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# <pre>
# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.

# Package name for the code distribution.
PACKAGE=	tzcode

# Version numbers of the code and data distributions.
VERSION=	2014b

# Email address for bug reports.

# Change the line below for your time zone (after finding the zone you want in
# the time zone files, or adding it to a time zone file).
# Alternately, if you discover you've got the wrong time zone, you can just
#	zic -l rightzone
# to correct things.
# Use the command
#	make zonenames
# to get a list of the values you can use for LOCALTIME.


# If you want something other than Eastern United States time as a template
# for handling POSIX-style time zone environment variables,
# change the line below (after finding the zone you want in the
# time zone files, or adding it to a time zone file).
# (When a POSIX-style environment variable is handled, the rules in the
# template file are used to determine "spring forward" and "fall back" days and
# times; the environment variable itself specifies UT offsets of standard and
# summer time.)
# Alternately, if you discover you've got the wrong time zone, you can just
#	zic -p rightzone
# to correct things.
# Use the command
#	make zonenames
# to get a list of the values you can use for POSIXRULES.
# If you want POSIX compatibility, use "America/New_York".

POSIXRULES=	America/New_York

# Also see TZDEFRULESTRING below, which takes effect only
# if the time zone files cannot be accessed.

# Everything gets put in subdirectories of. . .

TOPDIR=		/usr/local

# "Compiled" time zone information is placed in the "TZDIR" directory
# (and subdirectories).
# Use an absolute path name for TZDIR unless you're just testing the software.


# Types to try, as an alternative to time_t.  int64_t should be first.
TIME_T_ALTERNATIVES= int64_t int32_t uint32_t uint64_t

# The "tzselect", "zic", and "zdump" commands get installed in. . .


# If you "make INSTALL", the "date" command gets installed in. . .


# Manual pages go in subdirectories of. . .


# Library functions are put in an archive in LIBDIR.


# If you always want time values interpreted as "seconds since the epoch
# (not counting leap seconds)", use
#	REDO=		posix_only
# below.  If you always want right time values interpreted as "seconds since
# the epoch" (counting leap seconds)", use
#	REDO=		right_only
# below.  If you want both sets of data available, with leap seconds not
# counted normally, use
#	REDO=		posix_right
# below.  If you want both sets of data available, with leap seconds counted
# normally, use
#	REDO=		right_posix
# below.
# POSIX mandates that leap seconds not be counted; for compatibility with it,
# use either "posix_only" or "posix_right".

