package My::Module::Test;

use 5.006002;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Exporter qw{ import };
use HTTP::Date;
use Test::More 0.96;	# For subtest

our $VERSION = '0.093';

# Set the following to zero if Space Track (or any other SSL host)
# starts using a certificate that can not be verified.
    : 0;

our @EXPORT = qw{

my $rslt;

sub is_error (@) {		## no critic (RequireArgUnpacking)
    my ( $obj, $method, @args ) = @_;
    my ( $code, $name ) = splice @args, -2, 2;
    $rslt = eval { $obj->$method( @args ) };
    $rslt or do {
	@_ = ( "$name threw exception: $@" );
	goto \&fail;
    @_ = ( $rslt->code() == $code, $name );
    goto &ok;

sub is_not_success (@) {	## no critic (RequireArgUnpacking)
    my ( $obj, $method, @args ) = @_;
    my $name = pop @args;
    $rslt = eval { $obj->$method( @args ) };
    $rslt or do {
	@_ = ( "$name threw exception: $@" );
	goto \&fail;
    @_ = ( ! $rslt->is_success(), $name );
    goto &ok;

sub is_success (@) {	## no critic (RequireArgUnpacking)
    my ( $obj, $method, @args ) = @_;
    my $name = pop @args;
    $rslt = eval { $obj->$method( @args ) }
	or do {
	@_ = ( "$name threw exception: $@" );
	chomp $_[0];
	goto \&fail;
    $rslt->is_success() or $name .= ": " . $rslt->status_line();
    @_ = ( $rslt->is_success(), $name );
    goto &ok;

sub last_modified {
	or return;
    foreach my $hdr ( $rslt->header( 'Last-Modified' ) ) {
	return str2time( $hdr );

sub most_recent_http_response {
    return $rslt;

sub not_defined ($$) {
    @_ = ( ! defined $_[0], @_[1 .. $#_] );
    goto &ok;

# Prompt the user. DO NOT call this if $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} is set.

    my ( $set_read_mode, $readkey_loaded );

    BEGIN {
	eval {
	    require Term::ReadKey;
	    $set_read_mode = Term::ReadKey->can( 'ReadMode' );
	    $readkey_loaded = 1;
	} or $set_read_mode = sub {};

	STDERR->autoflush( 1 );

    sub prompt (@) {
	my @args = @_;
	my $opt = 'HASH' eq ref $args[0] ? shift @args : {};
	    or not $opt->{password}
	    or push @args, '(ECHOED)';
	print STDERR "@args: ";
	# We're a test, and we're trying to be lightweight.
	    and $set_read_mode->( 2 );
	my $input = <STDIN>;	## no critic (ProhibitExplicitStdin)
	if ( $opt->{password} ) {
	    $set_read_mode->( 0 );
		and print STDERR "\n\n";
	defined $input
	    and chomp $input;
	return $input;


# Determine whether a given web site is to be skipped.

    my %info;
    my %skip_site;
    BEGIN {
	%info = (
	    ''	=> {
		url	=> '',
	    'mike.mccants'	=> {
		url	=> '',
	    'rod.sladen'	=> {
		url	=> '',
	    ''	=> {
		url	=> '',
	    ''	=> {
		url	=> '',
	    ''	=> {
		url	=> '',
		check	=> \&spacetrack_skip,

	    foreach my $site ( split qr{ \s* , \s* }smx,
		exists $info{$site}{url}
		    and $skip_site{$site} = "$site skipped by user request";
    my $ua;

    sub set_skip ($;$) {
	my ( $site, $skip ) = @_;
	exists $info{$site}{url}
	    or die "Programming error. '$site' unknown";
	$skip_site{$site} = $skip;

    sub site_check (@) {
	my @sites = @_;
	my @rslt = grep { defined $_ } map { _site_check( $_ ) } @sites
	    or return;
	return join '; ', @rslt;

    sub _site_check {
	my ( $site ) = @_;
	exists $skip_site{$site} and return $skip_site{$site};
	my $url = $info{$site}{url} or do {
	    my $skip = "Programming error - No known url for '$site'";
	    diag( $skip );
	    return ( $skip_site{$site} = $skip );

	    no warnings qw{ once };
		and return ( $skip_site{$site} =
		"$site skipped: $Astro::SpaceTrack::Test::SKIP_SITES"

	$ua ||= LWP::UserAgent->new(
	    ssl_opts	=> { verify_hostname => VERIFY_HOSTNAME },
	my $rslt = $ua->get( $url );
	Astro::SpaceTrack::__tweak_response( $rslt );
	    or return ( $skip_site{$site} =
		"$site not available: " . $rslt->status_line() );
	if ( $info{$site}{check} and my $check = $info{$site}{check}->() ) {
	    return ( $skip_site{$site} = $check );
	return ( $skip_site{$site} = undef );

    my $spacetrack_auth;

    sub spacetrack_account {
	return $spacetrack_auth;

    sub spacetrack_skip {
	defined $spacetrack_auth
	    and return;
	$spacetrack_auth = $ENV{SPACETRACK_USER} and return;
	    and return 'Automated testing and SPACETRACK_USER not set.';
	$^O eq 'VMS' and do {
	    warn <<'EOD';

Several tests will be skipped because you have not provided logical
name SPACETRACK_USER. This should be set to your Space Track username
and password, separated by a slash ("/") character.

	warn <<'EOD';

Several tests require the username and password of a registered Space
Track user. Because you have not provided environment variable
SPACETRACK_USER, you will be prompted for this information. If you
leave either username or password blank, the tests will be skipped.

