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\input texinfo   @c -*-texinfo-*-
@c %**start of header
@settitle Perl Development Environment
@c %**end of header

@dircategory Emacs
* PDE: (pde).             Perl Development Environment
@end direntry

This is manual for PDE version 0.01

 @copyright{} 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A
copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free
Documentation License".
@end quotation
@end copying

@c For printed material
@title Perl Development Environment

@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
@end titlepage

@c END For printed material
@node Top, Introduction, (dir), (dir)
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@top PDE

@end ifnottex

* Introduction::                A introduction to PDE
* Installation::                Installation
* pde-load::                    Default configuration for PDE
* pde::                         Integrate other libraries
* pde-vars::                    Global variables shared
* pde-project::                 Projects in perl
* pde-abbv::                    Abbrev for perl
* pde-util::                    Misc commands
* template-simple::             New file with template
* tabbar-x::                    Tabbar for particular buffers
* tempo-x::                     Additional elements for tempo
* re-builder-x::                Regexp building and testing tool
* compile-dwim::                Smart compile commands
* help-dwim::                   Find documents using help-dwim
* perldoc::                     Run perldoc using woman
* perlapi::                     Find document in perlapi
* windata::                     Window configuration to list
* tree-mode::                   More commands on tree-widget
* imenu-tree::                  Tree view for imenu
* tags-tree::                   Tree view of TAGS
* perltidy::                    Call perltidy
* perlcritic::                  Calling perlcritic
* perldb-ui::                   Perl Debugger
* inf-perl::                    Interactive perl shell

* Function Index::              
* Variable Index::              
* Keybinding Index::            
@end menu

@node Introduction, Installation, Top, Top
@chapter A introduction to PDE
@cindex introduction

PDE is a collection of emacs lisp extensions to facilitate perl
programming. cperl-mode has provided a excellent environment for
coding, here PDE provides other common tools, such as creating file
using template, smart compiling, perldoc, perltidy, debugger, tags
tree view and so on. PDE also provides an easy configuration for perl
programing, and a tutorial for novice to start using emacs.

This manual tries to describe the feature of each emacs lisp file
provided and to be the guide for those who want to use them.

@node Installation, pde-load, Introduction, Top
@chapter Installation

Installing PDE is quit easy. When you download the archive of the PDE
distribution, uncompress the archive to a folder, for example,
~/elisp/pde, then put this to your ~/.emacs:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/pde/lisp")
(load "pde-load")
@end lisp

That is all what you need to do for a typical installation.

You can also use perl style installation:
     ./Build test
     ./Build install
@end verbatim

Note that test before build, so perl can test whether have emacs in
PATH. The default place to install lisp files is
``$ENV@{HOME@}/.emacs.d/pde''. You can use option ---elispdir tell
perl where to put the lisp files. Note that using this way to install,
you should put ~/elisp/pde to @code{load-path}. So you should add
following to .emacs:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/pde")
(load "pde-load")
@end lisp

@node pde-load, pde, Installation, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Default configuration for PDE

@file{pde-load.el} try to provide a default configuration for all
extension included in PDE. The configuration can be sorted by PDE core
features and some recommend personal setting. To disable addtional
features if you don't like, you can set @code{pde-extra-setting} to

@defopt pde-extra-setting
When set to nil, don't load something you don't like
@end defopt

The minimal enable features after load `pde-load' are:
make perl script associate with cperl-mode not perl-mode
setup new indent style ``PDE''
turn on abbrev mode
search document with M-x @command{perldoc} or using M-x @command{perldoc-tree}
show imenu with M-x @command{imenu-tree}
auto chmod when saving perl script
create new file with template
call perltidy when editing
start interactive perl shell using M-x @command{inf-perl}
improved perldb using M-x @command{perldb-ui}
smart compile and run command using M-x @command{compile-dwim-compile}
and @command{compile-dwim-run}.
find perl module in cperl-mode using M-x @command{ffap}
enable show brief info of buildin function under point in minibuffer
@end itemize

The extra feature including:
turn on ido-mode and using ido completion read imenu tag
automatic update imenu-tree and make tree always visible
complete read ingore case
turn on partial-completion-mode, and you can find perl module using
M-x @command{find-file} by add prefix char '<'.
multiple compilation buffers
useful global key bindings
show perldoc-tree and imenu-tree with tabbar
set tags-table-list, hippie-expand-try-functions-list,
comint-completion-addsuffix to make the command handy
some fixup to cperl-mode
@end itemize

The configuration is optimized so that most libraries are loaded when

@node pde, pde-vars, pde-load, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Integrate other libraries

@file{pde.el} try to integrate other libraies to cperl-mode.

First it rearrange key bindings. Some cperl-mode default key bindings
are remap to @code{pde-cperl-map}, so more key bindings can be add to

@defopt pde-cperl-prefix
Prefix key for cperl commands. Default is C-c C-c.
@end defopt

@defvar pde-cperl-map
Keymap for cperl commands
@end defvar

@table @kbd
@item C-e
@kindex C-e (cperl-toggle-electric)
@code{cperl-toggle-electric} - Toggle the state of parentheses
doubling in CPerl mode.

@item C-j
@kindex C-j (cperl-linefeed)
@code{cperl-linefeed} - Go to end of line, open a new line and indent

@item C-n
@kindex C-n (cperl-narrow-to-here-doc)
@code{cperl-narrow-to-here-doc} - Narrows editing region to the
HERE-DOC at pos.

@item C-p
@kindex C-p (cperl-pod-spell)
@code{cperl-pod-spell} - Spell-check POD documentation.

