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# - the core module for TUWF
#  The Ultimate Website Framework

package TUWF;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp 'croak';

our $VERSION = '1.0';

# Store the object in a global variable for some functions that don't get it
# passed as an argument. This will break when:
#  - using a threaded environment (threading sucks anyway)
#  - handling multiple requests asynchronously (which this framework can't do)
#  - handling multiple sites in the same perl process. This may be useful in
#    a mod_perl environment, which we don't support.
our $OBJ = bless {
  _TUWF => {
    # defaults
    mail_from => '<>',
    mail_sendmail => '/usr/sbin/sendmail',
    max_post_body => 10*1024*1024, # 10MB
    error_400_handler => \&_error_400,
    error_404_handler => \&_error_404,
    error_405_handler => \&_error_405,
    error_413_handler => \&_error_413,
    error_500_handler => \&_error_500,
    log_format => sub {
      my($self, $uri, $msg) = @_;
      sprintf "[%s] %s -> %s\n", scalar localtime(), $uri, $msg;
    validate_templates => {},
}, 'TUWF::Object';

my @handlers;

sub import {
  my $self = shift;
  my $pack = caller();

  # import requested functions from TUWF submodules
  croak $@ if @_ && !eval "package $pack; import TUWF::func \@_; 1";

# get or set TUWF configuration variables
sub set {
  return $OBJ->{_TUWF}{$_[0]} if @_ == 1;
  $OBJ->{_TUWF} = { %{$OBJ->{_TUWF}}, @_ };

sub run {
  # load the database module if requested
  $OBJ->_load_module('TUWF::DB') if $OBJ->{_TUWF}{db_login};

  # install a warning handler to write to the log file
  $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $TUWF::OBJ->log($_) for @_; };

  # load optional modules
  require Time::HiRes if $OBJ->debug || $OBJ->{_TUWF}{log_slow_pages};

  # initialize DB connection
  $OBJ->dbInit if $OBJ->{_TUWF}{db_login};

  # plain old CGI
  # otherwise, assume a FastCGI environment
  else {
    require FCGI;
    import FCGI;
    my $r = FCGI::Request();
    while($r->Accept() >= 0) {

  # close the DB connection
  $OBJ->dbDisconnect if $OBJ->{_TUWF}{db_login};

# Maps URLs to handlers
sub register {
  push @handlers, @_;

# Load modules
sub load {
  $OBJ->_load_module($_) for (@_);

# Load modules, recursively
# All submodules should be under the same directory in @INC
sub load_recursive {
  my $rec;
  $rec = sub {
    my($d, $f, $m) = @_;
    for my $s (glob "$d/$f/*") {
      $OBJ->_load_module("${m}::$1") if -f $s && $s =~ /([^\/]+)\.pm$/;
      $rec->($d, "$f/$1", "${m}::$1") if -d $s && $s =~ /([^\/]+)$/;
  for my $m (@_) {
    (my $f = $m) =~ s/::/\//g;
    my $d = (grep +(-d "$_/$f" or -s "$_/$"), @INC)[0];
    croak "No module or submodules of '$m' found" if !$d;
    $OBJ->_load_module($m) if -s "$d/$";
    $rec->($d, $f, $m) if -d "$d/$f";

# the default error handlers are quite ugly and generic...
sub _error_400 { _very_simple_page($_[0], 400, '400 - Bad Request', 'Only UTF-8 encoded data is accepted.') }
sub _error_404 { _very_simple_page($_[0], 404, '404 - Page Not Found', 'The page you were looking for does not exist...') }
sub _error_405 { _very_simple_page($_[0], 405, '405 - Method not allowed', 'The only allowed methods are: HEAD, GET or POST.') }
sub _error_413 { _very_simple_page($_[0], 413, '413 - Request Entity Too Large', 'You were probably trying to upload a too large file.') }
sub _error_500 { _very_simple_page($_[0], 500, '500 - Internal Server Error', 'Oops! Looks like something went wrong on our side.') }

# a simple and ugly page for error messages
sub _very_simple_page {
  my($s, $code, $title, $msg) = @_;
  $s->resHeader(Allow => 'GET, HEAD, POST') if $code == 405;
  my $fd = $s->resFd;
  print $fd <<__;
<!DOCTYPE html
  PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

# A 'redirection' namespace for all functions exported by TUWF submodules.
# This trick avoids having to write our own sophisticated import() function
package TUWF::func;

use Exporter 'import';

# don't 'use' the submodules, since they may export TUWF object methods by
# default. We're only interested in their non-method functions, which are all
# in @EXPORT_OK.
  require TUWF::DB;
  require TUWF::Misc;
  require TUWF::XML;
  import TUWF::DB   @TUWF::DB::EXPORT_OK;
  import TUWF::Misc @TUWF::Misc::EXPORT_OK;
our @EXPORT_OK = (

# The namespace which inherits all functions to be available in the global
# object.
package TUWF::Object;

use TUWF::Response;
use TUWF::Request;
use TUWF::Misc;

require Carp; # but don't import()
our @CARP_NOT = ('TUWF');

sub _load_module {
  my($self, $module) = @_;
  Carp::croak $@ if !eval "use $module; 1";

