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# ABSTRACT: Dancer2's Domain Specific Language (DSL)

package Dancer2::Core::DSL;
$Dancer2::Core::DSL::VERSION = '0.161000';
use Moo;
use Carp;
use Class::Load 'load_class';
use Dancer2::Core::Hook;
use Dancer2::FileUtils;
use Dancer2::Core::Response::Delayed;

with 'Dancer2::Core::Role::DSL';

sub hook_aliases { +{} }
sub supported_hooks { () }

sub _add_postponed_plugin_hooks {
    my ( $self, $postponed_hooks) = @_;

    $postponed_hooks = $postponed_hooks->{'plugin'};
    return unless defined $postponed_hooks;

    for my $plugin ( keys %{$postponed_hooks} ) {
        for my $name ( keys %{$postponed_hooks->{$plugin} } ) {
            my $hook   = $postponed_hooks->{$plugin}{$name}{hook};
            my $caller = $postponed_hooks->{$plugin}{$name}{caller};

              or croak "plugin $plugin does not support the hook `$name'. ("
              . join( ", ", @{$caller} ) . ")";


sub dsl_keywords {

    # the flag means : 1 = is global, 0 = is not global. global means can be
    # called from anywhere. not global means must be called from within a route
    # handler
    {   any                  => { is_global => 1 },
        app                  => { is_global => 1 },
        captures             => { is_global => 0 },
        config               => { is_global => 1 },
        content              => { is_global => 0 },
        content_type         => { is_global => 0 },
        context              => { is_global => 0 },
        cookie               => { is_global => 0 },
        cookies              => { is_global => 0 },
        dance                => { is_global => 1 },
        dancer_app           => { is_global => 1 },
        dancer_version       => { is_global => 1 },
        dancer_major_version => { is_global => 1 },
        debug                => { is_global => 1 },
        del                  => { is_global => 1 },
        delayed              => {
            is_global => 0, prototype => '&',
        dirname              => { is_global => 1 },
        done                 => { is_global => 0 },
        dsl                  => { is_global => 1 },
        engine               => { is_global => 1 },
        error                => { is_global => 1 },
        false                => { is_global => 1 },
        flush                => { is_global => 0 },
        forward              => { is_global => 0 },
        from_dumper          => { is_global => 1 },
        from_json            => { is_global => 1 },
        from_yaml            => { is_global => 1 },
        get                  => { is_global => 1 },
        halt                 => { is_global => 0 },
        header               => { is_global => 0 },
        headers              => { is_global => 0 },
        hook                 => { is_global => 1 },
        info                 => { is_global => 1 },
        log                  => { is_global => 1 },
        mime                 => { is_global => 1 },
        options              => { is_global => 1 },
        param                => { is_global => 0 },
        params               => { is_global => 0 },
        pass                 => { is_global => 0 },
        patch                => { is_global => 1 },
        path                 => { is_global => 1 },
        post                 => { is_global => 1 },
        prefix               => { is_global => 1 },
        psgi_app             => { is_global => 1 },
        push_header          => { is_global => 0 },
        put                  => { is_global => 1 },
        redirect             => { is_global => 0 },
        request              => { is_global => 0 },
        response             => { is_global => 0 },
        runner               => { is_global => 1 },
        send_error           => { is_global => 0 },
        send_file            => { is_global => 0 },
        session              => { is_global => 0 },
        set                  => { is_global => 1 },
        setting              => { is_global => 1 },
        splat                => { is_global => 0 },
        start                => { is_global => 1 },
        status               => { is_global => 0 },
        template             => { is_global => 0 },
        to_app               => { is_global => 1 },
        to_dumper            => { is_global => 1 },
        to_json              => { is_global => 1 },
        to_yaml              => { is_global => 1 },
        true                 => { is_global => 1 },
        upload               => { is_global => 0 },
        uri_for              => { is_global => 0 },
        var                  => { is_global => 0 },
        vars                 => { is_global => 0 },
        warning              => { is_global => 1 },

sub dancer_app     { shift->app }
sub dancer_version { Dancer2->VERSION }

sub dancer_major_version {
    return ( split /\./, dancer_version )[0];

sub log     { shift->app->log( @_ ) }
sub debug   { shift->app->log( debug   => @_ ) }
sub info    { shift->app->log( info    => @_ ) }
sub warning { shift->app->log( warning => @_ ) }
sub error   { shift->app->log( error   => @_ ) }

sub true  {1}
sub false {0}

sub dirname { shift and Dancer2::FileUtils::dirname(@_) }
sub path    { shift and Dancer2::FileUtils::path(@_) }

sub config { shift->app->settings }

sub engine { shift->app->engine(@_) }

sub setting { shift->app->setting(@_) }

sub set { shift->setting(@_) }

sub template { shift->app->template(@_) }

sub session {
    my ( $self, $key, $value ) = @_;

    # shortcut reads if no session exists, so we don't
    # instantiate sessions for no reason
    if ( @_ == 2 ) {
        return unless $self->app->has_session;

    my $session = $self->app->session
        || croak "No session available, a session engine needs to be set";


    # return the session object if no key
    @_ == 1 and return $session;

    # read if a key is provided
    @_ == 2 and return $session->read($key);

    # write to the session or delete if value is undef
    if ( defined $value ) {
        $session->write( $key => $value );
    else {

sub send_error { shift->app->send_error(@_) }

sub send_file { shift->app->send_file(@_) }

# route handlers & friends

sub hook {
    my ( $self, $name, $code ) = @_;
        Dancer2::Core::Hook->new( name => $name, code => $code ) );

sub prefix {
    my $app = shift->app;
    @_ == 1
      ? $app->prefix(@_)
      : $app->lexical_prefix(@_);

sub halt { shift->app->halt }

sub del     { shift->_normalize_route( [qw/delete  /], @_ ) }
sub get     { shift->_normalize_route( [qw/get head/], @_ ) }
sub options { shift->_normalize_route( [qw/options /], @_ ) }
sub patch   { shift->_normalize_route( [qw/patch   /], @_ ) }
sub post    { shift->_normalize_route( [qw/post    /], @_ ) }
sub put     { shift->_normalize_route( [qw/put     /], @_ ) }

sub any {
    my $self = shift;

