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use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;

use Bread::Board;

    package Thing;
    use Moose;

    has foo => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
    has moo => (is => 'ro', required => 1);

    no Moose;


    package TestThing;
    use Moose;

    extends 'Thing';

    has bar  => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
    has kooh => (is => 'ro', required => 1);

    no Moose;


    my $c = container 'MyApp' => as {
        service foo => 42;

        service thing => (
            class        => 'Thing',
            dependencies => [depends_on('foo')],
            parameters   => {
                moo => { isa => 'Int' },

        my $t = $c->resolve(
            service    => 'thing',
            parameters => {
                moo => 123,

        isa_ok $t, 'Thing';
        is $t->foo, 42, '... and has a foo literal';
        is $t->moo, 123, '... and has a moo literal';

    container $c => as {
        service bar => 23;

        service '+thing' => (
            class        => 'TestThing',
            dependencies => [depends_on('bar')],
            parameters   => ['kooh'],

        my $t = $c->resolve(
            service    => 'thing',
            parameters => {
                moo  => 123,
                kooh => 456,

        isa_ok $t, 'TestThing';
        is $t->foo, 42, '... and has a foo literal';
        is $t->moo, 123, '... and has moo literal';
        is $t->bar, 23, '... and has a bar literal';
        is $t->kooh, 456, '... and has a kooh literal';

    my $parameterized = container MyApp => ['Config'] => as {
        service foo => (block => sub { 42 });

    container $parameterized => as {
        service '+foo' => (block => sub { 23 });

    my $c = $parameterized->create(Config => container Config => as {});

    is $c->resolve(service => 'foo'), 23, 'Can resolve foo from parameterized container';

like exception {
    service '+foo' => 42;
}, qr/^Service inheritance doesn't make sense for literal services/, 'exception thrown when trying to do service inheritance from literal service';

like exception {
    container Foo => as {
        container foo => as {};
        service '+foo' => (block => sub { 42 });
}, qr/^Trying to inherit from service 'foo', but found a Bread::Board::Container/, 'exception thrown when trying to inherit from a container';

like exception {
    container Foo => as {
        service foo => 42;
        service '+foo' => (block => sub { 123 });
}, qr/^Trying to inherit from a literal service/, 'exception thrown when trying to inherit from literal service';

    package Bread::Board::FooInjection;
    use Moose;
    extends 'Bread::Board::Literal';
    no Moose;

like exception {
    container Foo => as {
        service foo => (block => sub { 123 });
        service '+foo' => (service_class => 'Bread::Board::FooInjection');
}, qr/^Changing a service's class is not possible when inheriting/, 'exception thrown when trying to change a service class when inheriting';

like exception {
    container Foo => as {
        service foo => (block => sub { 123 });
        service '+foo' => (service_type => 'Foo');
}, qr/^Changing a service's class is not possible when inheriting/, 'exception thrown when trying to change a service type when inheriting';

    package Foo;
    use Moose;
    no Moose;

like exception {
    container Foo => as {
        service foo => (block => sub { 123 });
        service '+foo' => (class => 'Foo');
}, qr/^/, 'exception thrown when trying to change a service class for "+foo"';

like exception {
    container Foo => as {
        service foo => (class => 'Foo');
        service '+foo' => (block => sub { 123 });
}, qr/^/, 'exception thrown when trying to change a service class for "foo"';
