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package Template::Mustache;
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:YANICK';
# ABSTRACT: Drawing Mustaches on Perl for fun and profit
$Template::Mustache::VERSION = '0.5.6';
use strict;
use warnings;

use HTML::Entities;
use File::Spec;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';

my %TemplateCache;

sub build_pattern {
    my ($otag, $ctag) = @_;
    return qr/
        (.*?)                       # Capture the pre-tag content
        ([ \t]*)                    # Capture the pre-tag whitespace
        (?:\Q$otag\E \s*)           # Match the opening of the tag
            (=)   \s* (.+?) \s* = | # Capture Set Delimiters
            ({)   \s* (.+?) \s* } | # Capture Triple Mustaches
            (\W?) \s* (.+?)         # Capture everything else
        (?:\s* \Q$ctag\E)           # Match the closing of the tag

sub read_file {
    my ($filename) = @_;
    return '' unless -f $filename;

    open my $fh, "<", $filename or die "Cannot read from file $filename!";
    sysread($fh, my $data, -s $fh);
    close $fh;

    return $data;

sub parse {
    my ($tmpl, $delims, $section, $start) = @_;
    my @buffer;

    # Pull the parse tree out of the cache, if we can...
    $delims ||= [qw'{{ }}'];
    my $cache = $TemplateCache{join ' ', @$delims} ||= {};
    return $cache->{$tmpl} if exists $cache->{$tmpl};

    my $error = sub {
        my ($message, $errorPos) = @_;
        my $lineCount = substr($tmpl, 0, $errorPos) =~ tr/\n/\n/;

        die $message . "\nLine " . $lineCount

    # Build the pattern, and instruct the regex engine to begin at `$start`.
    my $pattern = build_pattern(@$delims);
    my $pos = pos($tmpl) = $start ||= 0;

    # Begin parsing out tags
    while ($tmpl =~ m/\G$pattern/gc) {
        my ($content, $whitespace) = ($1, $2);
        my $type = $3 || $5 || $7;
        my $tag  = $4 || $6 || $8;

        # Buffer any non-tag content we have.
        push @buffer, $content if $content;

        # Grab the index for the end of the content, and update our pointer.
        my $eoc = $pos + length($content) - 1;
        $pos = pos($tmpl);

        # A tag is considered standalone if it is the only non-whitespace
        # content on a line.
        my $is_standalone = (substr($tmpl, $eoc, 1) || "\n") eq "\n" &&
                            (substr($tmpl, $pos, 1) || "\n") eq "\n";

        # Standalone tags should consume the newline that follows them, unless
        # the tag is of an interpolation type.
        # Otherwise, any whitespace we've captured should be added to the
        # buffer, and the end of content index should be advanced.
        if ($is_standalone && ($type ne '{' && $type ne '&' && $type ne '')) {
            $pos += 1;
        } elsif ($whitespace) {
            $eoc += length($whitespace);
            push @buffer, $whitespace;
            $whitespace = '';

        if ($type eq '!') {
            # Comment Tag - No-op.
        } elsif ($type eq '{' || $type eq '&' || $type eq '') {
            # Interpolation Tag - Buffers the tag type and name.
            push @buffer, [ $type, $tag ];
        } elsif ($type eq '>') {
            # Partial Tag - Buffers the tag type, name, and any indentation
            push @buffer, [ $type, $tag, $whitespace ];
        } elsif ($type eq '=') {
            # Set Delimiter Tag - Changes the delimiter pair and updates the
            # tag pattern.
            $delims = [ split(/\s+/, $tag) ];

            $error->("Set Delimiters tags must have exactly two values!", $pos)
                if @$delims != 2;

            $pattern = build_pattern(@$delims);
        } elsif ($type eq '#' || $type eq '^') {
            # Section Tag - Recursively calls #parse (starting from the current
            # index), and receives the raw section string and a new index.
            # Buffers the tag type, name, the section string and delimiters.
            (my $raw, $pos) = parse($tmpl, $delims, $tag, $pos);
            push @buffer, [ $type, $tag, [$raw, $delims] ];
        } elsif ($type eq '/') {
            # End Section Tag - Short circuits a recursive call to #parse,
            # caches the buffer for the raw section template, and returns the
            # raw section template and the index immediately following the tag.
            my $msg;
            if (!$section) {
                $msg = "End Section tag '$tag' found, but not in a section!";
            } elsif ($tag ne $section) {
                $msg = "End Section tag closes '$tag'; expected '$section'!";
            $error->($msg, $pos) if $msg;

            my $raw_section = substr($tmpl, $start, $eoc + 1 - $start);
            $cache->{$raw_section} = [@buffer];
            return ($raw_section, $pos);
        } else {
            $error->("Unknown tag type -- $type", $pos);