# Handles a request (sounds pretty obvious to me...)
sub _handle_request {
  my $self = shift;

  my $start = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()] if $self->debug || $OBJ->{_TUWF}{log_slow_pages};

  # put everything in an eval to catch any error, even
  # those caused by a TUWF core module
  my $eval = eval {

    # initialize request
    my $err = $self->reqInit();
    if($err) {
      warn "Client sent non-UTF-8-encoded data. Generating HTTP 400 response.\n" if $err eq 'utf8';
      $self->{_TUWF}{error_400_handler}->($self) if $err eq 'utf8';
      $self->{_TUWF}{error_405_handler}->($self) if $err eq 'method';
      $self->{_TUWF}{error_413_handler}->($self) if $err eq 'maxpost';
      return 1;

    # initialze response

    # initialize TUWF::XML
      write  => sub { print { $self->resFd } $_ for @_ },
      pretty => $self->{_TUWF}{xml_pretty},
      default => 1,

    # make sure our DB connection is still there and start a new transaction
    $self->dbCheck() if $self->{_TUWF}{db_login};

    # call pre request handler, if any
    return 1 if $self->{_TUWF}{pre_request_handler} && !$self->{_TUWF}{pre_request_handler}->($self);

    # find the handler
    (my $loc = $self->reqPath) =~ s/^\///;
    study $loc;
    my $han = $self->{_TUWF}{error_404_handler};
    my @args;
    for (@handlers ? 0..$#handlers/2 : ()) {
      if($loc =~ /^$handlers[$_*2]$/) {
        @args = map defined $-[$_] ? substr $loc, $-[$_], $+[$_]-$-[$_] : undef, 1..$#- if $#-;
        $han = $handlers[$_*2+1];

    # execute handler
    $han->($self, @args);

    # execute post request handler, if any
    $self->{_TUWF}{post_request_handler}->($self) if $self->{_TUWF}{post_request_handler};

    # commit changes
    $self->dbCommit if $self->{_TUWF}{db_login};

  # error handling
  if(!$eval) {
    chomp( my $err = $@ );

    # act as if the changes to the DB never happened
    warn $@ if $self->{_TUWF}{db_login} && !eval { $self->dbRollBack; 1 };

    # Call the error_500_handler
    # The handler should manually call dbCommit if it makes any changes to the DB
    my $eval500 = eval {
      $self->{_TUWF}{error_500_handler}->($self, $err);
    if(!$eval500) {
      chomp( my $m = $@ );
      warn "Error handler died as well, something is seriously wrong with your code. ($m)\n";
      TUWF::_error_500($self, $err);

    # write detailed information about this error to the log
      "FATAL ERROR!\n".
      "HTTP Request Headers:\n".
      join('', map sprintf("  %s: %s\n", $_, $self->reqHeader($_)), $self->reqHeader).
      "POST dump:\n".
      join('', map sprintf("  %s: %s\n", $_, join "\n    ", $self->reqPosts($_)), $self->reqPosts).
      "Error:\n  $err\n"

  # finalize response (flush output, etc)
  warn $@ if !eval { $self->resFinish; 1 };

  # log debug information in the form of:
  # >  12ms (SQL:  8ms,  2 qs) for
  my $time = Time::HiRes::tv_interval($start)*1000 if $self->debug || $self->{_TUWF}{log_slow_pages};
  if($self->debug || ($self->{_TUWF}{log_slow_pages} && $self->{_TUWF}{log_slow_pages} < $time)) {
    # SQL stats (don't count the ping and commit as queries, but do count their time)
    my($sqlt, $sqlc) = (0, 0);
    if($self->{_TUWF}{db_login}) {
      $sqlc = grep $_->[0] ne 'ping/rollback' && $_->[0] ne 'commit', @{$self->{_TUWF}{DB}{queries}};
      $sqlt += $_->[1]*1000 for (@{$self->{_TUWF}{DB}{queries}});

    $self->log(sprintf('%4dms (SQL:%4dms,%3d qs)', $time, $sqlt, $sqlc));

# convenience function
sub debug {
  return shift->{_TUWF}{debug};

# writes a message to the log file. date, time and URL are automatically added
sub log {
  my($self, $msg) = @_;

  # temporarily disable the warnings-to-log, to avoid infinite recursion if
  # this function throws a warning.
  my $old = $SIG{__WARN__};
  $SIG{__WARN__} = undef;

  chomp $msg;
  $msg =~ s/\n/\n  | /g;
  if($self->{_TUWF}{logfile} && open my $F, '>>:utf8', $self->{_TUWF}{logfile}) {
    flock $F, 2;
    seek $F, 0, 2;
    print $F $self->{_TUWF}{log_format}->($self, $self->{_TUWF}{Req} ? $self->reqURI : '[init]', $msg);
    flock $F, 4;
    close $F;
  $SIG{__WARN__} = $old;
