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use strict;
use warnings;

use 5.006002;

use Astro::Coord::ECI;
use Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE qw{ :constants };
use Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set;
use Astro::Coord::ECI::Utils qw{ deg2rad rad2deg };
use Astro::SpaceTrack 0.052;
use Getopt::Long 2.32;
use Pod::Usage;
use POSIX qw{ strftime };
use Time::Local;

our $VERSION = '0.066';

# Map -want-events values to TLE event codes.
my %wanted_event_map = (
    m	=> [ PASS_EVENT_MAX ],
    t	=> [ PASS_EVENT_DAY ],

# The effect of the event on the number of satellites above the horizon.
my %delta_number_up = (
    &PASS_EVENT_RISE => 1,
    &PASS_EVENT_SET => -1,

# Option values, with defaults.
my %opt = (
    'body-template'	=> '%N%t',
    'dump-headers'	=> 0,
    'event-template'	=> '%V %L %T',
    finish		=> '+7',
    geometric		=> 0,
    height		=> 0,
    horizon		=> 0,
    join		=> '%n%t',
    start		=> 'today',
    'time-format'	=> '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S',
    twilight		=> 6,
    'want-events'	=> 'rmlt',

# The usual options, since we GetOptions() more than once.
my @lgl_opt = (
    'help|?' => sub { pod2usage( { verbose => 2 } ) },
	body-template=s dump-headers event-template=s finish=s
	geometric! gmt!  height=f horizon=f join=s latitude=f
	longitude=f password=s split start=s time-format=s twilight=f
	username=s want-events=s visible!

my $up = 0;	# Number of bodies in sky after current event.
my %want_event;	# Desired events.
my %want_oid;	# Desired OID, with names if any.

# Process the initialization file.
    my $fn =
    $^O eq 'darwin' ? "$ENV{HOME}/Library/Application Support/passes.ini" :
    $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? "$ENV{APPDATA}/passes.ini" :
    $^O eq 'VMS' ? 'SYS$LOGIN:passes.ini' :
    -f $fn and load_file( $fn );

# Parse the -file option off the command line. If found, load the file.
Getopt::Long::Configure( qw{ pass_through auto_version } );
GetOptions( \%opt, qw{ file=s } )
    or die "Bad options. Use -help for help.\n";
Getopt::Long::Configure( qw{ no_pass_through } );
$opt{file} and load_file( $opt{file} );

# Finally, process the command line. If we do not have the required
# information by this time, die.
GetOptions( \%opt, @lgl_opt )
    and $opt{username} and $opt{password}
    and defined $opt{latitude} and defined $opt{longitude}
    or die "Bad options. Use -help for help.\n";

foreach my $evt ( split qr{}smx, $opt{'want-events'} ) {
    exists $wanted_event_map{$evt}
	or die "Bad -want-events code '$evt'. Use -help for help.\n";
    foreach my $ec ( @{ $wanted_event_map{$evt} } ) {
	$want_event{$ec} = 1;

# Load the hash of wanted OIDs (and optional substitute names) with
# whatever is left in the command line.
load_want( @ARGV );

# Determine the start and end times for the calculation.
my $start = parse_iso_time( $opt{start} );
my $finish = $opt{finish} =~ m/ \A [+] \d+ \z /smx ?
    ( $start + $opt{finish} * 86400 ) :
    parse_iso_time( $opt{finish} );

# Convert horizon to radians.
my $horizon = deg2rad( $opt{horizon} );

# Convert twilight to radians, and negate.
my $twilight = deg2rad( - $opt{twilight} );

# Instantiate an object to access the Space Track web site.
my $st = Astro::SpaceTrack->new(
    username => $opt{username},
    password => $opt{password},
    dump_headers => ( $opt{'dump-headers'} ? 15 : 0 ),
    with_name => 1,

# Retrieve the desired data from Space Track. The ad-hocery is in case
# the user is trying to do historical studies.
my $rslt = $st->retrieve(
    ( $finish < time() ?
	    start_epoch => $start - 86400,
	    end_epoch => $finish,
	} : () ),
    keys %want_oid
    or die "Failed to retrieve Space Track data: ", $rslt->status_line();