        # Update our match pointer to coincide with any changes we've made.
        pos($tmpl) = $pos

    # Buffer any remaining template, cache the template for later, and return
    # a reference to the buffer.
    push @buffer, substr($tmpl, $pos);
    $cache->{$tmpl} = [@buffer];
    return \@buffer;

sub generate {
    my ($parse_tree, $partials, @context) = @_;
    # Build a helper function to abstract away subtemplate expansion.
    # Recursively calls generate after parsing the given template.  This allows
    # us to use the call stack as our context stack.
    my $build = sub { generate(parse(@_[0,1]), $partials, $_[2], @context) };

    # Walk through the parse tree, handling each element in turn.
    join '', map {
        # If the given element is a string, treat it literally.
        my @result = ref $_ ? () : $_;

        # Otherwise, it's a three element array, containing a tag's type, name,
        # and accessory data.  As a precautionary step, we can prefetch any
        # data value from the context stack (which will be useful in every case
        # except partial tags).
        unless (@result) {
            my ($type, $tag, $data) = @$_;
            my $render = sub { $build->(shift, $data->[1]) };

            my ($ctx, $value) = lookup($tag, @context) unless $type eq '>';

            if ($type eq '{' || $type eq '&' || $type eq '') {
                # Interpolation Tags
                # If the value is a code reference, we should treat it
                # according to Mustache's lambda rules.  Specifically, we
                # should call the sub (passing a "render" function as a
                # convenience), render its contents against the current
                # context, and cache the value (if possible).
                if (ref $value eq 'CODE') {
                    $value = $build->($value->($render));
                    $ctx->{$tag} = $value if ref $ctx eq 'HASH';
                # An empty `$type` represents an HTML escaped tag.
                $value = encode_entities($value) unless $type;
                @result = $value;
            } elsif ($type eq '#') {
                # Section Tags
                # `$data` will contain an array reference with the raw template
                # string, and the delimiter pair being used when the section
                # tag was encountered.
                # There are four special cases for section tags.
                #  * If the value is falsey, the section is skipped over.
                #  * If the value is an array reference, the section is
                #    rendered once using each element of the array.
                #  * If the value is a code reference, the raw section string
                #    and a rendering function are passed to the sub; the return
                #    value is then automatically rendered.
                #  * Otherwise, the section is rendered using given value.
                if (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') {
                    @result = map { $build->(@$data, $_) } @$value;
                } elsif ($value) {
                    my @x = @$data;
                    $x[0] = $value->($x[0], $render) if ref $value eq 'CODE';
                    @result = $build->(@x, $value);
            } elsif ($type eq '^') {
                # Inverse Section Tags
                # These should only be rendered if the value is falsey or an
                # empty array reference.  `$data` is as for Section Tags.
                $value = @$value if ref $value eq 'ARRAY';
                @result = $build->(@$data) unless $value;
            } elsif ($type eq '>') {
                # Partial Tags
                # `$data` contains indentation to be applied to the partial.
                # The partial template is looked up thanks to the `$partials`
                # code reference, rendered, and non-empty lines are indented.
                my $partial = scalar $partials->($tag);
                $partial =~ s/^(?=.)/${data}/gm if $data;
                @result = $build->($partial);
        @result; # Collect the results...
    } @$parse_tree;

sub lookup {
    my ($field, @context) = @_;
    my ($value, $ctx) = '';

    for my $index (0..$#{[@context]}) {
        $ctx = $context[$index];
        my $blessed_or_not_ref = blessed($ctx) || !ref $ctx;

        if($field =~ /\./) {
            # Dotted syntax
            my ($var, $field) = $field =~ /(.+?)\.(.+)/;

