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use strict;
use warnings;

use Astro::UTDF;
use File::Spec;
use Pod::Usage;
use Term::ReadLine;

my $tr = Term::ReadLine->new( 'Query UTDF' );

my @data;	# UTDF data from file
my $inx = 0;	# Current index into @data
my $sta;	# Observing station if any.
my $tle;	# TLE of satellite if any.

    my ( $fh, $fn, $home );
    my %inifil = (
	'VMS' => 'query_utdf.ini',
	'MSWin32' => 'query_utdf.ini',
	'MacOS' => 'query_utdf.ini',
    $home = 'VMS' eq $^O ? $ENV{'SYS$LOGIN'} : (
    $fn = File::Spec->catfile( $home,
	$inifil{$^O} || '.query_utdfrc' );
    if ( -e $fn ) {
	open $fh, '<', $fn
	    or die "Unable to open $fn: $!\n";
	while( <$fh> ) {
	    _execute( $_ );
	close $fh;

@ARGV and cmd_load( $ARGV[0] );

while ( defined( my $buffer = $tr->readline( 'Query UTDF> ' ) ) ) {
    _execute( $buffer );

print "\n";

sub _execute {
    my ( $buffer ) = @_;
    $buffer =~ s/ \A \s+ //smx;
    $buffer =~ s/ \s+ \z //smx;
    $buffer or next;
    '#' eq substr $buffer, 0, 1 and next;
    $buffer =~ s/ \A ! \s* /system /smx;
    my ( $cmd, @args ) = split qr{ \s+ }smx, $buffer;
    eval {
	if ( my $code = __PACKAGE__->can( "cmd_$cmd" ) ) {
	    $cmd eq 'system'
		and ( undef, @args ) = split qr{ \s+ }smx, $buffer, 2;
	    $code->( @args );
	} elsif ( '_' ne substr( $cmd, 0, 1 ) &&
	    $data[$inx] &&
	    $data[$inx]->can( $cmd)
	) {
	    my $rslt = $data[$inx]->decode ( $cmd, @args );
	    defined $rslt and print $rslt, "\n";
	} else {
	    die "Unknown command '$cmd'\n";
    } or warn $@;

sub cmd_compare {
    $tle or die "No TLE loaded\n";
    $sta or die "No observing station specified\n";
    my $time = $data[$inx]->measurement_time();
    my ( $az, $el, $rg, undef, undef, $rg_rt ) = $sta->azel(
	$tle->universal( $time ) );
    my $title = join( "\t", '', qw{ Observed Computed Delta } ) . "\n";

    if ( $data[$inx]->is_angle_valid() ) {
	print $title;
	$title = undef;
	_compare_print( 'Azimuth', $data[$inx]->azimuth(), $az );
	_compare_print( 'Elevatn', $data[$inx]->elevation(), $el );

    if ( $data[$inx]->is_range_valid() ) {
	$title and print $title;
	$title = undef;
	_compare_print( 'Range', $data[$inx]->range(), $rg );

    if ( $data[$inx]->is_doppler_valid() ) {
	$title and print $title;
	$title = undef;
	_compare_print( 'Rng rt', $data[$inx]->range_rate, $rg_rt );


sub cmd_count {
    print scalar @data, "\n";

sub cmd_exit {
    print "\n";

sub cmd_help {
    my ( $what ) = @_;
    if ( defined $what && 'utdf' eq lc $what ) {
	pod2usage( {
		-verbose => 2,
		-exitval => 'NOEXIT',
		-input => $INC{'Astro/'},
	    } );
    } else {
	pod2usage( {
		-verbose => 2,
		-exitval => 'NOEXIT',
	    } );

sub cmd_list {
    my @args = @_;
    my @range;
    my @items;
    foreach ( @args ) {
	if ( m/ \A \d+ (?: - \d+ )? \z /smx ) {
	    push @range, $_;
	} else {
	    push @items, $_;
    @items or push @items, 'measurement_time';
    @range or push @range, $inx;
    print join( "\t", 'index', @items ), "\n";
    foreach my $start ( @range ) {
	my $finish;
	if ( $start =~ s/ - ( \d+ ) \z //smx ) {
	    $finish = $1;
	} else {
	    $finish = $start;
	$finish > $#data and $finish = $#data;
	foreach my $inx ( $start .. $finish ) {
	    print join( "\t", $inx, map { $data[$inx]->decode( $_ ) }
		@items ), "\n";

sub cmd_load {
    my ( $fn ) = @_;
    $fn or die "Must specify file name\n";
    @data = Astro::UTDF->slurp( $fn );
    print scalar @data, "\n";
    @data and cmd_select( 0 );

