    package Acme::Teddy;
    sub one{ 1 };
use 5.010001;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Acme::Teddy;
use Test::Ranger;
use Test::More 0.94;
use Test::Deep;
use Capture::Tiny qw( capture );

#~ use Devel::Comments '######';
#~ use Devel::Comments '#####';
#~ use Devel::Comments '####';
#~ use Devel::Comments '###';
#~ use Devel::Comments;


my $plan_counter;


new_ok('Test::Ranger' => [{}]); 

new_ok('Test::Ranger::List' => [[]]); 


# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

# Unit test of new().
#~ my $unit        = sub {
#~     return Test::Ranger->new(@_);
#~ };
#~ my $demo_list   = bless( {
#~   '-expanded' => 0,
#~   '-list' => [
#~                bless( {
#~                         '-expanded' => 0,
#~                         '-plan_counter' => 0
#~                       }, 'Test::Ranger' ),
#~                bless( {
#~                         '-expanded' => 0,
#~                         '-plan_counter' => 0
#~                       }, 'Test::Ranger' )
#~              ],
#~   '-plan_counter' => 0
#~ }, 'Test::Ranger::List' );
#~ my $list        = {
#~     -name           => q'new',
#~     -list           => [],
#~     -plan_counter   => 0,
#~     -coderef        => $unit,
#~ };
#~ $list->{-list}  = [
#~     {
#~         -name       => q'empty-hashref',
#~         -given      => {
#~             -args       => [ {} ],
#~         },
#~         -scan       => {
#~             -return     => {
#~                 -ref        => {
#~                     -probe      => q'is',
#~                     -want       => q'Test::Ranger',
#~                 },
#~             },
#~         },
#~     },
#~     {
#~         -name       => q'dummy-hashref',
#~         -given      => {
#~             -args       => [ { -foo => 'bar' } ],
#~         },
#~         -scan       => {
#~             -return     => {
#~                 -ref        => {
#~                     -probe      => q'is',
#~                     -want       => q'Test::Ranger',
#~                 },
#~             },
#~         },
#~     },
#~     {
#~         -name       => q'dummy-arrayref',
#~         -given      => {
#~             -args       => [ [ {}, {} ] ],
#~         },
#~         -scan       => {
#~             -return     => {
#~                 -ref        => {
#~                     -probe      => q'is',
#~                     -want       => q'Test::Ranger::List',
#~                 },
#~                 -value      => {
#~                     -probe      => q'is_deeply',
#~                     -want       => $demo_list,
#~                 },
#~             },
#~         },
#~     },
#~ ]; ## -list
#~ ### Before:
#~ ### $list
#~ test($list);
#~ done($list);
#~ ### After:
#~ ### $list

sub expand {
    my $single      = shift;
    my $list        = shift;
    if ( !defined $single->{-coderef} ) {
        $single->{-coderef}     = $list->{-coderef};
    $single->{-plan_counter}    = 0;
    if ( !defined $single->{-name} ) {
        $single->{-name}        = q{%};
    $single->{-name}            = join q{|},
    return 1;

sub execute {
    my $self            = shift;
    #### $self
    my $coderef     = $self->{-coderef};
    #### $coderef
    my @args        = @{ $self->{-given}{-args} };
    my $got         ;
    # The real execution.
    $got            = &$coderef( @args );
    # Store results.
    $self->{-scan}{-return}{-value}{-got}  = $got;
    if ( defined $self->{-scan}{-return}{-ref} ) {
        $self->{-scan}{-return}{-ref}{-got}   = ref $got;
    return 1;

# $self                         # a single declaration
#       -scan                   # set of scans
#           -return             # return from execution     # $key_1
#               -value          # value returned            # $key_2
#                   -probe      # kind of probe
#                   -want       # expectation
#                   -got        # actual result
#               -ref            # ref( value )              # $key_2
#                   -probe      # type of probe
#                   -want       # expectation
#                   -got        # actual result
sub check {
    my $self            = shift;
    my $scan            = $self->{-scan};           # $scan: tree branch
    my $count           = $self->{-plan_counter};
    #### $scan
    for my $key_1 ( keys %$scan ) {
        for my $key_2 ( keys %{ $scan->{$key_1} } ) {
            #### $key_1
            #### $key_2
            my $check       = $scan->{$key_1}{$key_2};
            my $probe       = $check->{-probe};
            my $got         = $check->{-got};
            my $want        = $check->{-want};
            my $name        = join q{|},
            ##### $name
            ##### $check
            given ($probe) {
                when ('is')     
                     { is(          $got, $want, $name); $count++; } 
                when ('like')   
                     { like(        $got, $want, $name); $count++; } 
                when ('is_deeply')   
                     { is_deeply(   $got, $want, $name); $count++; } 
    $self->{-plan_counter}  = $count;
    return 1;

sub test {
    my $self            = shift;
    # Expand, execute, check
    foreach my $single ( @{ $self->{-list} } ) {
        expand($single, $self);
        $self->{-plan_counter}      += $single->{-plan_counter};
    return 1;

sub done {
    my $self            = shift;
    return 1;
