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package Dancer::Cookies;
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:SUKRIA';
#ABSTRACT: a singleton storage for all cookies
$Dancer::Cookies::VERSION = '1.3140';
use strict;
use warnings;

use Dancer::Cookie;
use Dancer::SharedData;

use URI::Escape;

# all cookies defined by the application are store in that singleton
# this is a hashref the represent all key/value pairs to store as cookies
my $COOKIES = {};
sub cookies {$COOKIES}

sub init {
    $COOKIES = parse_cookie_from_env();

sub cookie {
    my $class = shift;
    my $name  = shift;
    my $value = shift;
    defined $value && set_cookie( $class, $name, $value, @_ );
    cookies->{$name} ? cookies->{$name}->value : undef;

sub parse_cookie_from_env {
    my $request = Dancer::SharedData->request;
    my $env     = (defined $request) ? $request->env : {};
    my $env_str = $env->{COOKIE} || $env->{HTTP_COOKIE};
    return {} unless defined $env_str;

    my $cookies = {};
    foreach my $cookie ( split( /[,;]\s?/, $env_str ) ) {
        # here, we don't want more than the 2 first elements
        # a cookie string can contains something like:
        # cookie_name="foo=bar"
        # we want `cookie_name' as the value and `foo=bar' as the value
        my( $name, $value ) = split /\s*=\s*/, $cookie, 2;

        # catch weird entries like 'cookie1=foo;;cookie2=bar'
        next unless length $name;

        my @values;
        if ( defined $value && $value ne '' ) {
            @values = map { uri_unescape($_) } split( /[&;]/, $value );

        $cookies->{$name} =
          Dancer::Cookie->new( name => $name, value => \@values );

    return $cookies;

# set_cookie name => value,
#     expires => time() + 3600, domain => ''
#     http_only => 0 # defaults to 1
sub set_cookie {
    my ( $class, $name, $value, %options ) = @_;
    my $cookie =  Dancer::Cookie->new(
        name  => $name,
        value => $value,
    Dancer::Cookies->set_cookie_object($name => $cookie);

sub set_cookie_object {
    my ($class, $name, $cookie) = @_;
    Dancer::SharedData->response->add_cookie($name, $cookie);
    Dancer::Cookies->cookies->{$name} = $cookie;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Dancer::Cookies - a singleton storage for all cookies

=head1 VERSION

version 1.3140


    use Dancer::Cookies;

    my $cookies = Dancer::Cookies->cookies;

    foreach my $name ( keys %{$cookies} ) {
        my $cookie = $cookies->{$name};
        my $value  = $cookie->value;
        print "$name => $value\n";

    cookie lang => "fr-FR"; #set a cookie and return its value
    cookie lang => "fr-FR", expires => "2 hours";
    cookie "lang"           #return a cookie value


Dancer::Cookies keeps all the cookies defined by the application and makes them
accessible and provides a few helper functions for cookie handling with regards
to the stored cookies.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 init

This method is called when C<< ->new() >> is called. It creates a storage of
cookies parsed from the environment using C<parse_cookies_from_env> described

=head2 cookies

Returns a hash reference of all cookies, all objects of L<Dancer::Cookie> type.

The key is the cookie name, the value is the L<Dancer::Cookie> object.

=head2 cookie

C<cookie> method is useful to query or set cookies easily.

    cookie lang => "fr-FR";              # set a cookie and return its value
    cookie lang => "fr-FR", expires => "2 hours";   # extra cookie info
    cookie "lang"                        # return a cookie value

=head2 parse_cookie_from_env

Fetches all the cookies from the environment, parses them and creates a hashref
of all cookies.

It also returns all the hashref it created.

=head1 AUTHOR

Dancer Core Developers


This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Alexis Sukrieh.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
