The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
# Copyright (C) 2003-2011, 2013 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS
# for the full list)
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
# $Id$

BEGIN { require 5.008; }

use strict;
use warnings;
# use only standard modules here!  any non-standard module, or anything which is
# a dependency which may not be installed, should be use'd from the dependency
# test eval, below.
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;

# minimum required version of dependencies we need to build
our %build_reqs = (
	'perl-ExtUtils-Depends'   => '0.300',
	'perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig' => '1.030',
	'perl-Glib'               => '1.280',
	'perl-Pango'              => '1.220',
	'perl-Cairo'              => '1.000',
	'Gtk+'                    => '2.0.0',

our %PREREQ_PM = (
	'ExtUtils::Depends'   => $build_reqs{'perl-ExtUtils-Depends'},
	'ExtUtils::PkgConfig' => $build_reqs{'perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig'},
	'Glib'                => $build_reqs{'perl-Glib'},
	'Pango'               => $build_reqs{'perl-Pango'},

# Writing a fake Makefile ensures that CPAN will pick up the correct
# dependencies and install them.
unless (eval "use ExtUtils::Depends '$build_reqs{'perl-ExtUtils-Depends'}';"
           . "use ExtUtils::PkgConfig '$build_reqs{'perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig'}';"
           . "use Glib '$build_reqs{'perl-Glib'}';"
           . "use Glib::MakeHelper;" # for do_pod_files()
           . "use Pango '$build_reqs{'perl-Pango'}';"
           . "1") {
	warn "$@\n";
	exit 1; # not reached

# other modules should 'use Gtk2::CodeGen;' -- we can't because it's not
# installed yet.
require './lib/Gtk2/';

# all the generated stuff will go into this subdir...
mkdir 'build', 0777;

# look for our packages.  if they can't be found, warn and exit with status 0
# to indicate to CPAN testers that their system isn't supported.
my %pkgcfg_gtk;
unless (eval { %pkgcfg_gtk = ExtUtils::PkgConfig->find ("gtk+-2.0 >= $build_reqs{'Gtk+'}");
                1; })
	warn $@;
	exit 0;

# retrieve gtk's version
my @gtk_version = split /\./, $pkgcfg_gtk{modversion};

# decide what files to use in the build based on the version we found.
our @xs_files = ();
our @xs_lists = (
	Glib::MakeHelper->select_files_by_version ("xs_files", @gtk_version),
foreach my $filename (@xs_lists) {
	my @names = Glib::MakeHelper->read_source_list_file ($filename);
	#print "Loaded ".scalar(@names)." xs files from $filename\n";
	push @xs_files, @names;
my $target = ExtUtils::PkgConfig->variable ('gtk+-2.0', 'target');
if ($target =~ /x11/) {
	push @xs_files, 'xs/GdkX11.xs';

# if gtk+ >= 2.8, we depend on Cairo
my $have_cairo = 0;
if ($gtk_version[0] > 2 || ($gtk_version[0] == 2 && $gtk_version[1] >= 8)) {
	$PREREQ_PM{Cairo} = $build_reqs{'perl-Cairo'};
	unless (eval "use Cairo '$build_reqs{'perl-Cairo'}'; 1;") {
		warn "$@\n";
		exit 1; # not reached
	$have_cairo = 1;

# generate the constants wrappers
my @gtk_constants_lists =
	Glib::MakeHelper->select_files_by_version ('constants', @gtk_version);
my $gtk_constants_file = File::Spec->catfile ('build', 'constants.xs');
Gtk2::CodeGen->generate_constants_wrappers (
	prefix => 'Gtk2',
	lists => \@gtk_constants_lists,
	xs_file => $gtk_constants_file,
	header => 'gtk2perl.h',
        export_tag => 'constants');
push @xs_files, $gtk_constants_file;

