The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/env perl

BEGIN { require './t/inc/' };

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Encode;

plan tests => 233;

note('Gtk3::CHECK_VERSION and check_version');
  my ($x, $y, $z) = (Gtk3::MAJOR_VERSION, Gtk3::MINOR_VERSION, Gtk3::MICRO_VERSION);
  ok (Gtk3::CHECK_VERSION ($x, $y, $z));
  ok (Gtk3->CHECK_VERSION ($x, $y, $z));
  ok (not defined Gtk3::check_version ($x, $y, $z));
  ok (not defined Gtk3->check_version ($x, $y, $z));

  ok (!Gtk3::CHECK_VERSION ($x, $y, $z));
  ok (!Gtk3->CHECK_VERSION ($x, $y, $z));
  ok (defined Gtk3::check_version ($x, $y, $z));
  ok (defined Gtk3->check_version ($x, $y, $z));

note('Gtk3::Window::new and list_toplevels.');
'This is at the top to avoid testing against a polluted list of toplevels.');
  my $window1 = Gtk3::Window->new ('toplevel');
  my $window2 = Gtk3::Window->new;
  is_deeply ([Gtk3::Window::list_toplevels ()], [$window1, $window2]);
  is (scalar Gtk3::Window::list_toplevels (), $window2);

  my %props = (program_name => 'Foo',
               version => '42',
               authors => [qw/me myself i/],
               license_type => 'lgpl-2-1');
  SKIP: {
    skip 'dialogs without parent warn as of gtk+ >= 3.16', 0
      if Gtk3::CHECK_VERSION (3, 16, 0);
    Gtk3::show_about_dialog (undef, %props);
    Gtk3->show_about_dialog (undef, %props);
  Gtk3::show_about_dialog (Gtk3::Window->new, %props);
  Gtk3->show_about_dialog (Gtk3::Window->new, %props);
  ok (1);

  foreach my $class (qw/HBox VBox/) {
    my $box = "Gtk3::$class"->new;
    ok (!$box->get_homogeneous);
    is ($box->get_spacing, 5);

  my $button = Gtk3::Button->new;
  ok (!defined ($button->get_label));
  $button = Gtk3::Button->new ('_Test');
  is ($button->get_label, '_Test');

  my $cell = Gtk3::TreeViewColumn->new;
  is_deeply([$cell->get_cells], []);
  my $one = Gtk3::CellRendererText->new;
  my $two = Gtk3::CellRendererText->new;
  $cell->pack_start($one, 0);
  $cell->pack_start($two, 1);
  is_deeply([$cell->get_cells], [$one, $two]);

  my $button = Gtk3::CheckButton->new;
  ok (!defined ($button->get_label));
  $button = Gtk3::CheckButton->new ('_Test');
  is ($button->get_label, '_Test');

  my $clipboard = Gtk3::Clipboard::get (Gtk3::Gdk::Atom::intern ('PRIMARY', Glib::FALSE));
  $clipboard->set_text ('→←');
  is ($clipboard->wait_for_text, '→←');
  $clipboard->set_text ('→←', 3); # wants length in bytes
  is ($clipboard->wait_for_text, '→');

  my $button = Gtk3::ColorButton->new;
  is ($button->get_color->red, 0);
  my $color = Gtk3::Gdk::Color->new (red => 2**16-1, green => 0, blue => 0);
  $button = Gtk3::ColorButton->new ($color);
  is ($button->get_color->red, $color->red);

  skip 'Gtk3::CssProvider; incorrect annotations', 2
    unless Gtk3::CHECK_VERSION (3, 2, 0);

  my $css = "GtkButton {font: 10px Cantarelll}";
  my $expect = qr/Cantarelll/;
  my $p = Gtk3::CssProvider->new;

  $p->load_from_data ($css);
  like ($p->to_string, $expect);

  $p->load_from_data ([unpack 'C*', $css]);
  like ($p->to_string, $expect);

  my $entry = Gtk3::Entry->new;
  my $orig_text = 'aeiou';
  my $orig_text_chars = length ($orig_text);
  my $orig_text_bytes = length (Encode::encode_utf8 ($orig_text));
  $entry->set_text ($orig_text);
  my ($new_text, $pos) = ('0123456789', $orig_text_chars);
  my $new_text_chars = length ($new_text);
  my $new_text_bytes = length (Encode::encode_utf8 ($new_text));
  is ($entry->insert_text ($new_text, $pos),
      $pos + $new_text_chars);
  $pos = 0;
  is ($entry->insert_text ($new_text, $new_text_bytes, $pos),
      $pos + $new_text_chars);
  is ($entry->get_text, $new_text . $orig_text . $new_text);

note('Gtk3::Editable::insert_text and length issues');
  my $entry = Gtk3::Entry->new;
  my ($text, $pos) = ('0123456789€', 0);
  is ($entry->insert_text ($text, $pos),
      $pos + length ($text));
  is ($entry->get_text, $text);

  skip 'GtkEditable.insert-text signal; need generic signal marshaller', 5
    unless check_gi_version (1, 33, 10);

  note('GtkEditable.insert-text signal');
  my $entry = Gtk3::Entry->new;
  my $orig_text = 'äöü';
  $entry->set_text ($orig_text);

  my ($my_text, $my_pos) = ('123', 2);
  $entry->signal_connect ('insert-text' => sub {
    my ($entry, $new_text, $new_text_bytes, $position, $data) = @_;
    is ($new_text, $my_text);
    is ($new_text_bytes, length (Encode::encode_utf8 ($my_text)));
    is ($position, $my_pos);
    # Disregard $position and move the text to the end.
    return length $entry->get_text;
  is ($entry->insert_text ($my_text, $my_pos),
      length ($orig_text) + length ($my_text));
  is ($entry->get_text, $orig_text . $my_text);

  skip 'need a perl built with "-pthread" on freebsd', 3
    if on_unthreaded_freebsd ();

  my $parent = Gtk3::Window->new;
  my $dialog = Gtk3::FileChooserDialog->new ('some title', $parent, 'save',
                                             'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel',
                                             'gtk-ok' => 23);
  is ($dialog->get_title, 'some title');
  is ($dialog->get_transient_for, $parent);
  is ($dialog->get_action, 'save');

  my $button = Gtk3::FontButton->new;
  # $button->get_font_name can be anything
  $button = Gtk3::FontButton->new ('Sans');
  ok (defined $button->get_font_name);

  my ($host, $label) = ('http://localhost', 'Local');
  my $button = Gtk3::LinkButton->new ($host);
  is ($button->get_label, $host);
  $button = Gtk3::LinkButton->new ($host, $label);
  is ($button->get_label, $label);

  skip 'Gtk3::ListStore; tree model ctors not properly supported', 10
    unless check_gi_version(1, 29, 17);

  note('Gtk3::ListStore::new, set and get, insert_with_values');
  my $model = Gtk3::ListStore->new ([qw/Glib::String Glib::Int/]);
  my $iter = $model->append;
  $model->set ($iter, [0, 1], ['Foo', 23]);
  is_deeply ([$model->get ($iter)], ['Foo', 23]);
  is_deeply ([$model->get ($iter, 0,1)], ['Foo', 23]);
  is (scalar $model->get ($iter, 0,1), 23);

  $iter = $model->append;
  $model->set ($iter, 0 => 'Bar', 1 => 42);
  is_deeply ([$model->get ($iter)], ['Bar', 42]);
  is_deeply ([$model->get ($iter, 0,1)], ['Bar', 42]);
  is (scalar $model->get ($iter, 0,1), 42);

    local $@;
    eval { $model->set ($iter, 0) };
    like ($@, qr/Usage/);

  $iter = $model->insert_with_values (-1, [0, 1], ['FooFoo', 2323]);
  is_deeply ([$model->get ($iter)], ['FooFoo', 2323]);
  $iter = $model->insert_with_values (-1, 0 => 'BarBar', 1 => 4242);
  is_deeply ([$model->get ($iter)], ['BarBar', 4242]);

    local $@;
    eval { $model->insert_with_values (-1, 0); };
    like ($@, qr/Usage/);

  skip 'Gtk3::Menu; incorrect annotations', 2
    unless Gtk3::CHECK_VERSION (3, 2, 0);

  note('Gtk3::Menu::popup and popup_for_device');
    my $menu = Gtk3::Menu->new;
    my $position_callback;
    if (Gtk3::CHECK_VERSION (3, 16, 0)) {
      $position_callback = sub {
        my ($menu, $x, $y, $data) = @_;
        isa_ok ($menu, "Gtk3::Menu");
        return @$data;
    } else {
      $position_callback = sub {
        my ($menu, $data) = @_;
        isa_ok ($menu, "Gtk3::Menu");
        return @$data;
    $menu->popup (undef, undef, $position_callback, [50, 50], 1, 0);
    $menu->popup_for_device (undef, undef, undef, $position_callback, [50, 50, Glib::TRUE], 1, 0);

  # Test this separately to ensure that specifying no callback does not lead to
  # an invalid invocation of the destroy notify func.
    my $menu = Gtk3::Menu->new;
    $menu->popup (undef, undef, undef, undef, 1, 0);

note('Gtk2::MenuItem::new, Gtk2::CheckMenuItem::new, Gtk2::ImageMenuItem::new');
  foreach my $class (qw/Gtk3::MenuItem Gtk3::CheckMenuItem Gtk3::ImageMenuItem/) {
    my $item;

    $item = $class->new;
    isa_ok ($item, $class);
    ok (!$item->get_label); # might be '' or undef

    $item = $class->new ('_Test');
    isa_ok ($item, $class);
    is ($item->get_label, '_Test');

    $item = $class->new_with_mnemonic ('_Test');
    isa_ok ($item, $class);
    is ($item->get_label, '_Test');

  my $group = Gtk3::SizeGroup->new ("vertical");

  my @widgets = $group->get_widgets;
  ok (!@widgets);

  my ($uno, $dos, $tres, $cuatro) =
    (Gtk3::Label->new ("Tinky-Winky"),
     Gtk3::Label->new ("Dipsy"),
     Gtk3::Label->new ("La La"),
     Gtk3::Label->new ("Po"));

  $group->add_widget ($uno);
  $group->add_widget ($dos);
  $group->add_widget ($tres);
  $group->add_widget ($cuatro);
  @widgets = $group->get_widgets;
  is (scalar @widgets, 4);

  ok (grep { $_ eq 'gtk-ok' } Gtk3::Stock::list_ids ());
  my $item = Gtk3::Stock::lookup ('gtk-ok');
  is ($item->{stock_id}, 'gtk-ok');
  note('Gtk3::Stock::add and add_static do not work yet');
  Gtk3::Stock::set_translate_func ('perl-domain', sub {}, 42);

  my $l = Gtk3::Label->new ('Test');
  my $c = $l->get_style_context;
  my @v = $c->get ('normal', Gtk3::STYLE_PROPERTY_COLOR, Gtk3::STYLE_PROPERTY_FONT);
  is (scalar @v, 2, 'two items returned');

  my $output;
  open local *STDERR, '>', \$output;
  my $target_entry = Gtk3::TargetEntry->new(
    Glib::Object::Introspection->convert_sv_to_flags (
      "Gtk3::TargetFlags", qw/same-widget/),
  is($output, undef, 'convert_sv_to_flags');

  $target_entry = Gtk3::TargetEntry->new(
    ${Gtk3::TargetFlags->new (qw/same-widget/)},
  is($output, undef, 'Gtk3::TargetFlags->new');

