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package Padre::Document::LaTeX;
  $Padre::Document::LaTeX::VERSION = '0.13';

# ABSTRACT: LaTeX document support for Padre

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Padre::Document ();

our @ISA = 'Padre::Document';

sub task_functions {
	return '';

sub task_outline {
	return 'Padre::Document::LaTeX::Outline';

sub task_syntax {
	return 'Padre::Document::LaTeX::Syntax';

sub get_command {
	my $self = shift;

	my $arg_ref = shift || {};

	my $debug = exists $arg_ref->{debug} ? $arg_ref->{debug} : 0;
	my $trace = exists $arg_ref->{trace} ? $arg_ref->{trace} : 0;

	my $filename = $self->filename;
	my $dir      = File::Basename::dirname($filename);
	chdir $dir;
	$filename = $self->get_title;

	my $command = "pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode -file-line-error $filename";
	return $command;

sub comment_lines_str {
	return '%';

my @latex_star_commands = qw/
	chapter paragraph section subsection subsubsection

my @latex_commands = qw/
	begin end

	DeclareMathOperator pdfpageheight pdfpagewidth RequirePackage usepackage

	addtocounter appendix author
	bibliography bibliographystyle
	caption cite
	date documentclass dots
	hline href hspace
	include includegraphics insert institute item
	label LaTeX
	newcommand newpage
	pagebreak pagestyle
	raggedleft raggedright ref renewcommand
	tableofcontents textbar textbf textcolor textgreater textit textless textsc
	TeX texttt thepage title titlegraphic today

	alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega
	varepsilon vartheta varpi varrho varsigma varphi
	Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega
	amalg approx ast asymp
	bigcirc bigcup bigtriangledown bigtriangleup bowtie bullet
	cap cdot cdotp circ colon cong cup
	dagger dashv ddagger diamond div doteq downarrow Downarrow
	equiv exists
	forall frac frown
	ge geq
	hat hookleftarrow hookrightarrow
	langle ldotp le leadsto left leftarrow Leftarrow leftharpoondown leftharpoonup leftrightarrow Leftrightarrow leq lhd ll
	longleftarrow Longleftarrow longleftrightarrow Longleftrightarrow longmapsto longrightarrow Longrightarrow
	mapsto mathbb mathcal mathrm mid models mp
	nearrow neq ni nwarrow
	odot ominus oplus oslash
	parallel partial perp pm prec preceq propto
	rangle rhd right rightarrow Rightarrow rightharpoondown rightharpoonup rightleftarrow Rightleftarrow rightleftharpoons
	searrow seteq setminus sim simeq smile sqcap sqcup sqsubset sqsubseteq sqsupset sqsupseteq star subset subseteq substack
	succ succeq sum supset supseteq swarrow
	text tilde times triangleleft triangleright
	unlhd unrhd uparrow Uparrow updownarrow Updownarrow uplus
	vdash vee
	wedge wr

	bigskip DeclareOptionBeamer defbeamertemplate frame framesubtitle frametitle mode note
	only pause ProcessOptionsBeamer
	setbeamercolor setbeamersize setbeameroption setbeamertemplate usebeamerfont usetheme

	fancyhead fancyfoot headheight headrulewidth footrulewidth

	acro ac acs acf acl

	For ForAll Procedure Repeat State Until While
push @latex_commands, @latex_star_commands;

my @latex_star_environments = qw/
	equation eqnarray figure table

my @latex_environments = qw/
	abstract acronym align
	cases center
	flushleft flushright footnotesize
	itemize Large
	tabular tiny

	algorithm algorithmic

	column columns

	beamercolorbox block example frame overlayarea overprint proof theorem
push @latex_environments, @latex_star_environments;

my @latex_packages = qw/
	a4wide acronym alg algorithm2e algorithmicx algpseudocode amsfonts amsmath amsopn amssymb
	babel beamer
	cite color colortbl
	fancybox fontenc
	graphics graphicx
	ifthen import inputenc
	lastpage latexsym listings longtable
	makeidx multicol multirow
	tabularx times
	xcolor xy

# method copied from the PHP plugin and a adapted a bit
# TODO know includegraphics etc. options (see CSS completion support for ideas)
# TODO units for height, width, vspace, etc.
# TODO for bibliography, insert, include, includegraphics, usepackage: check for available files ...
# TODO also offer \begin w/o \end
sub autocomplete {
	my $self  = shift;
	my $event = shift;

	my $config    = Padre->ide->config;
	my $min_chars = $config->lang_perl5_autocomplete_min_chars; # TODO rename this config option/have our own?

	my $editor = $self->editor;
	my $pos    = $editor->GetCurrentPos;
	my $line   = $editor->LineFromPosition($pos);
	my $first  = $editor->PositionFromLine($line);

	# This function is called very often, return asap
	return if ( $pos - $first ) < ( $min_chars - 1 );

	# line from beginning to current position
	my $prefix = $editor->GetTextRange( $first, $pos );

	# Remove any ident from the beginning of the prefix
	$prefix =~ s/^[\r\t]+//;
	return if length($prefix) == 0;

	# One char may be added by the current event
	return if length($prefix) < ( $min_chars - 1 );

	# The second parameter may be a reference to the current event or the next
	# char which will be added to the editor:
	my $nextchar = ''; # Use empty instead of undef
	if ( defined($event) and ( ref($event) eq 'Wx::KeyEvent' ) ) {
		my $key = $event->GetUnicodeKey;
		$nextchar = chr($key);
	} elsif ( defined($event) and ( !ref($event) ) ) {
		$nextchar = $event;
	return if ord($nextchar) == 27; # Close on escape
	$nextchar = '' if ord($nextchar) < 32;

