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package Treex::Block::Write::BaseWriter;
  $Treex::Block::Write::BaseWriter::VERSION = '0.08399';

use Moose;
use Treex::Core::Common;
use autodie;    # die if the output file cannot be opened
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;

extends 'Treex::Core::Block';

has extension => (
    isa           => 'Str',
    is            => 'ro',
    documentation => 'Default extension for the output file type.',
    default       => ''

has compress => (
    is            => 'rw',
    isa           => 'Bool',
    documentation => 'Compression to .gz. Defaults to document->compress, or 0.'

has clobber => (
    isa           => 'Bool',
    is            => 'ro',
    default       => 0,
    documentation => 'Allow overwriting output files.',

has [qw(file_stem path)] => (
    isa           => 'Str',
    is            => 'ro',
    documentation => 'These provide a possibility of creating output file names from input file names.',

has stem_suffix => (
    isa           => 'Str',
    is            => 'ro',
    documentation => 'A suffix to append after file_stem.',

has to => (
    isa           => 'Str',
    is            => 'ro',
    documentation => 'The destination filename (default is "-" meaning standard output; '
        . 'use "." for the filename inherited from upstream blocks).',

has _filenames => (
    isa           => 'ArrayRef[Str]',
    is            => 'rw',
    builder       => '_build_filenames',
    writer        => '_set_filenames',
    lazy_build    => 1,
    documentation => 'Array of filenames where to save the documents if using multiple files;'
        . ' automatically initialized from the attribute "to".',

has _file_handle => (
    isa           => 'Maybe[FileHandle]',
    is            => 'rw',
    writer        => '_set_file_handle',
    documentation => 'The open output file handle.',

has _last_filename => (
    isa           => 'Str',
    is            => 'rw',
    writer        => '_set_last_filename',
    documentation => 'Last output filename, to keep stream open if unchanged.',

sub _build_filenames {
    my $self = shift;
    log_fatal "Parameter 'to' must be defined!" if !defined $self->to;
    return [ split /[ ,]+/, $self->to ];

# Return 1 if the document should be compressed (and '.gz' added to its extension). 
sub _compress_document {

    my ( $self, $document ) = @_;
    my $compress = 0;

    if ( defined $self->compress ) {
        $compress = $self->compress;
    elsif ( defined $document->compress ) {
        $compress = $document->compress;

    return $compress;

# Return the correct extension for the given document, according to the default file extension
# for the format and the compression settings.
sub _document_extension {
    my ( $self, $document ) = @_;
    return $self->extension . ( $self->_compress_document($document) ? '.gz' : '' );

# This just returns the next filename from the list given in the 'to' parameter. 
sub _get_next_filename {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my ( $next_filename, @rest_filenames ) = @{ $self->_filenames };    
    $self->_set_filenames( \@rest_filenames );        
    return $next_filename;     

# This returns the correct file name for the next document, taking the path, file_stem,
# stem_suffix and to parameters into account.
sub _get_filename {

    my ( $self, $document ) = @_;
    my $filename = $document->full_filename . $self->_document_extension($document);

    if ( defined $self->path ) {
        $document->set_path( $self->path );
        $filename = $document->full_filename . $self->_document_extension($document);
    if ( defined $self->file_stem ) {
        $document->set_file_stem( $self->file_stem );
        $filename = $document->full_filename . $self->_document_extension($document);
    if ( defined $self->stem_suffix ) {
        my $origstem = defined $self->file_stem
            ? $self->file_stem : $document->file_stem;
        $document->set_file_stem( $origstem . $self->stem_suffix );
        $filename = $document->full_filename . $self->_document_extension($document);

    if ( defined( $self->to ) && ( $self->to ne '.' ) ) {

        my $next_filename = $self->_get_next_filename();

        if ( !defined $next_filename ) {
            log_warn "There are more documents to save than filenames given ("
                . $self->to . "). Falling back to the filename filled in by a DocumentReader ($filename).";
        else {
            $filename = ( defined $self->path ? $self->path : '' ) . $next_filename;

    return $filename;

# Default process_document method for all Writer blocks. 
override 'process_document' => sub {

    my ( $self, $document ) = @_;

    # set _file_handle properly (this MUST be called if process_document is overridden)

    # call the original process_document with _file_handle set

# Prepare the file handle for the next file to be processed.
# This MUST be called in all process_document overrides.
sub _prepare_file_handle {

    my ( $self, $document ) = @_;

    my $filename = $self->_get_filename($document);

    if ( defined $self->_last_filename && $filename eq $self->_last_filename ) {

        # nothing to do, keep writing to the old filename
    else {

        #  need to switch output stream

        # close the previous one (except if it's stdout)
        close $self->_file_handle
            if defined $self->_file_handle
                && ( !defined $self->_last_filename || $self->_last_filename ne "-" );

        # open the new output stream
        log_info "Saving to $filename";
        log_fatal "Won't overwrite $filename (use clobber=1 to force)."
            if ( !$self->clobber && -e $filename && $filename !~ m/^\/dev\/std/ );
        $self->_set_file_handle( $self->_open_file_handle($filename) );

    # remember last used filename

# Open the given file handle (including compressed variants and standard output).
sub _open_file_handle {

    my ( $self, $filename ) = @_;

    if ( $filename eq "-" ) {
        return \*STDOUT;

    my $opn;
    my $hdl;

    # file might not recognize some files!
    if ( $filename =~ /\.gz$/ ) {
        $opn = "| gzip -c > '$filename'";
    elsif ( $filename =~ /\.bz2$/ ) {
        $opn = "| bzip2 > '$filename'";
    else {
        $opn = ">$filename";
    mkpath( dirname($filename) );
    open $hdl, $opn;    # we use autodie here
    return $hdl;



=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME 


=head1 VERSION

version 0.08399


This is the base class for document writer blocks in Treex.

It handles selecting and opening the output files, allowing for output of one-file per document.
The output file name(s) may be set in several ways (standard output may also be used as a file 
with the name '-'); GZip file compression is supported.  

Other features, such as writing all documents to one file or setting character encoding, 
are enabled in L<Treex::Block::Write::BaseTextWriter>.



=item C<to>

Space-or-comma-separated list of output file names.

=item C<file_stem>, C<path>

These override the respective attributes in documents
(filled in by a L<DocumentReader|Treex::Core::DocumentReader>),
which are used for generating output file names.

=item C<stem_suffix>

A string to append after C<file_stem>.

=item C<compress>

If set to 1, the output files are compressed using GZip (if C<to> is used to set 
file names, the names must also contain the ".gz" suffix). 

=item C<clobber>

If set to 1, existing destination files will be overwritten.



The derived classes should just use C<print { $self->_file_handle } "output text">, the
base class will take care of opening the proper file.

All derived classes that override the C<process_document> method directly must call 
the C<_prepare_file_handle> method to gain access to the correct file handle.

The C<extension> parameter should be overriden with the default file extension
for the given file type.

=head1 TODO


=item * 

Set C<compress> if file name contains .gz or .bz2? Add .gz to extension to even for file names set with 
the C<to> parameter if C<compress> is set to true?

=item * 

Possibly rearrange somehow so that the C<_prepare_file_handle> method is not needed. The problem is that
if this was a Moose role, it would have to be applied only after an override to C<process_document>. The
Moose C<inner> and C<augment> operators are a possibility, but would not remove a need for a somewhat
non-standard behavior in derived classes (one could not just override C<process_document>, but would
have to C<augment> it). 

=head1 AUTHORS

Ondřej Dušek <>

Martin Popel <>

Ondřej Bojar <>


Copyright © 2011-2012 by Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University in Prague

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.