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package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::NextVersion::Semantic;
  $Dist::Zilla::Plugin::NextVersion::Semantic::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:YANICK';
  $Dist::Zilla::Plugin::NextVersion::Semantic::VERSION = '0.1.3';
# ABSTRACT: update the next version, semantic-wise

use strict;
use warnings;

use CPAN::Changes 0.20;
use Perl::Version;
use List::MoreUtils qw/ any /;

use Moose;

with qw/

use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;

subtype 'ChangeCategory',
    as 'ArrayRef[Str]';

coerce ChangeCategory =>
    from 'Str',
    via {
        [ split /\s*,\s*/, $_ ]

has change_file  => ( is => 'ro', isa=>'Str', default => 'Changes' );

has numify_version => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool', default => 0 );

has major => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'ChangeCategory',
    coerce => 1,
    default => sub { [ 'API CHANGES' ] },
    traits  => ['Array'],
    handles => { major_groups => 'elements' },

has minor => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'ChangeCategory',
    coerce => 1,
    default => sub { [ 'ENHANCEMENTS' ] },
    traits  => ['Array'],
    handles => { minor_groups => 'elements' },

has revision => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'ChangeCategory',
    coerce => 1,
    default => sub { [ 'BUG FIXES', 'DOCUMENTATION' ] },
    traits  => ['Array'],
    handles => { revision_groups => 'elements' },

sub before_release {
    my $self = shift;

    my ($changes_file) = grep { $_->name eq $self->change_file } @{ $self->zilla->files };

  my $changes = CPAN::Changes->load_string(
      next_token => qr/{{\$NEXT}}/

  my( $next ) = reverse $changes->releases;

  my @changes = values %{ $next->changes };

  $self->log_fatal("change file has no content for next version")
    unless @changes;


sub after_release {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $filename = $self->change_file;

  my $changes = CPAN::Changes->load(
      next_token => qr/{{\$NEXT}}/

  # remove empty groups

  my ( $next ) = reverse $changes->releases;

  $next->add_group( $self->all_groups );

  $self->log_debug([ 'updating contents of %s on disk', $filename ]);

  # and finally rewrite the changelog on disk
  open my $out_fh, '>', $filename
    or Carp::croak("can't open $filename for writing: $!");

  print $out_fh $changes->serialize;

  close $out_fh or Carp::croak("error closing $filename: $!");

sub all_groups {
    my $self = shift;

    return map { $self->$_ } map { $_.'_groups' } qw/ major minor revision /

has previous_version => (
    is => 'ro',
    lazy => 1,
    default => sub {
        my $self = shift;

        my $plugins =

            "at least one plugin with the role PreviousVersionProvider",
            "must be referenced in dist.ini"
        ) unless ref $plugins and @$plugins >= 1;

        for my $plugin ( @$plugins ) {
            my $version = $plugin->provide_previous_version;

            return $version if defined $version;

        $self->log_fatal('no previous version found');


sub provide_version {
  my $self = shift;

  # override (or maybe needed to initialize)
  return $ENV{V} if exists $ENV{V};

  my $new_ver = $self->next_version( $self->previous_version);


sub next_version {
    my( $self, $last_version ) = @_;

    my ($changes_file) = grep { $_->name eq $self->change_file } @{ $self->zilla->files };

    my $changes = CPAN::Changes->load_string( $changes_file->content,
        next_token => qr/{{\$NEXT}}/ );

    my ($next) = reverse $changes->releases;

    my $new_ver = $self->inc_version(
        grep { scalar @{ $next->changes($_) } } $next->groups

    $new_ver = $new_ver->numify if $self->numify_version;

    $self->log("Bumping version from $last_version to $new_ver");
    return $new_ver;

sub inc_version {
    my ( $self, $last_version, @groups ) = @_;

    $last_version = Perl::Version->new( $last_version );

    for my $group ( $self->major_groups ) {
        next unless any { $group eq $_ } @groups;

        $self->log_debug( "$group change detected, major increase" );

        return $last_version

    for my $group ( '', $self->minor_groups ) {
        next unless any { $group eq $_ } @groups;

        my $section = $group || 'general';
        $self->log_debug( "$section change detected, minor increase" );

        return $last_version

    $self->log_debug( "revision increase" );

    return $last_version;

sub munge_files {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my ($file) = grep { $_->name eq $self->change_file } @{ $self->zilla->files };
  return unless $file;

  my $changes = CPAN::Changes->load_string( $file->content,
      next_token => qr/{{\$NEXT}}/

  my ( $next ) = reverse $changes->releases;

  $next->delete_group($_) for grep { !@{$next->changes($_)} } $next->groups;

  $self->log_debug([ 'updating contents of %s in memory', $file->name ]);

no Moose;



=head1 NAME

Dist::Zilla::Plugin::NextVersion::Semantic - update the next version, semantic-wise

=head1 VERSION

version 0.1.3


    # in dist.ini

    major = MAJOR, API CHANGE
    revision = REVISION, BUG FIXES

    ; must also load a PreviousVersionProvider


Increases the distribution's version according to the semantic versioning rules
(see L<>) by inspecting the changelog.

More specifically, the plugin performs the following actions:


=item at build time

Reads the changelog using C<CPAN::Changes> and filters out of the C<{{$NEXT}}>
release section any group without item.

=item before a release

Ensures that there is at least one recorded change in the changelog, and
increments the version number in consequence.   If there are changes given
outside of the sections, they are considered to be minor.

=item after a release

Updates the new C<{{$NEXT}}> section of the changelog with placeholders for
all the change categories.  With categories as given in the I<SYNOPSIS>,
this would look like



      [API CHANGE]




      [BUG FIXES]


If a version is given via the environment variable C<V>, it will taken
as-if as the next version.

For this plugin to work, your L<Dist::Zilla> configuration must also contain a plugin
consuming the L<Dist::Zilla::Role::YANICK::PreviousVersionProvider> role.


=head2 change_file

File name of the changelog. Defaults to C<Changes>.

=head2 numify_version

If B<true>, the version will be a number using the I<x.yyyzzz> convention instead
of I<x.y.z>.  Defaults to B<false>.

=head2 major

Comma-delimited list of categories of changes considered major.
Defaults to C<API CHANGES>.

=head2 minor

Comma-delimited list of categories of changes considered minor.
Defaults to C<ENHANCEMENTS>.

=head2 revision

Comma-delimited list of categories of changes considered revisions.

=head1 AUTHOR

Yanick Champoux <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Yanick Champoux.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
