The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2005, 2012-2013 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file
 * AUTHORS for the full list)
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
 * License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * $Id$

#include "gperl.h"

=head2 Miscellaneous

Various useful utilities defined in Glib.xs.


=item GPERL_CALL_BOOT(name)

call the boot code of a module by symbol rather than by name.

in a perl extension which uses several xs files but only one pm, you
need to bootstrap the other xs files in order to get their functions
exported to perl.  if the file has MODULE = Foo::Bar, the boot symbol
would be boot_Foo__Bar.

=item void _gperl_call_XS (pTHX_ void (*subaddr) (pTHX_ CV *), CV * cv, SV ** mark);

never use this function directly.  see C<GPERL_CALL_BOOT>.

for the curious, this calls a perl sub by function pointer rather than
by name; call_sv requires that the xsub already be registered, but we
need this to call a function which will register xsubs.  this is an
evil hack and should not be used outside of the GPERL_CALL_BOOT macro.
it's implemented as a function to avoid code size bloat, and exported
so that extension modules can pull the same trick.

_gperl_call_XS (pTHX_ void (*subaddr) (pTHX_ CV *), CV * cv, SV ** mark)
	PUSHMARK (mark);
	(*subaddr) (aTHX_ cv);
	PUTBACK;	/* forget return values */

=item gpointer gperl_alloc_temp (int nbytes)

Allocate and return a pointer to an I<nbytes>-long, zero-initialized,
temporary buffer that will be reaped at the next garbage collection sweep.
This is handy for allocating things that need to be alloc'ed before a croak
(since croak doesn't return and give you the chance to free them).  The
trick is that the memory is allocated in a mortal perl scalar.  See the
perl online manual for notes on using this technique.

Do B<not> under any circumstances attempt to call g_free(), free(), or any
other deallocator on this pointer, or you will crash the interpreter.

 * taken from pgtk_alloc_temp in Gtk-Perl-0.7008/Gtk/MiscTypes.c
gperl_alloc_temp (int nbytes)
	SV * s;

	g_return_val_if_fail (nbytes > 0, NULL);

	s = sv_2mortal (NEWSV (0, nbytes));
	memset (SvPVX (s), 0, nbytes);
	return SvPVX (s);

=item gchar *gperl_filename_from_sv (SV *sv)

Return a localized version of the filename in the sv, using
g_filename_from_utf8 (and consequently this function might croak). The
memory is allocated using gperl_alloc_temp.

gchar *
gperl_filename_from_sv (SV *sv)

        GError *error = NULL;
        gchar *lname = NULL;
        gsize output_length = 0;
        STRLEN input_length = 0;
        gchar *filename = SvPVutf8 (sv, input_length);

        lname = g_filename_from_utf8 (filename, input_length,
                                      0, &output_length, &error);
        if (!lname)
        	gperl_croak_gerror (NULL, error);

        filename = gperl_alloc_temp (output_length + 1);
        memcpy (filename, lname, output_length);
        g_free (lname);

        return filename;

=item SV *gperl_sv_from_filename (const gchar *filename)

Convert the filename into an utf8 string as used by gtk/glib and perl.

SV *
gperl_sv_from_filename (const gchar *filename)
	GError *error = NULL;
        SV *sv;
	gsize len;
        gchar *str = g_filename_to_utf8 (filename, -1, NULL, &len, &error);

        if (!str)
        	gperl_croak_gerror (NULL, error);

        sv = newSVpv (str, len);
        g_free (str);

        SvUTF8_on (sv);
        return sv;

=item gboolean gperl_str_eq (const char * a, const char * b);

Compare a pair of ascii strings, considering '-' and '_' to be equivalent.
Used for things like enum value nicknames and signal names.

gperl_str_eq (const char * a,
              const char * b)
	while (*a && *b) {
		if (*a == *b ||
		    ((*a == '-' || *a == '_') && (*b == '-' || *b == '_'))) {
		} else
			return FALSE;
	return *a == *b;

=item guint gperl_str_hash (gconstpointer key)

Like g_str_hash(), but considers '-' and '_' to be equivalent.

gperl_str_hash (gconstpointer key)
	const char *p = key;
	guint h = *p;

	if (h)
		for (p += 1; *p != '\0'; p++)
			h = (h << 5) - h + (*p == '-' ? '_' : *p);

	return h;

