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package WWW::ImagebinCa::Create;

use warnings;
use strict;

our $VERSION = '0.02';

use Carp;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::TokeParser::Simple;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    croak "Must have even number of arguments to new()"
        if @_ & 1;
    my %args = @_;
    $args{ +lc } = delete $args{ $_ } for keys %args;

    $args{timeout} ||= 30;

    $args{ua} ||= LWP::UserAgent->new(
            timeout => $args{timeout},
            agent   => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US;'
                        . ' rv: Gecko/20080207 Ubuntu/7.10 (gutsy)'
                        . ' Firefox/',

    return bless \%args, $class;

sub upload {
    my $self = shift;
    croak "Must have even number of arguments to upload()"
        if @_ & 1;
    my %args = @_;
    $args{ +lc } = delete $args{ $_ } for keys %args;

    unless ( -e $args{filename} ) {
        $self->error("File ($args{filename}) doesn't exist");

    my @post_request = $self->_make_request_args( \%args );
    my $response = $self->{ua}->request( POST @post_request );

    if ( $response->is_success ) {
        return $self->_check_content( $response->content, \%args );
    else {
        $self->error('Error: ' . $response->status_line );

sub _check_content {
    my ( $self, $content, $args_ref ) = @_;

    my $parser = HTML::TokeParser::Simple->new( \$content );
    my $paste_uri;
    my $error;
    my $get_paste_uri = 0;
    my $is_error = 0;
    while ( my $token = $parser->get_token ) {
        if ( $token->is_start_tag('p') ) {
            $get_paste_uri = 1;
        elsif ( $get_paste_uri and $token->is_start_tag('a') ) {
            $paste_uri = $token->get_attr('href');
        elsif ( $token->is_start_tag('div')
            and defined $token->get_attr('id')
            and $token->get_attr('id') eq 'body'
        ) {
            $is_error = 1;
        elsif ( $is_error == 1 and $token->is_start_tag('h2') ) {
            $is_error = 2;
        elsif ( $is_error == 2 and $token->is_text ) {
            $error = $token->as_is;
            $is_error = 3;
        # this would better be as ->is_start_tag('p') but the parser
        # ...doesn't seem to catch it this way. Bug? Too invalid markup?
        elsif ( $is_error == 3  and $token->is_end_tag('h2') ) {
            $is_error = 4;
        elsif ( $is_error == 4 and $token->is_text ) {
            $error .= '. ' . $token->as_is;

    if ( $is_error ) {
        $self->error( $error );
    else {
        my ( $upload_id ) = $paste_uri =~ m{([^/]+)[.]html$};
        $self->upload_id( $upload_id );
        my ( $image_extension ) = $args_ref->{filename} =~ /[.]([^.]+)$/;
        return $self->page_uri( $paste_uri );

sub _make_request_args {
    my ( $self, $args ) = @_;
    return (
        Content_Type => 'form-data',
        Content => [
            sfile       => 'Upload',
            f           => [ $args->{filename} ],
            t           => 'file',
            name        => $args->{name},
            tags        => $args->{tags},
            description => $args->{description},
            adult       => $args->{is_adult} ? 't' : 'f',

sub error {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( @_ ) {
        $self->{ ERROR } = shift;
    return $self->{ ERROR };

sub page_uri {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( @_ ) {
        $self->{ PAGE_URI } = shift;
    return $self->{ PAGE_URI };

sub image_uri {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( @_ ) {
        $self->{ IMAGE_URI } = shift;
    return $self->{ IMAGE_URI };

sub upload_id {
    my $self = shift;
    if ( @_ ) {
        $self->{ UPLOAD_ID } = shift;
    return $self->{ UPLOAD_ID };

=head1 NAME

WWW::ImagebinCa::Create - "paste" images to <> from Perl.


    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use WWW::ImagebinCa::Create;

    my $bin = WWW::ImagebinCa::Create->new;

    $bin->upload( filename => 'pic.jpg' )
        or die "Failed to upload: " . $bin->error;

    printf "Upload ID: %s\nPage URI: %s\nDirect image URI: %s\n",


The module provides interface to L<> for uploading
new images and including uploader's name, picture description and picture
"tags" along with your upload.


=head2 new

    my $bin = WWW::ImagebinCa::Create->new;

    my $bin = WWW::ImagebinCa::Create->new(
        timeout => 10,

    my $bin = WWW::ImagebinCa::Create->new(
        ua => LWP::UserAgent->new(
            timeout => 10,
            agent   => 'PasterUA',

Constructs and returns a brand new WWW::ImagebinCa::Create
object. Takes two arguments, both are I<optional>. Possible arguments are
as follows:

=head3 timeout

    ->new( timeout => 10 );

B<Optional>. Specifies the C<timeout> argument of L<LWP::UserAgent>'s
constructor, which is used for uploading. B<Defaults to:> C<30> seconds.