# create version macros for atk
	atk => "ATK",

# since we've started down the dark path of breaking from standard 
# MakeMaker, forever will it dominate our destiny; we must specify
# install paths for the modules and man files by hand.
our %pm_files = (
	'lib/'            => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/',
	'build/'       => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gtk2/Gdk/',
	'lib/Gtk2/'    => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gtk2/',
	'lib/Gtk2/'     => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gtk2/',
	'lib/Gtk2/'      => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gtk2/',
	'lib/Gtk2/' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gtk2/',
	'lib/Gtk2/' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gtk2/',
	'lib/Gtk2/' => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gtk2/',
	'lib/Gtk2/api.pod'       => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gtk2/api.pod',
	'lib/Gtk2/devel.pod'     => '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gtk2/devel.pod',
our %pod_files = (
	'lib/'            => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/Gtk2.$(MAN3EXT)',
	# Keysyms is generated by Makefile.PL.
	'build/'       => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms.$(MAN3EXT)',
	'lib/Gtk2/'    => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/Gtk2::CodeGen.$(MAN3EXT)',
	'lib/Gtk2/'     => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/Gtk2::Helper.$(MAN3EXT)',
	'lib/Gtk2/'      => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/Gtk2::Pango.$(MAN3EXT)',
	'lib/Gtk2/' => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/Gtk2::SimpleList.$(MAN3EXT)',
	'lib/Gtk2/' => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/Gtk2::SimpleMenu.$(MAN3EXT)',
	'lib/Gtk2/api.pod'       => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/Gtk2::api.$(MAN3EXT)',
	'lib/Gtk2/devel.pod'     => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/Gtk2::devel.$(MAN3EXT)',
	# enums.pod is generated by rules we add to the postamble, below.
	# it is generated straight into blib to avoid dependency problems.
	                   => '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/Gtk2::enums.$(MAN3EXT)',
	# we will be installing a whole slew of pod files generated directly
	# from the xs source -- but to have them installed and manified
	# properly, we have to know their names at Makefile.PL time.
	#   This is a bit of a chicken and egg problem, and this solution
	# basically means that if you create a new package name in the xs
	# code, you'll need to re-run Makefile.PL.  you already need to
	# re-run to pick up new XS files, so that's not such a big deal. 
	Glib::MakeHelper->do_pod_files (@xs_files),

if (grep /enable[-_]faq/i, @ARGV)
	print STDERR "Including FAQ in pod, retrieved from Gtk2-Perl site.\n";
	# Writing a fake Makefile ensures that CPAN will pick up the correct
	# dependencies and install them.
	unless (eval "use LWP; 1")
	   warn "$@\n";
	         PREREQ_FATAL => 1,
	         PREREQ_PM    => {
	            'LWP' => 0.1,
	   exit 1; # not reached
	require 'tools/';
	$pm_files{'build/FAQ.pod'} = '$(INST_LIBDIR)/Gtk2/FAQ.pod';
	$pod_files{'build/FAQ.pod'} = '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/Gtk2::devel.$(MAN3EXT)';

# autogeneration
# we have a whole lot of types which need cast macros, typemap entries,
# and package mapping registration; instead of writing this by hand, we
# use a set of map files which define how things are laid out, and then use
# some boilerplate code to convert those mappings into a header, typemap,
# and xsh file.  see the docs for Gtk2::CodeGen for more info.
# all possible maps must be available at xsubpp time, as xsubpp processes
# all code, even inside #ifdefs.
# For backwards compatibility, the pango maps must be included so that the
# Gtk2::Pango::* names are registered with Glib.  These maps have special types
# (GObjectAlias, for example) that are handled by our own Gtk2::CodeGen.
Gtk2::CodeGen->parse_maps ('gtk2perl', input => [<maps-[0-9]\.[0-9]*>,
# but for enums.pod, we only want to document the stuff we can actually
# query from this target library.
our @used_maps = Glib::MakeHelper->select_files_by_version ("maps", @gtk_version);

# one more command generates code to boot all the various extra XS modules.
# we need this because we have lots of XS files without corresponding PMs to
# bootstrap them.
Gtk2::CodeGen->write_boot (xs_files => \@xs_files);

# this one turns the long list of #defines in gdkkeysyms.h into a large
# hash of key names and values, %Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms.
system "$^X tools/ >\"build/\""; # the "" are essential for

# now we're ready to start creating the makefile... finally.
# we need to use ExtUtils::Depends to get relevant information out of
# the Glib extension, and to save config information for other modules which
# will chain from this one.

my @deps = qw/Glib Pango/;
if ($have_cairo) {
  push @deps, qw/Cairo/;
our $gtk2 = ExtUtils::Depends->new ('Gtk2', @deps);