            if(ref $ctx eq 'HASH') {
                next unless exists $ctx->{$var};
                ($ctx, $value) = lookup($field, $ctx->{$var});
            } elsif(ref $ctx eq 'ARRAY') {
                next unless @$ctx[$var];
                ($ctx, $value) = lookup($field, @$ctx[$var]);
        } elsif (ref $ctx eq 'HASH') {
		    next unless exists $ctx->{$field};
            $value = $ctx->{$field};
        } elsif (ref $ctx eq 'ARRAY') {
            next unless @$ctx[$field];
            $value = @$ctx[$field];
        elsif ($ctx && $blessed_or_not_ref && _can_run_field($ctx, $field)) {
            # We want to accept class names and objects, but not unblessed refs
            # or undef. -- rjbs, 2015-06-12
            $value = $ctx->$field();

    return ($ctx, $value);

sub _can_run_field {
    my ($ctx, $field) = @_;

    my $can_run_field;
    if ( $] < 5.018 ) {
        eval { $ctx->can($field) };
        $can_run_field = not $@;
    else {
        $can_run_field = $ctx->can($field);

    return $can_run_field;

use namespace::clean;

sub new {
    my ($class, %args) = @_;
    return bless({ %args }, $class);

our $template_path = '.';

sub template_path { $Template::Mustache::template_path }

our $template_extension = 'mustache';

sub template_extension { $Template::Mustache::template_extension }

sub template_namespace { '' }

our $template_file;

sub template_file {
    my ($receiver) = @_;
    return $Template::Mustache::template_file
        if $Template::Mustache::template_file;

    my $class = ref $receiver || $receiver;
    $class =~ s/^@{[$receiver->template_namespace()]}:://;
    my $ext  = $receiver->template_extension();
    return File::Spec->catfile(split(/::/, "${class}.${ext}"));

sub template {
    my ($receiver) = @_;
    my $path = $receiver->template_path();
    my $template_file = $receiver->template_file();
    return read_file(File::Spec->catfile($path, $template_file));

sub partial {
    my ($receiver, $name) = @_;
    my $path = $receiver->template_path();
    my $ext  = $receiver->template_extension();
    return read_file(File::Spec->catfile($path, "${name}.${ext}"));

sub render {
    my ($receiver, $tmpl, $data, $partials) = @_;
    ($data, $tmpl) = ($tmpl, $data) if !(ref $data) && (ref $tmpl);

    $tmpl       = $receiver->template() unless defined $tmpl;
    $data     ||= $receiver;
    $partials ||= sub {
        unshift @_, $receiver;
        goto &{$receiver->can('partial')};

    my $part = $partials;
    $part = sub { lookup(shift, $partials) } unless ref $partials eq 'CODE';

    my $parsed = parse($tmpl);
    return generate($parsed, $part, $data);




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Template::Mustache - Drawing Mustaches on Perl for fun and profit

=head1 VERSION

version 0.5.6


    use Template::Mustache;

    print Template::Mustache->render(
        "Hello {{planet}}", {planet => "World!"}), "\n";


Template::Mustache is an implementation of the fabulous Mustache templating
language for Perl 5.8 and later.

See L<>.

=head2 Functions

=over 4

=item build_pattern($otag, $ctag)

Constructs a new regular expression, to be used in the parsing of Mustache

=over 4

=item $otag

The tag opening delimiter.

=item $ctag

The tag closing delimiter.


Returns a regular expression that will match tags with the specified

=item read_file($filename)

Reads a file into a string, returning the empty string if the file does not

=over 4

=item $filename

The name of the file to read.


Returns the contents of the given filename, or the empty string.

=item parse($tmpl, [$delims, [$section, $start]])

Can be called in one of three forms:

=over 4

=item parse($tmpl)

Creates an AST from the given template.

=over 4

=item $tmpl

The template to parse.


An array reference to the AST represented by the given template.

=item parse($tmpl, $delims)

Creates an AST from the given template, with non-standard delimiters.

=over 4

=item $tmpl

The template to parse.

=item $delims

An array reference to the delimiter pair with which to begin parsing.


Returns an array reference to the AST represented by the given template.

=item parse($tmpl, $delims, $section, $start)

Parses out a section tag from the given template.

=over 4

=item $tmpl

The template to parse.

=item $delims

An array reference to the delimiter pair with which to begin parsing.

=item $section

The name of the section we're parsing.

=item $start

The index of the first character of the section.


Returns an array reference to the raw text of the section (first element),
and the index of the character immediately following the close section tag
(last element).


=item generate($parse_tree, $partials, @context)

Produces an expanded version of the template represented by the given parse

=over 4

=item $parse_tree

The AST of a Mustache template.