@item C-t
@kindex C-t (cperl-invert-if-unless)
@code{cperl-invert-if-unless} - Change `if (A) @{B@}' into `B if A;' etc
(or visa versa) if possible.

@item C-v
@kindex C-v (cperl-next-interpolated-REx)
@code{cperl-next-interpolated-REx} - Move point to next REx which has
interpolated parts.

@item C-x
@kindex C-x (cperl-next-interpolated-REx-0)
@code{cperl-next-interpolated-REx-0} - Move point to next REx which
has interpolated parts without //o.

@item C-y
@kindex C-y (cperl-next-interpolated-REx-1)
@code{cperl-next-interpolated-REx-1} - Move point to next REx which
has interpolated parts without //o.

@end table

@defopt pde-view-prefix
Prefix key for view commands. Default is C-c C-v
@end defopt

@defvar pde-view-map
Keymap for view commands.
@end defvar

@table @kbd
@item C-i
@kindex C-i (pde-imenu-tree)
@findex pde-imenu-tree
@code{pde-imenu-tree} - Display tree view of imenu.

@item C-m
@kindex C-m (pde-pod-to-manpage)
@findex pde-pod-to-manpage
@code{pde-pod-to-manpage} - View pod in current buffer using woman.

@item C-p
@kindex C-p (pde-perldoc-tree)
@findex pde-perldoc-tree
@code{pde-perldoc-tree} - Display pod tree.

@end table

@defopt pde-perltidy-prefix
Prefix key for perltidy commands. Default is C-c C-t.
@end defopt

@defvar pde-perltidy-map
Keymap for perltidy commands.
@end defvar

@table @kbd
@item C-b
@kindex C-b (perltidy-buffer)
@findex perltidy-buffer
@code{perltidy-buffer} - Call perltidy for whole buffer.

@item C-r
@kindex C-r (perltidy-region)
@findex perltidy-region
@code{perltidy-region} - Tidy perl code in the region.

@item C-s
@kindex C-s (perltidy-subroutine)
@findex perltidy-subroutine
@code{perltidy-subroutine} - Call perltidy for subroutine at point.

@item C-t
@kindex C-t (perltidy-dwim)
@findex perltidy-dwim
@code{perltidy-dwim} - Perltidy Do What I Mean.
If with prefix argument, just show the result of perltidy.
You can use C-x C-s to save the tidy result.
If region is active call perltidy on the region. If inside
subroutine, call perltidy on the subroutine, otherwise call
perltidy for whole buffer.

@end table

@defopt pde-inf-perl-prefix
Prefix key for inf-perl commands. Default is C-c C-e.
@end defopt

@defvar pde-inf-perl-map
Keymap for inf-perl commands.
@end defvar

@table @kbd
@item C-e
@kindex C-e (inf-perl-send)
@findex inf-perl-send
@code{inf-perl-send} - If mark active, send region, otherwise send current line

@item C-j
@kindex C-j (inf-perl-send-line)
@findex inf-perl-send-line
@code{inf-perl-send-line} - Send current line to the perl process.

@item C-l
@kindex C-l (inf-perl-load-file)
@findex inf-perl-load-file
@code{inf-perl-load-file} - Send whole buffer to process

@item C-r
@kindex C-r (inf-perl-send-region)
@findex inf-perl-send-region
@code{inf-perl-send-region} - Send region to process.

@item C-s
@kindex C-s (inf-perl-set-cwd)
@findex inf-perl-set-cwd
@code{inf-perl-set-cwd} - Set working directory of interpreter to
current default-directory

@item M-r
@kindex M-r (inf-perl-send-region-and-go)
@findex inf-perl-send-region-and-go
@code{inf-perl-send-region-and-go} - Send region and switch to process

@item C-y
@kindex C-y (inf-perl-switch-to-perl)
@findex inf-perl-switch-to-perl
@code{inf-perl-switch-to-perl} - Switch to perl process buffer.

@item C-z
@kindex C-z (inf-perl-switch-to-end-perl)
@findex inf-perl-switch-to-end-perl
@code{inf-perl-switch-to-end-perl} - Switch to end of perl process buffer.

@end table

tabbar-mode can make a tabbar for all buffers. I prefer using ido-mode
to switch between buffers. But here I want add a tabbar for a few
buffers to group them and make emacs looks like IDE. So that why
tabbar-x. @xref{tabbar-x}.

@defun pde-tabbar-register
Add tabbar and register current buffer to group Perl.
@end defun

ffap is a good command. To use it in cperl-mode to find perl module,
need some hack.
@defun pde-ffap-locate
Return cperl module for ffap.
@end defun

indent-region need to mark a region. Not very convenient. So I
write a dwim command.
@defun pde-indent-dwim
Indent the region between paren.
If region selected, indent the region.
If character before is a parenthesis(such as "]@})>"), indent the
region between the parentheses. Useful when you finish a subroutine or
a block.
Otherwise indent current subroutine. Selected by @command{beginning-of-defun}
and @command{end-of-defun}.
@end defun

Settings after cperl-mode is loaded or only for buffer that major-mode
is cperl-mode are defined in @code{pde-perl-mode-hook}

@defun pde-perl-mode-hook
Hooks to run when enter cperl-mode. It define a new style ``PDE'',
turn on display information of function on echo area, turn abbrev-mode
on, activate perldoc, auto chmod when save perl script but not module
or pod, and bind keys.
@end defun

This key bindings are added:

@table @kbd
@item C-c C-f
@kindex C-c C-f (flymake-mode)
@findex flymake-mode
@code{flymake-mode} - Minor mode to do on-the-fly syntax checking.

@item C-c C-d
@kindex C-c C-d (perldb-ui)
@findex perldb-ui
@code{perldb-ui} - Debugger with perldb-ui.

@item C-c C-k
@kindex C-c C-k (perlcritic)
@findex perlcritic
@code{perlcritic} - Call perlcritic with current file

@item C-c C-z
@kindex C-c C-z (run-perl)
@findex run-perl
@code{run-perl} - Start or switch to interactive perl shell.

@end table

The old C-c C-h commands are removed, and make
@command{describe-prefix-bindings} work. If you realy need them,
define them in @code{pde-cperl-map}.

@node pde-vars, pde-project, pde, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Global variables shared

@file{pde-vars.el} defined some global constant variables. Library related to
perl can require it without load other PDE libaries, and user can
define one variable for all libaries that use it.

@node pde-project, pde-abbv, pde-vars, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Projects in perl

@file{pde-project.el} provide several functions relate to project in perl.

@defun pde-detect-project-root
Detech root directory of current file. The root directory is that has
Makefile.PL or Build.PL or @@INC.
@end defun

@defopt pde-project-mark-files
The directory contain one of these file will consider as project root.
Default is (``Makefile.PL'' ``Build.PL'')
@end defopt

@defun pde-set-project-root
set project root to local variable @code{pde-project-root}.
@end defun

@defun pde-file-package
Derive the package name of current buffer. The buffer should be a pm
@end defun

@defun pde-directory-all-files dir &optional full match predicate limit
Recursive read file name in DIR.
Like `directory-files', this function can return a list of files in
the directory and the subdirectories, but often there are too many files
in the directory, so need a parament to limit the number of files to
search and a flag to indicate whether all files are read. So instead
of return a list of files, this function return a cons cell which car
indicate whether all files read and cdr part is the real file list.

if FULL is non-nil, return absolute file names, if match is non-nil,
mention only file names match the regexp MATCH. If PREDICATE is non-nil
and is a function with one argument, the file name relative to DIR,
mention only file when PREDICATE function return non-nil value. If LIMIT
is non-nil, when the files execeed the number will stop. The function is
search in wide-first manner.

@deffn Command pde-project-find-file 
Find file in the project.
This command is will read all file in current project recursively.
With prefix argument, to rebuild the cache.
I suggest bind this command to C-x C-p, which original command is 
mark-page seldom used by me.
@end deffn

@defopt pde-file-list-regexp
Filenames matching this regexp will not be read when `pde-project-find-file'.
@end defopt

@defopt pde-file-list-predicate-function
Predicate function to filter file to be read when `pde-project-find-file'
@end defopt

@defopt pde-file-list-limit
Maximum number of files for read from project directory recursively.
@end defopt

@end defun

@node pde-abbv, pde-util, pde-project, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Abbrev for perl
@file{pde-abbv.el} contains a few abbrevs that I think helpful. You
can send me your abbrev if you think it is handy. I appreciate for

@item newx  
Create subroutine new for Object module.
@item dumpx 
expand for Data::Dumper::Dumper.
@item usetk 
Use Tk
@item exportx 
Write Exporter tags
@item opend 
expand for build-in function `opendir'. snippet available
@item openf 
expand for build-in function `open'. snippet available
@item fromto 
expand for Encode::from_to, only snippet available
@item usegtk 
Use Gtk2
@item useenc 
Use Encode
@item usedump 
Use Data::Dumper
@end itemize

@node pde-util, template-simple, pde-abbv, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Misc commands

@file{pde-util} provides several commands that might be useful.

@defopt pde-module-location
The commands above call perl module PDE::Util to generate the module
lists. If the module can found in @@INC or @code{pde-load-path} parent
directory, set this variable to let perl found the module.
@end defopt

@deffn Command pde-list-module-shadows
Display a list of modules that shadow other modules.
@end deffn

@deffn Command pde-list-core-modules
Display a list of core modules. Push the text button to show Pod.
@end deffn

@deffn Command pde-search-cpan
Search module or other things in @url{}.
@end deffn

@node template-simple, tabbar-x, pde-util, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter New file with template

template.el is exists, why template-simple? First of all, it is
simple, the there is only one core function @code{template-compile}.

@defun template-compile
Parse current buffer to parsed template.
@end defun

The parsed template contains a list of strings, symbols or lisp forms.
The strings is inserted directly.
The symbol can be a predefined value in @code{template-default-alist},
or can be translate by @code{template-expand-function}. The lisp forms
is handled by @code{template-expand-function}.

@defopt template-expand-function
Functions to expand parsed template. There are two candicate functions
available in template-simple: @code{template-skeleton-expand} and
@code{template-tempo-expand}. Default function is
@code{template-tempo-expand}, because I think tempo provide more
fetures and flexibility than skeleton.
@end defopt

@defun define-template-expander name alist &rest body
Define a new type of @code{template-expand-function}. NAME is used to
create a function template-<NAME>-expand. ALIST can be a symbol or a
form to return a list of symbol table add to @code{template-default-alist}.
BODY is the code to expand and insert the template. the value of
variable TEMPLATE is the translated template. The element of parsed
template is translated by @code{template-expansion}
@end defun

@defun template-simple-expand-template file
Expand template in file.
Parse the template to parsed templates with @code{template-compile}.
Use @code{template-expand-function} to expand the parsed template.
@end defun

@defun template-simple-expand template
Expand string template.
template can be a string or a parsed template. If it is string,
parse the template to parsed templates with @code{template-compile}.
Use @code{template-expand-function} to expand the parsed template.
@end defun

template-simple is designed to compatible to template.el, so the
default open and close parentheses is ``(>>>'' and ``<<<)''. Note that
global value of @code{template-expand-function} is saved in
@code{template-simple-expand}. The same case happened to
@code{template-parens} in @code{template-compile}. So If you need
change them temporary for certain template, you can set
@code{template-parens} and @code{template-expand-function} like file
variable, for example:

    ";; -*- template-parens: (\"{\" . \"}\"); template-expand-function: template-tempo-expand -*-
     (defun {p} ({p})
@end verbatim

This will expand by @code{template-tempo-expand} but not default
expand function. Luckily in most case, template of tempo and skeleton
can be the same, so you don't have to set
@code{template-expand-function}. If your template uses element that
only exists in tempo or skeleton, you'd better set it in template to
make sure the @code{template-simple-expand} select the correct one.

The major purpose of template-simple is used for fill empty file using
predefined template.

@defopt template-directory-list
A list of directories for lookup template files. Default is 
``~/.templates/'' and @code{auto-insert-directory}.
@end defopt

@defun template-derive-template
Find proper template for current file. The template file is a file
with name ``TEMPLATE'' and the same extension of current file under
@code{template-directory}. You can add a suffix ``.tpl'' to the
template file name too, just for compatible with templates provide by
template.el. If the file didn't have extension, the template file's
extension is current file name, for example, ``TEMPLATE.Makefile'' is
template file for ``Makefile''.
@end defun

@defopt template-default-alist
Predefined symbol for template file. Symbols to lookup in this table
is case insensitive.
@end defopt

Here is a list of predefined symbol:
dir         default directory of current file
file        basename(without directory) of current file
file-sans   file name without extension and directory
file-ext    file extension
file-upcase upcased file-sans
date        formated time string using @code{template-date-format}
cdate       formated time string using @code{template-cdate-format}
               with @code{system-time-locale} value is ``C''
iso-date    ``%Y-%m-%d'' time string
vc-date     ``%Y/%m/%d %T'' time string with time-zone ``UTC''
year        ``%Y''
time        formated time string using @code{template-time-format}
author      user-mail-address
user-name   user-full-name
login-name  user-login-name
host-addr   mail-host-address
@end itemize

A neat function provided by template.el is the file name in
the header can automatic update when the file is renamed.
template-simple also provide this feature.

@defun template-simple-update-header
update file header when needed. The file header is a line match
@code{template-header-regexp} at first 3 lines in current file.
@end defun

A typical file header is like:
   ;;; file-name --- short description
@end verbatim

   /* @(#)file-name   short description
@end verbatim

@node tabbar-x, tempo-x, template-simple, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Tabbar for particular buffers

Sometimes, make tabbar for particular buffers maybe cool. For example,
I add tabbar for only perl related buffers, *Perldoc*, *PDE Imenu*,
and I am planning to group perldb-ui buffers as the same way. tabbar-x
exists for this purpose.

@defun tabbar-x-register buffer group
Register the buffer to the one group.
@end defun

@node tempo-x, re-builder-x, tabbar-x, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Additional elements for tempo

@file{tempo.el} is a extensible library for abbrevs. It provide more
features than @file{skeleton.el}, such as move between marks, 
names for prompt, user elements and so on. @file{tempo-x.el} provides
some commands and additional elements that may helpful.

@deffn Command tempo-x-space
A simple command to enable expand tempo like abbrev. The command
@code{tempo-space} given by the author of @file{tempo.el} is not
compatiable for abbrev-mode.
@end deffn

@deffn Command tempo-x-rebuild
Reinstall new tempo template for all buffer. If you defined a new
tempo-template in certain tag-list, you can't use it intermediately.
Call the commands to force build connections for all buffer again.
@end deffn

@defun tempo-x-test-template
A macro to test tempo template before define it.
@end defun

Here is a list of new elements:

@item pi
@item Pi

``pi'' and ``Pi'' like standard tempo element ``p'' except they can
have a default value and can be completing read.

@defun tempo-x-insert-prompt prompt &optional default save-name no-insert
The beta version of tempo.el also implement new prompt element, but I
still an element that can accept default value.
PROMPT can be a string or a list. When it is a string, it is like
standard tempo element @code{p}, but you can give a DEFAULT string.
If it is a list, the prompt will be the parameters of
@code{completing-read}. But you should give the default value in

Here is some example:
(pi "variable: " "foo" var)
(pi ("variable: " ("foo" "bar")) "foo" var)
@end lisp
@end defun

@item R

skeleton has some handy elements to control recursive expanding. ``R''
is such tempo elements to do this job. The syntax of the element is:
(R before-test-elements
   (& condition
@end lisp

First it insert BEFORE-TEST-ELEMENTS to buffer. then test the
CONDITION, if the CONDITION is null, eval FINAL-FORM and quit the
loop. Otherwise insert AFTER-TEST-ELEMENTS and back to start. The
CONDITION can be a name saved in BEFORE-TEST-ELEMENTS, it will
automatic clean after test, so you will be prompt again. If you want
use it after test, backup it by yourself. The CONDITION also can be a
list, which CAR is a list of names will be used and will be clean
after test.
A special variable @code{recursion-start} is available is FINAL-FORM,
you can use it to clean up recent insertion in BEFORE-TEST-ELEMENTS.

Here is a example to show how to use it:
 '("if " (pi "condition: " ("[  ]" . 3)) "; then" > n>
   p > n>
   (R "elif " (pi "condition: " ("[  ]" . 3) condition)
      (& ((condition) (string-match "\\[\\s-*]" condition))
         (delete-region recursion-start (point)))
      "; then" > n>
      p > n>)
   "else" > n>
   p n>
   "fi" > n>))
@end lisp

Try it by M-x tempo-template-sh-if in sh-mode.

@item snippet

If you want use this only, you can try @code{tempo-snippets.el},
@code{tempo-x.el} borrow most of functions from there to implement a
new element instead of new template style.