# Create an object to represent the observer's location
my $station = Astro::Coord::ECI->new()->geodetic(
    deg2rad( $opt{latitude} ),
    deg2rad( $opt{longitude} ),
    $opt{height} / 1000,

# Parse the data into TLE objects.
my @of_interest = Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set->aggregate(
    Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->parse( {
	    geometric => $opt{geometric},	# Rise/set vs. geometric horizon
	    horizon => $horizon,	# Horizon.
	    station => $station,	# Observer
	    twilight => $twilight,	# Twilight.
	    visible => $opt{visible},	# Visible passes only if true.
	$rslt->content() ) );

my @events_found;	# Rise and set data.

# Iterate through TLE objects
foreach my $tle ( @of_interest ) {

    # Override the common name retrieved from Space Track, if desired.
    if ( defined ( my $name = $want_oid{ $tle->get( 'id' ) } ) ) {
	$tle->set( name => $name );

    $tle->validate( $start, $finish )	# Sanity-check the data, and
	or next;			# punt if we can not use it.

    # Iterate through each pass over the station.
    foreach my $pass ( $tle->pass( $start, $finish ) ) {
	# Record the appropriate data.
	if ( $opt{split} ) {
	    # If -split is asserted, we pull out and record the
	    # individual events.
	    push @events_found, grep { $want_event{$_->{event}} } @{
		$pass->{events} };
	} else {
	    # If -split is not asserted, we just record the whole pass.
	    push @events_found, $pass;

# Sort the data by time, run it through the templating system, and
# print.
my $join = template( $opt{join} );
foreach my $data ( sort { $a->{time} <=> $b->{time} } @events_found ) {
    defined $data->{event}
	and $up += ( $delta_number_up{ $data->{event} } || 0 );
    print template( $opt{'body-template'}, $data ), join( $join,
	map { template( $opt{'event-template'}, $_ ) }
	$opt{split} ? $data : grep { $want_event{$_->{event}} } @{
	    $data->{events} }
    ), "\n";

# ------------------------ Subroutines ---------------------

# $string = format_time( $time );
# Format the time appropriately.
sub format_time {
    my ( $time ) = @_;
    return strftime( $opt{'time-format'},
	( $opt{gmt} ? gmtime $time : localtime $time ) );

# load_file( $file_name );
# Load the contents of a file.
sub load_file  {
    my ( $fn ) = @_;
    my $fh;
    open $fh, '<', $fn	## no critic (RequireBriefOpen)
	or die "Unable to open $fn: $!\n";
    local @ARGV;
    while ( <$fh> ) {
	s/ \s+ \z //smx;
	'' eq $_ and next;
	s/ \A \s+ //smx;
	'#' eq substr $_, 0, 1 and next;
	push @ARGV, $_;
    close $fh;
    GetOptions( \%opt, @lgl_opt )
	or die "Bad options. Use -help for help.\n";
    load_want( @ARGV );

# Load arguments into the %want_oid hash. Arguments are expected to be
# of the form 'oid' or 'oid=name'.
sub load_want {
    my @args = @_;
    foreach ( @args ) {
	my ( $oid, $name ) = split qr{ \s*=\s* }smx, $_, 2;
	defined $oid or next;
	$want_oid{$oid} = $name;

    my $errstr;
    my %offset;
    my $rel_re;

    BEGIN {
	$errstr = "Invalid ISO time '%s'\n";	# sprintf format
	%offset = (		# Seconds relative to today midnight.
	    yesterday	=> -86400,
	    today	=> 0,
	    tomorrow	=> 86400,
	$rel_re = qr/ @{[ join( '|', keys %offset ) ]} /smx;

    # $time = parse_iso_time( $string );
    # Parse an iso-8601-ish time. See the -start documentation for the
    # format.
    sub parse_iso_time {
	my ( $string ) = @_;
	my $time;
	local $@;