REDO=		posix_right

# Since "." may not be in PATH...

YEARISTYPE=	./yearistype

# Non-default libraries needed to link.
# Add -lintl if you want to use `gettext' on Solaris.

# Add the following to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line as needed.
#  -DHAVE_ADJTIME=0 if `adjtime' does not exist (SVR0?)
#  -DHAVE_DOS_FILE_NAMES if file names have drive specifiers etc. (MS-DOS)
#  -DHAVE_GETTEXT=1 if `gettext' works (GNU, Linux, Solaris); also see LDLIBS
#  -DHAVE_INCOMPATIBLE_CTIME_R=1 if your system's time.h declares
#	ctime_r and asctime_r incompatibly with the POSIX standard (Solaris 8).
#  -DHAVE_INTTYPES_H=1 if you have a pre-C99 compiler with "inttypes.h"
#  -DHAVE_LINK=0 if your system lacks a link function
#  -DHAVE_SETTIMEOFDAY=0 if settimeofday does not exist (SVR0?)
#  -DHAVE_SETTIMEOFDAY=1 if settimeofday has just 1 arg (SVR4)
#  -DHAVE_SETTIMEOFDAY=2 if settimeofday uses 2nd arg (4.3BSD)
#  -DHAVE_SETTIMEOFDAY=3 if settimeofday ignores 2nd arg (4.4BSD)
#  -DHAVE_STDINT_H=1 if you have a pre-C99 compiler with "stdint.h"
#  -DHAVE_SYMLINK=0 if your system lacks the symlink function
#  -DHAVE_SYS_STAT_H=0 if your compiler lacks a "sys/stat.h"
#  -DHAVE_SYS_WAIT_H=0 if your compiler lacks a "sys/wait.h"
#  -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=0 if your compiler lacks a "unistd.h" (Microsoft C++ 7?)
#  -DHAVE_UTMPX_H=1 if your compiler has a "utmpx.h"
#  -DLOCALE_HOME=\"path\" if locales are in "path", not "/usr/lib/locale"
#	if you do not want run time warnings about formats that may cause
#	year 2000 grief
#  -Dtime_tz=\"T\" to use T as the time_t type, rather than the system time_t
#  -DTZ_DOMAIN=\"foo\" to use "foo" for gettext domain name; default is "tz"
#  -TTZ_DOMAINDIR=\"/path\" to use "/path" for gettext directory;
#	the default is system-supplied, typically "/usr/lib/locale"
#  -DTZDEFRULESTRING=\",date/time,date/time\" to default to the specified
#	DST transitions if the time zone files cannot be accessed
#	(or some other number) to set the maximum time zone abbreviation length
#	that zic will accept without a warning (the default is 6)
#  $(GCC_DEBUG_FLAGS) if you are using GCC and want lots of checking
GCC_DEBUG_FLAGS = -Dlint -g3 -O3 -fno-common -fstrict-aliasing \
	-Wall -Wextra \
	-Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -Wcast-qual \
	-Wformat=2 -Winit-self \
	-Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-noreturn -Wmissing-prototypes \
	-Wnested-externs -Wno-address -Wno-cast-qual \
	-Wno-format-nonliteral -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-sign-conversion \
	-Wno-type-limits \
	-Wno-unused-parameter -Woverlength-strings -Wpointer-arith \
	-Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes -Wsuggest-attribute=const \
	-Wsuggest-attribute=noreturn -Wsuggest-attribute=pure -Wtrampolines \
# If you want to use System V compatibility code, add
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.  This arrange for "timezone" and "daylight"
# variables to be kept up-to-date by the time conversion functions.  Neither
# "timezone" nor "daylight" is described in X3J11's work.
# If your system has a "GMT offset" field in its "struct tm"s
# (or if you decide to add such a field in your system's "time.h" file),
# add the name to a define such as
#	-DTM_GMTOFF=tm_gmtoff
# or
#	-DTM_GMTOFF=_tm_gmtoff
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
# Neither tm_gmtoff nor _tm_gmtoff is described in X3J11's work;
# in its work, use of "tm_gmtoff" is described as non-conforming.
# Both Linux and BSD have done the equivalent of defining TM_GMTOFF in
# their recent releases.
# If your system has a "zone abbreviation" field in its "struct tm"s
# (or if you decide to add such a field in your system's "time.h" file),
# add the name to a define such as
#	-DTM_ZONE=tm_zone
# or
#	-DTM_ZONE=_tm_zone
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
# Neither tm_zone nor _tm_zone is described in X3J11's work;
# in its work, use of "tm_zone" is described as non-conforming.
# Both UCB and Sun have done the equivalent of defining TM_ZONE in
# their recent releases.
# If you want functions that were inspired by early versions of X3J11's work,
# add
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.  This arranges for the functions
# "tzsetwall", "offtime", "timelocal", "timegm", "timeoff",
# "posix2time", and "time2posix" to be added to the time conversion library.
# "tzsetwall" is like "tzset" except that it arranges for local wall clock
# time (rather than the time specified in the TZ environment variable)
# to be used.
# "offtime" is like "gmtime" except that it accepts a second (long) argument
# that gives an offset to add to the time_t when converting it.
# "timelocal" is equivalent to "mktime".
# "timegm" is like "timelocal" except that it turns a struct tm into
# a time_t using UT (rather than local time as "timelocal" does).
# "timeoff" is like "timegm" except that it accepts a second (long) argument
# that gives an offset to use when converting to a time_t.
# "posix2time" and "time2posix" are described in an included manual page.
# X3J11's work does not describe any of these functions.
# Sun has provided "tzsetwall", "timelocal", and "timegm" in SunOS 4.0.
# These functions may well disappear in future releases of the time
# conversion package.
# If you want to allocate state structures in localtime, add
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.  Storage is obtained by calling malloc.
# If you want an "altzone" variable (a la System V Release 3.1), add
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
# This variable is not described in X3J11's work.
# If you want a "gtime" function (a la MACH), add
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line
# This function is not described in X3J11's work.
# NIST-PCTS:151-2, Version 1.4, (1993-12-03) is a test suite put
# out by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
# which claims to test C and Posix conformance.  If you want to pass PCTS, add
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.
# If you want strict compliance with XPG4 as of 1994-04-09, add
#	-DXPG4_1994_04_09
# to the end of the "CFLAGS=" line.  This causes "strftime" to always return
# 53 as a week number (rather than 52 or 53) for those days in January that
# before the first Monday in January when a "%V" format is used and January 1
# falls on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.


# Linker flags.  Default to $(LFLAGS) for backwards compatibility
# to tzcode2012h and earlier.


zic=		./zic
ZIC=		$(zic) $(ZFLAGS)


# The name of a Posix-compliant `awk' on your system.
AWK=		awk

# The full path name of a Posix-compliant shell, preferably one that supports
# the Korn shell's 'select' statement as an extension.
# These days, Bash is the most popular.
# It should be OK to set this to /bin/sh, on platforms where /bin/sh
# lacks 'select' or doesn't completely conform to Posix, but /bin/bash
# is typically nicer if it works.
KSHELL=		/bin/bash

# The path where SGML DTDs are kept and the catalog file(s) to use when
# validating.  The default is appropriate for Ubuntu 13.10.
SGML_DTDDIR= $(SGML_TOPDIR)/share/xml/w3c-sgml-lib/schema/dtd

# The name, arguments and environment of a program to validate your web pages.
# See <> for a validator, and
# <> for a validation library.
VALIDATE = nsgmls
VALIDATE_FLAGS = -s -B -wall -wno-unused-param

# INVALID_CHAR is a regular expression that matches invalid characters in
# distributed files.  For now, stick to a safe subset of ASCII.
# The caller must set the shell variable 'sharp' to the character '#',
# since Makefile macros cannot contain '#'.
# TAB_CHAR is a single tab character, in single quotes.
INVALID_CHAR1=	$(TAB_CHAR)' !\"'$$sharp'$$%&'\''()*+,./0123456789:;<=>?@'
INVALID_CHAR3=	'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'

# Flags to give 'tar' when making a distribution.
# Try to use flags appropriate for GNU tar.
GNUTARFLAGS=	--numeric-owner --owner=0 --group=0 --mode=go+u,go-w
TARFLAGS=	`if tar $(GNUTARFLAGS) --version >/dev/null 2>&1; \
		 then echo $(GNUTARFLAGS); \
		 else :; \

# Flags to give 'gzip' when making a distribution.


cc=		cc
CC=		$(cc) -DTZDIR=\"$(TZDIR)\"

AR=		ar

# ':' on typical hosts; 'ranlib' on the ancient hosts that still need ranlib.

TZCOBJS=	zic.o localtime.o asctime.o scheck.o ialloc.o
TZDOBJS=	zdump.o localtime.o ialloc.o asctime.o
DATEOBJS=	date.o localtime.o strftime.o asctime.o
LIBSRCS=	localtime.c asctime.c difftime.c
LIBOBJS=	localtime.o asctime.o difftime.o
HEADERS=	tzfile.h private.h
NONLIBSRCS=	zic.c zdump.c scheck.c ialloc.c
NEWUCBSRCS=	date.c strftime.c
MANS=		newctime.3 newstrftime.3 newtzset.3 time2posix.3 \
			tzfile.5 tzselect.8 zic.8 zdump.8
MANTXTS=	newctime.3.txt newstrftime.3.txt newtzset.3.txt \
			time2posix.3.txt \
			tzfile.5.txt tzselect.8.txt zic.8.txt zdump.8.txt \
DOCS=		NEWS Theory $(MANS) date.1 $(MANTXTS)
PRIMARY_YDATA=	africa antarctica asia australasia \
		europe northamerica southamerica
YDATA=		$(PRIMARY_YDATA) pacificnew etcetera backward
NDATA=		systemv factory
TABDATA= leapseconds
LEAP_DEPS=	leapseconds.awk leap-seconds.list
WEB_PAGES=	tz-art.htm tz-link.htm
AWK_SCRIPTS=	checktab.awk leapseconds.awk
MISC=		usno1988 usno1989 usno1989a usno1995 usno1997 usno1998 \

# And for the benefit of csh users on systems that assume the user
# shell should be used to handle commands in Makefiles. . .

SHELL=		/bin/sh

all:		tzselect zic zdump libtz.a $(TABDATA)

ALL:		all date

install:	all $(DATA) $(REDO) $(MANS)
		mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(ETCDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(TZDIR) \
			$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man3 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5 \
		$(ZIC) -y $(YEARISTYPE) \
		cp -f $(DESTDIR)$(TZDIR)/.
		cp tzselect zic zdump $(DESTDIR)$(ETCDIR)/.
		cp libtz.a $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/.
		$(RANLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libtz.a
		cp -f newctime.3 newtzset.3 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man3/.
		cp -f tzfile.5 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man5/.
		cp -f tzselect.8 zdump.8 zic.8 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man8/.

INSTALL:	ALL install date.1
		mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1
		cp date $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/.
		cp -f date.1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1/.

