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package config;

use DBIx::HTMLView;

# This is the db description, the first argument to DB is the DBI
# specifikation of you database, while the second and the third is the
# username and password.

# Below you can specify which db to use for testing (default is
# HTMLViewTester on a local mysql server). To run the test you will have
# to create the database specified. The test script will populate this 
# database with the tables it needs for it's tests. Below is specific 
# instructions on how to do this with mySQL and mSQL.

# mySQL is the sugested database engine, using it the test script
# takes less than half the time of what it needs using mSQL. mySQL can
# be found at To set up a test database using
# an installed mysql server you simply:
#   mysqladmin create HTMLViewTester
# Then to make it accessable by everyone type:
#   mysql -e "insert into db values ('localhost','HTMLViewTester','','y'\
#   ,'y','y','y','y','y','y','y','y','y')" mysql
# You sometimes have to restart the mysqld server before this kind of
# changes to the access information taks any effekt.

# If you have mSQL installed setting up a local db for the test is
# simple. Just start msqlconfig, and the press the following keys:
#   D (Database configuration)
#   n (to create a new databse)
#   HTMLViewTester (to name the newly created database HTMLViewTester)
#   r (to set the read premitions)
#     (the name of the user you'll be running the tests as)
#   w (to set the write premitions)
#     (the name of the user you'll be running the tests as)
#   a (to set the access methods allowed)
#   local (to allow loacl accesses only)
# Now the new database is set up properly, press q, w, q, to return to
# the main menu, write the configuration to the disk and exit
# msqconfig. Now cahnge the DBI specifikation string (1a argument)
# below to "DBI:mSQL:HTMLViewTester"

sub dbi {
  my ($usr, $pw)=@_;
  return mysqlDB("DBI:mysql:HTMLViewTester", $usr, $pw, 
            Table('Test', Id('id'), Int('testf')),
            Table('Test2', Id('id'), Str('str'), Int('nr'), 
            Table('Test3', Id('id'), Bool('b1'), 
                  Bool('b2', {true=>1,false=>0,
                              view_true=>'Sure', view_false=>'No way'}),
                  Str('s', {edit_size=>20, sql_size=>20})
	    Table('Test4', Id('id'), 
		  N2One('Lnk', {tab=>'Test', fmt=>'<fld testf>(<fld id>)'}),
                  Str('s', {fmt=>'This string is <var val>', fmt_my=>'<var val> it is'}),
                  N2N('Link', {tab=>'Test2', 
                               fmt=>'<table><node><tr><td><Var Edit></td><td><fld str>(<fld nr>): <fld Lnk></td></tr></node></table>', 
                               fmt_my=>'<node><fld Lnk>!</node>'}),
            Table('Test5', Date('d')),
	    Table("TreeTest", Id('id'), Str('Name'), 
		  Tree('Super', {tab=>'TreeTest', fmt=>'<fld Super>/<fld Name>',
				 fmt_view=>'<fld Name>',
	    Table('SubTest', Id('id'), Str('Name'),
		  SubTab('Sub',{lnk_tab=>'SubTab', from_field=>'Lnk'})),
	    Table('SubTab', {flds_to_view=>['Name', 'Year', 'Tst'],
			     short_add=>'Name <fld Name> Year <fld Year>'},
		  Id('id'), Str('Name',{edit_size=>15}), 
		  N2One('Lnk', {tab=>'SubTest', fmt=>'<fld Name>(<fld id>)'}),
		  N2N('Tst', {tab=>'Test4', view=>'$Lnk[$Link]'}),
            Table('Test6', Str('tst'), Order('Ord1'), Order('Ord2')),
            Table('Test7', Str('tst'), N2NOrder('Tst',{tab=>'Test',fmt=>'<table><node><tr><td><Var Edit> <fld testf></td><td><Order MoveUp> <Order MoveDown></td></tr></node></table>'})),


# Local Variables:
# mode:              perl
# tab-width:         8
# perl-indent-level: 2
# End: