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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.008001;
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;
use lib File::Spec->catdir(dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib');

use AnySan;
use AnySan::Provider::IRC;
use Getopt::Long ();
use Pod::Usage;
use Plack::Builder;
use Plack::Builder::Conditionals;
use Plack::Request;
use Plack::Response;
use Twiggy::Server;

my $parser = Getopt::Long::Parser->new(
    config => [ "no_ignore_case", "pass_through" ],

my %options;
my($http_host, $http_port, $irc_server, $irc_port, $irc_keyword, $irc_nickname, $irc_user, $no_post_with_join, $irc_post_interval, $irc_reconnect_interval) =
    ('', 4979, undef, 6667, undef, 'ikachan', undef, 0, 2, 3);
my @reverse_proxy;
    'o|host=s'     => \$http_host,
    'p|port=i'     => \$http_port,
    'r|reverse-proxy=s' => \@reverse_proxy,
    'S|Server=s'   => \$irc_server,
    'P|Port=i'     => \$irc_port,
    'K|Keyword=s'  => \$irc_keyword,
    'N|Nickname=s' => \$irc_nickname,
    'U|User=s'     => \$irc_user,
    'i|interval=s' => \$irc_post_interval,
    'R|reconnect-interval=s' => \$irc_reconnect_interval,
    'j|no-post-with-join' => \$no_post_with_join,
    'h|help'       => \$options{help},
    'v|version'    => \$options{version},
pod2usage(1) if $options{help};
die "Missing mandatory parameter: irc_server" unless defined $irc_server;

warn 'connecting to ' . join ' ', ($irc_server, $irc_port, ($irc_keyword || ''), $irc_nickname);

$irc_post_interval ||= 2;

my $irc;
my $join_channels = {};
my $is_connect = 0;
my $create_session; $create_session = sub {
    irc $irc_server,
        key      => $irc_server,
        port     => $irc_port,
        password => $irc_keyword,
        nickname => $irc_nickname,
        user     => $irc_user,
        interval => $irc_post_interval,
        on_connect => sub {
            my ($con, $err) = @_;
            if (defined $err) {
                warn "connect error: $err\n";
                exit 1 unless $irc_reconnect_interval;
                sleep $irc_reconnect_interval;
                $con->disconnect('try reconnect');
            } else {
                warn 'connect';
                $is_connect      = 1;
        on_disconnect => sub {
            warn 'disconnect';
            # XXX: bad hack...
            undef $irc->{client};
            undef $irc->{SEND_TIMER};
            undef $irc;
            $is_connect = 0;
            $irc = $create_session->();
        channels => {
            map { $_ => +{} } keys %{ $join_channels },
$irc = $create_session->();

sub rendar {
    my($code, $msg) = @_;
    my $res = Plack::Response->new($code);
    $res->content_length(length $msg);

sub join_channel {
    my ($channel, $key) = @_;
    $irc->join_channel($channel, $key);
    $join_channels->{$channel} = {
        join_at => time(),

my $code = sub {
    my $req = Plack::Request->new(shift);
    my $method = $req->method;
    my $path   = $req->path;

    if ($method eq 'POST' && ! $is_connect) {
        my $html = q{<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        can not connect to irc server
        my $res = Plack::Response->new(503);
        $res->content_type('text/html; charset=utf-8');
        $res->content_length(length $html);
        return $res->finalize;

    if ($method eq 'GET') {
        if ($path eq '/channel_list') {
            my $list = [ keys %{ $join_channels } ];
            return rendar(200, join("\n", @$list));
        } elsif ($path eq '/') {
            my $base = $req->base;
            my $html =<<HTML;
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">

        <h2>join channel list</h2>
        <iframe src="/channel_list"></iframe>

        <h2>API usage</u2>

        <h3>channel join</h3>
            <table border="1">
                <tr><td>form params</td><td>channel=#channel&channel_keyword=keyword</td></tr>
            <h4>testing form</h4>
            <form action="/join" method="post">
                join channel: <input name="channel" /><br />
                channel keyword(option): <input name="channel_keyword" /><input type="submit" value="join" />