    # If they've supplied their own list of methods,
    # expand del, otherwise give them the default list.
    if ( ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        s/^del$/delete/ for @{ $_[0] };
    else {
        unshift @_, [qw/delete get head options patch post put/];


sub _normalize_route {
    my $app     = shift->app;
    my $methods = shift;
    my %args;

    # Options are optional, deduce their presence from arg length.
    # @_ = ( REGEXP, OPTIONS, CODE )
    # or
    # @_ = ( REGEXP, CODE )
    @args{qw/regexp options code/} = @_ == 3 ? @_ : ( $_[0], {}, $_[1] );

    $app->add_route( %args, method => $_ ) for @{$methods};

# Server startup

# access to the runner singleton
# will be populated on-the-fly when needed
# this singleton contains anything needed to start the application server
sub runner { Dancer2->runner }

# start the server
sub start { shift->runner->start }

sub dance { shift->start(@_) }

sub psgi_app {
    my $self = shift;


sub to_app { shift->app->to_app }

# Response alterations

sub status {
    $Dancer2::Core::Route::RESPONSE->status( $_[1] );

sub push_header {

sub header {

sub headers {

sub content {

    # simple synchronous response
    my $responder = $Dancer2::Core::Route::RESPONDER
        or croak 'Cannot use content keyword outside delayed response';

    # flush if wasn't flushed before
    if ( !$Dancer2::Core::Route::WRITER ) {
        my $response = $Dancer2::Core::Route::RESPONSE;
        $Dancer2::Core::Route::WRITER = $responder->([
            $response->status, $response->headers_to_array,


sub content_type {

sub delayed {
    my ( $dsl, $cb ) = @_;

    # first time, responder doesn't exist yet
        or return Dancer2::Core::Response::Delayed->new(
            cb       => $cb,
            request  => $Dancer2::Core::Route::REQUEST,
            response => $Dancer2::Core::Route::RESPONSE,

    # we're in an async request process
    my $request   = $Dancer2::Core::Route::REQUEST;
    my $response  = $Dancer2::Core::Route::RESPONSE;
    my $responder = $Dancer2::Core::Route::RESPONDER;
    my $writer    = $Dancer2::Core::Route::WRITER;

    return sub {
        local $Dancer2::Core::Route::REQUEST   = $request;
        local $Dancer2::Core::Route::RESPONSE  = $response;
        local $Dancer2::Core::Route::RESPONDER = $responder;
        local $Dancer2::Core::Route::WRITER    = $writer;


sub flush {
    my $responder = $Dancer2::Core::Route::RESPONDER
        or croak 'flush() called outside streaming response';

    my $response = $Dancer2::Core::Route::RESPONSE;
    $Dancer2::Core::Route::WRITER = $responder->([
        $response->status, $response->headers_to_array,

sub done {
    my $writer = $Dancer2::Core::Route::WRITER
        or croak 'done() called outside streaming response';


sub pass         { shift->app->pass }

# Route handler helpers

sub context {
    carp "DEPRECATED: please use the 'app' keyword instead of 'context'";

sub request { $Dancer2::Core::Route::REQUEST }

sub response { $Dancer2::Core::Route::RESPONSE }

sub upload { shift; $Dancer2::Core::Route::REQUEST->upload(@_); }

sub captures { $Dancer2::Core::Route::REQUEST->captures }

sub uri_for { shift; $Dancer2::Core::Route::REQUEST->uri_for(@_); }

sub splat { $Dancer2::Core::Route::REQUEST->splat }

sub params { shift; $Dancer2::Core::Route::REQUEST->params(@_); }

sub param { shift; $Dancer2::Core::Route::REQUEST->param(@_); }

sub redirect { shift->app->redirect(@_) }

sub forward { shift->app->forward(@_) }

sub vars { $Dancer2::Core::Route::REQUEST->vars }

sub var  { shift; $Dancer2::Core::Route::REQUEST->var(@_); }

sub cookies { $Dancer2::Core::Route::REQUEST->cookies }
sub cookie { shift->app->cookie(@_) }

sub mime {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( $self->app ) {
        return $self->app->mime_type;
    else {
        my $runner = $self->runner;
        return $runner->mime_type;

# engines

sub from_json {
    shift; # remove first element
    require Dancer2::Serializer::JSON;

sub to_json {
    shift; # remove first element
    require Dancer2::Serializer::JSON;

sub from_yaml {
    shift; # remove first element
    require Dancer2::Serializer::YAML;

sub to_yaml {
    shift; # remove first element
    require Dancer2::Serializer::YAML;

sub from_dumper {
    shift; # remove first element
    require Dancer2::Serializer::Dumper;

sub to_dumper {
    shift; # remove first element
    require Dancer2::Serializer::Dumper;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Dancer2::Core::DSL - Dancer2's Domain Specific Language (DSL)

=head1 VERSION

version 0.161000


=head2 setting

Lets you define settings and access them:
    setting('foo' => 42);
    setting('foo' => 42, 'bar' => 43);
    my $foo=setting('foo');

If settings were defined returns number of settings.

=head2 set ()

alias for L<setting>:
    set('foo' => '42');
    my $port=set('port');

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Dancer Core Developers


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Alexis Sukrieh.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
