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# Test the usage of RPC::XML::base64 with filehandles

use strict;
use vars qw($dir $vol $file $b64file $tmpfile $value $enc_value $obj $fh $pos
            $md5_able $md5 $size $ofh);

# This is what we're testing
use RPC::XML;

use Test::More tests => 35;
use File::Spec;
use IO::File;
use MIME::Base64;

($vol, $dir, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath(File::Spec->rel2abs($0));
$dir = File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, '');
$file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'svsm_text.gif');
$b64file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'svsm_text.b64');
$tmpfile = File::Spec->catfile($dir, "__tmp__${$}__");

    eval "use Digest::MD5";
    $md5_able = $@ ? 0 : 1;

    if (-f $tmpfile)
        unlink $tmpfile;

$value = 'Short string for easy tests';
$enc_value = encode_base64($value, '');

if (! (open $fh, '+>', $tmpfile))
    die "Error opening $tmpfile: $!";

select($fh); $| = 1; select STDOUT;

print {$fh} $value;
$pos = tell $fh;

# We now have a ready-to-use FH, and we know the seek-pos on it
$obj = RPC::XML::base64->new($fh);
isa_ok($obj, 'RPC::XML::base64', '$obj');
is(tell $fh, $pos, 'object construction leaves pos() unchanged');
is($obj->value(), $value, 'object value is correct');
is(tell $fh, $pos, 'call to value() leaves pos() unchanged');
is($obj->as_string(), "<base64>$enc_value</base64>",
   'object stringification is correct');
is(tell $fh, $pos, 'call to as_string leaves pos() unchanged');

# Done with this for now
close $fh;
unlink $tmpfile;

# Same tests, but init the FH with the encoded data rather than the cleartext
if (! (open $fh, '+>', $tmpfile))
    die "Error opening $tmpfile: $!";

select($fh); $| = 1; select STDOUT;

print $fh $enc_value;
$pos = tell $fh;

# We now have a ready-to-use FH, and we know the seek-pos on it
$obj = RPC::XML::base64->new($fh, 'encoded');
isa_ok($obj, 'RPC::XML::base64', '$obj(encoded)');
is(tell $fh, $pos, 'object(encoded) construction leaves pos() unchanged');
is($obj->value(), $value, 'object(encoded) value is correct');
is(tell $fh, $pos, 'call to value() leaves pos() unchanged');
is($obj->as_string(), "<base64>$enc_value</base64>",
   'object(encoded) stringification is correct');
is(tell $fh, $pos, 'call to as_string leaves pos() unchanged');

# Done with this for now
close $fh;
unlink $tmpfile;

# Test old-style glob filehandles
local *F;
if (! (open F, '+>', $tmpfile))
    die "Error opening $tmpfile: $!";

select(F); $| = 1; select STDOUT;

print F $enc_value;
$pos = tell F;

# We now have a ready-to-use FH, and we know the seek-pos on it
$obj = RPC::XML::base64->new(\*F, 'encoded');
isa_ok($obj, 'RPC::XML::base64', '$obj(glob)');
is(tell F, $pos, 'object(glob) construction leaves pos() unchanged');
is($obj->value(), $value, 'object(glob) value is correct');
is(tell F, $pos, 'call to value() leaves pos() unchanged');
is($obj->as_string(), "<base64>$enc_value</base64>",
   'object(glob) stringification is correct');
is(tell F, $pos, 'call to as_string leaves pos() unchanged');

# Done with this for now
close F;
unlink $tmpfile;

# Test with a larger file
if (! (open $fh, '<', $file))
    die "Error opening $file: $!";

$obj = RPC::XML::base64->new($fh);
isa_ok($obj, 'RPC::XML::base64', '$obj');
$enc_value = ''; $value = '';

while (read $fh, $value, 60*57)
    $enc_value .= encode_base64($value, '');
is($obj->as_string(), "<base64>$enc_value</base64>",
   'from file, stringification');
is(length($obj->as_string), $obj->length, 'from file, length');
seek $fh, 0, 0;

    skip 'Digest::MD5 unavailable', 1 if (! $md5_able);

