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# Copyrights 2004,2006-2016 by [Mark Overmeer].
#  For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.

use strict;
use warnings;

package Math::Polygon::Clip;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '1.05';

use base 'Exporter';

our @EXPORT = qw/

use Math::Polygon::Calc;
use List::Util qw/min max/;

sub _inside($$);
sub _cross($$$);
sub _cross_inside($$$);
sub _cross_x($$$);
sub _cross_y($$$);
sub _remove_doubles(@);

sub polygon_fill_clip1($@)
{   my $bbox = shift;
    my ($xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax) = @$bbox;
    @_ or return ();  # empty list of points

    # Collect all crosspoints with axes, plus the original points
    my $next   = shift;
    my @poly   = $next;
    {   $next  = shift;
        push @poly, _cross($bbox, $poly[-1], $next), $next;

    # crop them to the borders: outside is projected on the sides
    my @cropped;
    foreach (@poly)
    {   my ($x,$y) = @$_;
        $x = $xmin if $x < $xmin;
        $x = $xmax if $x > $xmax;
        $y = $ymin if $y < $ymin;
        $y = $ymax if $y > $ymax;
	push @cropped, [$x, $y];

    polygon_beautify {despike => 1}, @cropped;

sub polygon_line_clip($@)
{   my $bbox = shift;
    my ($xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax) = @$bbox;

    my @frags;
    my $from   = shift;
    my $fromin = _inside $bbox, $from;
    push @frags, [ $from ] if $fromin;

    {   my $next   = shift;
        my $nextin = _inside $bbox, $next;

        if($fromin && $nextin)       # stay within
        {   push @{$frags[-1]}, $next;
        elsif($fromin && !$nextin)   # leaving
        {   push @{$frags[-1]}, _cross_inside $bbox, $from, $next;
        elsif($nextin)               # entering
	{   my @cross = _cross_inside $bbox, $from, $next;
            push @frags, [ @cross, $next ];
        else                         # pass thru bbox?
        {   my @cross = _cross_inside $bbox, $from, $next;
            push @frags, \@cross if @cross;

        ($from, $fromin) = ($next, $nextin);

    # Glue last to first?
    if(   @frags >= 2
       && $frags[0][0][0] == $frags[-1][-1][0]  # X
       && $frags[0][0][1] == $frags[-1][-1][1]  # Y
    {   my $last = pop @frags;
        pop @$last;
        unshift @{$frags[0]}, @$last;


### Some helper functions

sub _inside($$)
{   my ($bbox, $point) = @_;

        $bbox->[0] <= $point->[0]+0.00001
    && $point->[0] <=  $bbox->[2]+0.00001  # X
    &&  $bbox->[1] <= $point->[1]+0.00001
    && $point->[1] <=  $bbox->[3]+0.00001; # Y

sub _sector($$)  # left-top 678,345,012 right-bottom
{   my ($bbox, $point) = @_;
    my $xsector = $point->[0] < $bbox->[0] ? 0
                : $point->[0] < $bbox->[2] ? 1
		:                            2;
    my $ysector = $point->[1] < $bbox->[1] ? 0
                : $point->[1] < $bbox->[3] ? 1
		:                            2;
    $ysector * 3 + $xsector;

sub _cross($$$)
{   my ($bbox, $from, $to) = @_;
    my ($xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax) = @$bbox;

    my @cross = ( _cross_x($xmin, $from, $to)
                , _cross_x($xmax, $from, $to)
                , _cross_y($ymin, $from, $to)
                , _cross_y($ymax, $from, $to)

    # order the results
      $from->[0] < $to->[0] ? sort({$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} @cross)
    : $from->[0] > $to->[0] ? sort({$b->[0] <=> $a->[0]} @cross)
    : $from->[1] < $to->[1] ? sort({$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} @cross)
    :                         sort({$b->[1] <=> $a->[1]} @cross);

sub _cross_inside($$$)
{   my ($bbox, $from, $to) = @_;
    grep { _inside($bbox, $_) } _cross($bbox, $from, $to);

sub _remove_doubles(@)
{   my $this = shift or return ();
    my @ret  = $this;
    {   my $this = shift;
        next if $this->[0]==$ret[-1][0] && $this->[1]==$ret[-1][1];
        push @ret, $this;

sub _cross_x($$$)
{   my ($x, $from, $to) = @_;
    my ($fx, $fy) = @$from;
    my ($tx, $ty) = @$to;
    return () unless $fx < $x && $x < $tx || $tx < $x && $x < $fx;
    my $y = $fy + ($x - $fx)/($tx - $fx) * ($ty - $fy);
#warn "X: $x,$y <-- $fx,$fy $tx,$ty\n";
    (($fy <= $y && $y <= $ty) || ($ty <= $y && $y <= $fy)) ? [$x,$y] : ();

sub _cross_y($$$)
{   my ($y, $from, $to) = @_;
    my ($fx, $fy) = @$from;
    my ($tx, $ty) = @$to;
    return () unless $fy < $y && $y < $ty || $ty < $y && $y < $fy;
    my $x = $fx + ($y - $fy)/($ty - $fy) * ($tx - $fx);
#warn "Y: $x,$y <-- $fx,$fy $tx,$ty\n";
    (($fx <= $x && $x <= $tx) || ($tx <= $x && $x <= $fx)) ? [$x,$y] : ();
