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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use v5.12;
use Data::Dumper;
use IO::File;
use Plosurin;
use HTTP::Server::Simple::WebDAO;
use Plosurin::HTTP;
use Plosurin::To::Perl5;
use Plosurin::Writer::Perl5;

my ( $help, $man );
my ( $type, $package, $mode, $port ) = ( "perl5", 'MyApp::Tmpl', 'soy', 8080 );
my %opt = (
    help    => \$help,
    man     => \$man,
    type    => \$type,
    package => \$package,
    mode    => \$mode,
    port    => \$port,
GetOptions( \%opt, 'help|?', 'man', 'c=s', "type|t:s", 'package|p=s',
    'mode|m=s', 'port=s' )
  or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage( -exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2 ) if $man;

unless ($type) {
    pod2usage( -exitstatus => 2, -message => 'Need valide -type !' );

if ( $type =~ /^perl/ and !$package ) {
    pod2usage( -exitstatus => 2, -message => 'Need valide -package !' );

if ( $mode eq 'web' ) {

    #check if web server mode
    my $srv = new HTTP::Server::Simple::WebDAO::($port);
    $srv->set_config( wdEngine => "Plosurin::HTTP", wdDebug => 1 );
else {
    my $infile = shift;
    my $in_fd;
    if ($infile) {
        $in_fd = new IO::File:: "< $infile" or die "$infile: $!";
    else {
        $in_fd = \*STDIN;
    my $in;
    { local $/; undef $/; $in = <$in_fd> };
    my $p = new Plosurin::;
    my $nodes = $p->parse( $in, $infile // "STDIN" );
    die "Can't parse $infile" unless $nodes;
    # ''. for scalar context

    say  '' . $p->as_perl5( { package => $package }, $nodes );
exit 0;

=head1 NAME

  plosurin.p5  - process soy files


  plosurin.p5 -type perl5  -package MyApp::Tmpl >
  plosurin.p5 -mode web /devel/dir


    -help  - print help message
    -man   - print man page
    -mode|m  - web | soy . default soy.
    options for -mode soy:

    -type|t type - type outpuf file: perl5.
                    default: perl5
    -package - (perl5, perl6 modes) - set package name.
                    default: MyApp::Tmpl

    options for -mode web
    - p - set http port .default 8080.
    - d - set web serever root path. default current dir.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<-help>

Print a brief help message and exit

=item B<-man>

Prints manual page and exit



    plosurin.p5  - process soy files

=head1 EXAMPLE

   plosurin.p5 -type perl5  -package MyApp::Tmpl <

=head1 AUTHOR

Zahatski Aliaksandr, E<lt>zahatski@gmail.comE<gt>


Copyright 2011 by Zahatski Aliaksandr

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