	# Numeric time
	if ( $string =~ m/ \A
	    ( \d{4} ) \D*				# Year
	    (?: ( \d{2} ) \D*				# Month
		(?: ( \d{2} ) \D*			# Day
		    (?: ( \d{2} ) \D*			# Hour
			(?: ( \d{2} ) \D*		# Minute
			    (?: ( \d{2} ) \D* )?	# Second
	    )? \z /smx ) {
	    my ( $yr, $mo, $da, $hr, $mi, $sc ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 );
	    defined $mo and --$mo;
	    $yr -= 1900;
	    $time = eval { time_assemble( $sc, $mi, $hr, $da, $mo, $yr ) };
	# Relative time ('yesterday', 'today', 'tomorrow')
	} elsif ( $string =~ m/ \A
	    ( $rel_re ) \D*				# Relative day
	    (?: ( \d{2} ) \D*				# Hour
		(?: ( \d{2} ) \D*			# Minute
		    (?: ( \d{2} ) \D* )?		# Second
	    )? \z /smx ) {
	    my ( $off, $hr, $mi, $sc ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 );
	    $time = eval { time_assemble( $sc, $mi, $hr, today() ) +
		$offset{$off} };
	defined $time
	    and return $time;
	die sprintf $errstr, $string;


    my %effector;
    my @event;
    BEGIN {
	%effector = (
	    a => sub { return sprintf '%.1f', rad2deg( $_[0]{azimuth} ) },
	    e => sub { return sprintf '%.1f', rad2deg( $_[0]{elevation} ) },
	    i => sub { return $_[0]{body}->get( 'international' ) },
	    l => sub { return $_[0]{illumination} + 0; },
	    L => sub { return $_[0]{illumination} . '' },
	    n => sub { return "\n"; },
	    N => sub { return $_[0]{body}->get( 'name' ) },
	    o => sub { return $_[0]{body}->get( 'id' ) },
	    t => sub { return "\t" },
	    T => sub { return format_time( $_[0]{time} ) },
	    u => sub { return $up },
	    v => sub { return $_[0]{event} + 0; },
	    V => sub { return $_[0]{event} . ''; },
	@event = qw{ set pass rise };

    # $string = template( $template, $data )
    # Format the event or pass data according to the $template value.
    sub template {
	my ( $template, $data ) = @_;
	$template =~ s/ % ( . ) /
	    $effector{$1} ? $effector{$1}->( $data ) : $1 /smxeg;
	return $template;

# ( $day, $month, $year ) = today()
# Return the current Perl day, month and year. This will be the local
# day unless -gmt was specified.
sub today {
    my @time = $opt{gmt} ? gmtime : localtime;
    return ( @time[ 3, 4, 5 ] );


    my @default;
    BEGIN {
	@default = ( 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 );

    # $time = time_assemble( $sec, $min, $hr, $day, $mon, $yr );
    # Assemble a time from the given Perl time components. They will be
    # interpreted as local time unless -gmt was specified.
    sub time_assemble {
	my @args = @_;
	foreach my $inx ( 0 .. $#default ) {
	    defined $args[$inx] or $args[$inx] = $default[$inx];
	return $opt{gmt} ? timegm( @_ ) : timelocal( @_ );



=head1 NAME

passes - Compute satellite rise and set times


 passes -user yehudi -pass menuhin -lat 42 -lon -90 25544=ISS
 passes -file driver.txt
 passes -help
 passes -version


This Perl script downloads TLE data for specified satellites from the
Space Track web site, and uses these data to predict passes of the
satellites over the observer during the desired period of time. Output
is normally chronological by culmination time. If C<-split> is
specified, output is chronological by individual event time. Location-
and user-specific options such as observing location and Space Track
account information can be specified in a configuration file.

The configuration of this script consists of L</OPTIONS> (documented
below) and the OID numbers to be displayed. You can override Space
Track's common name for the object by suffixing C<=your_desired_name> to
the OID. An example of this occurs in the L</SYNOPSIS>.

By default, output is one line per pass. You can get an event per line
by specifying the C<-split> option.

By default, the reporting period is the seven days beginning at midnight
on the current day. You can change this using the C<-start> and
C<-finish> options.

