The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package MooseX::App::Utils;

use 5.010;
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;

use List::Util qw(max);

our $SCREEN_WIDTH = 78;
our $INDENT = 4;

use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;

subtype 'MooseX::App::Types::List' 
    => as 'ArrayRef';

coerce 'MooseX::App::Types::List'
    => from 'Str'
    => via { [$_] };

subtype 'MooseX::App::Types::CmdTypes' 
    => as enum([qw(proto option parameter)]);

subtype 'MooseX::App::Types::MessageString' 
    => as 'Str';

coerce 'MooseX::App::Types::MessageString'
    => from 'ArrayRef'
    => via { sprintf(@{$_}) };

subtype 'MooseX::App::Types::Env'
    => as 'Str'
    => where { m/^[A-Z0-9_]+$/ };

no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;

no if $] >= 5.018000, warnings => qw/ experimental::smartmatch /;

# Default package name to command name translation function
sub class_to_command {
    my ($class) = @_;
        unless defined $class;
    my @parts = split( /[_\s]+|\b|(?<![A-Z])(?=[A-Z])|(?<=[A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z])/, $class );
    return lc(join('_',@parts));

# Format output text for fixed screen width
sub format_text {
    my ($text) = @_;
    my @lines;
    foreach my $line (split(/\n/,$text)) {
    return join(
        map { (' ' x $INDENT).$_ }

# Format bullet list for fixed screen width
sub format_list {
    my (@list) = @_;
    my $max_length = max(map { length($_->[0]) } @list);
    my $description_length = $SCREEN_WIDTH - $max_length - 7;
    my $prefix_length = $max_length + $INDENT + 2;
    my @return;
    foreach my $command (@list) {
        my $description = $command->[1] // '';
        my @lines = split_string($description_length,$description);
        push (@return,(' 'x$INDENT).sprintf('%-*s  %s',$max_length,$command->[0],shift(@lines)));
        while (my $line = shift (@lines)) {
            push(@return,' 'x $prefix_length.$line);
    return join("\n",@return);

# Simple splitting of long sentences on whitespaces or punctuation
sub split_string {
    my ($maxlength, $string) = @_;
        unless defined $string;
    return $string 
        if length $string <= $maxlength;
    my (@lines,$line);
    $line = '';
    foreach my $word (split(m/(\p{IsPunct}|\p{IsSpace})/,$string)) {
        if (length($line.$word) <= $maxlength) {
            $line .= $word;
        } else {
                if ($line ne '');
            $line = '';

            if (length($word) > $maxlength) {
                my (@parts) = grep { $_ ne '' } split(/(.{$maxlength})/,$word);
                my $lastline = pop(@parts);
                if (defined $lastline && $lastline ne '') {
                    $line = $lastline;
            } else {
                $line = $word;
        if ($line ne '');
    @lines =  map { m/^\s*(.+?)\s*$/ ? $1 : $_  } @lines;
    return @lines;

# Try to get filename for a given package name
sub package_to_filename {
    my ($package) = @_;
    # Package to filename
    my $package_filename = $package;
    $package_filename =~ s/::/\//g;
    $package_filename .= '.pm';
    my $package_filepath;
    if (defined $INC{$package_filename}) {
        $package_filepath = $INC{$package_filename};
        $package_filepath =~ s/\/{2,}/\//g;
    # No filename available
        unless defined $package_filepath
        && -e $package_filepath;
    return $package_filepath;

# Parse pod
sub parse_pod {
    my ($package) = @_;
    my $package_filepath = package_to_filename($package);
        unless $package_filepath;
    # Parse pod
    my $document = Pod::Elemental->read_file($package_filepath);
    my $nester_head = Pod::Elemental::Transformer::Nester->new({
        top_selector      => Pod::Elemental::Selectors::s_command('head1'),
        content_selectors => [ 
            Pod::Elemental::Selectors::s_command([ qw(head2 head3 head4 over back item) ]),
    $document = $nester_head->transform_node($document);
    # Process pod
    my %pod;
    foreach my $element (@{$document->children}) {
        # Distzilla ABSTRACT tag
        if ($element->isa('Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Nonpod')) {
            if ($element->content =~ m/^\s*#+\s*ABSTRACT:\s*(.+)$/m) {
                $pod{ABSTRACT} ||= $1;
        # Pod head1 sections
        } elsif ($element->isa('Pod::Elemental::Element::Nested')
            && $element->command eq 'head1') {
            if ($element->content eq 'NAME') {
                my $content = _pod_node_to_text($element->children);
                next unless defined $content;
                $content =~ s/^$package(\s-)?\s//;
                $pod{NAME} = $content;
            } else {
                my $content = _pod_node_to_text($element->children);
                next unless defined $content;
                $pod{uc($element->content)} = $content; 
    return %pod;

# Transform POD to simple markup
sub _pod_node_to_text {
    my ($node,$indent) = @_;
    unless (defined $indent) {
        my $indent_init = 0;
        $indent = \$indent_init;
    my (@lines);
    if (ref $node eq 'ARRAY') {
        foreach my $element (@$node) {
            push (@lines,_pod_node_to_text($element,$indent));
    } else {
        given (ref($node)) {
            when ('Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Ordinary') {
                my $content = $node->content;
                    if $content =~ m/^=cut/;
                $content =~ s/\n/ /g;
                $content =~ s/\s+/ /g;
                push (@lines,$content."\n");
            when ('Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Verbatim') {
                push (@lines,$node->content."\n");
            when ('Pod::Elemental::Element::Pod5::Command') {
                given ($node->command) {
                    when ('over') {
                    when ('item') {
                        push (@lines,('  ' x ($$indent-1)) . $node->content);
                    when ('back') {
                        push (@lines,"\n");
        unless scalar @lines;
    my $return = join ("\n", grep { defined $_ } @lines);
    $return =~ s/\n\n\n+/\n\n/g; # Max one empty line
    $return =~ s/I<([^>]+)>/_$1_/g;
    $return =~ s/B<([^>]+)>/*$1*/g;
    $return =~ s/[LCBI]<([^>]+)>/$1/g;
    $return =~ s/[LCBI]<([^>]+)>/$1/g;
    return $return;
