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This is manual for PDE version 0.01

 (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
   Free Software Foundation, Inc.

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<h2 class="chapter">1 A introduction to PDE</h2>

<p><a name="index-introduction-1"></a>
PDE is a collection of emacs lisp extensions to facilitate perl
programming. cperl-mode has provided a excellent environment for
coding, here PDE provides other common tools, such as creating file
using template, smart compiling, perldoc, perltidy, debugger, tags
tree view and so on. PDE also provides an easy configuration for perl
programing, and a tutorial for novice to start using emacs.

   <p>This manual tries to describe the feature of each emacs lisp file
provided and to be the guide for those who want to use them.