/* --- GPerlArgv ----------------------------------------------------------- */

typedef struct {
	/* Shadow copies of the pointers to the copies of the strings in argv.
	 * Used to free the copied strings reliably even if they are removed
	 * from argv. */
	char **shadows;
	 /* Hash table (pointer (not string) -> utf8 flag) so we can completely
	  * restore PVs from the strings.  We cannot simply use an array of
	  * utf8 flags because strings might be removed from argv, in which
	  * case we wouldn't know which entry in the utf8 flag array
	  * corresponds to which string. */
	GHashTable *utf8_flags;
} GPerlArgvPriv;

=item GPerlArgv * gperl_argv_new ()

Creates a new Perl argv object whose members can then be passed to functions
that request argc and argv style arguments.

If the called function(s) modified argv, you can call L<gperl_argv_update> to
update Perl's @ARGV in the same way.

Remember to call L<gperl_argv_free> when you're done.

gperl_argv_new ()
	SV * ARGV0;
	int len, i;
	GPerlArgv *pargv;
	GPerlArgvPriv *priv;

	pargv = g_new (GPerlArgv, 1);

	 * heavily borrowed from gtk-perl.
	 * given the way perl handles the refcounts on SVs and the strings
	 * to which they point, i'm not certain that the g_strdup'ing of
	 * the string values is entirely necessary; however, this compiles
	 * and runs and doesn't appear either to leak or segfault, so i'll
	 * leave it.

	ARGV = get_av ("ARGV", FALSE);
	ARGV0 = get_sv ("0", FALSE);

	 * construct the argv argument... we'll have to prepend @ARGV with $0
	 * to make it look real.  an important wrinkle: client code may strip
	 * arguments it processes without freeing them (argv is statically
	 * allocated in conventional usage).  thus, we need to keep a shadow
	 * copy of argv so we can keep from leaking the stripped strings.

	len = av_len (ARGV) + 1;

	pargv->argc = len + 1;
	pargv->argv = g_new0 (char*, pargv->argc);

	priv = g_new (GPerlArgvPriv, 1);
	priv->shadows = g_new0 (char*, pargv->argc);
	priv->utf8_flags = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL);
	pargv->priv = priv;

	pargv->argv[0] = SvPV_nolen (ARGV0);

	for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) {
		SV ** svp = av_fetch (ARGV, i, 0);
		if (svp && gperl_sv_is_defined (*svp)) {
			const char *arg = SvPV_nolen (*svp);
			gboolean utf8_flag = !!SvUTF8 (*svp);
			priv->shadows[i] = pargv->argv[i+1]
			                 = g_strdup (arg);
			g_hash_table_insert (priv->utf8_flags,
			                     GINT_TO_POINTER (utf8_flag));

	return pargv;

=item void gperl_argv_update (GPerlArgv *pargv)

Updates @ARGV to resemble the stored argv array.

gperl_argv_update (GPerlArgv *pargv)
	GPerlArgvPriv *priv = pargv->priv;
	int i;

	ARGV = get_av ("ARGV", FALSE);

	/* clear and refill @ARGV with whatever gtk_init didn't steal. */
	av_clear (ARGV);
	for (i = 1 ; i < pargv->argc ; i++) {
		SV *sv;
		const char *arg = pargv->argv[i];
		gboolean utf8_flag = !!g_hash_table_lookup (priv->utf8_flags, arg);
		sv = newSVpv (arg, 0);
		if (utf8_flag)
			SvUTF8_on (sv);
		av_push (ARGV, sv);

=item void gperl_argv_free (GPerlArgv *pargv)

Frees any resources associated with I<pargv>.

gperl_argv_free (GPerlArgv *pargv)
	GPerlArgvPriv *priv = pargv->priv;
	g_strfreev (priv->shadows);
	g_hash_table_destroy (priv->utf8_flags);
	g_free (pargv->priv);
	g_free (pargv->argv);
	g_free (pargv);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

=item char * gperl_format_variable_for_output (SV * sv)

Formats the variable stored in I<sv> for output in error messages.  Like
SvPV_nolen(), but ellipsizes real strings (i.e., not stringified references)
at 20 chars to trim things down for error messages.

