The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package Acme::ChuckNorris;

use strict;
use warnings;

$Acme::ChuckNorris::VERSION = '0.3';

sub import {
    no strict 'refs';    ## no critic
    *{ caller() . '::round_house_kick_to_the_perl' } = \&round_house_kick_to_the_perl;
    *{ caller() . '::round_house_kick_to_the_text' } = \&round_house_kick_to_the_text;

my %mostly_defaults = (
    'Regex'  => 1,
    'Binary' => 0,

my %defaults_overridable = (
    'Gap'            => 1,
    'InformHandler'  => sub { },
    'TrailingSpaces' => 1,

sub round_house_kick_to_the_text {
    require Acme::EyeDrops;
    return Acme::EyeDrops::sightly(
            %defaults_overridable,    # allow caller to override these in @_
            @_[ 1 .. $#_ ],
            ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'SCALAR' ? ( 'SourceString' => ${ $_[0] } ) : ref( $_[0] ) ? ( 'SourceHandle' => $_[0] ) : ( 'SourceFile' => $_[0] ) ),
            'ShapeString' => join( '', <DATA> ),
            'Shape'       => undef,
            %mostly_defaults,         # not overridable
            'Print' => 1,

sub round_house_kick_to_the_perl {
    require Acme::EyeDrops;
    return Acme::EyeDrops::sightly(

            # allow caller to override the below options in @_
            %mostly_defaults,    # overridable
            'TrapEvalDie' => 1,
            'TrapWarn'    => 1,

            # allow caller to override the above options in @_
            @_[ 1 .. $#_ ],
            ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'SCALAR' ? ( 'SourceString' => ${ $_[0] } ) : ref( $_[0] ) ? ( 'SourceHandle' => $_[0] ) : ( 'SourceFile' => $_[0] ) ),
            'ShapeString' => join( '', <DATA> ),
            'Shape'       => undef,

'When Chuck Norris is SCUBA diving and surfaces too fast the ocean gets the bends.';    # return true, so very very true

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