sub cmd_next {
    my ( $offset ) = @_;
    defined $offset or $offset = 1;
    $inx += $offset;
    cmd_select( $inx );

sub cmd_select {
    my ( $ix ) = @_;
    defined $ix or $ix = 0;
    $inx = $ix;
    $inx < 0 and $inx = @data - $inx;
    $inx < 0 and $inx = 0;
    $inx >= @data and $inx = $#data;
    print $inx, "\t", scalar gmtime $data[$inx]->measurement_time(),

sub cmd_station {
    my ( $lat, $lon, $ele, @name ) = @_;

    require Astro::Coord::ECI;
    require Astro::Coord::ECI::Utils;

    defined $lat or do {
	( $lat, $lon, $ele ) = $sta->geodetic();
	foreach ( $lat, $lon ) {
	    $_ = Astro::Coord::ECI::Utils::rad2deg( $_ );
	$ele *= 1000;
	print join( "\t", $lat, $lon, $ele ), "\n";

    defined $lat and defined $lon
	or die "Latitude and longitude must be specified\n";
    defined $ele or $ele = 0;

    foreach ( $lat, $lon ) {
	$_ = Astro::Coord::ECI::Utils::deg2rad( $_ );

    $ele /= 1000;

    $sta = Astro::Coord::ECI->new()->geodetic(
	$lat, $lon, $ele );

    if ( @name ) {
	$sta->set( name => join( ' ', @name ) );


sub cmd_system {
    my ( @args ) = @_;
    system "@args";

sub cmd_tle {
    my ( $fn ) = @_;
    if ( defined $fn ) {
	require Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE;
	require Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set;
	my $fh;
	open $fh, '<', $fn
	    or die "Unable to open $fn: $!\n";
	( $tle ) = Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set->aggregate(
	    Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->parse ( <$fh> ) );
	close $fh;
    if ( $tle ) {
	print join( ' ', $tle->get( 'id' ), $tle->get( 'name' ) ), "\n";
    } else {
	print "No TLE loaded.\n";

sub _compare_print {
    my ( $name, $observed, $calculated ) = @_;
    my $delta = $observed - $calculated;
    print join( "\t", $name, $observed, $calculated, $delta ), "\n";


=head1 NAME

query_utdf - Ad-hoc query of data in a UTDF file.


 Query UTDF> load foo/
 0     Wed Apr  1 00:00:00 2009
 Query UTDF> select 100
 100   Wed Apr  1 00:01:40 2009
 Query UTDF> tracking_mode
 Query UTDF> exit

=head1 DETAILS

This script implements a simple interactive query of a UTDF file. The
operating philosophy is that there is at (almost) all times a current
UTDF record. Any L<Astro::UTDF|Astro::UTDF> method can be called on that
record simply by giving the method name. If the method takes arguments
they can be specified as well.

Besides the L<Astro::UTDF|Astro::UTDF> methods, a number of additional
commands have been provided:


=item count

This command prints the number of UTDF records currently loaded.

=item exit

This command terminates the script. End-of-file also works.

=item help

Display this documentation. C<help utdf> displays the documentation for

=item list

This command lists data from the file. It takes any number of arguments.
An argument that is entirely numeric (e.g. C<42>) specifies the number
of a record to list. An argument that is two numeric strings separated
by a dash (e.g.  C<86-99>) specifies a range of records to list. Any
other argument specifies the name of a field to list. For example,

 list 150 100-120 measurement_time azimuth elevation

Lists the measurement_time, azimuth, and elevation from record 150 and
records 100 through 120, in that order.

Record numbers referring to non-existent records will be ignored.
Non-existent fields will cause the command (though not the script) to
die horribly.

The range defaults to the current record, and the list of fields
defaults to measurement_time.

=item load

This command loads the file named in the command, replacing the
previously-loaded file if any. If the file contains any records, record
0 is selected.

=item next

This command selects the next record. Optionally you can specify a
number, either positive or negative, and the selection will be moved
that amount. For example, if record 1 is selected, C<next 3> will select
record 4, and C<next -1> will select record 0.

=item select

This command selects the record at the given index, which defaults to 0.
Negative indices select from the end.

=item system

This command issues a system command. You can use '!' as a synonym.


=head1 SUPPORT

Support is by the author. Please file bug reports at
L<>, or in electronic mail to the author.

=head1 AUTHOR

Thomas R. Wyant, III F<wyant at cpan dot org>


Copyright (C) 2010, 2012-2014 Thomas R. Wyant, III

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For more details, see the full text
of the licenses in the directory LICENSES.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


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