If you set environment variable SPACETRACK_USER to your Space Track
username and password, separated by a slash ("/") character, that
username and password will be used, and you will not be prompted.

You may also supress prompts by setting the AUTOMATED_TESTING
environment variable to any value Perl takes as true. This is
equivalent to not specifying a username, and tests that require a
username will be skipped.


	my $user = prompt( 'Space-Track username' )
	    and my $pass = prompt( { password => 1 }, 'Space-Track password' )
	    or return 'No Space-Track account provided.';
	$spacetrack_auth = "$user/$pass";

sub throws_exception (@) {	## no critic (RequireArgUnpacking)
    my ( $obj, $method, @args ) = @_;
    my $name = pop @args;
    my $exception = pop @args;
    'Regexp' eq ref $exception
	or $exception = qr{\A$exception};
    $rslt = eval { $obj->$method( @args ) }
	and do {
	@_ = ( "$name throw no exception. Status: " .
	    $rslt->status_line() );
	goto &fail;
    @_ = ( $@, $exception, $name );
    goto &like;



=head1 NAME

My::Module::Test - Test routines for Astro::SpaceTrack


 use Astro::SpaceTrack;

 use lib qw{ inc };
 use My::Module::Test;

 my $st = Astro::SpaceTrack->new();

 is_success $st, fubar => 42,
     'fubar( 42 ) succeeds';

 my $resp = most_recent_http_response;
 is $resp->content(), 'XLII',
     q<fubar( 42 ) returned 'XLII'>;


This Perl module contains testing routines for Astro::SpaceTrack. Some
of them actually perform tests, others perform whatever miscellany of
functions seemed appropriate.

Everything in this module is B<private> to the C<Astro::SpaceTrack>
package. The author reserves the right to change or revoke anything here
without notice.


This package exports the following subroutines, all by default.

=head2 is_error

 is_error $st, fubar => 42,
     'Make sure $st->fubar( 42 ) returns a 404';

This subroutine executes the given method and tests its result code for
numeric equality to the given code.  The method is assumed to return an
HTTP::Response object. The arguments are:

  - The method's invocant
  - The method's name
  - Zero or more arguments
  - The expected HTTP status code
  - The test name

=head2 is_not_success

 is_not_success $st, fubar => 42,
     'Make sure $st->fubar( 42 ) fails';

This subroutine executes the given method and tests its result for
failure. The method is assumed to return an HTTP::Response object. The
arguments are:

  - The method's invocant
  - The method's name
  - Zero or more arguments
  - The test name

=head2 is_success

 is_success $st, fubar => 42,
     'Make sure $st->fubar( 42 ) succeeds';

This subroutine executes the given method and tests its result for
success. The method is assumed to return an HTTP::Response object. The
arguments are:

  - The method's invocant
  - The method's name
  - Zero or more arguments
  - The test name

=head2 last_modified

This subroutine returns the value of the C<Last-Modified> header from
the most recent HTTP::Respose object, as a Perl time. If there is no
HTTP::Response, or if it did not contain that header, C<undef> is

=head2 most_recent_http_response

 my $resp = most_recent_http_response;
     or diag $resp->status_line();

This subroutine returns the HTTP::Response object from the most-recent
test that actually generated one.

=head2 not_defined

 not_defined $resp, 'Make sure we have a response';

This subroutine performs a test which succeeds its first argument is not
defined. The second argument is the test name.

=head2 set_skip

 set_skip '';
 set_skip '', 'Manually skipping';

This subroutine sets or clears the skip indicator for the given site.
The first argument is the site name, which must appear on the list
supported by L<site_check|/site_check>. The second argument is optional
and represents the skip message, if any.

=head2 site_check

 site_check '', '';

This subroutine tests a preselected URL on the given sites, and sets the
skip indicator appropriately. Allowed site names are:

=head2 spacetrack_account

 $ENV{SPACETRACK_USER} = spacetrack_account

This subroutine returns the Space Track user name and password in a
format appropriate for the SPACETRACK_USER environment variable. The
return is not valid unless C<site_check ''> has been

=head2 throws_exception

 is_error $st, fubar => 666,
     'The exception of the beast',
     'Make sure $st->fubar( 666 ) throws the correct exception';

This subroutine executes the given method and succeeds if the method
throws the expected exception. The arguments are:

  - The method's invocant
  - The method's name
  - Zero or more arguments
  - The expected exception
  - The test name

The exception can be specified either as a Regexp object or as a scalar.
In the latter case the scalar is expected to match at the beginning of
the exception text.

=head1 SUPPORT

Support is by the author. Please file bug reports at
L<>, or in electronic mail to the author.

=head1 AUTHOR

Thomas R. Wyant, III F<wyant at cpan dot org>


Copyright (C) 2014-2016 by Thomas R. Wyant, III

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For more details, see the full text
of the licenses in the directory LICENSES.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


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