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package main;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More 0.88;	# Because of done_testing()

use Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE;
use Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set;
use Time::Local;


plan( tests => 25 );

my $epoch = timelocal(0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 109);	# April 1 2009;
my $backdate = Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->new(
    id => 11111, epoch => $epoch);
my $nobackdate = Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->new(
    id => 11111, epoch => $epoch, backdate => 0);
my $asof = $epoch - 86400;
my $effective = Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->new(
    id => 11111, epoch => $epoch, effective => $asof);
my $past = $asof - 86400;

is($backdate->max_effective_date(), undef,
    '$backdate->max_effective_date() is undef');
is($nobackdate->max_effective_date(), $epoch,
    '$nobackdate->max_effective_date() is $epoch');
is($effective->max_effective_date(), $asof,
    '$effective->max_effective_date() is $asof');

is($backdate->max_effective_date($past), $past,
    '$backdate->max_effective_date($past) is $past');
is($nobackdate->max_effective_date($past), $epoch,
    '$nobackdate->max_effective_date($past) is $epoch');
is($effective->max_effective_date($past), $asof,
    '$effective->max_effective_date($past) is $asof');

is($backdate->max_effective_date($asof), $asof,
    '$backdate->max_effective_date($asof) is $asof');
is($nobackdate->max_effective_date($asof), $epoch,
    '$nobackdate->max_effective_date($asof) is $epoch');
is($effective->max_effective_date($asof), $asof,
    '$effective->max_effective_date($asof) is $asof');

my ($set) = Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set->aggregate($backdate, $effective);

is($set->max_effective_date($past), $asof,
    '$set->max_effective_date($past) is $asof');
is($set->select(), $effective,
    '$set->max_effective_date($past) selects $effective');
is($set->max_effective_date($asof), $asof,
    '$set->max_effective_date($asof) is $asof');
is($set->select(), $effective,
    '$set->max_effective_date($asof) selects $effective');
is($set->max_effective_date($epoch), $epoch,
    '$set->max_effective_date($epoch) is $epoch');
is($set->select(), $backdate,
    '$set->max_effective_date($epoch) selects $backdate');

my ( $tle, $err );
eval {
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $err = $_[0] };
    ( $tle ) = Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->parse( <<'EOD' );
Satellite X --effective 1980/275/12:00:00.0 --rcs 25.0
1 88888U          80275.98708465  .00073094  13844-3  66816-4 0    8
2 88888  72.8435 115.9689 0086731  52.6988 110.5714 16.05824518  105
} or do {
    $err = $@;

ok $tle, 'Parse TLE with --effective and --rcs specs'
    or diag $err;


    my $tests = 3;

    $tle or skip 'Failed to parse TLE', $tests;

    $SKIP_TEST and skip $SKIP_TEST, $tests;

    ok ! defined $err, 'Got no warnings'
	or diag "Warning was '$err'";

    cmp_ok( $tle->get( 'effective' ), '==', timegm( 0, 0, 12, 1, 9, 80 ),
	'Effective date is noon October 1 1980' );

    cmp_ok( $tle->get( 'rcs' ), '==', 25,
	'Radar cross-section is 25' );


( $tle, $err ) = ( undef, undef );
eval {
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $err = $_[0] };
    ( $tle ) = Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->parse( <<'EOD' );
Satellite X --effective 1980/275/12:00:00
1 88888U          80275.98708465  .00073094  13844-3  66816-4 0    8
2 88888  72.8435 115.9689 0086731  52.6988 110.5714 16.05824518  105
} or do {
    $err = $@;

ok $tle, 'Parse TLE with --effective date lacking fractional seconds'
    or diag $err;


    my $tests = 2;

    $tle or skip 'Failed to parse TLE', $tests;

    $SKIP_TEST and skip $SKIP_TEST, $tests;

    ok ! defined $err, 'Got no warnings'
	or diag "Warning was '$err'";

    cmp_ok( $tle->get( 'effective' ), '==', timegm( 0, 0, 12, 1, 9, 80 ),
	'Effective date is noon October 1 1980' );


( $tle, $err ) = ( undef, undef );
eval {
    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $err = $_[0] };
    ( $tle ) = Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->parse( <<'EOD' );
Satellite X --effective 1980/275/12:00
1 88888U          80275.98708465  .00073094  13844-3  66816-4 0    8
2 88888  72.8435 115.9689 0086731  52.6988 110.5714 16.05824518  105
} or do {
    $err = $@;

ok $tle, 'Parse TLE with --effective date lacking seconds'
    or diag $err;


    my $tests = 2;

    $tle or skip 'Failed to parse TLE', $tests;

    $SKIP_TEST and skip $SKIP_TEST, $tests;

    ok defined $err, 'Got a warning';

    ok ! defined $tle->get( 'effective' ), 'Effective date is undef';