``snippet'' enable visualize the template field, and can update form when
editing. The syntax of ``snippet'' is:
(snippet (S name &optional display insert)
         (F (vars) forms))
@end lisp

``S'' insert a field, the first NAME will be the source and other
field with the same NAME become mirrors. Change the source will also
change mirrors. DISPLAY is the text to insert to the field, default is
the `symbol-name' of NAME. INSERT is non-nil means the DISPLAY is the
default text, you can make change to the text. Otherwise the text will
be erase after any changes in front of field.

``F'' insert an form. The VARS is a list of NAME used in fields. the
evaled result will insert into the buffer. When any fields in VARS
changed, the text of form will change too.

A example will show how to use it easier:

    (S FH "my $fh" t) ", \"" (S op "<") "\", "
    (S file "$file")
    ") or die \"Can't "
    (F (op)
       (if (string-match ">" op)
           "create" "open"))
    " file "
    (F (file)
       (replace-regexp-in-string "['\"]?\\(.*\\)['\"]" "\\1" file))
    ": $!\";"
@end lisp

After expand the template, insert string like:
open([my $fh], "[<]", [$file]) or die "Can't {open} file {$file}: $!";
@end verbatim

the text inside ``[]'' indicate as a field, and text inside ``@{@}''
indicate as a form, the when text inside the field changes, the
assicated form will update too. For example if you change open mode
from ``<'' to ``>'', the form ``open'' will change to ``create''. If
change ``$file'' to ``"file"'' the form will change to ``file'' with
quote removed.
@end itemize

@node re-builder-x, compile-dwim, tempo-x, Top
@chapter Regexp building and testing tool

If you have not use @command{re-builder}, please try it. The tool is
quite simple and useful, you just input regexp in the *RE-Builder*
buffer, the matched part in the buffer where the command is called will
be highlighted.

@file{re-builder-x.el} extend the regexp syntax to perl or any other
languages. To enable perl regexp syntax, you have to change the syntax
to perl first. The command is @command{reb-change-syntax}, which is
bound to C-c TAB.

In consideration of efficiency, if you make some changes in the buffer,
the regexp will not apply in the new text unless you send current buffer
to perl process again. You can do that by using command
@command{reb-perl-send-buffer} which bound to C-c C-a.

All commands for re-builder are available for perl syntax.

@node compile-dwim, help-dwim, re-builder-x, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Smart compile commands

cperl-mode recommend using mode-compile, but I don't like
mode-compile. Instead, smart-compile+.el does a good job. But I found
it is not easy to customize smart-compile+, because the user variables
are separated for a language. So I rewrite it to
compile-dwim(again, I like dwim).

@defopt compile-dwim-alist
Settings for certain file type.
A list like which has form

TYPE is the language type to distinguish from others.

CONDITION is a list of predicates constituted by operator ``or''.
The predicates can be (name . REGEXP) or (mode . MAJOR-MODE) to test
the file name match REGEXP or major-mode eq MAJOR-MODE.

In COMPILE-COMMAND and RUN-COMMAND, these format specifications
are available:
  %i  interpreter name
  %F  absolute pathname
  %f  file name without directory
  %n  file name without extention
  %e  extention of file name
@end verbatim

The interpreter is the program in the shebang line. If the
program is valid(test with `executable-find'), then use this program,
otherwise, use interpreter in `interpreter-mode-alist' according
to the major mode.

EXE-FILE control whether should run compile command before actual run
or should recompile again because EXE-FILE is older than source file.
Usually, script language don't need to set EXE-FILE.
@end defopt

@defopt compile-dwim-check-tools
Whether checking makefile or ant or else. Default is turn on. You can
also change the value locally by @code{make-local-variable} in
mode-hook for certain files.
@end defopt

@node help-dwim, perldoc, compile-dwim, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Find documents using help-dwim

A big obstacle for novice to used to emacs is that there are so many
keys to remember. I like dwim commands. @file{help-dwim.el} provide a single
command as interface for several kinds of document commands, such as
@command{describe-function}, @command{describe-variable},
@command{woman}. And you can add more if you follow the rules.

A type of help-dwim commands should provide:
a functions or a character sets to find which symbol under point
an obarray to search whether the symbol belong to this type
an optional predicate function to filter unwanted symbol
a handler to show the document of the symbol
@end itemize

@defun help-dwim-register type activate &optional body
Register a new type of help command. An new type has a form (TYPE .
will add to @code{help-dwim-active-type}, and BODY will eval
intermediately. BODY is the code to eval when the type is activated.
If the type is register without activated, the BODY will add to
@code{help-dwim-autoloads}. When you use @code{help-dwim-active-type}
or @code{help-dwim-customize-type} add the type, the code will also
eval then.
@end defun

@deffn Command help-dwim-customize-type
Customize which type of help command should activate.
@end deffn

@defun help-dwim-active-type type &optional append
Active a type for current buffer *ONLY*.
The TYPE will gain a highest prority unless APPEND is non-nil.
@end defun

@node perldoc, perlapi, help-dwim, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Run perldoc using woman

I like ``woman''(that is WithOut MAN). perldoc.el make it possible to
view perl document without man. To use it with @code{help-dwim}, a
list of modules is build automatic using a perl script
@file{}. The cache can be update automaticly. It is
configured in pde-load. @xref{pde-load}.

@defun perldoc-recache-everyday &optional days
If the cache file is expired DAYS, force caches update.
@end defun

With the @code{perldoc-obarray}, a lot of things can be done.
@command{perldoc-tree} use this obarray to build a tree view.