Output is controlled by a templating system. In general the output line
consists of satellite-specific data followed by event-specific data. The
satellite-specific data are specified by the C<-body-template> option.
The event-specific data are specified by the C<-event-template> option.
Time formats (for C<strftime(3)>) are set using the C<-time-format>
option.  The string used to separate multiple events on the same line is
specified by the C<-join> option.

=head1 OPTIONS

Several options are available. Option names may be abbreviated down to
the shortest unique abbreviation, but the shortest abbreviation may
change if new options are added.

Not all the options are in fact optional. Some of them specify
information this script needs to run. You must provide values for
options C<-username> and C<-password> to obtain satellite information,
and C<-latitude> and C<-longitude> to provide the location of the
observer. You may wish to provide the C<-height> for the observer as
well. You need not specify these if you specify C<-help> or
C<-version>, since both cause the script to exit after they are

Other options may be of particular interest. To change the reporting
period, use C<-start> and C<-finish>. To report only passes which can
actually be seen from the ground, use C<-visible>. To report rises and
sets separately, use C<-split>.


=item -body-template template_string

This option specifies the template used to insert information about the
satellite into the output. The templating system is described under the
C<-event-template> option, below.

The %a (azimuth) and %e (elevation) specifications do nothing useful in
a C<-body-template>.

The default is '%N%t' (i.e. the name of the satellite, followed by a
horizontal tab).

=item -event-template output_template

This option specifies the template used to insert information about an
individual pass event into the output.

All characters in the template are output verbatim, except for the '%',
which is magic. Data from the event are substituted into the output
according to the character that follows the '%', as follows:

 a - azimuth of event in degrees from north;
 e - elevation of event in degrees above geometric horizon;
 i - international launch designator of satellite;
 l - illumination (lit or not, PASS_EVENT_* numeric code,
     undefined in -body-template);
 L - illumination (string, if available, undefined in
 n - a literal newline;
 N - name of satellite;
 o - OID (SATCAT ID) of satellite;
 t - a literal horizontal tab;
 T - event time (or culmination time in -body-template);
 u - number of satellites up after event (undefined if
     -split is not asserted);
 v - event (Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE PASS_EVENT_* numeric code);
 V - event (string, if available from Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE);
 % - a literal '%'.

The behavior when any other character follows the '%' is undefined. The
word 'undefined' does not mean that you get a literal C<undef> under
those circumstances. It means that the behavior (whatever it is) may not
be what you expect or want, and that it may change without notice.

All times are formatted according to the value of the C<-time-format>

The default template is '%V %L %T' (that is, the name of the event,
whether the satellite is lit or shadowed, and the time of the event).

=item -finish iso_time_or_days

This option specifies the finish time. It is either an ISO-8601-ish
string such as is legal for C<-start>, or a plus sign followed by an
integer, which is the number of days after the C<-start> time.

The default is '+7'.

=item -geometric

This option specifies that rise and set take place when the satellite
crosses the geometric horizon, regardless of the setting of the
C<-horizon> option. If not asserted, rise and set take place when the
satellite crosses the elevation specified by the C<-horizon> option.

This option can be negated by specifying C<-nogeometric>.

The default is C<-nogeometric>

=item -gmt

This option specifies that times be either GMT (if asserted) or local
(if negated). It can be negated by specifying C<-nogmt>.

The default is C<-nogmt>.

=item -height meters_above_geoid

This option specifies the observer's height in meters above the WGS84

The default is 0.

=item -horizon degrees_of_elevation

This option specifies the effective horizon in degrees above (or below,
if negative) the geometric horizon.

The default is 0.

=item -join joining_string

This option specifies the string to be inserted between events in the
output. This string is run through the templating system before use, but
the only supported characters after a percent sign are 't' to insert a
horizontal tab, 'n' to insert a newline, and '%' to insert a literal
percent sign.  The results of using any other character after a percent
sign are undefined.

The default is '%n%t' (that is, a newline followed by a horizontal tab).

=item -latitude degrees_north_of_equator

This option specifies the observer's latitude in degrees. South
latitudes are negative.

This option must be specified. There is no default.