		(echo 'static char const PKGVERSION[]="($(PACKAGE)) ";' && \
		 echo 'static char const TZVERSION[]="$(VERSION)";' && \
		 echo 'static char const REPORT_BUGS_TO[]="$(BUGEMAIL)";') >$@

zdump:		$(TZDOBJS)

zic:		$(TZCOBJS) yearistype

		cp yearistype
		chmod +x yearistype

leapseconds:	$(LEAP_DEPS)
		$(AWK) -f leapseconds.awk leap-seconds.list >$@

posix_only:	zic $(TDATA)
			-L /dev/null $(TDATA)

right_only:	zic leapseconds $(TDATA)
			-L leapseconds $(TDATA)

# In earlier versions of this makefile, the other two directories were
# subdirectories of $(TZDIR).  However, this led to configuration errors.
# For example, with posix_right under the earlier scheme,
# TZ='right/Australia/Adelaide' got you localtime with leap seconds,
# but gmtime without leap seconds, which led to problems with applications
# like sendmail that subtract gmtime from localtime.
# Therefore, the other two directories are now siblings of $(TZDIR).
# You must replace all of $(TZDIR) to switch from not using leap seconds
# to using them, or vice versa.
right_posix:	right_only leapseconds
		rm -fr $(DESTDIR)$(TZDIR)-leaps
		ln -s $(TZDIR_BASENAME) $(DESTDIR)$(TZDIR)-leaps || \
		  $(ZIC) -y $(YEARISTYPE) -d $(DESTDIR)$(TZDIR)-leaps \
			-L leapseconds $(TDATA)
		$(ZIC) -y $(YEARISTYPE) -d $(DESTDIR)$(TZDIR)-posix \
			-L /dev/null $(TDATA)

posix_right:	posix_only leapseconds
		rm -fr $(DESTDIR)$(TZDIR)-posix
		ln -s $(TZDIR_BASENAME) $(DESTDIR)$(TZDIR)-posix || \
		  $(ZIC) -y $(YEARISTYPE) -d $(DESTDIR)$(TZDIR)-posix \
			-L /dev/null $(TDATA)
		$(ZIC) -y $(YEARISTYPE) -d $(DESTDIR)$(TZDIR)-leaps \
			-L leapseconds $(TDATA)

zones:		$(REDO)

libtz.a:	$(LIBOBJS)
		$(AR) ru $@ $(LIBOBJS)
		$(RANLIB) $@

date:		$(DATEOBJS)

tzselect:	tzselect.ksh
		sed \
			-e 's|#!/bin/bash|#!$(KSHELL)|g' \
			-e 's|AWK=[^}]*|AWK=$(AWK)|g' \
			-e 's|\(PKGVERSION\)=.*|\1='\''($(PACKAGE)) '\''|' \
			-e 's|\(REPORT_BUGS_TO\)=.*|\1=$(BUGEMAIL)|' \
			-e 's|TZDIR=[^}]*|TZDIR=$(TZDIR)|' \
			-e 's|\(TZVERSION\)=.*|\1=$(VERSION)|' \
			<$? >$@
		chmod +x $@

check:		check_character_set check_tables check_web

check_character_set: $(ENCHILADA)
		sharp='#'; ! grep -n $(INVALID_CHAR) $(ENCHILADA)

check_tables:	checktab.awk $(PRIMARY_YDATA)
		$(AWK) -f checktab.awk $(PRIMARY_YDATA)

check_web:	$(WEB_PAGES)

		rm -f core *.o *.out \
		  date tzselect version.h zdump zic yearistype
clean:		clean_misc
		rm -fr tzpublic

maintainer-clean: clean
		@echo 'This command is intended for maintainers to use; it'
		@echo 'deletes files that may need special tools to rebuild.'
		rm -f leapseconds $(MANTXTS) *.asc *.tar.gz

		@echo $(ENCHILADA)

public:		check check_public check_time_t_alternatives \
		tarballs signatures

date.1.txt:	date.1
newctime.3.txt:	newctime.3
newstrftime.3.txt: newstrftime.3
newtzset.3.txt:	newtzset.3
time2posix.3.txt: time2posix.3
tzfile.5.txt:	tzfile.5
tzselect.8.txt:	tzselect.8
zdump.8.txt:	zdump.8
zic.8.txt:	zic.8