char *
gperl_format_variable_for_output (SV * sv)
	if (sv) {
		/* disambiguate undef */
		if (!gperl_sv_is_defined (sv))
			return SvPV_nolen (sv_2mortal (newSVpv ("undef", 5)));
		/* don't truncate references... */
		if (SvROK (sv))
			return SvPV_nolen (sv);
		/* and quote everything else to disambiguate empty strings
		 * and the like. */
		return form (sv_len (sv) > 20 ? "`%.20s...'" : "`%s'",
		             SvPV_nolen (sv));

	return NULL;

=item gboolean gperl_sv_is_defined (SV *sv)

Checks the SV I<sv> for definedness just like Perl's I<defined()> would do.
Most importantly, it correctly handles "magical" SVs, unlike bare I<SvOK>.
It's also NULL-safe.

gperl_sv_is_defined (SV *sv)
	/* This is adapted from PP(pp_defined) in perl's pp.c */

	if (!sv || !SvANY(sv))
		return FALSE;

	switch (SvTYPE(sv)) {
	    case SVt_PVAV:
		if (AvMAX(sv) >= 0 || SvGMAGICAL(sv)
		    || (SvRMAGICAL(sv) && mg_find(sv, PERL_MAGIC_tied)))
			return TRUE;
	    case SVt_PVHV:
		if (HvARRAY(sv) || SvGMAGICAL(sv)
		    || (SvRMAGICAL(sv) && mg_find(sv, PERL_MAGIC_tied)))
			return TRUE;
	    case SVt_PVCV:
		if (CvROOT(sv) || CvXSUB(sv))
			return TRUE;
		if (SvGMAGICAL(sv))
		if (SvOK(sv))
			return TRUE;

	return FALSE;

=item void gperl_hv_take_sv (HV *hv, const char *key, size_t key_length, SV *sv)

Tries to store I<sv> in I<hv>.  Decreases I<sv>'s reference count if something
goes wrong.

gperl_hv_take_sv (HV *hv, const char *key, size_t key_length, SV *sv)
	if (!hv_store (hv, key, key_length, sv, 0)) {
		sv_free (sv);



 * Thread-safety stuff.
static PerlInterpreter *gperl_master_interp = NULL;
G_LOCK_DEFINE_STATIC (gperl_master_interp);

_gperl_set_master_interp (PerlInterpreter *interp)
	G_LOCK (gperl_master_interp);
	gperl_master_interp = interp;
	G_UNLOCK (gperl_master_interp);

PerlInterpreter *
_gperl_get_master_interp (void)
	return gperl_master_interp;

/* If perl doesn't use thread-local storage, then we store the main thread's ID
 * at BOOT time so that GClosure.xs can later find out whether we've been
 * called from a foreign thread. */
static GThread *gperl_main_tid = NULL;

static void
_gperl_fetch_main_tid (void)
	gperl_main_tid = g_thread_self ();

GThread *
_gperl_get_main_tid (void)
	return gperl_main_tid;

MODULE = Glib		PACKAGE = Glib		PREFIX = g_

	/* g_thread_init() is a deprecated no-op */
	/*warn ("calling g_thread_init (NULL)");*/
	if (!g_thread_supported ())
		g_thread_init (NULL);
#if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0)
	/* g_type_init() is a deprecated no-op */
	g_type_init ();
	_gperl_set_master_interp (PERL_GET_INTERP);
	_gperl_fetch_main_tid ();
	/* boot all in one go.  other modules may not want to do it this
	 * way, if they prefer instead to perform demand loading. */
	GPERL_CALL_BOOT (boot_Glib__Utils);
	GPERL_CALL_BOOT (boot_Glib__Error);
	GPERL_CALL_BOOT (boot_Glib__Log);
	GPERL_CALL_BOOT (boot_Glib__Type);
	GPERL_CALL_BOOT (boot_Glib__Boxed);
	GPERL_CALL_BOOT (boot_Glib__Object);
	GPERL_CALL_BOOT (boot_Glib__Signal);
	GPERL_CALL_BOOT (boot_Glib__Closure);
	GPERL_CALL_BOOT (boot_Glib__MainLoop);
	GPERL_CALL_BOOT (boot_Glib__ParamSpec);
	GPERL_CALL_BOOT (boot_Glib__IO__Channel);
#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 6, 0)
	GPERL_CALL_BOOT (boot_Glib__KeyFile);
	GPERL_CALL_BOOT (boot_Glib__Option);
#endif /* GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 6, 0) */
#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 12, 0)
	GPERL_CALL_BOOT (boot_Glib__BookmarkFile);
#endif /* GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 12, 0) */
#if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 24, 0)
	GPERL_CALL_BOOT (boot_Glib__Variant);
#endif /* GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 24, 0) */
	/* make sure that we're running/linked against a version at least as 
	 * new as we built against, otherwise bad things will happen. */
	if ((((int)glib_major_version) < GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION)
	    (glib_major_version == GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION && 
	     ((int)glib_minor_version) < GLIB_MINOR_VERSION)
	    (glib_major_version == GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION && 
	     glib_minor_version == GLIB_MINOR_VERSION &&
	     ((int)glib_micro_version) < GLIB_MICRO_VERSION))
		warn ("*** This build of Glib was compiled with glib %d.%d.%d,"
		      " but is currently running with %d.%d.%d, which is too"
		      " old.  We'll continue, but expect problems!\n",
		    glib_major_version, glib_minor_version, glib_micro_version);