@defun perldoc-read-module prompt &optional require-match init
Read a perl module name.
When a module name at point, the module become the default input.
Don't add ": " in PROMPT.
@end defun

@deffn Command perldoc-find-module &optional module other-window
Find the file of perl module. With prefix argument open the file in
other window.
@end deffn

@deffn Command perldoc-find-module-ap &optional other-window
Find the module under point without prompt. With prefix argument open
the file in other window.
@end deffn

@deffn Command perldoc-find-module-other-window
Find the module under point in other window without prompt.
@end deffn

@node perlapi, windata, perldoc, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Find document in perlapi

This is orignal a demo for help-dwim. Useful if you are writing XS.

@defopt perlapi-src-directory
Directory where the Perl source files can be found.
If setted, the definition of the symbol can be found when put the
button in the document.
@end defopt

@node windata, tree-mode, perlapi, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Window configuration to list

Emacs can save window configuration when it is running. The
configuration can be persisted between different sessions.
@file{windata} provide a way to save window configuration.

@defun windata-current-winconf
Convert window configurate to a list. The CAR part of the list
describe how to restore the window, the CDR part of the list determine
which window is selected.
@end defun

@defun windata-restore-winconf &optional inside-p
Restore window configuration from `windata-current-winconf'.
When INSIDE-P is non-nil, that mean the window configuration
is restore in current window, that is to say don't delete other
windows before restore the configuration.
@end defun

@defopt windata-data-function
A function to extract data for future restore window. Default is save
the window buffer name. Accept one parameter, the window, and should
return a lisp object that has print syntax.
@end defopt

@defopt windata-data-restore-function
A function to restore window buffer from saved data. Default is set
window buffer to the buffer with saved name. Accept two parameters,
the window and a saved lisp object by @code{windata-data-function}.
@end defopt

@deffn Command windata-name-winconf name
Save window configuration with NAME.
@end deffn

@deffn Command windata-restore-named-winconf name
Restore saved window configuration by NAME.
@end deffn

@defun windata-display-buffer buf frame-p dir size &optional delete-p
Display buffer more precisely.
FRAME-P is non-nil and not window, the displayed buffer affect
the whole frame, that is to say, if DIR is right or left, the
displayed buffer will show on the right or left in the frame. If
it is nil, the buf will share space with current window.

DIR can be one of member of (right left top bottom).

SIZE is the displayed windowed size in width(if DIR is left or
right) or height(DIR is top or bottom). It can be a decimal which
will stand for percentage of window(frame) width(heigth)

DELETE-P is non-nil, the other window will be deleted before
display the BUF.
@end defun

The behavior of @code{windata-display-buffer} is better show as
following pictures:
(setq buf (get-buffer "*Messages*"))
(windata-display-buffer buf 'window 'top 0.3 nil)    ; 2
(windata-display-buffer buf 'window 'bottom 0.3 nil) ; 3
(windata-display-buffer buf 'window 'left 0.3 nil)   ; 4
(windata-display-buffer buf 'window 'right 0.3 nil)  ; 5

(windata-display-buffer buf 'frame 'top 0.3 nil)     ; 6
(windata-display-buffer buf 'frame 'bottom 0.3 nil)  ; 7
(windata-display-buffer buf 'frame 'left 0.3 nil)    ; 8
(windata-display-buffer buf 'frame 'right 0.3 nil)   ; 9

;; when delete-p is presented, FRAME-P make no sense.
(windata-display-buffer buf 'frame 'top 0.3 t)       ; 10
(windata-display-buffer buf 'frame 'bottom 0.3 t)    ; 11
(windata-display-buffer buf 'frame 'left 0.3 t)      ; 12
(windata-display-buffer buf 'frame 'right 0.3 t)     ; 13
(windata-display-buffer buf 'window 'top 0.3 t)      ; 10
(windata-display-buffer buf 'window 'bottom 0.3 t)   ; 11
(windata-display-buffer buf 'window 'left 0.3 t)     ; 12
(windata-display-buffer buf 'window 'right 0.3 t)    ; 13
@end lisp

   +------+-------+    +------+-------+    +------+-------+
   |      |       |    |      | N     |    |      |       |
   |      | P     |    |      |-------+    |      | P     |
   |      |       |    |      | P     |    |      |       |
   |      |       |    |      |       |    |      +-------+
   |      |       |    |      |       |    |      | N     |
   +------+-------+    +------+-------+    +------+-------+
         (1)                 (2)                 (3)
   +------+--+----+    +------+----+--+    +--------------+
   |      |  |    |    |      |    |  |    |      N       |
   |      |N | P  |    |      | P  |N |    +------+-------+
   |      |  |    |    |      |    |  |    |      |       |
   |      |  |    |    |      |    |  |    |      | P     |
   |      |  |    |    |      |    |  |    |      |       |
   +------+--+----+    +------+----+--+    +------+-------+
        (4)                  (5)                 (6)
   +------+-------+    +---+-----+----+    +----+----+----+
   |      |       |    |   |     |    |    |    |    |    |
   |      | P     |    | N |     |    |    |    |    |    |
   |      |       |    |   |     | P  |    |    | P  | N  |
   +------+-------+    |   |     |    |    |    |    |    |
   |      N       |    |   |     |    |    |    |    |    |
   +--------------+    +---+-----+----+    +----+----+----+
        (7)                  (8)                 (9)
   +--------------+    +--------------+    +----+---------+
   |    N         |    |              |    |    |         |
   +--------------+    |     P        |    | N  | P       |
   |    P         |    |              |    |    |         |
   |              |    +--------------+    |    |         |
   |              |    |     N        |    |    |         |
   +--------------+    +--------------+    +----+---------+
        (10)                 (11)                (12)
   |          |   |
   |   P      | N |
   |          |   |
   |          |   |
   |          |   |
@end verbatim

The start window is as picture 1, the selected window is indicated by
``P'', and new appear window indicated by ``N''. The simplest
sitiation is when DELETE-P is non-nil, after calling the function,
there are only two window left. When FRAME-P is 'window or nil, the
new window will only take the space from the selected window. When
FRAME-P is non-nil except 'window, the original window still has
the same configuration.