	# abort as soon as possible
	return if $prefix !~ /\\(\w+.*)$/;
	$prefix = $1;

	# check for environments
	if ( $prefix =~ /(begin|end)(?:(\{)(\w*))?$/ ) { # TODO use extended regex
		my $begin_or_end = $1;
		my $add_bracket  = defined $2 ? '' : '{';
		my $env_prefix   = defined $3 ? $3 : '';

		# TODO end the currently open environment

		my @candidates = $begin_or_end eq 'begin'
			? map { $add_bracket . $_ . "}\n\\end{$_}", $add_bracket . $_ . '}' } @latex_environments # TODO make configurable
			: map { $add_bracket . $_ . '}' } @latex_environments;
		return $self->find_completions( $env_prefix, $nextchar, @candidates );

	# check for packages
	if ( $prefix =~ /usepackage(?:(\{)(\w*))?$/ ) {
		my $add_bracket = defined $1 ? '' : '{';
		my $use_prefix  = defined $2 ? $2 : '';

		my @candidates = map { $add_bracket . $_ . '}' } @latex_packages;
		return $self->find_completions( $use_prefix, $nextchar, @candidates );

	# check for citations
	if ( $prefix =~ /cite\w?(?:(\{)(\w*))?$/ ) {
		my $add_bracket = defined $1 ? '' : '{';
		my $cite_prefix = defined $2 ? $2 : '';

		# search entire document for citations
		my $text      = $editor->GetText;
		my @citations = ();
		while ( $text =~ /cite\{([\w:]+)\}/g ) {
			push @citations, $add_bracket . $1 . '}';

		# TODO look at the bibliography files
		return $self->find_completions( $cite_prefix, $nextchar, @citations );

	# check for internal references
	if ( $prefix =~ /ref(?:(\{)(\w*))?$/ ) {
		my $add_bracket = defined $1 ? '' : '{';
		my $ref_prefix  = defined $2 ? $2 : '';

		# search entire document for labels and references
		my $text       = $editor->GetText;
		my @references = ();
		while ( $text =~ /(?:label|ref)\{([\w:]+)\}/g ) {
			push @references, $add_bracket . $1 . '}';

		return $self->find_completions( $ref_prefix, $nextchar, @references );

	# check for commands
	return if $prefix !~ /(\w+)$/;
	$prefix = $1;

	# TODO distinguish math mode
	# TODO check which packages are included?
	return $self->find_completions( $prefix, $nextchar, '', @latex_commands );

# TODO find a nicer name
# TODO think about how to handle post_text and pre_text (maybe use a switch?)
# TODO move to a place where all Padre document classes can use this ...
sub find_completions {
	my $self       = shift;
	my $prefix     = shift;
	my $nextchar   = shift;
	my @candidates = @_;

	my $editor = $self->editor;
	my $pos    = $editor->GetCurrentPos;
	my $line   = $editor->LineFromPosition($pos);
	my $first  = $editor->PositionFromLine($line);

	my $last      = $editor->GetLength();
	my $pre_text  = $editor->GetTextRange( 0, $first + length($prefix) );
	my $post_text = $editor->GetTextRange( $first, $last );

	my $regex;
	eval { $regex = qr{\b(\Q$prefix\E\w*)\b} };
	if ($@) {
		warn "Cannot build regex for '$prefix'\n";

	my %seen;
	my @words;
	push @words, grep { $_ =~ $regex and !$seen{$_}++ } @candidates;
	push @words, grep { !$seen{$_}++ } reverse( $pre_text =~ /$regex/g );
	push @words, grep { !$seen{$_}++ } ( $post_text =~ /$regex/g );

	# TODO is 20 a good limit?
	# TODO configurable?
	if ( scalar @words > 20 ) {
		@words = @words[ 0 .. 19 ];

	# Suggesting the current word as the only solution doesn't help
	# anything, but your need to close the suggestions window before
	# you may press ENTER/RETURN.
	if ( ( $#words == 0 ) and ( $prefix eq $words[0] ) ) {

	my $suffix = $editor->GetTextRange( $pos, $pos + 15 );
	$suffix = $1 if $suffix =~ /^(\w*)/; # Cut away any non-word chars

	# While typing within a word, the rest of the word shouldn't be
	# inserted.
	if ( defined($suffix) ) {
		for ( 0 .. $#words ) {
			$words[$_] =~ s/\Q$suffix\E$//;
	}                                    # TODO check this

	# This is the final result if there is no char which hasn't been
	# saved to the editor buffer until now
	return ( length($prefix), @words ) if !defined($nextchar);

	# Finally cut out all words which do not match the next char
	# which will be inserted into the editor (by the current event)
	my @final_words;
	for (@words) {

		# Accept everything which has prefix + next char + at least one other char
		next if !/^\Q$prefix$nextchar\E./;
		push @final_words, $_;

	return ( length($prefix), @final_words );



=head1 NAME

Padre::Document::LaTeX - LaTeX document support for Padre

=head1 VERSION

version 0.13

=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

Zeno Gantner <>

=item *

Ahmad M. Zawawi <>



This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Zeno Gantner, Ahmad M. Zawawi.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
