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#  DESCRIPTION: WriteAt - suite for book writers
#       AUTHOR:  Aliaksandr P. Zahatski, <>
package WriteAt;

=head1 NAME

WriteAt - suite for make books and docs in pod6 format


    =TITLE MyBook
    =SUBTITLE My first free book
    =AUTHOR Alex Green
    =DESCRIPTION  Short description about this book
    =begin CHANGES
    Aug 18th 2010(v0.2)[zag]   preface
    May 27th 2010(v0.1)[zag]   Initial version
    =end CHANGES
    =Include src/book_preface.pod
    =CHAPTER Intro
    B<Pod> is an evolution of Perl 5's L<I<Plain Ol' Documentation>|doc:perlpod>
    (POD) markup. Compared to Perl 5 POD, Perldoc's Pod dialect is much more 
    uniform, somewhat more compact, and considerably more expressive. The
    Pod dialect also differs in that it is a purely descriptive mark-up
    notation, with no presentational components.


Books must be high available for readers and writers !
WriteAt - suite for free book makers. It help make and prepare book for publishing.


There are several ways to install C<WriteAt> to your system.

=head2 Install under Ubuntu 

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:zahatski/ppa
    sudo apt-get install writeat

=head2 From CPAN

    cpanm WriteAt

For book creation it is necessary following software:

   * docbook-4.5
   * xslt processor
   * GNU make

=head2 Checkout templates

Grab template:
        git clone
        cd writeat-tmpl-firstbook

Point your web brouser to C<index.html> file in C<work> directory.


use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10;
our $VERSION = '0.05';
use WriteAt::CHANGES;
use WriteAt::AUTHOR;
use WriteAt::To::DocBook;
use utf8;



sub get_name_from_locale {
    my $name = shift;
    my %SEM  = (
        TITLE       => [ qr/TITLE/,       qr/^ЗАГОЛОВОК/ ],
        SUBTITLE    => [ qr/SUBTITLE/,    qr/ПОДЗАГОЛОВОК/ ],
        AUTHOR      => [ qr/AUTHOR/,      qr/АВТОР/ ],
        CHANGES     => [ qr/CHANGES/,     qr/ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ/ ],
    while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %SEM ) {
        foreach my $reg (@$v) {
            if ( $name =~ $reg ) {
                return $k;

    return undef;

sub get_book_info_blocks {
    my $tree  = shift;
    my $res   = shift || return;
    my $to    = shift;
    my @nodes = ref($tree) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$tree : ($tree);
    my @tree  = ();
    foreach my $n (@nodes) {
        unless ( ref($n) ) {    #skip text
            push @tree, $n;

        #convert =Include $n to DOM if To::* passed
        if ( $to && $n->name eq 'Include' ) {
            $n = $to->_make_dom_node($n);

            #set current path
            $to->context->custom->{src} = $n->{PATH};

        if ( my $converted_block_name = &get_name_from_locale( $n->name ) ) {
            push @{ $res->{$converted_block_name} }, $n;

            # overwrite original name
            $n->{name} = $converted_block_name;
        else {
            push @tree, $n;
            $n->childs( &get_book_info_blocks( $n->childs, $res, $to ) );




sub get_childs {
    my ( $name, $level, $tree ) = @_;
    my @childs = ();
    while ( my $current = shift @$tree ) {
        my $cname  = $current->name;
        my $clevel = $current->{level};

        #set level 0 for semantic blocks
        $clevel = 0 if $cname eq uc($cname);

        if (
            ( defined($clevel) and ( $clevel < $level ) )
            || (   ( $cname eq $name )
                && ( $level == $clevel ) )

            unshift @$tree, $current;
            return @childs;
        push @childs, $current;
    return @childs;

=head2 make_levels ( blockname, level, $parsed_tree )

Make tree using levels

    my $tree = Perl6::Pod::Utl::parse_pod( $t, default_pod => 1 )
        || die "Can't parse ";
    my ($root) = @$tree;
    my $tree1 = $tree;
    if ( $root->name eq 'pod' ) {
        $tree1 = $root->childs;
    my $levels = &WriteAt::make_levels( "CHAPTER", 0, $tree1 );


            node => {ref to object},
            childs => [ array of childs]

sub make_levels {
    my ( $name, $level, $tree ) = @_;

    #check if root node pod
    # call for childs
    if ( my $first = $tree->[0] ) {
        return &make_levels( $name, $level, $first->childs )
          if $first->name eq 'pod';

    my @res = ();
    while ( my $current = shift @$tree ) {
        next unless $current->name eq $name;
        my $clevel = $current->{level};
        my $cname  = $current->name;

        #set level 0 for semantic blocks
        $clevel = 0 if $cname eq uc($cname);

        if ( defined($clevel) ) {
            next unless $clevel == $level;
        push @res,
            node   => $current,
            childs => [ &get_childs( $name, $level, $tree ) ]
    return \@res;

=head2 get_text(node1, node2, ...)

return string of all childs texts nodes


sub get_text {
    my @nodes = @_;
    my $txt   = '';
    foreach my $n (@nodes) {
        unless ( ref($n) ) {
            $txt .= $n
        } elsif ( $n->{type} eq 'text' ) {
            $txt .= join "" => @{ $n->childs };
        else {
            $txt .= &get_text( @{ $n->childs } );
    return $txt;

