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package Dancer2::Core::Role::SessionFactory;
# ABSTRACT: Role for session factories
$Dancer2::Core::Role::SessionFactory::VERSION = '0.160003';
use Moo::Role;
with 'Dancer2::Core::Role::Engine';

use Carp 'croak';
use Class::Load 'try_load_class';
use Dancer2::Core::Session;
use Dancer2::Core::Types;
use Digest::SHA 'sha1';
use List::Util 'shuffle';
use MIME::Base64 'encode_base64url';

sub hook_aliases { +{} }
sub supported_hooks {




sub _build_type {
}    # XXX vs 'Session'?  Unused, so I can't tell -- xdg

has log_cb => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => CodeRef,
    default => sub { sub {1} },

has cookie_name => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => Str,
    default => sub {'dancer.session'},

has cookie_domain => (
    is        => 'ro',
    isa       => Str,
    predicate => 1,

has cookie_path => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => Str,
    default => sub {"/"},

has cookie_duration => (
    is        => 'ro',
    isa       => Str,
    predicate => 1,

has session_duration => (
    is        => 'ro',
    isa       => Num,
    predicate => 1,

has is_secure => (
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => Bool,
    default => sub {0},

has is_http_only => (
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => Bool,
    default => sub {1},

sub create {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my %args = ( id => $self->generate_id, );

    $args{expires} = $self->cookie_duration
      if $self->has_cookie_duration;

    my $session = Dancer2::Core::Session->new(%args);

    $self->execute_hook( 'engine.session.before_create', $session );

    # XXX why do we _flush now?  Seems unnecessary -- xdg, 2013-03-03
    eval { $self->_flush( $session->id, $session->data ) };
    croak "Unable to create a new session: $@"
      if $@;

    $self->execute_hook( 'engine.session.after_create', $session );
    return $session;

    my $COUNTER     = 0;
    my $CPRNG_AVAIL = try_load_class('Math::Random::ISAAC::XS') &&

    # don't initialize until generate_id is called so the ISAAC algorithm
    # is seeded after any pre-forking
    my $CPRNG;

    # prepend epoch seconds so session ID is roughly monotonic
    sub generate_id {
        my ($self) = @_;

        if ($CPRNG_AVAIL) {
            $CPRNG ||= Math::Random::ISAAC::XS->new(
                map { unpack( "N", Crypt::URandom::urandom(4) ) } 1 .. 256 );

            # include $$ to ensure $CPRNG wasn't forked by accident
            return encode_base64url(
                    time,          $$,            $CPRNG->irand,
                    $CPRNG->irand, $CPRNG->irand, $CPRNG->irand
        else {
            my $seed = (
                rand(1_000_000_000)   # a random number
                  . __FILE__          # the absolute path as a secret key
                  . $COUNTER++        # impossible to have two consecutive dups
                  . $$         # the process ID as another private constant
                  . "$self"    # the instance's memory address for more entropy
                  . join( '', shuffle( 'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', 0 .. 9 ) )

                  # a shuffled list of 62 chars, another random component
            return encode_base64url( pack( "Na*", time, sha1($seed) ) );


requires '_retrieve';

sub retrieve {
    my ( $self, %params ) = @_;
    my $id = $params{id};

    $self->execute_hook( 'engine.session.before_retrieve', $id );

    my $data = eval { $self->_retrieve($id) };
    croak "Unable to retrieve session with id '$id'"
      if $@;

    my %args = ( id => $id, );

    $args{data} = $data
      if $data and ref $data eq 'HASH';

    $args{expires} = $self->cookie_duration
      if $self->has_cookie_duration;

    my $session = Dancer2::Core::Session->new(%args);

    $self->execute_hook( 'engine.session.after_retrieve', $session );
    return $session;

requires '_destroy';

sub destroy {
    my ( $self, %params ) = @_;
    my $id = $params{id};
    $self->execute_hook( 'engine.session.before_destroy', $id );

    eval { $self->_destroy($id) };
    croak "Unable to destroy session with id '$id': $@"
      if $@;

    $self->execute_hook( 'engine.session.after_destroy', $id );
    return $id;

requires '_flush';

sub flush {
    my ( $self, %params ) = @_;
    my $session = $params{session};
    $self->execute_hook( 'engine.session.before_flush', $session );

    eval { $self->_flush( $session->id, $session->data ) };
    croak "Unable to flush session: $@"
      if $@;

    $self->execute_hook( 'engine.session.after_flush', $session );
    return $session->id;

sub set_cookie_header {
    my ( $self, %params ) = @_;
        $self->cookie( session => $params{session} )->to_header

sub cookie {
    my ( $self, %params ) = @_;
    my $session = $params{session};
    croak "cookie() requires a valid 'session' parameter"
      unless ref($session) && $session->isa("Dancer2::Core::Session");

    my %cookie = (
        value     => $session->id,
        name      => $self->cookie_name,
        path      => $self->cookie_path,
        secure    => $self->is_secure,
        http_only => $self->is_http_only,

    $cookie{domain} = $self->cookie_domain
      if $self->has_cookie_domain;

    if ( my $expires = $session->expires ) {
        $cookie{expires} = $expires;

    return Dancer2::Core::Cookie->new(%cookie);

requires '_sessions';

sub sessions {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $sessions = $self->_sessions;

    croak "_sessions() should return an array ref"
      if ref($sessions) ne ref( [] );

    return $sessions;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Dancer2::Core::Role::SessionFactory - Role for session factories

=head1 VERSION

version 0.160003


Any class that consumes this role will be able to store, create, retrieve and
destroy session objects.

