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#         FILE: pod6slide
#  DESCRIPTION:  save Perl Pod to slide
#       AUTHOR:  Aliaksandr P. Zahatski ,  <>
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Test::More;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Encode qw(encode decode is_utf8);
use Perl6::Pod::Slide;
use Perl6::Pod::Test;

sub get_slides_info {
    my $tree = shift;
    my $res = shift || return;
    my @nodes = ref( $tree ) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$tree : ($tree);
    my @tree = ();
    foreach my $n (@nodes) {
        unless (ref($n)){ #skip text
            push @tree, $n;
        if ($n->name =~ /^(DESCRIPTION)$/ ) {
            $res->{$n->name} = $n;
        } else {
            push @tree,$n;
            &get_slides_info( $n->childs , $res )

my ( $help, $man, $partner_id );
my %opt =
  ( help => \$help, man => \$man, pid => \$partner_id );    #meta=>\$meta,);
GetOptions( \%opt, 'help|?', 'man', 'c=s', 'pid|s=s' )
  or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage( -exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2 ) if $man;

my $infile = shift;
my $in_fd;
if ($infile) {
    $in_fd = new IO::File:: "< $infile" or die "$infile: $!";
else {
    $in_fd = \*STDIN;

my $text;
{local $/=undef; $text = <$in_fd>;

my $renderer = new Perl6::Pod::Slide:: headers=>1;
#parse tree
    use Perl6::Pod::Utl;
    my $tree = Perl6::Pod::Utl::parse_pod(ref($text) ? $$text : $text, default_pod=>1) || die "can't parse Pod";

    my %res;
    $tree = get_slides_info($tree, \%res);

 my $need_close = 0;
 if ( my $backimage = $res{DESCRIPTION}->get_attr->{backimage} ) {
\vbox to \paperheight{\vfil\hbox to \paperwidth{\hfil\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{'.$backimage.'}\hfil}\vfil}}');
%--- the titlepage frame -------------------------%
   $renderer->w->say('}') if $need_close;


=head1 NAME

  pod6slide  - convert Perl pod to slide


  pod6xml < somefile.pod > somefile.xml
  pod6xml somefile.pod  > somefile.xml


    -help  - print help message
    -man   - print man page

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<-help>

Print a brief help message and exits

=item B<-man>

Prints manual page and exits



  B<pod6xml>  - convert Perl pod to XML

=head1 EXAMPLE

  pod6xml < somefile.pod > somefile.xml

=head1 AUTHOR

Zahatski Aliaksandr, E<lt>zahatski@gmail.comE<gt>


Copyright 2009 by Zahatski Aliaksandr

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. 
