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# This script uses Astro::SpaceTrack to download orbital data for the
# International Space Station (and the Space Shuttle if available) and
# predict visibility for the next week from a pre-programmed location.

use strict;
use warnings;

#	In addition to Astro::Coord::ECI and friends, we need:
#	Astro::SpaceTrack
#	POSIX (which should be standard)

use Astro::Coord::ECI;
use Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE;
use Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set;
use Astro::Coord::ECI::Utils qw(deg2rad rad2deg SECSPERDAY);
use Astro::SpaceTrack;
use POSIX qw{strftime};

use constant TIMFMT => '%d %b %H:%M:%S';

#	Create an object to represent the observing station. We use
#	data in degrees north and east, and height above sea level in
#	meters. But the object wants radians and kilometers, so we
#	convert.

my $sta = Astro::Coord::ECI->new (
    name => '80 Wellington Street, Ottawa Ontario',
)->geodetic (
    deg2rad (45.42338),		# Latitude north
    deg2rad (-75.697786),	# Longitude east
    82/1000,			# Height above sea level

#	Fetch manned spaceflight data. The result of the fetch is a
#	HTTP::Response object.

my $st = Astro::SpaceTrack->new (direct => 1);
my $tle = $st->spaceflight ('-all', '-effective');
$tle->is_success or die <<eod;
Error - Failed to retrieve manned spaceflight data.

#	Parse the manned spaceflight data to get Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE
#	objects (or, more likely, Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set, since we
#	explicitly requested all available data).

my @bodies = Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set->aggregate(
    Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->parse( { station => $sta }, $tle->content ) );

#	For each of the bodies retrieved

my $start = time ();
my $end = $start + 7 * SECSPERDAY;
foreach my $tle (@bodies) {
    my @passes = $tle->pass( $start, $end );
    next unless @passes;
    print <<"EOD";

@{[$tle->get ('id')]}  @{[$tle->get ('name')]}

Date/Time        Elevation    Azimuth      Range Illum Event

    foreach my $pass (@passes) {
	print "\n";
	foreach my $event (@{$pass->{events}}) {
	    printf "%s  %9.1f  %9.1f  %9.1f  %-4s  %-4s\n",
		strftime (TIMFMT, localtime $event->{time}),
		rad2deg ($event->{elevation}),
		rad2deg ($event->{azimuth}),
		ucfirst ($event->{illumination}),
		ucfirst ($event->{event});

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