The default values for attributes can be overridden in your Dancer2
configuration. See L<Dancer2::Config/Session-engine>.


=head2 cookie_name

The name of the cookie to create for storing the session key

Defaults to C<dancer.session>

=head2 cookie_domain

The domain of the cookie to create for storing the session key.
Defaults to the empty string and is unused as a result.

=head2 cookie_path

The path of the cookie to create for storing the session key.
Defaults to "/".

=head2 cookie_duration

Default duration before session cookie expiration.  If set, the
L<Dancer2::Core::Session> C<expires> attribute will be set to the current time
plus this duration (expression parsed by L<Dancer2::Core::Time>).

=head2 session_duration

Duration in seconds before sessions should expire, regardless of cookie
expiration.  If set, then SessionFactories should use this to enforce a limit
on session validity.

=head2 is_secure

Boolean flag to tell if the session cookie is secure or not.

Default is false.

=head2 is_http_only

Boolean flag to tell if the session cookie is http only.

Default is true.


Following is the interface provided by this role. When specified the required
methods to implement are described.

=head2 create

Create a brand new session object and store it. Returns the newly created
session object.

Triggers an exception if the session is unable to be created.

    my $session = MySessionFactory->create();

This method does not need to be implemented in the class.

=head2 generate_id

Returns a randomly-generated, guaranteed-unique string.
By default, it is a 32-character, URL-safe, Base64 encoded combination
of a 32 bit timestamp and a 160 bit SHA1 digest of random seed data.
The timestamp ensures that session IDs are generally monotonic.

The default algorithm is not guaranteed cryptographically secure, but it's
still reasonably strong for general use.

If you have installed L<Math::Random::ISAAC::XS> and L<Crypt::URandom>,
the seed data will be generated from a cryptographically-strong
random number generator.

This method is used internally by create() to set the session ID.

This method does not need to be implemented in the class unless an
alternative method for session ID generation is desired.

=head2 retrieve

Return the session object corresponding to the session ID given. If none is
found, triggers an exception.

    my $session = MySessionFactory->retrieve(id => $id);

The method C<_retrieve> must be implemented.  It must take C<$id> as a single
argument and must return a hash reference of session data.

=head2 destroy

Purges the session object that matches the ID given. Returns the ID of the
destroyed session if succeeded, triggers an exception otherwise.

    MySessionFactory->destroy(id => $id);

The C<_destroy> method must be implemented. It must take C<$id> as a single
argument and destroy the underlying data.

=head2 flush

Make sure the session object is stored in the factory's backend. This method is
called to notify the backend about the change in the session object.

The Dancer application will not call flush unless the session C<is_dirty>
attribute is true to avoid unnecessary writes to the database when no
data has been modified.

An exception is triggered if the session is unable to be updated in the backend.

    MySessionFactory->flush(session => $session);

The C<_flush> method must be implemented.  It must take two arguments: the C<$id>
and a hash reference of session data.

=head2 set_cookie_header

Sets the session cookie into the response object

        response  => $response,
        session   => $session,
        destroyed => undef,

The C<response> parameter contains a L<Dancer2::Core::Response> object.
The C<session> parameter contains a L<Dancer2::Core::Session> object.

The C<destroyed> parameter is optional.  If true, it indicates the
session was marked destroyed by the request context.  The default
C<set_cookie_header> method doesn't need that information, but it is
included in case a SessionFactory must handle destroyed sessions
differently (such as signalling to middleware).

=head2 cookie

Coerce a session object into a L<Dancer2::Core::Cookie> object.

    MySessionFactory->cookie(session => $session);

=head2 sessions

Return a list of all session IDs stored in the backend.
Useful to create cleaning scripts, in conjunction with session's creation time.

The C<_sessions> method must be implemented.  It must return an array reference
of session IDs (or an empty array reference).


If there are configuration values specific to your session factory in your config.yml or
environment, those will be passed to the constructor of the session factory automatically.
In order to accept and store them, you need to define accessors for them.

          database_connection: "some_data"

In your session factory:

    package Dancer2::Session::Example;
    use Moo;
    with "Dancer2::Core::Role::SessionFactory";

    has database_connection => ( is => "ro" );

You need to do this for every configuration key. The ones that do not have accessors
defined will just go to the void.

=head1 AUTHOR

Dancer Core Developers


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Alexis Sukrieh.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