=item $partials

A subroutine that looks up partials by name.

=item @context

The context stack to perform key lookups against.


Returns the fully rendered template as a string.

=item lookup($field, @context)

Performs a lookup of a C<$field> in a context stack.

=over 4

=item $field

The field to look up.

=item @context

The context stack.


Returns the context element and value for the given C<$field>.


=head2 Methods

=over 4

=item new(%args)

Standard hash constructor.

=over 4

=item %args

Initialization data.


Returns A new C<Template::Mustache> instance.

=item template_path

Filesystem path for template and partial lookups.

Returns a string containing the template path (defaults to '.').

=item template_extension

File extension for templates and partials.

Returns the file extension as a string (defaults to 'mustache').

=item template_namespace

Package namespace to ignore during template lookups.

As an example, if you subclass C<Template::Mustache> as the class
C<My::Heavily::Namepaced::Views::SomeView>, calls to C<render> will
automatically try to load the template
C<./My/Heavily/Namespaced/Views/SomeView.mustache> under the
C<template_path>.  Since views will very frequently all live in a common
namespace, you can override this method in your subclass, and save yourself
some headaches.

   Setting template_namespace to:      yields template name:
     My::Heavily::Namespaced::Views => SomeView.mustache
     My::Heavily::Namespaced        => Views/SomeView.mustache
     Heavily::Namespaced            => My/Heavily/Namespaced/Views/SomeView.mustache

As noted by the last example, namespaces will only be removed from the
beginning of the package name.

Returns the empty string.

=item template_file

The template filename to read.  The filename follows standard Perl module
lookup practices (e.g. C<My::Module> becomes C<My/>) with the
following differences:

=over 4

=item *

Templates have the extension given by C<template_extension> ('mustache' by

=item *

Templates will have C<template_namespace> removed, if it appears at the
beginning of the package name.

=item *

Template filename resolution will short circuit if
C<$Template::Mustache::template_file> is set.

=item *

Template filename resolution may be overriden in subclasses.

=item *

Template files will be resolved against C<template_path>, not C<$PERL5LIB>.


Returns The path to the template file, relative to C<template_path> as a
string.  See L<template>.

=item template

Reads the template off disk.

Returns the contents of the C<template_file> under C<template_path>.

=item partial($name)

Reads a named partial off disk.

=over 4

=item $name

The name of the partial to lookup.


Returns the contents of the partial (in C<template_path> of type
C<template_extension>), or the empty string, if the partial does not exist.

=item render

Render a class or instances data, in each case returning the fully rendered
template as a string; can be called in one of the following forms:

=over 4

=item render()

Renders a class or instance's template with data from the receiver.  The
template will be retrieved by calling the C<template> method.  Partials will
be fetched by C<partial>.

=item render($tmpl)

Renders the given template with data from the receiver.  Partials will be
fetched by C<partial>.

=over 4

=item $tmpl

The template to render.


=item render($data)

Renders a class or instance's template with data from the receiver.  The
template will be retrieved by calling the C<template> method.  Partials
will be fetched by C<partial>.

=over 4

=item $data

Data (as hash or object) to be interpolated into the template.


=item render($tmpl, $data)

Renders the given template with the given data.  Partials will be fetched
by C<partial>.

=over 4

=item $tmpl

The template to render.

=item $data

Data (as a hash, class, or object) to be interpolated into the template.


=item render($tmpl, $data, $partials)

Renders the given template with the given data.  Partials will be looked up
by calling the given code reference with the partial's name.

=over 4

=item $tmpl

The template to render.

=item $data

Data (as a hash, class, or object) to be interpolated into the template.

=item $partials

A function used to lookup partials.


=item render($tmpl, $data, $partials)

Renders the given template with the given data.  Partials will be looked up
by calling the partial's name as a method on the given class or object.

=over 4

=item $tmpl

The template to render.

=item $data

Data (as a hash, class, or object) to be interpolated into the template.

=item $partials

A thing (class or object) that responds to partial names.


=item render($tmpl, $data, $partials)

Renders the given template with the given data.  Partials will be looked up
in the given hash.

=over 4

=item $tmpl

The template to render.

=item $data

Data (as a hash, class, or object) to be interpolated into the template.

=item $partials

A hash containing partials.




=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

Pieter van de Bruggen <>

=item *

Yanick Champoux <>

=item *

Ricardo Signes <>



This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Pieter van de Bruggen.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