  $target_entry = Gtk3::TargetEntry->new(
  is($output, undef, 'override');

  my $button = Gtk3::ToggleButton->new;
  ok (!defined ($button->get_label));
  $button = Gtk3::ToggleButton->new ('_Test');
  is ($button->get_label, '_Test');

  skip 'Gtk3::TreeStore; tree model ctors not properly supported', 10
    unless check_gi_version(1, 29, 17);

  note('Gtk3::TreeStore::new, set and get, insert_with_values');
  my $model = Gtk3::TreeStore->new ([qw/Glib::String Glib::Int/]);
  my $iter = $model->append (undef);
  $model->set ($iter, [0, 1], ['Foo', 23]);
  is_deeply ([$model->get ($iter)], ['Foo', 23]);
  is_deeply ([$model->get ($iter, 0,1)], ['Foo', 23]);
  is (scalar $model->get ($iter, 0,1), 23);

  $iter = $model->append (undef);
  $model->set ($iter, 0 => 'Bar', 1 => 42);
  is_deeply ([$model->get ($iter)], ['Bar', 42]);
  is_deeply ([$model->get ($iter, 0,1)], ['Bar', 42]);
  is (scalar $model->get ($iter, 0,1), 42);

    local $@;
    eval { $model->set ($iter, 0) };
    like ($@, qr/Usage/);

  $iter = $model->insert_with_values (undef, -1, [0, 1], ['FooFoo', 2323]);
  is_deeply ([$model->get ($iter)], ['FooFoo', 2323]);
  $iter = $model->insert_with_values (undef, -1, 0 => 'BarBar', 1 => 4242);
  is_deeply ([$model->get ($iter)], ['BarBar', 4242]);

    local $@;
    eval { $model->insert_with_values (undef, -1, 0); };
    like ($@, qr/Usage/);

note('Gtk3::TreePath::new, new_from_string, new_from_indices, get_indices');
  my $path = Gtk3::TreePath->new;
  isa_ok ($path, 'Gtk3::TreePath');
  $path = Gtk3::TreePath->new ('1:2:3');
  is_deeply ([$path->get_indices], [1, 2, 3]);
  $path = Gtk3::TreePath->new_from_string ('1:2:3');
  is_deeply ([$path->get_indices], [1, 2, 3]);
  $path = Gtk3::TreePath->new_from_indices (1, 2, 3);
  is_deeply ([$path->get_indices], [1, 2, 3]);

  skip 'Gtk3::TreeModel; tree model ctors not properly supported', 6
    unless check_gi_version(1, 29, 17);

  note('Gtk3::TreeModel::get_iter, get_iter_first, get_iter_from_string');
  my $model = Gtk3::ListStore->new ('Glib::String');
  my $path = Gtk3::TreePath->new_from_string ('0');
  is ($model->get_iter ($path), undef);
  is ($model->get_iter_first, undef);
  is ($model->get_iter_from_string ('0'), undef);
  my $iter = $model->append;
  isa_ok ($model->get_iter ($path), 'Gtk3::TreeIter');
  isa_ok ($model->get_iter_first, 'Gtk3::TreeIter');
  isa_ok ($model->get_iter_from_string ('0'), 'Gtk3::TreeIter');

  skip 'Gtk3::TreeModel; tree model ctors not properly supported', 6
    unless check_gi_version(1, 29, 17);

  note('Gtk3::TreeModel::iter_children, iter_nth_child, iter_parent');
  my $model = Gtk3::TreeStore->new ([qw/Glib::String/]);
  my $parent_iter = $model->append (undef);
  is ($model->iter_children ($parent_iter), undef);
  is ($model->iter_nth_child ($parent_iter, 0), undef);
  is ($model->iter_parent ($parent_iter), undef);
  my $child_iter = $model->append ($parent_iter);
  isa_ok ($model->iter_children ($parent_iter), 'Gtk3::TreeIter');
  isa_ok ($model->iter_nth_child ($parent_iter, 0), 'Gtk3::TreeIter');
  isa_ok ($model->iter_parent ($child_iter), 'Gtk3::TreeIter');

  skip 'Gtk3::TreeFilter; tree model ctors not properly supported', 3
    unless check_gi_version(1, 29, 17);

