The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use Test::More import => ['!pass'];
use Dancer ':syntax';

my @tests = (
    { name => 'foo', value => 42 ,            opts => {}},
    { name => 'foo', value => 42 ,            opts => { http_only => 1 } },
    { name => 'msg', value => 'hello; world', opts => {} },
    { name => 'msg', value => 'hello; world', opts => { http_only => 0 } },

plan tests => scalar (@tests * 5) + 12;

is_deeply(cookies, {}, "cookies() return a hashref");

foreach my $test (@tests) {
    ok(set_cookie($test->{name} => $test->{value}, %{$test->{opts}}), "set_cookie");
    my $c = cookies->{$test->{name}};
    ok defined($c), "cookie found";
    is $c->name, $test->{name}, "name is ".$test->{value};
    is $c->value, $test->{value}, "value is ".$test->{value};
    is $c->http_only,
       (exists($test->{opts}{http_only}) ? $test->{opts}{http_only} : undef),
       "HttpOnly is correctly set";

ok my $c = Dancer::Cookie->new(
    name  => 'complex',
    value => { token => 'foo', token_secret => 'bar' },

my $text = $c->to_header;
like $text, qr/complex=token&foo&token_secret&bar/;

my $env = {
    SCRIPT_NAME => '/',
    COOKIE => 'complex=token&foo&token_secret&bar',
my $request = Dancer::Request->new(env => $env);
ok(Dancer::Cookies->init, "Dancer::Cookies->init");

my $cookies = Dancer::Cookies->cookies;
my %values = $cookies->{complex}->value;
is $values{token}, 'foo';
is $values{token_secret}, 'bar';

is cookie(answer => 42, path => 'dtc'), 42, "cookie set";
is cookie('answer'), 42, "cookie get";
is cookies->{answer}->path, 'dtc', "cookie option correctly set";
is cookie('zorglub'), undef, "unknown cookie";

### test for im0
$env = {
    SCRIPT_NAME => '/',
    HTTP_COOKIE => 'dancer.session=1209039; fbs_102="access_token=xxxxxxxxxx%7Cffffff"',

$request = Dancer::Request->new(env => $env);

$cookies = Dancer::Cookies->cookies;
like $cookies->{fbs_102}->value, qr/access_token\=/;

# Test for undef cookie values from technically invalid cookies issue #782
eval {
    use warnings FATAL => qw( all );

    $env = {
        REQUEST_METHOD => 'GET',
        SCRIPT_NAME => '/',
        HTTP_COOKIE => 'invalid_cookie=1,2,3',

    $request = Dancer::Request->new(env => $env);
unlike($@, qr/Use of uninitialized value in string/, 'undef or invalid cookies are quietly ignored');