=item -longitude degrees_east_of_prime_meridian

This option specifies the observer's longitude in degrees east of
Greenwich England. West longitudes are negative.

This option must be specified. There is no default.

=item -password spacetrack_password

This option specifies the Space Track password.

This option must be specified. There is no default.

=item -split

This option reports individual events of a pass separately. This may be
more useful for telling how many satellites are above the horizon at a
given time. If negated (which is the default, and which can be specified
explicitly by C<-nosplit>) you get all events for the pass on the same

The default is C<-noevent>.

=item -start iso_time

This option specifies the start time as an ISO-8601-ish time. Only the
year-month-day-hour-minute-second version of the specification is
implemented. Years must be 4 digits, and all other fields must be two
digits. Trailing fields can be omitted, and default to 00 or 01 as
appropriate. Non-numeric characters may appear between fields, and after
the final field. So, for example,

 -start 2010-04-01:00:00:00

specifies a start at midnight of April 1 2010. In fact, so does

 -start 201004

As a convenience, the date portion can be replaced by one of the strings
C<yesterday>, C<today>, or C<tomorrow>. So data starting today at noon
can be specified as

 -start today12

The default is 'today', meaning midnight, since all the time fields
default to 0.

=item -split

If asserted, this option causes each event of the pass to be reported on
a separate line of output.

The default is C<-nosplit>.

=item -time-format strftime_format

This option sets the strftime(3) format used to format the time in the

The default is '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S' (that is, day, month name, four-digit
year, hour, minute, second).

=item -twilight degrees_below_horizon

This options sets the number of degrees the Sun is below the horizon at
the beginning or end of twilight. Unlike the C<satpass> script, you must
specify a number.

The default is 6, which corresponds to civil twilight.

=item -username spacetrack_username

This option specifies the Space Track user name.

This option must be specified. There is no default.

=item -visible

If asserted, this option causes only visible passes to be reported. A
pass is considered visible if the satellite is sunlit and the observer
is in darkness during some portion of the pass. The rise or set may
actually not be visible.

This option can be negated by specifying C<-novisible>.

The default is C<-novisible>.

=item -want-events event_types

This option specifies what pass events are wanted in the output. The
value is a string composed of one or more individual event type codes,
as follows:

 r = rise and set;
 m = maximum elevation (culmination);
 l = illumination (passing into sunlight or shadow);
 t = beginning or end of twilight


The default is 't'.

=head1 FILES

Configuration for this script can be done by a file as well as on the
command line. Configuration information is taken in the following order:


=item 1) The default configuration file, if any.

=item 2) The file specified by the C<-file> command option, if any.

=item 3) The command line.


In the case of command options, the last-specified value of a given
option is the one used. Boolean options (e.g. C<-gmt>) can be negated by
prefixing 'no' (e.g. C<-nogmt>).

The lists of OIDs from the above sources are simply concatenated.

Blank lines and lines beginning with '#' are ignored in configuration
files, as are leading and trailing whitespace on a line. Each non-blank
non-comment line in a configuration file goes to make up a single token
in a command line that is built internally and parsed.

This means that each option must be specified on a line by itself, as
must each OID. If an option takes a value, that value must either be
joined to the option name by an equals sign, or appear on the next line.

An example configuration file might look like this:

 # Observing location:
 # Elysee Palace, Rue Faubourg Saint-Honore, Paris
 # Space Track login

The name and location of the default configuration file depend on the
host operating system.

For Darwin (Mac OS X) the default configuration file is
F<$HOME/Library/Application Support/passes.ini>.

For MSWin32 the default configuration file is F<%APPDATA%/passes.ini>.

For VMS the default configuration file is F<SYS$LOGIN:passes.ini>.

For any other operating system, the default configuration file is

=head1 BUGS

Bugs can be reported to the author by mail, or through

=head1 AUTHOR

Thomas R. Wyant, III (F<wyant at cpan dot org>)


Copyright (C) 2010-2014 by Thomas R. Wyant, III

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For more details, see the full text
of the licenses in the directory LICENSES.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


# ex: set textwidth=72 :