    $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
    $value = $md5->hexdigest;
    $md5->new; # Clear the digest
    is($value, $md5->hexdigest, 'MD5 checksum matches');

close $fh;

# Test the to_file method
if (! (open $fh, '<', $file))
    die "Error opening $file: $!";
$obj = RPC::XML::base64->new($fh);

# Start by trying to write the new file
$size = $obj->to_file($tmpfile);
is($size, -s $file, 'to_file call returned correct number of bytes');
is(-s $tmpfile, -s $file, 'temp-file size matches file size');

    skip 'Digest::MD5 unavailable', 1 if (! $md5_able);

    $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
    $value = $md5->hexdigest;
    $md5->new; # Clear the digest

    # Now get an MD5 on the new file
    if (! (open $ofh, '<', $tmpfile))
        die "Error opening $tmpfile for reading: $!";
    is($value, $md5->hexdigest, 'MD5 hexdigest matches');
    close $ofh;
    unlink $tmpfile;
close $fh;

# Try with in-memory data
$value = 'a simple in-memory string';
$obj = RPC::XML::base64->new($value);
# Try to write it
$size = $obj->to_file($tmpfile);
is($size, length $value, 'to_file call returned correct number of bytes');
is(length $value, -s $tmpfile, 'temp-file size matches string');
unlink $tmpfile;

# Try with a file-handle instead of a file name
if (! (open $ofh, '>', $tmpfile))
    die "Error opening $tmpfile for writing: $!";
select($ofh); $| = 1; select STDOUT;
$size = $obj->to_file($ofh);
is($size, length $value, 'to_file call on file-handle, correct size');
is(length $value, -s $ofh, 'temp-file size matches string');
close $ofh;
unlink $tmpfile;

# Try an unusable reference
$size = $obj->to_file([]);
is($size, -1, 'to_file call failed on unusable reference type');
like($RPC::XML::ERROR, qr/Unusable reference/, 'Correct error message');

    # Test the failure to open a file. Cannot run this on Windows because
    # it doesn't have the concept of chmod...
    skip 'Tests involving directory permissions skipped on Windows', 2
        if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'cygwin');
    skip 'Tests involving directory permissions skipped under root', 2
        if ($< == 0);

    my $baddir = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->tmpdir(), "baddir_$$");
    if (! mkdir $baddir)
        skip "Skipping, failed to create dir $baddir: $!", 2;
    if (! chmod oct(600), $baddir)
        skip "Skipping, failed to chmod dir $baddir: $!", 2;
    my $badfile = File::Spec->catfile($baddir, 'file');

    $size = $obj->to_file($badfile);
    is($size, -1, 'to_file call failed on un-openable file');
    like($RPC::XML::ERROR, qr/Error opening/, 'Correct error message');

    if (! rmdir $baddir)
        warn "Failed to remove temp-dir $baddir: $!";

# Test to_file() with an encoded file in the file-handle
if (! (open $fh, '<', $b64file))
    die "Error opening $b64file for reading: $!";
$obj = RPC::XML::base64->new($fh, 'encoded');
$size = $obj->to_file($tmpfile);
is($size, -s $file, 'to_file() written size matches decoded file size');
    skip 'Digest::MD5 unavailable', 1 if (! $md5_able);

    if (! (open $fh, '<', $file))
        die "Error opening $file: $!";
    $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
    $value = $md5->hexdigest;
    $md5->new; # Clear the digest

    # Now get an MD5 on the new file
    if (! (open $ofh, '<', $tmpfile))
        die "Error opening $tmpfile for reading: $!";
    is($value, $md5->hexdigest, 'MD5 hexdigest matches');
    close $ofh;
    unlink $tmpfile;
close $fh;
