
use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Test::Moose;
use Test::Fatal;

use Bread::Board::ConstructorInjection;
use Bread::Board::Literal;

    package Needle;
    use Moose;

    package Mexican::Black::Tar;
    use Moose;

    package Addict;
    use Moose;

    sub shoot_up_good { shift->new(@_, overdose => 1) }

    has 'needle' => (is => 'ro');
    has 'spoon'  => (is => 'ro');
    has 'stash'  => (is => 'ro');
    has 'overdose' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool', default => 0);

my $s = Bread::Board::ConstructorInjection->new(
    name  => 'William',
    class => 'Addict',
    dependencies => {
        needle => Bread::Board::ConstructorInjection->new(name => 'spike', class => 'Needle'),
        spoon  => Bread::Board::Literal->new(name => 'works', value => 'Spoon!'),
    parameters => {
        stash => { isa => 'Mexican::Black::Tar' }
isa_ok($s, 'Bread::Board::ConstructorInjection');
does_ok($s, 'Bread::Board::Service::WithClass');
does_ok($s, 'Bread::Board::Service::WithDependencies');
does_ok($s, 'Bread::Board::Service::WithParameters');
does_ok($s, 'Bread::Board::Service');

    my $i = $s->get(stash => Mexican::Black::Tar->new);

    isa_ok($i, 'Addict');
    isa_ok($i->needle, 'Needle');
    is($i->spoon, 'Spoon!', '... got our literal service');
    isa_ok($i->stash, 'Mexican::Black::Tar');
    ok ! $i->overdose, 'Normal constructor';

        my $i2 = $s->get(stash => Mexican::Black::Tar->new);
        isnt($i, $i2, '... calling it again returns an new object');


    my $i = $s->get(stash => Mexican::Black::Tar->new);

    isa_ok($i, 'Addict');
    ok $i->overdose, 'Alternate constructor called';

is($s->name, 'William', '... got the right name');
is($s->class, 'Addict', '... got the right class');

my $deps = $s->dependencies;
is_deeply([ sort keys %$deps ], [qw/needle spoon/], '... got the right dependency keys');

my $needle = $s->get_dependency('needle');
isa_ok($needle, 'Bread::Board::Dependency');
isa_ok($needle->service, 'Bread::Board::ConstructorInjection');

is($needle->service->name, 'spike', '... got the right name');
is($needle->service->class, 'Needle', '... got the right class');

my $spoon = $s->get_dependency('spoon');
isa_ok($spoon, 'Bread::Board::Dependency');
isa_ok($spoon->service, 'Bread::Board::Literal');

is($spoon->service->name, 'works', '... got the right name');
is($spoon->service->value, 'Spoon!', '... got the right literal value');

my $params = $s->parameters;
is_deeply([ sort keys %$params ], [qw/stash/], '... got the right paramter keys');
is_deeply($params->{stash}, { isa => 'Mexican::Black::Tar' }, '... got the right parameter spec');

# test some errors

isnt(exception {
}, undef, '... you must supply the required parameters');

isnt(exception {
    $s->get(stash => []);
}, undef, '... you must supply the required parameters as correct types');

isnt(exception {
    $s->get(stash => Mexican::Black::Tar->new, foo => 10);
}, undef, '... you must supply the required parameters (and no more)');
