Changes for version 0.012 - 2017-06-18

  • Added
    • Added Beam::Runnable::AllowUsers role to provide a simple pre-check so only certain users can run a script.
    • Added Beam::Runnable::DenyUsers role to provide a simple pre-check so certain users are not allowed to run a script.
    • Added Beam::Runnable::Single role to ensure a task is only able to be run once at a time.


Discover and run services from container files


Role for runnable objects
Only allow certain users to run a command
Deny certain users from running a command
Only allow one instance of this command at a time
Use `alarm` to set a timeout for a command
Configure, list, document, and execute runnable task objects
Main command handler delegating to individual commands
Get help for the given service(s)
List the available containers and services
Run the given service with the given arguments
Utilities for Beam::Runner command classes