  my $child_model = Gtk3::TreeStore->new ([qw/Glib::String/]);
  my $child_iter = $child_model->append (undef);
  $child_model->set ($child_iter, 0 => 'Bla');
  my $model = Gtk3::TreeModelFilter->new ($child_model);
  isa_ok ($model, 'Gtk3::TreeModelFilter');
  my $iter = $model->convert_child_iter_to_iter ($child_iter);
  isa_ok ($iter, 'Gtk3::TreeIter');
  is ($model->get ($iter, 0), 'Bla');

  skip 'Gtk3::TreeModelSort; tree model ctors not properly supported', 3
    unless check_gi_version(1, 29, 17);

  my $child_model = Gtk3::TreeStore->new ([qw/Glib::String/]);
  my $child_iter = $child_model->append (undef);
  $child_model->set ($child_iter, 0 => 'Bla');
  my $model = Gtk3::TreeModelSort->new_with_model ($child_model);
  isa_ok ($model, 'Gtk3::TreeModelSort');
  my $iter = $model->convert_child_iter_to_iter ($child_iter);
  isa_ok ($iter, 'Gtk3::TreeIter');
  is ($model->get ($iter, 0), 'Bla');

  skip 'Gtk3::TreeSelection; tree model ctors not properly supported', 3
    unless check_gi_version(1, 29, 17);

  my $model = Gtk3::ListStore->new ('Glib::String');
  my $view = Gtk3::TreeView->new ($model);
  my $selection = $view->get_selection;
  my $iter = $model->append;
  $selection->select_iter ($iter);
  my ($sel_model, $sel_iter) = $selection->get_selected;
  is ($sel_model, $model);
  isa_ok ($sel_iter, 'Gtk3::TreeIter');
  $sel_iter = $selection->get_selected;
  isa_ok ($sel_iter, 'Gtk3::TreeIter');

  skip 'Gtk3::TreeView; tree model ctors not properly supported', 5
    unless check_gi_version(1, 29, 17);

  note('Gtk3::TreeView::insert_column_with_attributes, get_dest_row_at_pos,');
  note('get_path_at_pos, get_tooltip_context, get_visible_range');
  my $model = Gtk3::ListStore->new ('Glib::String');
  $model->insert_with_values (-1, 0 => 'Test string');

  my $view = Gtk3::TreeView->new ($model);
  $view->insert_column_with_attributes (-1, 'String',
                                        text => 0);
  my $column = $view->get_column (0);
  is ($column->get_title, 'String');
  is_deeply ([$view->get_columns], [$column]);

  my $window = Gtk3::Window->new;
  $window->add ($view);

  my @bin_pos = (0, 0);
  my @widget_pos = $view->convert_bin_window_to_widget_coords (@bin_pos);
  my @dest_stuff = $view->get_dest_row_at_pos (@widget_pos);
  is (@dest_stuff, 2);
  my @pos_stuff = $view->get_path_at_pos (@bin_pos);
  is (@pos_stuff, 4);

  my @tooltip_stuff = $view->get_tooltip_context (@widget_pos, Glib::TRUE);
  is (@tooltip_stuff, 5);

  # Nondeterministic:
  my @vis_paths = $view->get_visible_range;
  # is (@vis_paths, 2); # or sometimes 0

  skip 'Gtk3::TreeViewColumn; tree model ctors not properly supported', 2
    unless check_gi_version(1, 29, 17);

  note('Gtk3::TreeViewColumn::new_with_attributes, set_attributes');
  my $model = Gtk3::ListStore->new ('Glib::String');
  $model->insert_with_values (-1, 0 => 'Test string');

  my $renderer = Gtk3::CellRendererText->new;
  my $column = Gtk3::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes (
    'String', $renderer, text => 0);
  is ($column->get_title, 'String');
  $column->set_attributes ($renderer, text => 0);

  my $view = Gtk3::TreeView->new ($model);
  $view->insert_column ($column, -1);

  my $window = Gtk3::Window->new;
  $window->add ($view);

  my @cell_stuff = $column->cell_get_position ($renderer);
  is (@cell_stuff, 2);