# Glib added -I. for us, but we'll need to add -I./build so we can get to
# the autogenerated files.  we do this kindof as a public service to client
# modules, as these will carry through via the depends mechanism.
$gtk2->set_inc ($pkgcfg_gtk{cflags} . ' -I./build ');
$gtk2->set_libs ($pkgcfg_gtk{libs});
$gtk2->add_pm (%pm_files);
$gtk2->add_xs (@xs_files);
my $cwd = cwd();
$gtk2->add_typemaps (map {File::Spec->catfile($cwd,$_)}
                     'gdk.typemap', 'gtk.typemap');

$gtk2->install (qw(gtk2perl.h
$gtk2->save_config ('build/');

# exports list needed for win32, unused on others
our @exports;
require 'Gtk2.exports';

my %meta_merge = (
        q(meta-spec)          => {
            version => '2',
            url     => '',
        author              =>
            ['gtk2-perl Team <gtk-perl-list at gnome dot org>'],
        release_status      => 'stable',
        # valid values:
        license             => 'lgpl_2_1',
        resources => {
            license     => '',
            homepage    => '',
            x_MailingList =>
            bugtracker  => {
                    web     =>
                    mailto  => 'bug-Gtk2 [at]',
            repository  => {
                    url     => 'git://',
                    type    => 'git',
                    web     => '',
        prereqs => {
            configure => {
                requires => {%PREREQ_PM}, # no direct ref for 5.14 compatibility
        no_index           => {
            directory => [qw/tools xs/],
            file      => [qw|Makefile.PL gtk-demo/|],

    NAME          => 'Gtk2',
    VERSION_FROM  => 'lib/', # finds $VERSION
    ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/', # retrieve abstract from module
    PREREQ_PM     => \%PREREQ_PM,
    XSPROTOARG    => '-noprototypes',
    MAN3PODS      => \%pod_files,
    FUNCLIST      => \@exports,
    DL_FUNCS      => { Gtk2 => [] },
    META_MERGE    => \%meta_merge,


print <<__EOW__;

   This is an unstable development release of Gtk2.  The API is not
   frozen and things are subject to change at any time.  Report any
   bugs to gtk-perl-list AT gnome DOT org as soon as possible.
   Please use the 1.22x series for important work.




print <<__EOW__;

   This is an unstable development release of Gtk2.  The API is frozen in
   accordance with the GNOME 2.16 schedule.  Report any bugs to gtk-perl-list
   AT gnome DOT org as soon as possible.  Please use the 1.12x series for
   important work.



# extra makefile override stuff... watch for falling wizardry.

sub MY::postamble
	my $text = "POD_DEPENDS=build/stock_items.podi\n\n"
	         . Glib::MakeHelper->postamble_precompiled_headers (qw/gtk2perl.h/)
		 . Glib::MakeHelper->postamble_clean ()
	         . Glib::MakeHelper->postamble_docs_full (
			DEPENDS => $gtk2,
			DOCTYPES => 'doctypes',
			COPYRIGHT_FROM => 'copyright.pod',
	         . Glib::MakeHelper->postamble_rpms (
			'GTK' => $build_reqs{'Gtk+'},
			'PERL_GLIB' => $build_reqs{'perl-Glib'},
			'PERL_PANGO' => $build_reqs{'perl-Pango'},
	         . " 
# rebuild the makefile if the file lists change
Makefile : ".join(" ", @xs_lists)."

\$(INST_LIB)/\$(FULLEXT)/enums.pod : \$(BLIB_DONE) @used_maps tools/
	\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) Creating enum POD...
	\$(NOECHO) \$(PERLRUNINST) -M\$(NAME) tools/ \$(NAME) @used_maps > \$@

build/stock_items.podi: \$(BLIB_DONE) tools/
	\$(NOECHO) \$(ECHO) Creating stock items POD...
	\$(NOECHO) \$(PERLRUNINST) -M\$(NAME) tools/ > \$@

build/FAQ.pod: tools/
	$^X \$<

	# this installation stuff doesn't make sense on windows, where
	# we don't really have a /usr.  also, nmake barfs on $+.
	unless ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
		$text .= "
# the tmp-xxx stuff is just so that only the pl files get installed
install-\%: %
	\@\$(MKPATH) tmp-\$+/
	\@\$(CP) \$+/*.* tmp-\$+/
	\@\$(MOD_INSTALL) ./tmp-\$+/ \\
	\@\$(RM_RF) tmp-\$+/

	return $text;