@node tree-mode, imenu-tree, windata, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter More commands on tree-widget

@file{tree-mode.el} provide more commands to tree-widget.

@table @kbd

@item n
@kindex n (tree-mode-next-node)
@findex tree-mode-next-node
@code{tree-mode-next-node} - Move to next node.

@item p
@kindex p (tree-mode-previous-node)
@findex tree-mode-previous-node
@code{tree-mode-previous-node} - Move to previous node

@item j
@kindex j (tree-mode-next-sib)
@findex tree-mode-next-sib
@code{tree-mode-next-sib} - Move to next sibling node.

@item k
@kindex k (tree-mode-previous-sib)
@findex tree-mode-previous-sib
@code{tree-mode-previous-sib} - Move to previous sibling node.

@item u
@kindex u (tree-mode-goto-parent)
@findex tree-mode-goto-parent
@code{tree-mode-goto-parent} - Move to parent node.

@item r
@kindex r (tree-mode-goto-root)
@findex tree-mode-goto-root
@code{tree-mode-goto-root} - Move to root node

@item g
@kindex g (tree-mode-reflesh)
@findex tree-mode-reflesh
@code{tree-mode-reflesh} - Reflesh parent tree. useful restore after
sort or delete node

@item e
@kindex e (tree-mode-toggle-expand)
@findex tree-mode-toggle-expand
@code{tree-mode-toggle-expand} - Expand or contract tree at point.
With prefix argument, expand the tree.

@item E
@kindex E (tree-mode-expand-level)
@findex tree-mode-expand-level
@code{tree-mode-expand-level} - Expand tree to LEVEL. With prefix
argument 0 or negative, will expand all leaves of the tree.

@item s
@kindex s (tree-mode-sort-by-tag)
@findex tree-mode-sort-by-tag
@code{tree-mode-sort-by-tag} - Sort children node by tag.

@item /
@kindex / (tree-mode-keep-match)
@findex tree-mode-keep-match
@code{tree-mode-keep-match} - Keep node which tag match REGEXP

@item !
@kindex ! (tree-mode-collapse-other-except)
@findex tree-mode-collapse-other-except
@code{tree-mode-collapse-other-except} - Collapse other trees. If the
tree at point is contract, expand it.

@item D
@kindex D (tree-mode-delete-tree)
@findex tree-mode-delete-tree
@code{tree-mode-delete-tree} - Delete a tree from buffer.

@end table

The icon for push-button in tree-widget is limited 4 types: open,
close, empty and leaf. tree-mode provide a method to settup icon of
push-button by put an addition attribute :button-icon in tree-widget

@node imenu-tree, tags-tree, tree-mode, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Tree view for imenu

imenu provide an excellent code navigating method. @file{imenu-tree.el} make the
tags visualized using tree-widget.

@defopt imenu-tree-auto-update
If Non-nil, the imenu-tree will update automaticly. Also, if the
imenu-tree is not visible in the window, it will automaticly scroll to
make it visible.
@end defopt

@defopt imenu-tree-update-interval
Seconds between update imenu tree.
@end defopt

@deffn Command imenu-tree-toggle-auto-update
Toggle imenu-tree auto update.
With prefix argument, turn on auto update.
@end deffn

@defopt imenu-tree-create-buffer-function
A function to group imenu-tree to various buffer. Default is nil,
means using only one buffer.
@end defopt

@defopt imenu-tree-name
The name for the root node. Default is the ``mode-name: buffer-name''.
@end defopt

@defopt imenu-tree-windata
Arguments to set the window buffer display.
See @code{windata-display-buffer} for setup the arguments.
@end defopt

@node tags-tree, perltidy, imenu-tree, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Tree view of TAGS

@file{tags-tree.el} read TAGS file and display them using tree-widget.

@defopt tags-tree-create-buffer-function
A function to group tags-tree to various buffer. Default is nil,
means using only one buffer.
@end defopt

@defopt tags-tree-group-file-function
A function to group files.
Accept one parameter, a file list in TAGS file. Return a tree like:
   ("Root name"
     ("file1" . "full name of file1"))
      ("file2" . "full name of file2"))))
@end verbatim

Default is tags-tree-group-file-by-name, Which group all files
according to file path.
@end defopt

@defopt tags-tree-group-tags-function
A function to group tags.
Accept one parameter, a list of tags info, return a tree like:
     ("tag1" . tag-info))
    ("tag2" . tag-info))
    ("tag3" . tag-info)))
@end verbatim

Default is tags-tree-group-tags which group by
@code{tags-tree-group-tags-expression} which much like
@end defopt

The TAGS file can be update by extern file when in tags-tree.
@table @kbd
@item G
@kindex G (tags-tree-update-file)
@findex tags-tree-update-file
@command{tags-tree-update-file} - update TAGS of current file under
point or file of tag under point.

@end table

@defopt tags-tree-tags-update-program
Program to update TAGS for a file. Default is @file{myetags} which is
written using perl.
@end defopt

@node perltidy, perlcritic, tags-tree, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Calling perltidy 

A collection of commands to call perltidy on buffer or region.