  my $ui_manager = Gtk3::UIManager->new;
  my $ui_info = <<__EOD__;
  <menubar name='MenuBar'>
    <menu action='HelpMenu'>
      <menuitem action='About'/>
  <menubar name='MenuBla'>
    <menu action='HelpMenu'>
      <menuitem action='License'/>
  ok ($ui_manager->add_ui_from_string ($ui_info) != 0);

  my $group_one = Gtk3::ActionGroup->new ("Barney");
  my $group_two = Gtk3::ActionGroup->new ("Fred");
  my @entries = (
    [ "HelpMenu", undef, "_Help" ],
    [ "About", undef, "_About", "<control>A", "About" ],
    [ "License", undef, "_License", "<control>L", "License" ],
  $group_one->add_actions (\@entries, undef);
  $ui_manager->insert_action_group ($group_one, 0);
  $ui_manager->insert_action_group ($group_two, 1);
  is_deeply ([$ui_manager->get_action_groups], [$group_one, $group_two]);

  my @menubars = $ui_manager->get_toplevels ("menubar");
  is (@menubars, 2);
  isa_ok ($menubars[0], "Gtk3::MenuBar");
  isa_ok ($menubars[1], "Gtk3::MenuBar");

  my $widget = Gtk3::Label->new ("Test");
  my $pixbuf = $widget->render_icon ("gtk-open", "menu", "detail");
  skip "pixbuf test; undef returned", 1
    unless defined $pixbuf;
  isa_ok ($pixbuf, "Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf");

  my $widget = Gtk3::Label->new ("Test");
  my @values = $widget->style_get (qw/cursor-aspect-ratio
  is (@values, 4);

  { my @pspecs = $widget->list_style_properties;
    cmp_ok (scalar(@pspecs), '>', 0);
    isa_ok ($pspecs[0], 'Glib::ParamSpec');
  { my @pspecs = Gtk3::Label->list_style_properties;
    cmp_ok (scalar(@pspecs), '>', 0);
    isa_ok ($pspecs[0], 'Glib::ParamSpec');

  is ($widget->find_style_property('no-such-style-property-of-this-name'),
      "find_style_property() no such name, on object");
  is (Gtk3::Label->find_style_property('no-such-style-property-of-this-name'),
      "find_style_property() no such name, on class");

  isa_ok ($widget->find_style_property('interior-focus'), 'Glib::ParamSpec');
  isa_ok (Gtk3::Label->find_style_property('interior-focus'), 'Glib::ParamSpec');

  my $widget = Gtk3::Label->new ("Test");

  $widget->set_events ([qw/enter-notify-mask leave-notify-mask/]);
  ok ($widget->get_events >= [qw/enter-notify-mask leave-notify-mask/],

  $widget->add_events ([qw/button-press-mask/]);
  ok ($widget->get_events >= [qw/button-press-mask enter-notify-mask leave-notify-mask/],

  $widget->set_events (0);
  ok ($widget->get_events == 0, '$widget->set_events|get_events with numeric 0');
  ok ($widget->get_events == [], '$widget->set_events|get_events with numeric 0');

  $widget->add_events (24);
  ok ($widget->get_events == 24, '$widget->add_events|get_events with numeric 24');
  ok ($widget->get_events == [qw/pointer-motion-hint-mask button-motion-mask/],
      '$widget->add_events|get_events with numeric 24');

  skip 'atom stuff; missing annotations', 2
    unless Gtk3::CHECK_VERSION(3, 2, 0);

  my $atom1 = Gtk3::Gdk::Atom::intern("CLIPBOARD", Glib::FALSE);
  my $atom2 = Gtk3::Gdk::Atom::intern("CLIPBOARD", Glib::FALSE);
  my $atom3 = Gtk3::Gdk::Atom::intern("PRIMARY", Glib::FALSE);
  ok ($atom1 == $atom2);
  ok ($atom1 != $atom3);

  my $rgba = Gtk3::Gdk::RGBA->new ({red => 0.0, green => 0.5, blue => 0.5, alpha => 0.5});
  isa_ok ($rgba, 'Gtk3::Gdk::RGBA');
  is ($rgba->red, 0.0);