            <h3>channel leave</h3>
            <table border="1">
                <tr><td>form params</td><td>channel=#channel</td></tr>
            <form action="/leave" method="post">
                leave channel: <input name="channel" /><input type="submit" value="leave" />

            <h3>sent notice message to channel</h3>
            <table border="1">
                <tr><td>form params</td><td>channel=#channel&message=your_message</td></tr>
            <form action="/notice" method="post">
                channel: <input name="channel" /><br />
                message: <input name="message" /><input type="submit" value="post" />

            <h3>sent privmsg message to channel</h3>
            <table border="1">
                <tr><td>form params</td><td>channel=#channel&message=your_message</td></tr>
            <form action="/privmsg" method="post">
                channel: <input name="channel" /><br />
                message: <input name="message" /><input type="submit" value="post" />

            my $res = Plack::Response->new(200);
            $res->content_type('text/html; charset=utf-8');
            $res->content_length(length $html);
            return $res->finalize;
    } elsif ($method eq 'POST') {
        my $channel = $req->param('channel');

        if ($path eq '/join') {
            return rendar(403, "joinned channel: $channel") if $join_channels->{$channel};
            my $channel_keyword = $req->param('channel_keyword');
            join_channel($channel, $channel_keyword);
            return rendar(200, "join success channel: $channel");
        } elsif ($path eq '/leave' || $path eq '/part') {
            return rendar(404, "not joinned channel: $channel") unless $join_channels->{$channel};
            delete $join_channels->{$channel};
            return rendar(200, "leave success channel: $channel");
        } elsif ($path eq '/notice') {
            if ($no_post_with_join) {
                return rendar(404, "not joinned channel: $channel") unless $join_channels->{$channel};
            } elsif (not $join_channels->{$channel}) {
            my $message = $req->param('message');
            $irc->send_message( $message, channel => $channel );
            return rendar(200, "message sent channel: $channel $message");
        } elsif ($path eq '/privmsg') {
            if ($no_post_with_join) {
                return rendar(404, "not joinned channel: $channel") unless $join_channels->{$channel};
            } elsif (not $join_channels->{$channel}) {
            my $message = $req->param('message');
            $irc->send_message( $message, channel => $channel, privmsg => 1 );
            return rendar(200, "message sent channel: $channel $message");

    return rendar(404, 'not found');
my $app = builder {
    if ( @reverse_proxy ) {
        enable match_if addr(\@reverse_proxy), 'Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy';
    enable 'Plack::Middleware::AccessLog', format => 'combined';

warn "starting httpd: http://$http_host:$http_port/";
my $twiggy = Twiggy::Server->new(
    host => $http_host,
    port => $http_port,



=head1 NAME

ikachan - IRC message delivery by HTTP


  # connect to
  ikachan -S

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item -o, --host

The interface a TCP based server daemon binds to. Defauts to undef,
which lets most server backends bind the any (*) interface. This
option doesn't mean anything if the server does not support TCP

=item -p, --port (default: 4979)

The port number a TCP based server daemon listens on. Defaults to
5000. This option doesn't mean anything if the server does not support
TCP socket.

=item -S, --Server

irc server address.

=item -P, --Port (default: 6667)

irc server port.

=item -K, --Keyword

irc server password

=item -N, --Nickname

irc nickname

=item -U, --User

irc user name

=item -r, --reverse-proxy

treat X-Forwarded-For as REMOTE_ADDR if REMOTE_ADDR match this argument.

see L<Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy>.

=item -i, --interval

irc post interval. for Excess Flood

=item -R, --reconnect-interval

interval of reconnect to irc server.
exit application if interval == 0.

=item -j, --no-post-with-join

disable to irc message post with channel join


=head1 AUTHOR

Kazuhiro Osawa E<lt>yappo {at} shibuya {dot} plE<gt>

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<AnySan::Provider::IRC>, L<Twiggy>

=head1 LICENSE

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
