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# Date::HolidayParser
# A parser of ~/.holiday-style files.
#  The format is based off of the holiday files found bundled
#  with the plan program, not any official spec. This because no
#  official spec could be found.
# Copyright (C) Eskild Hustvedt 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself. There is NO warranty;
# This is the iCalendar component, which emulates a DP::iCalendar-like interface
# in order to make it easier to use for users familiar with iCalendar, and
# make it compatible with DP::iCalendar::Manager.

package Date::HolidayParser::iCalendar;

use Any::Moose;
use Date::HolidayParser;
use constant { true => 1, false => undef };

our $VERSION = 0.41;

extends 'Date::HolidayParser';

has '_UID_List' => (
	is => 'rw',
	isa => 'HashRef',
	default => sub { {} },
has '_iCal_cache' => (
	is => 'rw',
	isa => 'HashRef',
	default => sub { {} },

# -- Public methods --

# Purpose: Get an iCalendar hash with holiday info matching the supplied UID
# Usage: get_info(UID);
sub get_info
	my $self = shift;
	my $UID = shift;
	return($self->_UID_List->{$UID}) if $self->_UID_List->{$UID};

# Purpose: List events in said year, on said month and day
# Usage: obj->list_events(year?,month?,day?);
# year is required, others are optional.
# This is the primary API for this module. It does only wrap the other
# methods, but provides a cleaner interface for new code.
sub list_events
	my ($self,$Year,$Month,$Day) = @_;
	if(not defined $Year)
		croak('Requried parameter "Year" not supplied');
	if(defined $Day)
		return $self->get_timeinfo($Year,$Month,$Day,'DAY');
	elsif(defined $Month)
		return $self->get_monthinfo($Year,$Month);
		return $self->get_months($Year);

# Purpose: Get information for the supplied month (list of days there are events)
# Usage: my $TimeRef = $object->get_monthinfo(YEAR,MONTH,DAY);
sub get_monthinfo
	my($self, $Year, $Month) = @_;	# TODO: verify that they are set
	my @Array;
	if(defined($self->_iCal_cache->{$Year}) and defined($self->_iCal_cache->{$Year}{$Month})){
		@Array = sort keys(%{$self->_iCal_cache->{$Year}{$Month}});

# Purpose: Get information for the supplied date (list of times in the day there are events)
# Usage: my $TimeRef = $object->get_dateinfo(YEAR,MONTH,DAY);
sub get_dateinfo
	my($self, $Year, $Month, $Day) = @_;	# TODO: verify that they are set
	my @Array;
	if(defined($self->_iCal_cache->{$Year}) and defined($self->_iCal_cache->{$Year}{$Month}) and defined($self->_iCal_cache->{$Year}{$Month}{$Day})) {
		@Array = sort keys(%{$self->_iCal_cache->{$Year}{$Month}{$Day}});

# Purpose: Return an empty array, unsupported.
# Usage: my $UIDRef = $object->get_timeinfo(YEAR,MONTH,DAY,TIME);
sub get_timeinfo
	my($self, $Year, $Month, $Day,$Time) = @_;

	return(undef) if not $Time eq 'DAY';


	if( defined($self->_iCal_cache->{$Year}) and
		defined($self->_iCal_cache->{$Year}{$Month}) and

# Purpose: Get a list of months which have events (those with *only* recurring not counted)
# Usage: my $ArrayRef = $object->get_months(YEAR);
sub get_months
	my ($self, $Year) = @_;
	my @Array = sort keys(%{$self->_iCal_cache->{$Year}});

# Purpose: Check if there is an holiday event with the supplied UID
# Usage: $bool = $object->exists($UID);
sub exists
	my $self = shift;
	my $UID = shift;
	return(true) if defined($self->_UID_List->{$UID});

# -- Unsupported or dummy methods, here for compatibility --

# Purpose: Return an empty array, unsupported.
# Usage: my $ArrayRef = $object->get_years();
sub get_years

# -- DP::iCalendar compatibility code --

# Used by DP::iCalendar::Manager to set the prodid in output iCalendar files.
# We can't output iCalendar files, so we just ignore calls to it.
sub set_prodid { }

# Purpose: Return manager information
# Usage: get_manager_version();
sub get_manager_version
	my $self = shift;

# Purpose: Return manager capability information
# Usage: get_manager_capabilities
sub get_manager_capabilities
	# All capabilites as of 01_capable

# -- Private methods --

# Purpose: Wraps _addParsedEvent in Date::HolidayParser so that an iCalendar version
# 	is also created at the same time.
around '_addParsedEvent' => sub
	my $orig = shift;
	my $self = shift;

	my($FinalParsing,$final_mon,$final_mday,$HolidayName,$holidayType,$FinalYDay,$PosixYear) = @_;

	my $UID = $self->_event_to_iCalendar($FinalYDay,$PosixYear,$HolidayName);
	my $Year = $PosixYear+1900;

	if(not $self->_iCal_cache->{$Year}->{$final_mon}{$final_mday}{'DAY'})
		$self->_iCal_cache->{$Year}->{$final_mon}{$final_mday}{'DAY'} = [];
	push(@{$self->_iCal_cache->{$Year}->{$final_mon}{$final_mday}{'DAY'}}, $UID);

	return $self->$orig(@_);