  $rgba = Gtk3::Gdk::RGBA->new (red => 0.5, green => 0.0, blue => 0.5, alpha => 0.5);
  isa_ok ($rgba, 'Gtk3::Gdk::RGBA');
  is ($rgba->green, 0.0);

  $rgba = Gtk3::Gdk::RGBA->new (0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5);
  isa_ok ($rgba, 'Gtk3::Gdk::RGBA');
  is ($rgba->blue, 0.0);

  $rgba = Gtk3::Gdk::RGBA::parse ('rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0)');
  isa_ok ($rgba, 'Gtk3::Gdk::RGBA');
  is ($rgba->alpha, 0.0);

  ok ($rgba->parse ('rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)'));
  is ($rgba->alpha, 1.0);

  skip 'Gtk3::Gdk::Window::new; window attr type annotation missing', 3
    unless Gtk3::CHECK_VERSION (3, 6, 0);

  my $window = Gtk3::Gdk::Window->new (undef, {
    window_type => 'toplevel',
  isa_ok ($window, 'Gtk3::Gdk::Window');

  $window = Gtk3::Gdk::Window->new (undef, {
    window_type => 'toplevel',
    width => 100, height => 50,
    x => 100, y => 50,
  }, [qw/x y/]);
  isa_ok ($window, 'Gtk3::Gdk::Window');

  $window = Gtk3::Gdk::Window->new (undef, {
    window_type => 'toplevel',
    width => 100, height => 50,
    x => 100, y => 50,
  isa_ok ($window, 'Gtk3::Gdk::Window');

  my @formats = Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf::get_formats;
  isa_ok ($formats[0], 'Gtk3::Gdk::PixbufFormat');

  my ($pixbuf_data_width, $pixbuf_data_height) = (4, 5);
  my $pixbuf_data_bytes_per_pixel = 3;
  my $pixbuf_data_rowstride = $pixbuf_data_bytes_per_pixel*$pixbuf_data_width;
  my @pixbuf_data = (
    255,0,0,    255,0,0,    0,0,0,      0,0,255,
    255,0,0,    0,0,0,      0,0,255,    0,0,255,
    0,0,0,      0,0,255,    0,0,255,    255,0,0,
    0,0,255,    0,0,255,    255,0,0,    255,0,0,
    0,0,255,    255,0,0,    255,0,0,    0,0,0,
  my $pixbuf_data_packed = pack 'C*', @pixbuf_data;
  my @pixbuf_data_xpm = (
    '4 5 3 1',
    ' 	c black',
    '.	c red',
    '+	c blue',
    '.. +',
    '. ++',
    ' ++.',
    '+.. ');
  my $pixbuf_data_inline =
    'GdkP'         # Pixbuf magic (0x47646b50)
    . "\0\0\0\124" # length: header (6*4 = 24) + pixel_data (4*5*3 = 60)
    . "\1\1\0\1"   # pixdata type (0x01010001 = RAW | WIDTH_8 | RGB)
    . "\0\0\0\14"  # rowstride (12)
    . "\0\0\0\4"   # width (4)
    . "\0\0\0\5"   # height (5)
    . $pixbuf_data_packed;
  sub pixbuf_ok {
    my ($pixbuf) = @_;
    isa_ok ($pixbuf, 'Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf');
    is ($pixbuf->get_colorspace, 'rgb');
    ok (!$pixbuf->get_has_alpha);
    is ($pixbuf->get_width, $pixbuf_data_width);
    is ($pixbuf->get_height, $pixbuf_data_height);
    is ($pixbuf->get_rowstride, $pixbuf_data_rowstride);
    is ($pixbuf->get_byte_length, $pixbuf_data_rowstride*$pixbuf_data_height);
    is ($pixbuf->get_pixels, $pixbuf_data_packed);