=head3 ua

    ->new( ua => LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => 'Foos!' ) );

B<Optional>. If the C<timeout> argument is not enough for your needs
of mutilating the L<LWP::UserAgent> object used for uploading, feel free
to specify the C<ua> argument which takes an L<LWP::UserAgent> object
as a value. B<Note:> the C<timeout> argument to the constructor will
not do anything if you specify the C<ua> argument as well. B<Defaults to:>
plain boring default L<LWP::UserAgent> object with C<timeout> argument
set to whatever C<WWW::ImagebinCa::Create>'s C<timeout> argument is
set to as well as C<agent> argument is set to mimic Firefox.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 upload

    $bin->upload( filename => 'some_pic.jpg' )
        or die "Upload error: " . $bin->error;

    my $page_uri = $bin->upload(
            filename    => 'another_pic.bmp',
            name        => 'Pic name',
            tags        => 'Space separated "tags" for the image',
            description => 'Description of the image',
            is_adult    => 1, # is adult content?
    ) or die "Upload error: " . $bin->error;

Instructs the object to upload a certain image. Takes several arguments,
only one of them (C<filename>) is mandatory. If the upload
was successful returns a URI to the
L<> page with the image but you don't have
to store it (see C<page_uri()> method below). If upload failed
returns either C<undef> or an empty list depending on the context
and the reason for the error will be available via C<error()> method
(see below). Possible arguments are as follows:

=head3 filename

    $bin->upload( filename => 'pic.jpg' );

B<Mandatory>. Takes a scalar representing the filename of the image to

=head3 name

    $bin->upload( filename => 'pic.jpg', name => 'Kitty meow!' );

B<Optional>. Specifies the name of the image you are uploading.
B<Defaults to:> C<undef> (no name).

=head3 tags

    $bin->upload( filename => 'pic.jpg', tags => 'space separated tags');

B<Optional>. Specifies "tags" for the image you are uploading. Multiple
tags are separated by space character. B<Defaults to:> C<undef>
(no tags).

=head3 description

    $bin->upload( filename => 'pic.jpg', description => 'My kitty!' );

B<Optional>. Specifies the description of the image you are uploading.
B<Defaults to:> C<undef> (no description).

=head3 is_adult

    $bin->upload( filename => 'pr0n.jpg', is_adult => 1 );

B<Optional>. Specifies whether or not to flag the image as containing
adult content. When set to a I<true value> will mark the image as suitable
only for adult humans. When set to a I<false value> will mark the image
as suitable for everyone. B<Defaults to:> C<0> (suitable for everyone).

=head2 error

    $bin->upload( filename => 'some_pic.jpg' )
        or die "Upload error: " . $bin->error;

If an error occured during the call to C<upload()> method (see above)
it will return either C<undef> or an empty list depending on the context.
When that happens you will be able to get the reason for the error
via C<error()> method. Takes no arguments, returns human readable error

=head2 page_uri

    print "Yey! You can see your pic on: " . $bin->page_uri;

Must be called after a successful call to C<upload()>. Takes no arguments,
returns the URI to the page containing the uploaded image.

=head2 image_uri

    printf qq|<div style="background: url(%s);">meow</div>\n|,

Must be called after a successful call to C<upload()>. Takes no arguments,
returns a direct URI to the image you have uploaded. Note that this
is not the same as C<page_uri()> (see above). The C<page_uri()> method
returns URI to the I<page> containing the image and all the optional
information you have provided whereas C<image_uri()> method returns the
URI to the image itself. For example, you may wish to use this on
on some temporary web page.

=head2 upload_id

    print "Your upload ID is: " . $bin->upload_id;

Must be called after a successful call to C<upload()>. Takes
no arguments, returns the ID
of the image you have uploaded. In other words, if C<page_uri()> method
(see above) returns C<> the
C<upload_id()> method will return C<GGdpHcV>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Zoffix Znet, C<< <zoffix at> >>
(L<>, L<>)


The module relies on HTML parsing, thus it's possible for it to break
one day if the author of the site decides to recode it.

According to the bug in
( L<> ) it breaks
if the filename contains C<"> (double quotes). Avoid those in the images
you upload until the bug is resolved.

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-www-imagebinca-create at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc WWW::ImagebinCa::Create

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Copyright 2008 Zoffix Znet, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