# Purpose: Generate an iCalendar entry
# Usage: this->_event_to_iCalendar(UNIXTIME, NAME);
sub _event_to_iCalendar
	my $self = shift;
	my $FinalYDay = shift;
	my $PosixYear = shift;
	my $name = shift;
	$name =~ s/\s/-/g;

	my $unixtime = POSIX::mktime(0, 0, 0, $FinalYDay, 0, $PosixYear);

	# Generate the UID of the event, this is simply a 
	my $sum = unpack('%32C*', $name);
	# This should be unique enough for our needs.
	# We don't want it to be random, because if someone copies the events to their
	# own calendar, we want DP::iCalendar::Manager to fetch the information from
	# the changed calendar, instead of from the HolidayParser object.
	my $UID = 'D-HP-ICS-'.$FinalYDay.'-'.$PosixYear.'-'.$sum;
	$self->_UID_List->{$UID} = {
		UID => $UID,
		DTSTART => iCal_ConvertFromUnixTime($unixtime),
		DTEND => iCal_ConvertFromUnixTime($unixtime+86390), # Yes, this is purposefully not 86400
		SUMMARY => $name,

# The following three functions are originally from DP::iCalendar

# Purpose: Generate an iCalendar date-time from multiple values
# Usage: my $iCalDateTime = iCal_GenDateTime(YEAR, MONTH, DAY, TIME);
sub iCal_GenDateTime {
	# NOTE: This version ignores $Time because it isn't used in HolidayParser
	my ($Year, $Month, $Day, $Time) = @_;
	# Fix the month and day
	my $iCalMonth = _PrefixZero($Month);
	my $iCalDay = _PrefixZero($Day);

# Purpose: Generate an iCalendar date-time string from a UNIX time string
# Usage: my $iCalDateTime = iCal_ConvertFromUnixTime(UNIX TIME);
sub iCal_ConvertFromUnixTime {
	my $UnixTime = shift;
	my ($realsec,$realmin,$realhour,$realmday,$realmonth,$realyear,$realwday,$realyday,$realisdst) = localtime($UnixTime);
	$realyear += 1900;	# Fix the year
	$realmonth++;		# Fix the month
	# Return data from iCal_GenDateTime

# Purpose: Prefix a "0" to a number if it is only one digit.
# Usage: my $NewNumber = PrefixZero(NUMBER);
sub _PrefixZero {
	if ($_[0] =~ /^\d$/) {

# End of Date::HolidayParser::iCalendar

=head1 NAME

Date::HolidayParser::iCalendar - iCalendar-like interface extension to Date::HolidayParser

=head1 VERSION



This is an extension to Date::HolidayParser that adds an iCalendar-like interface
to the holiday data.

	use Date::HolidayParser;

	my $Holidays = Date::HolidayParser->new("$ENV{HOME}/.holiday");


This is an extension to Date::HolidayParser that adds an interface that provides
iCalendar-compatible data instead of the normal "raw" Date::HolidayParser format.

It ensures that UIDs generated are always the same, so you can depend upon them
not changing between runs. The iCalendar data generated at the moment is very
simple, and doesn't take into account recurrances (recurring events gets one event
created per recurrance).

=head1 METHODS

You can run any method L<Date::HolidayParser> supports on a
L<Date::HolidayParser::iCalendar> object (but then you should probably be using
Date::HolidayParser instead). The methods documented here are all those needed
to make use of Date::HolidayParser::iCalendar.

=head2 $object = Date::HolidayParser::iCalendar->new(FILE);

This is the main function. It creates a new Date::HolidayParser::iCalendar
object for FILE and parses the file.

FILE must be the full path to the holiday file you want to parse.

=head2 $arrayRef = $object->list_events(YEAR,MONTH?,DAY?);

This returns an arrayRef, which contains one of three lists, depending
on how many parameters are supplied:


=item Only year: An array containing a list of months (1-12) that has holidays

=item Year+Month: An array of days in said month that has holidays

=item All: A list of iCalendar UIDs referring to holidays on said date. These UIDs can be supplied to get_info() to retrieve the event.


=head2 $UID_Info = $object->get_info(UID);

Returns an iCalendar hash reference for the supplied UID or undef if
the UID doesn't exist.

The hash returned is structured like this:

	%Hash = (

An example might look like this:

	%Hash = (
		'SUMMARY' => 'Monday',
		'UID' => 'D-HP-ICS-72-106-616',
		'DTEND' => '20060313',
		'DTSTART' => '20060313'

=head1 AUTHOR

Eskild Hustvedt - C<< <> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.


Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2010 Eskild Hustvedt, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself. There is NO warranty;