		LC_ALL=C sh `expr $@ : '\(.*\)\.txt$$'` >$@

# Set the time stamps to those of the git repository, if available,
# and if the files have not changed since then.
# This uses GNU 'touch' syntax 'touch -d@N FILE',
# where N is the number of seconds since 1970.
# If git or GNU 'touch' is absent, don't bother to sync with git timestamps.
# Also, set the timestamp of each prebuilt file like 'leapseconds'
# to be the maximum of the files it depends on.
set-timestamps.out: $(ENCHILADA)
		rm -f $@
		if files=`git ls-files $(ENCHILADA)` && \
		   touch -md @1 test.out; then \
		  rm -f test.out && \
		  for file in $$files; do \
		    if git diff --quiet $$file; then \
		      time=`git log -1 --format='tformat:%ct' $$file` && \
		      touch -cmd @$$time $$file; \
		    else \
		      echo >&2 "$$file: warning: does not match repository"; \
		    fi || exit; \
		  done; \
		touch -cmr `ls -t $(LEAP_DEPS) | sed 1q` leapseconds
		for file in `ls $(MANTXTS) | sed 's/\.txt$$//'`; do \
		  touch -cmr `ls -t $$file | sed 1q` $$file.txt || \
		    exit; \
		touch $@

# The zics below ensure that each data file can stand on its own.
# We also do an all-files run to catch links to links.

check_public:	$(ENCHILADA)
		make maintainer-clean
		mkdir tzpublic
		for i in $(TDATA) ; do \
		  $(zic) -v -d tzpublic $$i 2>&1 || exit; \
		$(zic) -v -d tzpublic $(TDATA)
		rm -fr tzpublic

# Check that the code works under various alternative
# implementations of time_t.
		zones=`$(AWK) '/^[^#]/ { print $$3 }' <` && \
		for type in $(TIME_T_ALTERNATIVES); do \
		  mkdir -p tzpublic/$$type && \
		  make clean_misc && \
		  make TOPDIR=`pwd`/tzpublic/$$type \
		    CFLAGS='$(CFLAGS) -Dtime_tz='"'$$type'" \
		    install && \
		  diff -qr tzpublic/int64_t/etc/zoneinfo tzpublic/$$type/etc/zoneinfo && \
		  case $$type in \
		  int32_t) range=-2147483648,2147483647;; \
		  uint32_t) range=0,4294967296;; \
		  int64_t) continue;; \
		  *u*) range=0,10000000000;; \
		  *) range=-10000000000,10000000000;; \
		  esac && \
		  echo checking $$type zones ... && \
		  tzpublic/int64_t/etc/zdump -V -t $$range $$zones \
		      >tzpublic/int64_t.out && \
		  tzpublic/$$type/etc/zdump -V -t $$range $$zones \
		      >tzpublic/$$type.out && \
		  diff -u tzpublic/int64_t.out tzpublic/$$type.out \
		    || exit; \
		rm -fr tzpublic

tarballs:	tzcode$(VERSION).tar.gz tzdata$(VERSION).tar.gz

tzcode$(VERSION).tar.gz: set-timestamps.out
		LC_ALL=C && export LC_ALL && \
		tar $(TARFLAGS) -cf - \
		    $(COMMON) $(DOCS) $(SOURCES) $(MISC) | \
		  gzip $(GZIPFLAGS) > $@

tzdata$(VERSION).tar.gz: set-timestamps.out
		LC_ALL=C && export LC_ALL && \
		tar $(TARFLAGS) -cf - $(COMMON) $(DATA) | \
		  gzip $(GZIPFLAGS) > $@

signatures:	tzcode$(VERSION).tar.gz.asc tzdata$(VERSION).tar.gz.asc

tzcode$(VERSION).tar.gz.asc: tzcode$(VERSION).tar.gz
		gpg --armor --detach-sign $?

tzdata$(VERSION).tar.gz.asc: tzdata$(VERSION).tar.gz
		gpg --armor --detach-sign $?

		make clean
		for i in "long long" unsigned; \
		do \
			make CFLAGS="-DTYPECHECK -D__time_t_defined -D_TIME_T \"-Dtime_t=$$i\"" ; \
			./zdump -v Europe/Rome ; \
			make clean ; \

zonenames:	$(TDATA)
		@$(AWK) '/^Zone/ { print $$2 } /^Link/ { print $$3 }' $(TDATA)

asctime.o:	private.h tzfile.h
date.o:		private.h
difftime.o:	private.h
ialloc.o:	private.h
localtime.o:	private.h tzfile.h
scheck.o:	private.h
strftime.o:	tzfile.h
zdump.o:	version.h
zic.o:		private.h tzfile.h version.h