## NOTE: in order to avoid overwriting the docs for the main, 
##       all xsubs in this section must be either assigned to other
##       packages or marked as hidden.

=for apidoc __hide__
const char *
filename_from_unicode (class_or_filename, filename=NULL)
	GPerlFilename_const class_or_filename
	GPerlFilename_const filename
	RETVAL = items < 2 ? class_or_filename : filename;

=for apidoc __hide__
filename_to_unicode (const char * class_or_filename, const char *filename=NULL)
	RETVAL = items < 2 ? class_or_filename : filename;

=for apidoc __hide__
filename_from_uri (...)
	gchar * filename = NULL;
	const char * uri;
	char * hostname = NULL;
	GError * error = NULL;
	/* support multiple call syntaxes. */
	uri = items < 2 ? SvPVutf8_nolen (ST (0)) : SvPVutf8_nolen (ST (1));
	filename = g_filename_from_uri (uri,
	                                GIMME_V == G_ARRAY ? &hostname : NULL, 
	if (!filename)
		gperl_croak_gerror (NULL, error);
	PUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSVpv (filename, 0)));
	if (GIMME_V == G_ARRAY && hostname) {
		/* The g_filename_from_uri() docs say hostname is utf8,
		 * hence newSVGChar, though as of glib circa 2.16
		 * hostname_validate() only actually allows ascii
		 * alphanumerics, so utf8 doesn't actually come out.
		XPUSHs (sv_2mortal (newSVGChar (hostname)));
	g_free (filename);
	if (hostname) g_free (hostname);

=for apidoc __hide__
gchar_own *
filename_to_uri (...)
	char * filename = NULL;
	char * hostname = NULL;
	GError * error = NULL;
	/* The g_filename_to_uri() docs say hostname is utf8, hence SvGChar,
	 * though as of glib circa 2.16 hostname_validate() only actually
	 * allows ascii alphanumerics, so you can't in fact pass in utf8.
	if (items == 2) {
		filename = SvPV_nolen (ST (0));
		hostname = gperl_sv_is_defined (ST (1)) ? SvGChar (ST (1)) : NULL;
	} else if (items == 3) {
		filename = SvPV_nolen (ST (1));
		hostname = gperl_sv_is_defined (ST (2)) ? SvGChar (ST (2)) : NULL;
	} else {
		croak ("Usage: Glib::filename_to_uri (filename, hostname)\n"
		       " -or-  Glib->filename_to_uri (filename, hostname)\n"
		       "  wrong number of arguments");
	RETVAL = g_filename_to_uri (filename, hostname, &error);
	if (!RETVAL)
		gperl_croak_gerror (NULL, error);

## XXX i'd prefer to have local fallbacks so that we don't need this version hack.
##     unfortunately, these functions are nontrivial.


### note the use of raw const char* here.

# from gconvert.h.  Pod is in
=for apidoc __hide__
gchar_own * g_filename_display_name (const char * filename);

# from gconvert.h.  Pod is in
=for apidoc __hide__
gchar_own * g_filename_display_basename (const char * filename);
