    $widget->{data_source_label}->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'e' ) );
    $widget->{data_source_widget}->grid( grid_args( $dg, sticky => 'w' )

    my $handler = __PACKAGE__->can( $data->{data_source} . '_panel' )
	or return;
    $handler->( $widget, $data );

    foreach my $button ( @{ $widget->{main_buttons} } ) {


# Load the data source selector widget

    my @options;
    BEGIN {
	@options = (
		[ 'Celestrak catalog'	=> 'celestrak' ],
		[ 'Human Space Flight data'	=> 'spaceflight' ],
		[ 'Iridium Status'		=> 'iridium_status' ],
		[ 'Local file catalog'		=> 'file' ],
		[ 'Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation data' => 'amsat' ],
		[ 'Space Track catalog'		=> 'spacetrack' ],
		[ 'Space Track decay date search' => 'search_decay' ],
		[ 'Space Track international designator search' =>
		    'search_id' ],
		[ 'Space Track launch date search' => 'search_date' ],
		[ 'Space Track name search'	=> 'search_name' ],
		[ 'Space Track OID search'	=> 'search_oid' ],
		[ 'Space Track satellite box score' => 'box_score' ],
		[ 'Space Track satellite OIDs'	=> 'retrieve' ],
		[ 'Celestrak catalog'	=> 'celestrak' ],
		[ 'Human Space Flight data'	=> 'spaceflight' ],
		[ 'Iridium Status'		=> 'iridium_status' ],
		[ 'Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation data' => 'amsat' ],

    sub load_data_source_widget {
	my ( $widget ) = @_;
	$widget->{data_source_widget}->options( $options[
	    $st->getv( 'direct' ) ? 1 : 0 ] );


# Retrieve the desired data.
sub retrieve {
    my ( $widget, $data ) = @_;
    my $source = $data->{data_source};
    my @args;
    if ( my $handler = __PACKAGE__->can( $source . '_args' ) ) {
	@args = $handler->( $data );
    } elsif ( defined $data->{$source} ) {
	@args = $data->{$source};
#   warn "Debug - \$st->$source( ", join( ', ', map { "'$_'" } @args ), ' )';
#   use JSON;
#   warn "Debug - \$data is ", to_json( $data, { pretty => 1 } ), ' ';
    my ( $error );
    if ( my $rslt = eval {
	    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
		( my $msg = $_[0] ) =~
		    s/ \S+ \s+ \S* SpaceTrackTk .* //smx;
		$msg =~ s/ \s+ / /smxg;
		$widget->{main_window}->messageBox( -icon => 'warning',
		    -type => 'OK', -title => 'Data fetch warning',
		    -message => $msg,
	    $st->$source( @args );
	} ) {
	    and return ( $rslt->content(), $source, @args );
	$error = $rslt->status_line();
    } else {
	$error = $@ || 'An unknown error occurred';
    $widget->{main_window}->messageBox( -icon => 'error', -type => 'OK',
	-title => 'Data fetch error',
	-message => $error,


    my %tabbed;

    BEGIN {

	%tabbed = (
	    box_score => sub {
		my ( $hash ) = @_;
		if ( $hash->{row} == 0 && $hash->{column} > 0 &&
		    $hash->{column} < 9 ) {
		    return grid_args( $hash, columnspan => 4 );
		} else {
		    return grid_args( $hash );
	    search => \&grid_args,

    sub view_window {
	my ( $widget, $title, $content ) = @_;

	my $vw = $widget->{main_window}->Toplevel(
	    -title => $title,
	    -borderwidth => 8,

	if ( my $grid_args = $tabbed{ $st->content_type() } ) {

	    my $vf = $vw->Scrolled(
		Frame => -scrollbars => 'osoe',
		-width => 600, -height => 400,
	    )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both' );

	    my $vg = {
		row => 0, column => 0,
		sticky => 'nsew',
		ipadx => 2, ipady => 2,

	    my @lo = (
		-relief => 'sunken',
		-justify => 'left',
		-wraplength => '20m',

	    my $loc = 0;
	    while ( $content =~ m/ ( \t | \r \n? | \n ) /smxg ) {
		    -text => substr( $content, $loc, $-[0] - $loc ),
		)->grid( $grid_args->( $vg ) );
		$loc = $+[0];
		"\t" eq $1 or grid_next_row( $vg );

	    $loc < length $content
		and $vf->Label(
		    -text => substr( $content, $loc ),
		)->grid( $grid_args->( $vg ) );

	} else {

	    my $tx = $vw->Scrolled( 'Text',
		-relief => 'sunken',
		-scrollbars => 'oe',
	    )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both' );
	    $tx->insert( '0.0', $content );




=head1 TITLE

SpaceTrackTk - Tk-based interface to Astro::SpaceTrack


 SpaceTrackTk username menuhin password yehudi with_name 1
 SpaceTrackTk direct 1

=head1 OPTIONS


=head1 DETAILS

This script provides a L<Tk|Tk> front-end for
L<Astro::SpaceTrack|Astro::SpaceTrack>. The command arguments are passed
to the L<Astro::SpaceTrack|Astro::SpaceTrack> C<set()> method.

=head1 AUTHOR

Thomas R. Wyant, III F<wyant at cpan dot org>


Copyright (C) 2010-2013 by Thomas R. Wyant, III

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For more details, see the full text
of the licenses in the directory LICENSES.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


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