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#	Retrieve data from

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.094';

use Astro::SpaceTrack;

#	Instantiate our object. The arguments get passed to set ().
#	We set direct true because is a redistributor,
#	and we can get the data without going to Space-Track and
#	logging in. If we didn't do this, we would find out what
#	to get from, but the actual data would come
#	from, and we would need an account there.
#	We set verbose to get a list of valid catalog names if we
#	put in a bad one.

my $st = Astro::SpaceTrack->new (direct => 1, verbose => 1);

#	Default the catalog names to 'visual', which represents the
#	hundred (or so) brightest.

@ARGV or push @ARGV, qw{visual};

# organizes the data by catalog name. For each
#	one ...

foreach my $catalog (@ARGV) {

#	Attempt to retrieve the data.

    my $rslt = $st->celestrak ($catalog);

#	If we got it, send it to standard out; otherwise send the
#	error to standard error.

    if ($rslt->is_success) {
	print $rslt->content;
    } else {
	warn $rslt->status_line;
