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<h2 class="chapter">9 New file with template</h2>

<p>template.el is exists, why template-simple? First of all, it is
simple, the there is only one core function <code>template-compile</code>.

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>template-compile</b><var><a name="index-template_002dcompile-74"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Parse current buffer to parsed template. 

   <p>The parsed template contains a list of strings, symbols or lisp forms. 
The strings is inserted directly. 
The symbol can be a predefined value in <code>template-default-alist</code>,
or can be translate by <code>template-expand-function</code>. The lisp forms
is handled by <code>template-expand-function</code>.

<div class="defun">
&mdash; User Option: <b>template-expand-function</b><var><a name="index-template_002dexpand_002dfunction-75"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Functions to expand parsed template. There are two candicate functions
available in template-simple: <code>template-skeleton-expand</code> and
<code>template-tempo-expand</code>. Default function is
<code>template-tempo-expand</code>, because I think tempo provide more
fetures and flexibility than skeleton. 

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>define-template-expander</b><var> name alist &amp;rest body<a name="index-define_002dtemplate_002dexpander-76"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Define a new type of <code>template-expand-function</code>. NAME is used to
create a function template-&lt;NAME&gt;-expand. ALIST can be a symbol or a
form to return a list of symbol table add to <code>template-default-alist</code>. 
BODY is the code to expand and insert the template. the value of
variable TEMPLATE is the translated template. The element of parsed
template is translated by <code>template-expansion</code>

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>template-simple-expand-template</b><var> file<a name="index-template_002dsimple_002dexpand_002dtemplate-77"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Expand template in file. 
Parse the template to parsed templates with <code>template-compile</code>. 
Use <code>template-expand-function</code> to expand the parsed template. 

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>template-simple-expand</b><var> template<a name="index-template_002dsimple_002dexpand-78"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Expand string template. 
template can be a string or a parsed template. If it is string,
parse the template to parsed templates with <code>template-compile</code>. 
Use <code>template-expand-function</code> to expand the parsed template. 

   <p>template-simple is designed to compatible to template.el, so the
default open and close parentheses is &ldquo;(&gt;&gt;&gt;&rdquo; and &ldquo;&lt;&lt;&lt;)&rdquo;. Note that
global value of <code>template-expand-function</code> is saved in
<code>template-simple-expand</code>. The same case happened to
<code>template-parens</code> in <code>template-compile</code>. So If you need
change them temporary for certain template, you can set
<code>template-parens</code> and <code>template-expand-function</code> like file
variable, for example:

<pre class="verbatim">
    ";; -*- template-parens: (\"{\" . \"}\"); template-expand-function: template-tempo-expand -*-
     (defun {p} ({p})

   <p>This will expand by <code>template-tempo-expand</code> but not default
expand function. Luckily in most case, template of tempo and skeleton
can be the same, so you don't have to set
<code>template-expand-function</code>. If your template uses element that
only exists in tempo or skeleton, you'd better set it in template to
make sure the <code>template-simple-expand</code> select the correct one.

   <p>The major purpose of template-simple is used for fill empty file using
predefined template.

<div class="defun">
&mdash; User Option: <b>template-directory-list</b><var><a name="index-template_002ddirectory_002dlist-79"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>A list of directories for lookup template files. Default is
&ldquo;~/.templates/&rdquo; and <code>auto-insert-directory</code>. 

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>template-derive-template</b><var><a name="index-template_002dderive_002dtemplate-80"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Find proper template for current file. The template file is a file
with name &ldquo;TEMPLATE&rdquo; and the same extension of current file under
<code>template-directory</code>. You can add a suffix &ldquo;.tpl&rdquo; to the
template file name too, just for compatible with templates provide by
template.el. If the file didn't have extension, the template file's
extension is current file name, for example, &ldquo;TEMPLATE.Makefile&rdquo; is
template file for &ldquo;Makefile&rdquo;. 

<div class="defun">
&mdash; User Option: <b>template-default-alist</b><var><a name="index-template_002ddefault_002dalist-81"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>Predefined symbol for template file. Symbols to lookup in this table
is case insensitive. 

   <p>Here is a list of predefined symbol:
<li>dir         default directory of current file
<li>file        basename(without directory) of current file
<li>file-sans   file name without extension and directory
<li>file-ext    file extension
<li>file-upcase upcased file-sans
<li>date        formated time string using <code>template-date-format</code>
<li>cdate       formated time string using <code>template-cdate-format</code>
               with <code>system-time-locale</code> value is &ldquo;C&rdquo;
<li>iso-date    &ldquo;%Y-%m-%d&rdquo; time string
<li>vc-date     &ldquo;%Y/%m/%d %T&rdquo; time string with time-zone &ldquo;UTC&rdquo;
<li>year        &ldquo;%Y&rdquo;
<li>time        formated time string using <code>template-time-format</code>
<li>author      user-mail-address
<li>user-name   user-full-name
<li>login-name  user-login-name
<li>host-addr   mail-host-address

   <p>A neat function provided by template.el is the file name in
the header can automatic update when the file is renamed. 
template-simple also provide this feature.

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>template-simple-update-header</b><var><a name="index-template_002dsimple_002dupdate_002dheader-82"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p>update file header when needed. The file header is a line match
<code>template-header-regexp</code> at first 3 lines in current file. 

   <p>A typical file header is like:
<pre class="verbatim">
   ;;; file-name --- short description

<pre class="verbatim">
   /* @(#)file-name   short description