  SKIP: {
    skip 'Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf::new_from_data, new_from_xpm_data, new_from_inline; missing annotations', 48
      unless Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf::CHECK_VERSION (2, 26, 0);

    foreach my $data ($pixbuf_data_packed, [unpack 'C*', $pixbuf_data_packed]) {
      my $pixbuf = Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_data ($data,
                                                     'rgb', Glib::FALSE, 8,
                                                     $pixbuf_data_width, $pixbuf_data_height,
      pixbuf_ok ($pixbuf);

    foreach my $data (\@pixbuf_data_xpm, [\@pixbuf_data_xpm]) {
      my $pixbuf = Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_xpm_data (@$data);
      pixbuf_ok ($pixbuf);

    foreach my $data ($pixbuf_data_inline, [unpack 'C*', $pixbuf_data_inline]) {
      my $pixbuf = Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_inline ($data);
      pixbuf_ok ($pixbuf);

  skip 'misc. pixbuf stuff; missing annotations', 19
    unless Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf::CHECK_VERSION (2, 26, 0);

  note('Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf::save, save_to_buffer, save_to_callback');
  my ($width, $height) = (10, 5);
  my $pixbuf = Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf->new ('rgb', Glib::TRUE, 8, $width, $height);
  $pixbuf->fill (hex '0xFF000000');
  my $expected_pixels = $pixbuf->get_pixels;

  my $filename = 'testsave.png';
  END { unlink $filename if defined $filename; }
  eval {
    $pixbuf->save ($filename, 'png',
  like ($@, qr/Usage/);
  my $mtime = scalar localtime;
  my $desc = 'Something really cool';
  $pixbuf->save ($filename, 'png',
                 'tEXt::Thumb::MTime' => $mtime,
                 'tEXt::Description' => $desc);
  my $new_pixbuf = Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file ($filename);
  isa_ok ($new_pixbuf, 'Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf', 'new_from_file');
  is ($new_pixbuf->get_option ('tEXt::Description'), $desc);
  is ($new_pixbuf->get_option ('tEXt::Thumb::MTime'), $mtime);
  is ($new_pixbuf->get_width, $width);
  is ($new_pixbuf->get_height, $height);
  is ($new_pixbuf->get_pixels, $expected_pixels);

  my $buffer = do {
    $pixbuf->save_to_buffer ('png', [qw/compression/], [9]);
    $pixbuf->save_to_buffer ('png', compression => 9);
    $pixbuf->save_to_buffer ('png');
  ok (defined $buffer, 'save_to_buffer');
  my $loader = Gtk3::Gdk::PixbufLoader->new;
  $loader->write ($buffer);
  $new_pixbuf = $loader->get_pixbuf;
  is ($new_pixbuf->get_width, $width);
  is ($new_pixbuf->get_height, $height);
  is ($new_pixbuf->get_pixels, $expected_pixels);

  my $callback_buffer = [];
  my $invocation_count = 0;
  ok ($pixbuf->save_to_callback (sub {
    my ($pixels, $length, $data) = @_;
    if (0 == $invocation_count++) {
      is ($length, scalar @$pixels);
      is ($pixels->[0], 137); is ($pixels->[7], 10); # PNG header
      is ($data, 'data');
    push @$callback_buffer, @$pixels;
    return Glib::TRUE, undef;
  }, 'data', 'png'));
  is_deeply ($callback_buffer, $buffer);

  skip 'Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf::save_to_callback; need error domain support', 2
    unless check_gi_version (1, 29, 17);
  eval {
    $pixbuf->save_to_callback (sub {
      return Glib::FALSE, Gtk3::Gdk::PixbufError->new ('insufficient-memory', 'buzz');
    }, undef, 'png');
  my $error = $@;
  isa_ok ($error, 'Glib::Error');
  is ($error->message, 'buzz');

  my $label = Gtk3::Label->new ('Bla');
  my $layout = $label->create_pango_layout ('Bla');

  $layout->set_text('Bla bla.', 3);
  is ($layout->get_text, 'Bla');

  $layout->set_text('Bla bla.');
  is ($layout->get_text, 'Bla bla.');

  $layout->set_markup('<b>Bla</b> bla.', 10);
  is ($layout->get_text, 'Bla');

  $layout->set_markup('<b>Bla</b> bla.');
  is ($layout->get_text, 'Bla bla.');