@node perlcritic, perldb-ui, perltidy, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Calling perlcritic

``perlcritic'' is a Perl source code analyzer. See
@command{perldoc perlcritic} for detail document of the program.
@file{perlcritic.el} provide an interface to use ``perlcritic'' in
Emacs. It invoke the program using @command{compile}, highlight
severity and add hyperlink to the error.

@deffn Command perlcritic
Call perlcritic interactive. You can give your argments in the
minibuffer. Default perform analyzing current visited file.
@end deffn

@deffn Command perlcritic-region
perlcritic is known run a little slow. You can use this command to
analyze only a part of file.
@end deffn

perlcritic provide a lot of options in command line.
@file{perlcritic.el} only support a few of options. Additional options
can be input in the minibuffer or write your profile, default is

@defopt perlcritic-profile
Specify an alternate .perlcriticrc file.
If value is nil, use -noprofile,
If value is t, use the default profile .perlcriticrc,
If non-nil, and the profile exists, use the profile.
@end defopt

@defopt perlcritic-severity
Default severity level is 5 and perlcritic-severity value is nil.
@end defopt

@defopt perlcritic-top
Report only the top N Policy violations in each file.
If the -severity option is not explicitly given, the -top option
implies that the minimum severity level is 1. Users can redefine
the severity for any Policy in their .perlcriticrc file.
@end defopt

@defopt perlcritic-include
Directs ``perlcritic'' to apply additional Policies
that match the regex ``/PATTERN/imx''.
@end defopt

@defopt perlcritic-exclude
Directs ``perlcritic'' to not apply any Policy that
matches the regex ``/PATTERN/imx''.
@end defopt

@node perldb-ui, inf-perl, perlcritic, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Perl Debugger

perldb provide the minimal debugger interface in emacs. @file{perldb-ui.el} try
to extend it more like gdb-ui. Not finished yet. But all interface
will not change too much in future.

The main idea to communicate with perldb process is using .perldb to
add a batch of subroutines to call in emacs. With those subroutines,
it is easier to get information from the process.

@defopt perldb-many-windows
If non-nil, display layout in `perldb-window-configuration'.
@end defopt

@defopt perldb-use-separate-io-buffer
Non-nil means display output from the debugged program in a separate buffer.
@end defopt

@deffn Command perldb-many-windows
Toggle the number of windows in the basic arrangement.
With arg, display additional buffers iff arg is positive.
@end deffn

@deffn Command perldb-restore-windows
Restore the basic arrangement of windows used by perldb-ui.
This arrangement depends on the value of `perldb-many-windows'.
@end deffn

@deffn Command perldb-save-window-configuration
Save current window configuration as default.
With prefix argument, just setup for current session.
@end deffn

perl5db provides a convenient command line interface. Most case, it is
more quick using command than calling an emacs command. If you want
control debugger in source buffer, maybe turn on
@command{perldb-gud-mode} is a good choice.

@table @kbd
@item n
@kindex n (gud-next)
@findex gud-next
@code{gud-next} - Step one line (skip functions).

@item SPC
@kindex  SPC (gud-next)
@findex gud-next
@code{gud-next} - Step one line (skip functions).

@item s
@kindex s (gud-step)
@findex gud-step
@code{gud-step} - Step one source line with display.

@item u
@kindex u (gud-until)
@findex gud-until
@code{gud-until} - Continue to current line.

@item r
@kindex r (gud-return)
@findex gud-return
@code{gud-return} - Return from current subroutine.

@item c
@kindex c (gud-cont)
@findex gud-cont
@code{gud-cont} - Continue with display.

@item b
@kindex b (gud-break)
@findex gud-break
@code{gud-break} - Set breakpoint at current line.

@item d
@kindex d (gud-remove)
@findex gud-remove
@code{gud-remove} - Remove breakpoint at current line

@item p
@kindex p (gud-print)
@findex gud-print
@code{gud-print} - Evaluate perl expression at point.

@item x
@kindex x (gud-dump)
@findex gud-dump
@code{gud-dump} - Dumper data

@item l
@kindex l (gud-refresh)
@findex gud-refresh
@code{gud-refresh} - Fix up a possibly garbled display, and redraw the

@item q
@kindex q (perldb-gud-mode)
@findex perldb-gud-mode
@code{perldb-gud-mode} - quit perldb-gud-mode.

@end table

@emph{Know Bugs}

You cannot run two or more debugger at the same time. The global
variables may conflict.
Sometimes may not run stable. You may have to restart the debugger.
@end itemize

@node inf-perl, Function Index, perldb-ui, Top
@comment  node-name,  next,  previous,  up
@chapter Interactive perl shell

An interactive shell is easier to prove some simple idea or check a
piece of code. Also it is easier to debug or learn certain module
without write, save, run.

Actually, a @command{perl -de 1} is a good interactive shell. But I'd
rather use a simple, but easier to customize and extend, shell.

@defopt inf-perl-shell-program
The location of interactive shell program. Default is @file{}.
You can change it to ``-de 1'' if you want it be a debugger or
@file{} if you want develop with Gtk2-Perl.
@end defopt

@defopt inf-perl-start-file
The code to load when start up.
@end defopt

@defopt inf-perl-options
extra command line options.
@end defopt

@defopt inf-perl-remove-my
lexcial variable can not live after eval. So when this option turn on,
when send one line code to process, the my declaration at beginning of
line will be removed. The variable(s) will become global.
@end defopt

For key bindings in cperl-mode, @xref{pde}.

@node Function Index, Variable Index, inf-perl, Top
@unnumbered Function Index
@printindex fn

@node Variable Index, Keybinding Index, Function Index, Top
@unnumbered Variable Index
@printindex vr

@node Keybinding Index,  , Variable Index, Top
@unnumbered Keybinding Index
@printindex ky