=head2 rus2lat

Translit rus to lat ( gost 7.79-2000  )

    rus2lat('russian text');


sub rus2lat($) {
    my %hs = (
        'аА' => 'a',
        'бБ' => 'b',
        'вВ' => 'v',
        'гГ' => 'g',
        'дД' => 'd',
        'еЕ' => 'e',
        'ёЁ' => 'jo',
        'жЖ' => 'zh',
        'зЗ' => 'z',
        'иИ' => 'i',
        'йЙ' => 'j',
        'кК' => 'k',
        'лЛ' => 'l',
        'мМ' => 'm',
        'нН' => 'n',
        'оО' => 'o',
        'пП' => 'p',
        'рР' => 'r',
        'сС' => 's',
        'тТ' => 't',
        'уУ' => 'u',
        'фФ' => 'f',
        'хХ' => 'kh',
        'цЦ' => 'c',
        'чЧ' => 'ch',
        'шШ' => 'sh',
        'щЩ' => 'shh',
        'ъЪ' => '',
        'ыЫ' => 'y',
        'ьЬ' => '',
        'эЭ' => 'eh',
        'юЮ' => 'ju',
        'яЯ' => 'ja'
    my $z = shift;
    $z =~ s|[$_]|$hs{$_}|gi for keys %hs;

=head2 get_time_stamp_from_string <str>

Get time stamp from strnigs like this:

        2012-11-27 09:39:19
        2012-11-27 09:39
        2012-11-27 09

return unixtimestamp


sub get_time_stamp_from_string {
    my $str  = shift || return;
    use DateTime::Format::W3CDTF;
    #if w3cdtf time
    if ( $str =~ /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(Z|.\d{2}:\d{2})/ ) {
        my $dt = DateTime::Format::W3CDTF->new();
        return $dt->parse_datetime($str)->epoch();
    elsif ( $str =~
        /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(?:.(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(?::(\d{2}))?)?)?/ )
        my $dt = DateTime->new(
            year       => $1,
            month      => $2,
            day        => $3,
            hour       => $4 || 0,
            minute     => $5 || 0,
            second     => $6 || 0,
            nanosecond => 500000000,
        return $dt->epoch;
    die "Bad srting $str";

=head2 unixtime_to_string timestamp



sub unixtime_to_string {
    my $time = shift || return;
    my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday ) = gmtime($time);
    $year += 1900;
    return sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ",
        $year, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec );

sub filter_published {
    my $tree  = shift;
    my $ctx   = shift || return;
    unless (ref($ctx)) {
         $ctx = new WriteAt::UtilCTX:: (filter_time=>&get_time_stamp_from_string($ctx))
    my @nodes = ref($tree) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$tree : ($tree);
    my @tree  = ();
    foreach my $n (@nodes) {
        unless ( ref($n) ) {    #skip text
            push @tree, $n;
     if ($n->name eq 'pod' ) {
        push @tree, $n;
        $n->childs( &filter_published( $n->childs, $ctx ) );
    # handle publish attr
    my $pub_time = 
        &get_time_stamp_from_string( $n->get_attr->{published} ) 
        || $ctx->get_current_level_time() 
        || next; #if publish time empty skipit
    my $name = $n->name;
    #prcess head levels
    if ( $name eq 'head' ) {
        $ctx->switch_head_level(  $n->{level}, $pub_time );
    } elsif ( $name eq uc($name)) {
        $pub_time =  &get_time_stamp_from_string( $n->get_attr->{published} );
        $ctx->switch_head_level(  0, $pub_time || 0);
        next unless $pub_time;
    my $filter_time = $ctx->get_filter_time;
    #skip node
    next if ( $pub_time > $filter_time );
    push @tree, $n;
    $n->childs( &filter_published( $n->childs, $ctx ) );

=head1 METHODS


sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    bless( ( $#_ == 0 ) ? shift : {@_}, ref($class) || $class );

package WriteAt::UtilCTX;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = bless( ( $#_ == 0 ) ? shift : {@_}, ref($class) || $class );
    #init head levels
    $self->{HEAD_LEVELS} = 0;
    $self->{stack} = [];

sub get_filter_time {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{filter_time}
sub get_current_level_time {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{stack}->[-1]
sub switch_head_level {
    my $self = shift;
    my $level = shift;
    my $pub_time = shift;
    my $prev = $self->{HEAD_LEVELS};
    my $time_stack = $self->{stack};
   if (defined($level) && $level == $prev ) {
        $time_stack->[$level] = $pub_time;
    } elsif ( $prev < $level  ) {
        push @{$time_stack}, $pub_time for ( 1..$level-$prev);
    } else #$prev > $level
        pop @{$time_stack} for ( 1..$prev-$level);
        $time_stack->[$level] = $pub_time if defined($pub_time);
     $self->{HEAD_LEVELS} = $level;
    return $prev

=head1 SEE ALSO

The world's first book in the pod6 format: Russian book "Everything about Perl 6" L<>,
book template: L<>,
russian book template: L<>

=head1 AUTHOR

Zahatski Aliaksandr, <>


Copyright (C) 2012 by Zahatski Aliaksandr

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
