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package Task::BeLike::YANICK;
  $Task::BeLike::YANICK::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:YANICK';
  $Task::BeLike::YANICK::VERSION = '0.8.0';
# ABSTRACT: like Yanick? Be like Yanick!

use warnings;
use strict;

1; # End of Task::BeLike::YANICK



=head1 NAME

Task::BeLike::YANICK - like Yanick? Be like Yanick!

=head1 VERSION

version 0.8.0


    $ cpan Task::BeLike::YANICK


This L<Task> module installs the modules that I use on
a regular basis.

Wait, there is more! 
It can also B<update> the modules that I use on a regular basis! 
To do that, do

    TASK_UPGRADE=1 cpan -f Task::BeLike::YANICK


=head2 General


=item L<Task::Kensho>

Might not use'em all, but I want them all near me, just in case.

=item L<Set::CrossProduct>

    my $iterator = Set::CrossProduct->new([
        [ a..z ],
        [ 1..10 ],

    while( my $i = $iterator->get ) {
        print @$i;

=item L<Algorithm::Combinatorics>

Permutations are fun!


=head2 Object-Oriented Frameworks


=item L<Moose>

=item L<MooseX::Declare>


=head2 XML Processing


=item L<XML::LibXML>

=item L<XML::Writer>

Because writing XML should be left to

=item L<XML::Simple>

Useful for quick'n'dirty XML creation or slurping.

=item L<XML::XPathScript>

Can't leave out my baby, now, can I?


=head2 Applications


=item L<App::GitGot>

Git repo herder.

=item L<App::Ack>

C<grep> is nice, but C<ack> is just nicer.

=item L<App::HTTPThis>

Want to share a directory over http?

    $ cd /path/to/dir/we/wanna/share
    $ http_this

=item L<Module::Info>

Want to know where the module is?

    module_info Task::BeLike::YANICK

=item L<App::PAUSE::cleanup>

Muuuch better than via the PAUSE web interface.


=head2 Web Development


=item L<Dancer>

So you think you can dance?

=item L<Dancer::Template::Mason>

=item L<Dancer::Plugin::Cache::CHI>

=item L<Catalyst::Runtime>

=item L<HTML::Mason>

My templating system of choice.

=item L<Template>

I prefer L<HTML::Mason>, but C<TT> is used in an awful lot 
of applications.

=item L<WWW::Mechanize>

A must for testing and small web hacks.  Plus, this module name always 
reminds me of I<Battletech>.


=head2 Version Control Systems


=item L<Git::CPAN::Patch>

Effortlessly import CPAN distros in a Git repository.


=head2 Testing


=item L<Test::Class>

Add some class to your testing.

=item L<Test::Perl::Critic>

=item L<Test::Perl::Critic::Progressive>

Raise the bar, millimeter by millimeter.

=item L<DBD::Mock>

Want to test the logic of something connecting to a database, but don't
have a database handy? No problem.


=head2 Development


=item L<Method::Signatures>

=item L<Carp::Always::Color>

"You're going to tell me what you know. EVERYTHING you know..."

"...and you are going to tell me... IN COLORS!"

=item L<autodie>

Because my minions should know that their missions should
always either end in success, or death...

Part of the core as of 5.10.1.

=item L<Const::Fast>

First, there was L<constant>, then L<Readonly>, and now L<Const::Fast>.

=item L<Perl::Tidy>

Because tidy code is so easier to read.

=item L<Perl::Critic>

=item L<Module::Which>

Which version of I<Foo::Bar> am I running, and in which lib directory
is it hidding?

=item L<Pod::POM::Web>

Because doesn't deserved to be poked every
five minutes.


=head2 CPAN


=item L<App::cpanminus>

Slam, bang, thank you CPAN.

=item L<CPAN::SQLite>

CPAN asks for it, so there it is.

=item L<App::cpanoutdated>

    cpan-outdated | cpanm


=head2 Dist::Zilla


=item L<Dist::Zilla>


=item L<Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::YANICK>

One bundle to configure'em all...

=item L<Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Git>

Git-related Dist::Zilla actions.

=item L<Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GithubMeta>

Github actions.


=head1 AUTHOR

Yanick Champoux, C<< <yanick at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-task-belike-yanick at>, or through the web
interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of
progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Task::BeLike::YANICK

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * Search CPAN





Copyright 2009 Yanick Champoux, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHOR

Yanick Champoux <>


This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Yanick Champoux.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
