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=head1 NAME

Alien::FFTW3 - Alien wrapper for FFTW3


  use strict;
  use warnings;

  use Module::Build;
  use Alien::FFTW3 3.003_002;  # Require fftw v3.3.2 or later

  my $cflags = Alien::FFTW3->cflags;
  my $ldflags = Alien::FFTW3->libs;

  if( Alien::FFTW3->precision('q') ) {
    # compile quad-precision library...

  my $cflags_for_float = Alien::FFTW3->cflags('f');


Alien wrapper for FFTW3.  


This module provides package validation and installation for FFTW3.
It currently depends on the external POSIX program pkg-config to find
the FFTW3 libraries.

Because FFTW3 comes in several flavors for different levels of
numerical precision, the typical access methods 'cflags' and 'libs'
work slightly differently than the simple Alien::Base case.  You can
feed in nothing at all, in which case you get back cflags and libs
strings appropriate for compiling *all* available fftw3 libraries; or
you can specify which precision you want by passing in an allowed
precision.  The allowed precisions are currently 'f','d','l', and 'q'
for floats, doubles, long doubles, and quad doubles respecetively.

On initial use, Alien::FFTW3 checks for which precisions are
available.  If more than zero are available, it succeeds.  If none are
available, then it fails.  If you specify a version number, it is
translated from Perl-style version numbers to a POSIX module version
string.  The load will throw an exception unless every located libfftw
external library is at that version or later.

You can query which precisions are installed on your system using the
"precision" method, documented below.

As an Alien module, Alien::FFTW3 attempts to build fftw on your system
from source if it's not found at install time.  Because I'm Lazy, I
use the existing Alien::Base infrastructure from Joel Berger to
install in that case.  

Alien::Base isn't capable of installing the library in a place where
the default pkg-config will find it on all systems, so there is some
logic to place it in a best guess for where system libraries "should"
go on your system: we examine the path searched by pkg-config and 
place the fftw library in a suitable spot that can be located.

=head1 SEE ALSO

Alien::Base, PDL::FFTW3,

=head1 METHODS


package Alien::FFTW3;

use strict;
use warnings;

# $VERSION is here for CPAN to parse -- but there is a sub below to pull the fftw library version.
our $VERSION = '0.03';
use parent 'Alien::Base';

our $pkgconfig;
   $pkgconfig = `which pkg-config`;
   chomp $pkgconfig;
   die "pkg-config not found, required for Alien::FFTW3 to work" unless($pkgconfig  and  -e $pkgconfig  and  -x $pkgconfig );

=head2 precision

=for ref

Test presence of fftw3 libs with different precisions.  Returns a hash ref
with keys set to TRUE for each library queried, or undef if none of the
queried libraries exist.  If you pass in no arguments, all precisions 
are tested.

The allowed precisions are 'f','d','l', and 'q'. 

You can pass them in as an array ref or as a single packed string.


our $_valid_precisions = {f=>['f'],d=>[''],l=>['l'],q=>['q']};
our $_our_precisions = join(", ",sort keys %$_valid_precisions);

sub precision {
    shift if(($_[0]//"") =~ m/Alien/ );       # discard package name or blessed ref on call

    my $precision = shift || 'fdlq';

    unless(ref($precision)) {
	$precision = [ split m//, $precision ];
    unless(ref($precision) eq 'ARRAY') {
	die "precision: requires a scalar or an ARRAY ref";
    my $out = {};

    for my $p(@$precision) {
	die "precision: $p is not a valid fftw precision ($_our_precisions allowed)" 
	    unless( $_valid_precisions->{$p} );
	my $pp = $_valid_precisions->{$p}->[0];
	my $s;

	chomp( $s = `$pkgconfig --silence-errors --libs fftw3$pp` );

	if($s) {
	    $out->{$p} = "fftw3$pp";
    if(keys %$out) {
	return $out;
    } else {
	return undef;

=head2 cflags

=for ref

Returns the cflags compiler flags required for the specified precision, or for all of 'em.


sub cflags {
    shift if(($_[0]//"") =~ m/Alien/ );       # discard package name or blessed ref on call

    my $precision = shift;
    my $h = precision($precision);
    die "No fftw package found!" unless($h);

    my $pkgs = join(" ",sort values %$h);

    my $s = `$pkgconfig --cflags $pkgs`;
    chomp $s;
    return $s;

=head2 libs

=for ref

Returns the libs linker flags required for the specified precision, or for all of 'em.


sub libs {
    shift if(($_[0]//"") =~ m/Alien/);       # discard package name on call
    my $precision = shift;
    my $h =precision($precision);
    die "No fftw package found!" unless($h);
    my $pkgs = join(" ",sort values %$h);
    my $s = `$pkgconfig --libs $pkgs`;
    chomp $s;
    return $s;

# version checker

sub vcmp {
    my ($v1,$v2) = @_;
    my $a;
	$a = ($v1->[$_]//0) <=> ($v2->[$_]//0);
	return $a if($a);
    return 0;

    my $module = shift;
    my $req_v = shift;

    # Get the version number from fftw3.
    my $h = precision();
    unless(defined($h)) {
	die "Alien::FFTW3 - no library found for version check";
    my @pkgs = sort values %$h;
    my $pkgs = join(" ", @pkgs);
    my @s = map { chomp; $_ } (`pkg-config --modversion $pkgs`);
    my @versions = ();
    my $minv = undef;
	$_ =~ m/(\d+)(\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))?)?/ || die "Alien::FFTW3 - couldn't parse fftw3 version string '$_'";
	push(@versions, $_);
	my @v = ($1,$3//0,$5//0);
	if( !defined($minv)  or  vcmp($minv,\@v)>0 ) {
	    $minv = [@v];

    if( $req_v // "" ) {
	# Do some DWIMming about the version, since Perl numerifies it.
	# In particular, if the subversion has at least 3 digits,
	# interpret it as modern Perl multiplexed version number.  If it
	# has less than that, treat it as a direct subversion (no point
	# version).  This will break if FFTW ever gets to version 3.10,
	# which will show up as 3.1 here.
	my @req_v;
	if($req_v =~ m/^\s*(\d+)(\.(\d\d\d)(\d*))?\s*$/) {
	    @req_v = ($1, $3//0, $4//0);
	} elsif( $req_v =~ m/^\s*(\d+)(\.(\d))\s*$/) {
	    @req_v = ($1, $3, 0);
	} elsif( $req_v =~ m/[vV]?(\d+)(\.(\d+)(\.(\d+))?)?/ ) {
	    @req_v = ($1,$3//0,$5//0);
	} else {
	    die "Alien::FFTW3 - couldn't parse requested version string '$req_v'";
	if( vcmp($minv, \@req_v) < 0 ) {
	    $req_v = sprintf("v%d.%d.%d",@req_v);
	    die "Alien::FFTW3 - installed FFTW version is too low (looking for $req_v):\n".
		join( "", map { sprintf("   %6.6s library has v%s\n",$pkgs[$_],$versions[$_]) } (0..$#pkgs));

    return $minv->[0]+($minv->[1]//0)/1000+($minv->[2]//0)/1000000;

# Run the precision test to see if fftw is even available 

do { 
    my $p = precision(); 
    unless( defined $p ) { 
	die "Alien::FFTW3: the FFTW3 library appears not to be present on your\nsystem (also check the pkg-config tool)\n"; 
} while(0);

