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package JSON::Tiny;

# Minimalistic JSON. Adapted from Mojo::JSON. (c)2012-2015 David Oswald
# License: Artistic 2.0 license.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp 'croak';
use Exporter 'import';
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use Encode ();
use B;

our $VERSION = '0.58';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(decode_json encode_json false from_json j to_json true);

# Literal names
# Users may override Booleans with literal 0 or 1 if desired.
our($FALSE, $TRUE) = map { bless \(my $dummy = $_), 'JSON::Tiny::_Bool' } 0, 1;

# Escaped special character map with u2028 and u2029
my %ESCAPE = (
  '"'     => '"',
  '\\'    => '\\',
  '/'     => '/',
  'b'     => "\x08",
  'f'     => "\x0c",
  'n'     => "\x0a",
  'r'     => "\x0d",
  't'     => "\x09",
  'u2028' => "\x{2028}",
  'u2029' => "\x{2029}"
my %REVERSE = map { $ESCAPE{$_} => "\\$_" } keys %ESCAPE;

for(0x00 .. 0x1f) {
  my $packed = pack 'C', $_;
  $REVERSE{$packed} = sprintf '\u%.4X', $_ unless defined $REVERSE{$packed};

sub decode_json {
  my $err = _decode(\my $value, shift);
  return defined $err ? croak $err : $value;

sub encode_json { Encode::encode 'UTF-8', _encode_value(shift) }

sub false () {$FALSE}  ## no critic (prototypes)

sub from_json {
  my $err = _decode(\my $value, shift, 1);
  return defined $err ? croak $err : $value;

sub j {
  return encode_json $_[0] if ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' || ref $_[0] eq 'HASH';
  return decode_json $_[0];

sub to_json { _encode_value(shift) }

sub true () {$TRUE} ## no critic (prototypes)

sub _decode {
  my $valueref = shift;

  eval {

    # Missing input
    die "Missing or empty input\n" unless length( local $_ = shift );

    # UTF-8
    $_ = eval { Encode::decode('UTF-8', $_, 1) } unless shift;
    die "Input is not UTF-8 encoded\n" unless defined $_;

    # Value
    $$valueref = _decode_value();

    # Leftover data
    return m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*\z/gc || _throw('Unexpected data');
  } ? return undef : chomp $@;

  return $@;

sub _decode_array {
  my @array;
  until (m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*\]/gc) {

    # Value
    push @array, _decode_value();

    # Separator
    redo if m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*,/gc;

    # End
    last if m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*\]/gc;

    # Invalid character
    _throw('Expected comma or right square bracket while parsing array');

  return \@array;

sub _decode_object {
  my %hash;
  until (m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*\}/gc) {

    # Quote
      or _throw('Expected string while parsing object');

    # Key
    my $key = _decode_string();

    # Colon
      or _throw('Expected colon while parsing object');

    # Value
    $hash{$key} = _decode_value();

    # Separator
    redo if m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*,/gc;

    # End
    last if m/\G[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*\}/gc;

    # Invalid character
    _throw('Expected comma or right curly bracket while parsing object');

  return \%hash;

sub _decode_string {
  my $pos = pos;
  # Extract string with escaped characters
  m!\G((?:(?:[^\x00-\x1f\\"]|\\(?:["\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})){0,32766})*)!gc; # segfault on 5.8.x in t/20-mojo-json.t
  my $str = $1;

  # Invalid character
  unless (m/\G"/gc) {
    _throw('Unexpected character or invalid escape while parsing string')
      if m/\G[\x00-\x1f\\]/;
    _throw('Unterminated string');

  # Unescape popular characters
  if (index($str, '\\u') < 0) {
    $str =~ s!\\(["\\/bfnrt])!$ESCAPE{$1}!gs;
    return $str;

  # Unescape everything else
  my $buffer = '';
  while ($str =~ m/\G([^\\]*)\\(?:([^u])|u(.{4}))/gc) {
    $buffer .= $1;

    # Popular character
    if ($2) { $buffer .= $ESCAPE{$2} }

    # Escaped
    else {
      my $ord = hex $3;

      # Surrogate pair
      if (($ord & 0xf800) == 0xd800) {

        # High surrogate
        ($ord & 0xfc00) == 0xd800
          or pos($_) = $pos + pos($str), _throw('Missing high-surrogate');

        # Low surrogate
        $str =~ m/\G\\u([Dd][C-Fc-f]..)/gc
          or pos($_) = $pos + pos($str), _throw('Missing low-surrogate');

        $ord = 0x10000 + ($ord - 0xd800) * 0x400 + (hex($1) - 0xdc00);

      # Character
      $buffer .= pack 'U', $ord;

  # The rest
  return $buffer . substr $str, pos $str, length $str;

sub _decode_value {

  # Leading whitespace

  # String
  return _decode_string() if m/\G"/gc;

  # Object
  return _decode_object() if m/\G\{/gc;

  # Array
  return _decode_array() if m/\G\[/gc;

  # Number
  my ($i) = /\G([-]?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)/gc;
  return 0 + $i if defined $i;

  # True
  return $TRUE if m/\Gtrue/gc;

  # False
  return $FALSE if m/\Gfalse/gc;

  # Null
  return undef if m/\Gnull/gc;  ## no critic (return)

  # Invalid character
  _throw('Expected string, array, object, number, boolean or null');

sub _encode_array {
  '[' . join(',', map { _encode_value($_) } @{$_[0]}) . ']';

sub _encode_object {
  my $object = shift;
  my @pairs = map { _encode_string($_) . ':' . _encode_value($object->{$_}) }
    sort keys %$object;
  return '{' . join(',', @pairs) . '}';

sub _encode_string {
  my $str = shift;
  $str =~ s!([\x00-\x1f\x{2028}\x{2029}\\"/])!$REVERSE{$1}!gs;
  return "\"$str\"";

sub _encode_value {
  my $value = shift;

  # Reference
  if (my $ref = ref $value) {

    # Object
    return _encode_object($value) if $ref eq 'HASH';

    # Array
    return _encode_array($value) if $ref eq 'ARRAY';

    # True or false
    return $$value ? 'true' : 'false' if $ref eq 'SCALAR';
    return $value  ? 'true' : 'false' if $ref eq 'JSON::Tiny::_Bool';

    # Blessed reference with TO_JSON method
    if (blessed $value && (my $sub = $value->can('TO_JSON'))) {
      return _encode_value($value->$sub);

  # Null
  return 'null' unless defined $value;

  # Number (bitwise operators change behavior based on the internal value type)

  return $value
    if B::svref_2object(\$value)->FLAGS & (B::SVp_IOK | B::SVp_NOK)
    # filter out "upgraded" strings whose numeric form doesn't strictly match
    && 0 + $value eq $value
    # filter out inf and nan
    && $value * 0 == 0;

  # String
  return _encode_string($value);

sub _throw {

  # Leading whitespace

  # Context
  my $context = 'Malformed JSON: ' . shift;
  if (m/\G\z/gc) { $context .= ' before end of data' }
  else {
    my @lines = split "\n", substr($_, 0, pos);
    $context .= ' at line ' . @lines . ', offset ' . length(pop @lines || '');

  die "$context\n";

# Emulate boolean type
package JSON::Tiny::_Bool;
use overload '""' => sub { ${$_[0]} }, fallback => 1;